Race-Mixing within the white race

Is it blood treason when someone of West Europe (specific: germanic/nordic blood) procrastinates with slavic girls? Of course we don't want any interracial marriages, but how far does this go? Are marriages between celtic, germanic, nordic, alpine, … also 'race mixing'?

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That would take a near-autistic level of purity mania

It's fine, we're on the verge of extinction in our own countries, now is the time for more white babies not the time for D&C within European diaspora and historical European cultural groups.


Slavs are not a subrace but linguistic group. That being said, yeah, it's wrong, I don't want Europe to become a giant hwhite blob like US.

Lurk more, faget.

They're a fucking track suit group

It's only racemixing if it's with mediterians since they aren't white.

ideally each nation within europe sticks with its own but it isnt a big of a deal as much as swapping fluids with a gorillaman

If you procreate with an individual more distant than 3rd degree cousin, its race mixing, period.

Not all of us are deracinated and rootless, you Eurofaggot.

And almost 95% of the Whites in America are from Northwestern Europe. Not exactly "pan-European" in the autistic as fuck Richard Spencer sense.

Well I think a good portion of Slavs look very different to Western Europeans (relatively speaking, within the "White" bracket) so I am definitely more in favour of relatively low mixing, even though I don't really have a major issue when it does happen.

There don't need to be hundreds of thousands of them migrating elsewhere in Europe either though. I'd just prefer for Europeans to generally stay put.


Generally speaking, English, Welsh, Scottish, Dutch, Belgian, French, Swiss, German, Danish and Norwegian are all pretty similar.

Eastern Europeans are different, I dont know if thats due to the Huns or the Mongols or the Avars or whatever, but generally there is lower IQ from Poland onwards, and there is a reason they never reached the heights of the British, French and Spanish Empires.

I never realised America was not just full of British descendants like Australia or NZ is, but their Germans and French are very similar anyway.

Obviously the British Empire was the greatest culture to ever exist, even though they served wealthy Jewish families, and if you are British you should marry an ethnic Brit.

But if you are Irish then you should kill yourself.

Nothing wrong with mixing with near-by ethnic groups, For example Germanics with slavs.
There could be some problems with mixing within disparate european ethnicities however. For example this Irish-Italian who needed a stem-cell from another irish-italian.


Fathers don't even have power over their families anymore. So what chance do the mini-Hitlers here have of enforcing any of this?

This is called mongrel.

We're the same race, idort. Literally the gene for white skin as well as blonde hair and blue eyes originated in a single instance in Europe and we are all descended from that as one race. Now mods better bumplock this D&C sliding shit because we have big happenings to report and to plan right now.

Yeah, that's why you refer to yourself as hwhite.

What genetic tests? Based on ethnicites or just race?

whites arent a single race n00b

No you are right, some like yourself are clearly niggers.

First off, only nordic people are white.

Secondly, why would you care if nordic people mix with other nordic people? Look up "Norway-Denmark" on wiki, you will see that Norway as a modern political entity is not really any older than America.

All there is up there is Aryans, what they call themselves this generation and where they draw the lines in the soil do not really matter.

Mixing with wogs and turks and shit is evil, but those people are not white so I'm not sure why you say "within the white race."

Did she die?

This… These groups have been
"racemixing" for a long time.

Look into r1a and r1b DNA haplogroups

Nords aren't pure either

Yes they are. Nordic people are a pure and distinct race, completely different in physiology from all other races.

A nordic person is not a bleached wog, they are something completely different.

You always know when an American is talking about Europe. "Norway-Denmark" wasn't a centralised entity. All that it meant was that the King of Denmark was also the King of Norway. After the Napoleonic Wars, the King of Denmark had to had the Norwegian crown to the King of Sweden - or are you going to say that Norway and Sweden are also recent political entities, only coming into being in the early 1900s?

In reality, the Kingdom of Norway has existed since the 9th century. Famous kings like Harald Hadrada were not merely vassals of Denmark.

Yes if you mix outside your nation you are just making mystery meat.


Depends on the country. Perfectly fine in the US, not so much in European countries

Don't know, Irish-Italian is quite a common combination in the US, so she might have found a donor.
But if one was of a more uncommon ancestry, he/she could be in serious shit.

