Nihilism LOL

Nihilism LOL


Shamefur Dispray

Is it really as bad as everyone says? Or was it just "problematic"?

It's garbage, just read the book with hamill and conroy's voices in your head and you'll get more out of it

I'm too busy having sex.


…he said, on Holla Forums.

Guess again, mantits.

on bootleg Holla Forums no less

ouch, well we wouldn't wanna get paper cuts

If you're right, than thats even worse than a guy pretending to get laid. A women who sluts around is no accomplishment, quite the opposite.


No one believes you, misogynistic Holla Forums poster.

This is your new schtick, huh? Trying to replicate your Truthseeker forced meme? Does this mean you've given up on trying to make "Dunkaccino" a thing?

All right, Pinocchio

sounds about right tbh

dude nihilism lmao

I thought the point of his character arc was realizing life isn't meaningless and has intrinsic value.

Even if he realizes this because he's in love with a chick who is essentially the product of rape.

Literally me.

We had this discussion on another thread, and the consensus is that no one here is having sex, so you can stop lying right now.

I read this a few months back because people had told me it one of the crowning achievements of comics, you know, the comic equivalent of kino.

It was completely shit, just the Joker being an edgy fuck and doing a song (?) halfway through the comic for no real reason. It was faux deep with a message of 'look, the Batman and the Joker are exactly the same even though they do radically different things and live extremely polar lives!'. I thought the same of Watchmen, trash trash trash.

It made me wonder what other comics must be like if these were the definitive best works of the medium. I only read shit like the Beano and Dandy as a kid and never touched superhero comics and I think i'm glad.

Now there's two comic book shops in my small town in walking distance of one another and capeshit is always on in any cinema you go to without fail, fuck capeshit but fuck comics too, the movies are only atrocious because the source material is braindead trash for manchildren

was it rape?

I doubt it. A naked daughter with a shot up spine is horrifying enough.

Gordon isn't a South African cuck to forgive a rape through 'we hav 2 b better dan him batman'.

Didn't know Gordon was jacked

Thanks, reddito

Everyone is in comic books.

So they could show her ass in the comic but not an R-rated film. WTF?

Far as I know Redditors love comic books and comic book movies and especially The Killing Joke because it was edgy and dark so it must be deep and mature and it supposedly made people take comics """""""""""seriously"""""""" as if lmao, let's be real comics will NEVER EVER be a real artform like film

Face it Holla Forumsncubines, we can talk to people about cinema and look sophisticated and cultured, the second you say the word 'graphic novel' they are giggling under their breath and edging away from you.

He's right.


Are you triggered?

Oh no!!! He posted a statistic! A STAT. A well made bar graph with information gathered from SURVEYS!!!

Well men use facts and reason, sweetie.

Why is watchmen trash?

Beacuse people took away the wrong lessons from it. Instead of making good stories they just though comics should be edgy crap and therefore comics went to shit in the 90's.

Comics were infinitely better in the 90s than they are now.

But can that be blamed on the work itself?

Disliking something isn't being triggered.

That "edgy crap" was far better than Tumblr comics. It's a leftist meme that the 90's were terrible. It was cool with kids at the time. Comics now aren't cool for anyone. It's kind of like that period where music snobs pretended like metal was the worst music to ever exist for about 20 years.


You sound like you can't please a woman.

seeing leftists under your bed, cuckservative? heh.

INB4 muh classical roots.

I guess not but more on the people who were inspired by it.

Yeah I honestly kind of miss the 90's in that regard. Not just in comics but in tv shows as well. There was life in those shows and people flirted but now the sexuality feels so puritanical. Even with lesbians it still comes off as dull and puritanical.

Yes, you thought right. user likes to take things out of context.

Those charts come from 22 year old data.
Most of these ladies surveyed are old hags now.

It's not bad data but I'd like to see something more updated.

good call.

don't know anything about comic books, faggot? heh

but user, metal is the worst music ever to exist

by the time he realizes it's too late, they failed, and he fucks off to another galaxy to play God

Yes. mental rape.

kek Return of the Joker was more R-Rated material than Killing Joke

What a mockery the ratings board is

Sexuality in tv shows have gotten more degenerate.

This. I don't know what these weiners are on about.
Kids shows are also more sexual, they just don't have as much "innocent" nudity, ironically due to all the sexualization