Twitter Bot Creates Anime Overlay Gif

send @akari_endlosung a tweet with what you want to be the background

That's fucking adorable

isn't it :3

No, weebfag

I am going to rape you in the mouth

Arbeit Macht Moe

Why are her eyes squinting like she is taking a shit in pain?

Because she's smiling. Nips naturally squint when they smile, unless they're making a conscious effort not to. More fat distribution in their faces, so when their cheeks are tensed they're pushed up higher in comparison to other races.

I thought it was because retarded gooks can't draw decent faces.

Ty 4 melanin enriching our experience

i thought the "chan" part of these boards is Asian


Literally means Final Solution in German.

holy shit

nobody cares

What's the anti-Semitic message fam?

Just because jews kvetch about it, doesn't make it good, moefags.
Stop pushing your degenerate fetishism on the rest of us.
If anime is ever made real, it's going to look more like Cowboy Bebop.
Nobody likes your fetishized and limited view of anime and japanese aesthetics.

check those dubs and suck a dick



Sieg heil, watashitee~

fucking kek

Wow kawaii desu :)


The clangs naturally hate the kikes


I wish I could fucking download these




convert to gif

What the fuck twitter

Thanks mate

Cry more normalfaggot.

I also agree that checking your own dubs is unusual. From what I understand, the colloquial phrase "check yourself" is more of a put-down.

Fuck this, my computer's too slow to sort through this and every mp4 link I've tried so far is 2 seconds of black


Based bot

Top Kek.

Gas your self.


Wew. Where is this twitter service from? Japan?

I remember when the Northwest Front sounded like the best show in town back in 2013. I thought back then that there would be more unwanted white bloodshed. Fast forward to today and It is just mind blowing to see that ZOG is being brought down by cartoon frogs and anime. Its feels so good to see that they created this monster that they can't wrangle by pushing people this far into the fringe.

Yuru Yuri Sieg Heil
Yuru Yuri Sieg Heil

It isn't.

Yeah? well they were Hitler dubs so fuck you.
The forces beyond our realm are not in favor of underage 2d dykes coming to life.


I might be missing something, but all I see is some text added to the picture.

Where's the anime at?




Forgot to smug.

Was that real or just a skit?

Not sure.

Now that's a sly collection you have there.

Checked and keked so hard!
Oh my god we are doing it lads! They have no idea what going on!

I don't get it. I don't see anything except text overlay.

What are you, some kind of Twitter newfag?


See goys this is why they fear the waifus.

I-In that order?

Shit taste

And you've discovered it just now?

Gas yourself



I heard it was a skit. But since niggers are so stupid, it is hard to believe that he was acting.

This is weird, I remember this from a while ago

You seem to be triggered :3