I suspect you're nordic.

Nordic people REALLY get their panties in a wad when you talk about their countries, and their instinctive defense is to nitpick details and accuse you of not knowing what you're talking about.

My nord-dar is going off on you.

We refer to ourselves as White because we ARE White. Being Americans is a no brainer. Our battle is not one of national identity, but of racial dominance, somethng you ethnospergs across the pond will eventually learn whenever 1/3 of your continent is made up of various shades of shitskin.

Nords aren't pure, sweety. Hate to break it to you, but stealing red headed Scottish girls off the coasts of Britain has permanently altered your DNA. Welcome to reality.

Northwestern Europe isn't all that different, contrary to popular opinion. It's Eastern and Southern Europe that has the large amount of variation.

wtf i hate whites now

hillary is already dead. this is futile




Time to do some reading, Nord.

Another american BLANDA UPP like me because im a mongrol and feel insecure thread.

Yeah, not French or German or Danish or Polish etc., you're just White :^)

Daily reminder that extreme ethnic purity narrative was, and is pushed by kikes to D&C white people and make them fight each other like in WW2.

Hitler had no problem with other Europeans, as long as their national consciousness accepted his ideals. Nor did any other high ranking members. He even allied with Japs.

Only a kike provocateur, or someone who is completely oblivious to the NSDAP policies could ask something like this.

Nazis directing radiation at dark haired children to make them white, and killing everyone who didn't have blonde hair is an old Jewish lie that's pushed within the holohoax and skin lampshade narrative.

This didn't mean he wanted to mix with them you mongoloid.

Eh, I'd really say it depends on where you live.

If you're a German living in Germany, marry a German girl. Don't marry a Russian or a Czech or a Serbian or whatever (other Germanics, Nords, and Anglos are probably okay though, but I wouldn't recommend it). The biggest issue here isn't necessarily the different ethnicities themselves and their slightly different phenotypes as it is the cultures. You should never want to have your children stuck between two cultures of two different nations. It makes it harder for them to have national pride. Especially if the two nations go to war. It creates a precarious situation in which your children will feel a bit ostricized from their people.

But if you live in America it's a bit of a special case. Still though, I'd advise you to marry a white woman who's parents were born in America if you can help it.

Ethnic mixing withing the various European Caucasiod races doesn't really create many genetic problems like race-mixing does (because the genotype between a slav and a German or an Anglo and Frenchman are pretty negligeable for the most part), but there's still the issue of spilt allegiances due to opposing origins.

It's not the end of the world if you are a German married to a Russian, but make sure that your kids are raised completely as German people.


No, move to russia.

You sound like a jew

you sound like a faggot who can't accept reality


Most modern Europeans have mixed with each other at some point.

Yes, it's like marrying a Jew, because American culture is 100% Jewish.


Nords have the inflated sense of ego because Hitler said they were the master race and there had been this "Nordic purity" horse shit spewn before his rise to power.

In all reality, the master race is the Anglo, if we're going by broad imperial/intellectual/civilization building accomplishments, which is just a Celtic Briton/Jutlander mutt. BUT MUH PURITY

No, we're American, and we've accomplished more in 240 years than your bog filled snownigger colony has in the last 2 millennia. The Swedish "empire" consisted of you ice monkeys conquering Finland, and then raiding and setting up microcolonies all over Europe and then losing them.

Keep it R1 european, faggot.



Fucking eurofags why wont they just mixs i dont like that they called me mudblood :(

You faggot Europeans are pathetic.

You worry about ethnic purity so much that your entire race is going to be slowly bred off the face of the planet.


Yanks can't come to terms with being mongrels.

Oh and threadly reminder that america is only 60% "white".

You don't lol 60%

I'm I-P37, and we were in Britain BEFORE you R1's came along.

Suddenly we're not white enough?

I-P37 is found most often in Slavic countries and Sardinia.


I got no qualms with the I 's


Yeah, becoming ZOG central and importing so many shitskins that you're now only 60% really is a great accomplishment lel.

Oh wait but y'all are sheltered children so you didn't have to come up with those fancy "keep the blood pure" tactics.

