The coalition of Podemos (post-Marxist) and Izquierda Unida (orthodox-Marxist) are projected to win the Spanish general election held today.

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What are these parties' positions on the EU? I ask because this could play into the collapse

They are not openly eurosceptic however many of their policies are completely incompatible with current EU law.

So Syriza all over again?

all I can get so far is the interim conservative government are pro-European integration,

They seem to be populists and draw a lot of euroskeptics and are vastly opposed to the Neo-Liberal Austerity status quo in EU as says

I fear that, they need to go for #SPEXIT or whatever, the EU is a sinking ship and are in cohorts with Atlantean Free Traders aka TTIP.. I was pro-reform the EU before but I think its time to kill it.



i swear to god they were high res and not shitty on my comp.


But then again, four more years of neoliberalism will probably be far worse, especially if it misses the Brexit train to get free of Austerity.

This could be bad for us

its pretty much new speak for socdems

yup, it will be exactly the same. But it will be good to radicalize people to join the CNT-E instead

A Podemos win could enhance the bargaining power of SYRIZA vs Brussels. Brexit already dealt a blow to them, btw.

Can we stop this please?

You can be for equal rights for homosexuals and transvestites without being an SJW. In fact, most leftists are.

Tho we tend to frame it in not bourg juridical terms, such as rights.

bump for habbening

They've completely given in. SYRIZA is no longer resisting Brussels and is collaborating with them outright.

Was it not the ideology of anti-homosexuality prevalent in conservative communities that drove him to shoot up Pulse?

Those reformists will betray the cause. I bet my anus on it.

They even aren't for socialism right now

B-but … if europa becomes left … Syriza might.. … Ye, Syriza is over. I know.


Can we not get on with it?

What did he mean by this?

PSOE got more votes than Podemos

what do you mean? How is a socdem political party getting votes a happening?
Oaxaca is happening tier, this isn't

If the right doesn't get enough, I don't think there will be enough for them to co-op.

Thus, the SocDems will have to go with podemos and, though hard, Catalunia.

It's still not a habbening. It's still just socdem. I still don't vote Syriza anymore. .. But better have Syriza than the right wing all over again.

It's not yet 100% done, but.

What are the chances of a PSOE / Podemos coalition at this point?

It seems to me either the Socialists and Peoples Party form a coalition an break teh deadlock, or Podemos becomes the kingmaker for the Socialists.

I think it's not the lowest. It is at 60 something % though.

And just like in Greece, people don't vote and the former "SocDem" party is over, for a "left wing" party to replace it. Pasok → Syriza.

In general, bourgie democracy doesn't work.

I think it's another election.

If PSOE pacts with Podemos and all the small separatist parties, they would be able to govern.
The biggest question is if PSOE would pact with Podemos over PP.
The D'hont law is a gigantic shitpile and the socdems would have clearly won without it.

Based CNT-E is at it :DD

Maybe, but the economy is mostly determined by Brussels anyway, the local governments don't have much power to determine their policies. I really don't care about election results, but i would like Podemos to get more power so people would see how shit they are, and so they would try to find new alternatives in movements like the CNT-E instead.


Eh, ye, I get you, but most of the people are lump .. .. Classcucks or petit bourgies and think "Greece had left and they are not getting better.. .. maybe we are getting better and will go worse after…"

Unless enough members start opposing Brussels, EU will not change. That's for sure.

Syriza win showed how irrelevant the peoples vote is, since Brussels determined all of its policies.
EU will never change, EU centralizes too much power on few people, the left has tried to change it for decades with no result.


Greece was already far too privatized when SYRIZA got there.



If the hell the spanish have endured for years now didn't create class consciousness then i don't know what can.

Blame old fucks.
Isn't that kinda the same with Trump, where outside one or two "alt-right" classcucks almost every voter is old?


we fugggd



The conservative People's Party (PP) of acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has won most seats in Spain's parliamentary election but is short of a majority.


fugen yay


I'm a Marxist, btw. I just don't like to pretend that realz aren't realz, tbh.
I'm getting really tired about this shit.
Do you think that the revolution is ready in Spain?
k, my m8, where the fuck is it?
Oh, nowhere?

So they'll do another in a few months? Or are they gonna manage to pull together a government this time?


kek. Inbefoar 'splitters' and infighting.


Any comrades in Spain have any word on the public's reactions to all this? What is the political momentum like? This kind of information is what will inform outcomes most of all.

This is going to end badly I can already tell. Why aren't any actual Marxist parties gaining in popularity?

What actual Marxist parties would they be?

Isn't the PCE gaining popularity, actually?

they are ultraleftists here, totally apathetic towards day to day struggles of real people. the edge is the only thing that counts.

They're still sucking Chávez's dick.

I'm glad they lost. Do not mourn the SocDem.

but they are a special kind of socdem that paints itself as revolutionary, so by getting in power they would prove how they are just like any other party and end the delusion of the electorate.


That is so ridiculous, I'm actually thankful i've never ever heard a man say that to me IRL because I would ridicule them so bad I'd feel bad afterwards about how badly I mocked them.


the socialist of d00m

Every country that still wants to rule itself is incompatible with EU garbage.

There's a pretty big difference between wanting equal rights and blaming "el heteropatriarcardo" for the Orlando shooting…