deleted all the yt vids i saved tbqh. thought her wanting 'daddy cummies' was just for lulz, turns out itz for realz, and her taste in men is…. fuck. Kek
deleted all the yt vids i saved tbqh. thought her wanting 'daddy cummies' was just for lulz, turns out itz for realz, and her taste in men is…. fuck. Kek
fuck off scatfag
Messages from victim, what perfect grammar and structure for a 14yr old, no short hand, who wrote those, a 30+ year old?
She's actually pretty mature and quite intelligent than your typical teenagers user. Have youseen her le humor and the way she speaks on her yt vids?
Why would you give a solitary fuck about this girl in the first place, OP? That's fuckin weird.
Literally who
She's prety famous in here and 4chan new faggot
Fuck, I had a chance with her. This only makes me want to fug her more.
Burgers are fucking retarded.
I hate you
I've seen her before, but I can't say I've ever felt remotely compelled to dig any deeper.
She even said my autism was "wild" in one of the youtube comments. I would like to smell her sweaty armpits.
same, now that people point it out i might vaguely remember seeing a pic or two of her before but never paid it much attention
The (her) original upload of this vid has over 1.5 M views on fb, si she isn't a WHOOO
kek, I made NCMEC reports often, hope it was my report that got him busted.
Lel, i always look at her comment section. Which posts exactly?
Yeah baby, show them legs!
Elaborate fam? U mean you know this Mahoney fucker?
I was redpilling her and was drunk as fuck. So there's that.
This is why its a nightmare for me to have a daughter. If i were her father i would fucking kill the fat turd.
A 14 year old is too immature and gullible to be in a relationship with an adult. Hell, the brain haven't even finished growing yet. Thankfully this happened in America, so he can expect 20+ years in prison.
For recording it, yeah. If he had just fucked her it would be like 5 tops.
Worth it. I would like her to bear my children.
meep meep and where is this child's father tbh someone needs to tell her to go to her room tbh
This is why it would be a nightmare* My bad.
Is that supposed to be funny?
meep meep but she is a child tbh she is not old enough to use reasoning and apply judgement to her agency tbh
You're right.
That's why we should raise the age of consent to 21 years old.
meep meep fuck you obama nobody likes you cause you wear the towel on your head tbh
She wanted it so badly.
what's an agency?
Is she referring to the dude in OP, or is she just using up horny dudes until they eventually get arrested?
that is old, that was a joke
That was posted in 2016 i think, not the OP
Clearly it was not lol
Why does this sound so hot?
13 year olds aren't that sophisticated. There was no last daddy, she meant that part was a joke.
Are you as fat and big as him? then make contact with herand be her new daddy tbh