I'm pretty sure America has STATES that can invade your "pure" country and take it over, let alone the national military. But of course all you're going to do is say "60%" because your brain's too soaked in muzzie cum to think of anything else.

Go be black in america

Lol you can only invade muslim countries after your jew politicians give you the get go.

>inventing refrigeration for your tendies because you very obviously have autism

Yeah we've totally done nothing but become ZOG maaaaan. Like, America sucks, amirite? Sweden is so much better, because, like, they're more blonde and stuff. And they're "pure" or whatever that means.


40% taco cock :)

he's pure Sami, too hard to keep up

Is this kind of thing that will be a talking on Holla Forums after Whitetopia becomes a reality ?
The least we need is white in-fighting.

Kek almighty. Learn to fucking spell.

white in-fighting made us great Go suck on some taco cock you mudblood



I smell a Jewish D&C shill.

I smell people that don't understand history

I can offer her a sperm transplant.

Lots of wop-paddy couples too.

I don't give a fuck about accomplishment, I care about racial purity.

I would rather have pure nordics living in primitive huts than wogs living in palaces and conquering the planet.

"Let's get the goy riled up and fighting each other again!"

Like the migration and interbreeding between various European subgroups over the last 5k years?


I wholeheartedly endorse the mass extermination of Swedes.

Let the Norwegians and Danes have it.

Nords are no more pure than Anglos. You can fap to pictures of blonde men all you want, but that won't change the fact that you just have a fetish for slightly asian looking blondes.

and yes you Nords actually do look like gooks quite a lot. What you get for mixing with Sami.

more like 33, 33 and, 33% for places like Iceland and Norway

Is this what you do in your spare time, Natt?

Yes and actually has always be considered treason. There is a reason why the Ruriks and Romanovs never mixed with Slavs

t. mongrel

Ay dios mio americo



Show me your Purity


DNA is a Jewish science. I got a DNA test it said I was part Slavic, Germanic, Celtic, Med, even 5% sub sarahara African. I'm pure Irish BTW

Most anglos are ethnically nordic, +/- a few things.

Racial anthropologists used to call them "nordish" to reflect that.

Apprently most ethnic Swedes are Nordic too, it's more common than you think

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Don't even try. They're quite literally addicted to the smell of their own assholes.

They refuse to acknowledge the effect stealing women has had on their genetic makeup.

Lol no.

Only about 1/3 of Britain is majority Germanic. The rest is majority Celtic Briton, varying in admixture.

Your inferiority complex is amazing.
I don't have a problem at all with americans having half russian children go ahead and do it, but when i say i dont want to mix you sperg out you keep shouting YOUR NOT PURE YOURE NOT PURE you really should look into that man go have some slavic babies in america dont keep pushing your mixing stuff on others its really jewish.

It's not race mixing you faggot.

Just like Scandinavia, apparently about 3/4 Ethnic Swedes, Norweignans, and Danes are Germanic

Celts are ethnically nordic. There are basically the blond/blue eyed and red/green eyed branches of the nordic race.

You fags act like linguistic grouping and national border are actual genetic differences, and like haplogroup is phenotype.

Pretty typical internet retardation, but the reality is that looking Norse is the same as being Norse regardless of where you are from.


Only the dark eyed dark haired celts are Nordic, you are retarded

I forgot how shitty and Holla Forums infested Holla Forums is during euro hours.

brown eyed people aren't even white, much less nordic.

Irish look NOTHING like Nords, at all. Literally nothing at all.

America is less than 2% slav, so we don't have to worry about that.

And it's not an inferiority complex. It's you being a dumbass and being more strict on ethnic intermixing ON A SMALL SCALE than Hitler himfuckingself.

THAT is how you know your autism has gone too far. When you're more strict than Uncle Addie.

I don't want to mix.
You want to mix.
Go ahead and mix all you want.
I don't want to mix stop pushing me.

Have fun.

If nobody wants to mix with him then he can't mix.

But it's his right to mix with others, so people who refuse to mix with him are infringing on his rights.


NO one is going to make you mix, you turbo-sperg

Honestly I have some Slavic blood and this is just offensive. I am fully white

Turn america into the ultimate mix nation of greeks and south italians and armenians and norwegians and poles and whatever you want. go ahead america its your country make up your own decision about it.

Stop telling me i can't have standards stop telling me i can't be allowed to exclude greeks or poles or whoever

Fuck i forgot adolf wanted to mix with the spanish and the russians.

what cha slidin', Moshe?

Yes and? go be white in america there is no problem fight the good fight there stop insisting you are part of my X euro nation just because you are not brown.

Nords breeding with other Nords is evil, Nords should racemix as soon as possible to soon get rid of their purity.

I'm going to give you fags a really nice hint you probably do not deserve.

Here is how to determine if a person is good:

Those 3 simple criteria are easy to administer and score, literally almost anyone can do it, and they screen out near 100% of nonwhites and mixed whites, yet leave no particular reason to fight amongst those who make the cut.


You are correct, obvious kike is obvious. They are pushing D&C quite hard again, to fool the newfags.

Remember that kikes are pushing Europeans into war with Russia.

WRONG!!!!!! Russia was founded by Slavs. Ruriks mom was a Slav.

I wouldn't call it race-mixing, but it's definitely multiculturalism.

What the fuck is this reddit-tier bullshit?

We have no problem with you staying in the States and mixing with other hwite people. But you insist that we get involved in it. Go, be free, be mixed, it's fine! But if I don't want to do it, you don't need to get your nickers in a knot about the choices of my people.

And no, being 5% x doesn't make you a member of x. But being American should be good enough for you, instead of demanding citizenship in an ethnostate. You have something better than ethnic ties, you have a constitution!

i don't know fam, since when postponing your duties counts as racemixing?

Record status: Corrected

That's an automatic filter.

America pls

People would rather rant about how evil Americans are rather than eliminating the shitskins from their country.


We wouldn't have so much problems with Yanks if they didn't simply demand that Irish, Germans, Swedes etc. accept them as kin. They could go off and be American but they refuse. "I'm Irish from County Boston!" "I'm Swedish and my people hail from Minnesota!" No, you're American.

Despite all your achievements you can't be satisifed with that, because you have a black man for a president. Could be worse.

I don't consider americans evil i consider you evil for wanting everyone in europe to mix.

nice strawman though.

Sure bud

I consider anyone who doesnt racemix evil.

Of course you do barbara

Daily reminder
American hwites.

You are not european all europeans moved to america in the 1800s. If you didnt move you arent european

European is a broad statement. A German and an Italian are two different people distinct from each other. While sharing many genes with each the differences between the two groups are very real.


Obvious bait


Norway is 100% not pure and now? what do you want now that we have established actually Norway is tottally not pure please explain to me what you would like norway to do now.

Norway needs to purify itself with American hwite genes like in:

That's good enough, you special fucking snowflake

You do realize that point #3 of that test excludes all of America, right?

That's all? you want norwegians to say on a Vietnamese nationalism board that they are not Pure so you can sleep better at night for being a mix of different euros?

that was easy at last i understand

Not Canada though.

Make coherent, thoughtful statements. The argument that Norway isn't "pure" (by what standard) is pointless and endless. Norway is filled with Norwegians made by Norwegians for Norwegians. Each country was made for a certain people by a certain people, wanting to mix these two people because of your arbitrary rules is tyrannical.

…You are such a fucking retard

The point is that you're a mix of different Euros, you dolt

I do what i want you pinko.

You seem to not understand english i don't advocate for mixing between euro ethnic groups

Fantastic, you shouldn't mix with us retards. We might pass on bad retarded genes, you should stay in the New World.

Inferiority complex the post.
You are the one that is mixed stop crying about it just accept it and live a good mixd life in america.

You can do what you want but you will not be taken seriously. You're trying to drown-out all other arguments by shitting out posts as fast and incoherently as possible.

Not sure what you mean pink am i under arrest?

I'm calling you a shill, you mental midget.

Call me whatever you want am i being detained?

This isn't JIDF shilling. Some nigger is genuinely triggered knowing Nords aren't pure. lol

I'm not making any claims about America. I am japanese

By what standard?

Okay? go be japanese in japan.

Thank god 60% knows whats up.

any reason why you're avatar fagging Elvis?

Will do! dont forget your celto-germanic heritage

I identify as american with an injun grandma

Just filter him.

Don't forget your heritage aswell though okay?

The girl on the left isn't a full Jomon. That's a Yayoi mixed Jomon.

wow calm down racist

The Jomon people I suspect are somewhat related to the Basque in the fact that the Basque is most likely an Eurasian race (pre-mongoloid, pre-aryan race). The Ainu language has many similarities between the Basque language and their own. Not to forget their pottery and apparels.

interesting stuff

If it's white, it's right.

Simple as that.

No it isn't.
Go be white in america

pretty much this guy

exclude niggers and Jews entirely, they are cancer, if you fuck a muslim/arab, you're an idiot. Tap that Hispanic pussy if you want, ditto the Chinese. Street shitters only if you want poop on your dick.

worrying about Swedes fucking Polish seems like a retarded thing to worry about. If you can't tell what is or isn't white, you're an autistic moron.

example: quite a few southern Italians aren't white, they're Saracen mongrels. Gotta go on an individual basis in those cases. If its got kinky hair, and nigger looking features, its a nigger, I can't believe this is so hard for some people.

Of course for you that seems silly i mean you'd fuck chinks and tacos.

The chinese are sub-human, the hispanic is dependent on how diluted their blood is. Keeping not only the white race pure but also your own people pure is important. If you can't keep your people pure the best next thing is to keep the race pure.

We can argue about petty ethnic differences later, once we've secured out place on the planet and put an end to the shitskin hordes outbreeding us, by whatever means. Then we can worry about specific types of whites.

Arguing about whether a German should be allowed to bang a Swede or where white Americans fit into this "mating plan" is counterproductive and harmful to our race as a whole.

You are an idiot

Look, you can do all that stuff in America, good on you. But the minute we want to exclude American melting pot culture from our societies you scream racist and say we ought to blanda up.

One race. the human race stop being so counterproductive we need to secure the human race.

Realistically the acceptability of outbreeding is a spectrum, not a simple yes/no question. Crude diagram related.

white is right.

It is not ok to breed with the same rsce it promotes racism

Fine then. Stay in your little countries and limit your options for reproduction. Don't bitch when they get overrun by non-whites who don't give a fuck about breeding in their race or any other.

I'm half convinced you guys are anti-white shills. "Don't breed goy, you have to be very very picky and get full genetic testing on every woman you date, lest you muddy your pure British blood with German scum."

Eastern Europeans are low IQ whites, we should not breed with them.

You know you could turn that into a wheel.

nice logic zog


They're autistic but right in many ways. There's plenty of whites in each European country that they can breed with. They're not arguing not having children, they're arguing that the idea of whites being a single race is stupid.

I'm actually fully nordic by race, and I'm coming home, and you can't stop me.

Amazing how WN have now become SJW who try to keep pure whites out of white countries.


I'm not WN

Yeah this shit is why whites cannot organize as a bloc like other races. You are basically part of the problem regardless of your beliefs.

What is white.

We can't organize as a white blob because we aren't a white blob.


I do it for u

Tell me silly user, are you even trying to start a family right now? Or do you just post this bullshit to complicate things for whites who do intend to reproduce?

I get the point and I'm not saying we should forget about white ethnicities. I'm saying that right now, that takes the back burner to white people having more babies. We're getting outbred in EVERY white country.

Let me tell you a little story about my people, the Cajuns.

A long time ago back in 1755, after the French and Indian War (as the English refer to it) was over, the French settlers in Canada (specifically Acadia) were given an ultimatum.
Swear an oath of loyalty to the King of England and learn English or leave.
Naturally, the Acadians refused and were prompted deported by the English.
Some went back to France, a few more were dispersed among other English colonies, but a good chunk of them went to Southern Louisiana.

Times were rough down there. Swamps aren't really great for farming, but they made it well enough to last.
Louisiana itself changed hands between the French, British, and English. But the Cajuns didn't care.
The long arm of the government wasn't able to penetrate quite yet, so they lived in peace and contentment for a few more years.

Then the United States happened.
Things were okay enough. Just another new handler who came in to rule over Louisiana.
But relations soon took a turn for the worse. The US tried to destroy any vestiges of French left in Louisiana by forcing public education on the Cajuns, forbidding them to speak French while attending class.
Still didn't stop them. Most Cajuns would return home to speak French and ignore their English teachers.
But the damage was being done, as only a few generations later Cajun French would be a very small dialect. The people are still here, but the language has been reduced.
Thankfully there's a concerted efforts among us to revive it and teach it to our children.

The Cajun people are all about endurance.
Mud, blood, shit, or flood, we stick it through to the end.
I'm not English. I'm not German. I'm not Irish. I'm not Italian.
And I'm certainly not "American".
I'm Cajun. I'm doing my best to find a decent Cajun girl to settle down with, and hopefully teach our kids the ways of our people.
But not if Captain America has anything to say about it.
No no, Mr. Cajun, you can't be secluding yourself like that, preserving the ways of your people. You have to be like me, suburbanite, wonderbread, generic hwite guy.
Meanwhile, allow me to put a Spanish option on my governmental and some private business lines, because Hispanic culture is in danger and must be kept alive. Oh, and let those Chinese seclude themselves, too.

But not those stupid swamp-rats down in Louisiana.
They're just a bunch of hicks, anyway.

Intentional misspelling to provoke responses.

Pretty sophisticated slide thread.

I don't care if you consider yourself white and want a lot of white children in america you have my blessing good luck user.

I don't want half-polish children and no we aren't going to lose because i don't want to mix with them that is the logic of a retard.

We're already losing dumbass, that's the point. What makes you so passionate about this white D&C that you're almost 50 half-assed posts in? You're almost 1/3 of this thread.

You're pushing a D&C agenda. Americans aren't white, white people should be separated from each other, etc etc. What's the goal, chaim?

Turks are white idiot anyone with a brain knows that. Even Greg Johnson support us on that he wrote an essay you can look it up.

The goal is to make sure the polish stay in Poland. America is already home to whites.

I can't divide something that is not whole

I'm getting tired of this. If germany wants to remain german and not allow one drop of croatian blood they are not dividing and conquering

You can't read i told you multiple times good luck with having white children in america.

We are seperate in europe stop trying to blanda us all up we like each other when we have our differences.

I like poland and the polish people they should remain in poland it's their nation their homeland

I like spain and the spanish people they should remain in spain it's their nation their homeland

You're insitance that we mix with one another is getting boring we can form organizations which deal with the shitskin invasion without having children with one another withouth giving up our sovereignity.

If you are 25% spanish and 25% polish and 50% norwegian you have lost your ethnicity and now are only a race, so what? you don't have to cry about it and scream to be accepted in europe you have a gigantic nation filled with people like you.

This, mine says I was 85% subsaharan African, 15% Kangz, but I am a pure white Argentinian whose ancestry is mainly German and Celtic


This is hardly relevant in Poland, they're doing alright for now. Their government isn't putting up with the bullshit the West is. I'm talking about countries like England, Germany, Sweden, etc. Apparently you guys think white Americans are a separate ethnicity entirely. But in Europe, you're getting fucking outbred at an increasing pace. And instead of worrying about having more kids, you're focused in limiting your options. If we had stricter border controls and less non-whites in white countries, then sure. Good plan, it's worthwhile to preserve white ethnicity. But right now that's really not what's important. What's important now is making sure you're not a minority in your own countries in 2-3 generations.

What's with all the degenerate Asian shit?

I'm not talking about Germans banging Russians and southern Italians or Arabs that look white. I'm talking about northwestern European whites that should be more concerned with starting families and having kids than worry about their ethnicity. If the race is lost, then your ethnicity will be long fuckin gone anyway.

I already have white kids and I plan on having more, and yes I'm an American. I'm not trying to say you should give up on your specific European ethnicity, I'm saying that while you're worrying about that shit Ahmed just had 6 kids. Again, are you even going to reproduce? Or just bitch about how other whites go about it?

I don't see what's so goddamn hard for you to understand. Poles can stay in Poland and prioritize other Poles to bang, same goes for Spain and whatever else. I'm saying that's not the main issue right now. I bet none of you even have kids, or will anytime soon.


You don't want to undertstand

Have it your way. Keep telling other whites when they are and aren't allowed to have children while your country is overrun with nonwhites and you're not even gonna have any children of your own. I genuinely hope it works out for you.

It wouldn't be an issue if (((American hwites))) didn't keep on forcing it. All we hear is "blanda up blanda up blanda up we all hwite we all mixed - smacks lips". We will react and push back because we don't want it. Now once again, if you want it, fine, you can have it. But over there. But you keep trying to export it, so we have to fight back against it.

Right, we'll be much more productive and effective if Americans and Europeans hate each other.

This… The genetic variance between different white people is minimal. Blacks/whites/yellows/and Brown's is another story.

Blacks evolved in a very different environment than whites, hence the drastic difference in physical features which of course carries over to a difference in phsycological characteristics. So mixing black with a white is a bit like breeding a fish with a bird. You have two different creatures who evolved and adapted to their respected environment and mixing them together… what you get is something that neither thrives in water or the air.

In my mind white on white "mixing" is far less of an issue because we're all in the same family, as in we're all birdsor fish whatever. Sure you don't want to mix a fucking bald eagle with a pigeon but just dont be stupid about it. Make sure if you fimd someone to have kids with its for the right reasons. Make sure they are someone with traits you want to be passed on to your kids. If you have kids with a girl who's double digit IQ with shitty genes you've obviously found yourself a pigeon…

Good goyim, keep up with the D&C. I'm sure when you guys find a suitable mate to breed with she won't mind taking a few DNA tests just to make sure shes "pure" first. This is taking autism to a whole new level. Nobody is asking you to "mix" with other whites if you don't want to. OP OK just wanted to know if it was really that bad and the answer is no… we're all brothers and WE ALL share the same fucking enemy. This infighting bullshit is embarrassing.
As if America is the first nation the jews have slithered their way into? Jews are fucking snakes who slither their way into power WHENEVER and WHEREVER they can find it. they've done this for years and America isn't the first time this has happened. Friendly banter is fine but all you faggots trying to D&C are the bottom of the barrel fucking race traitors.

the true recipe mustard race is german guy slav girl


I'll breed with a woman from my nation, you breed with whatever hwhite mutt you want in yours.

This will be most likely my last post please read it and think about it for 10 minutes before responding.

I want my nation filled with people like me my mother and my father. I like other European ethnicities i like going there on vacation and talking with them its fun they are nice people.

America is for americans and im not going to tell americans what they should do their future is in their own hands i hope them the best.

You insist i stop focusing on my ethnic identity which i am not going to do and only focus on my racial identity. im not going to throw away the identity i have because you think thats the only way to surive it isn't europeans in the crusade didnt have sex with one another to fight the browns they kept their nations and peoples seperate.

You keep saying i hate americans i don't.
Just because i don't want to mix with people who don't have my ethnicity doesn't mean i hate them and want them all dead i really don't understand you.

Will you? Honest question, will either of you reproduce in the next 10 years?

the brits are self important dogshit they conquered uninhabited land and contributed less to the scientific and medical field then Germans fight me fgt

I am not clairvoyant, but I have a good job, and the women are plentiful around here. And you know what else? They look like my family.

I never said you should forget about your specific white ethnicity. In fact multiple times I made clear that you shouldn't. What I did say is that it's not the priority right now. All of our countries, America and your tiny European ones are being stolen from under us as we speak. And you'd rather divide us further, discourage white reproduction so you can run genetic tests on every woman you meet and turn her down because she's 1/16 or 1/8 or 1/4 of a neighboring European country.

If that's your definition, then every european is "race mixed".

The reality is that europe has mixed with itself many times over long before written language or history. You can find large amounts of genes that are traditionally more prevalent in southern europe in britain or norway, just as you can say the same for the converse (northern genes in southern europe.)

Europe is a gradient with 3 or 4 ancestral populations that made up the west, south east and north which mixed with each other. The differences between regions in europe are a result of prevlancy, not "Pure" genomes.

What you should be fighting for is to maintain the status quo that has made up europe since the bronze age (last time europe's genome was reshaped by the Indo-european, caspian steppe people)

Stop focusing on superficial bullshit like hair, skin and eye color and calling region inferor to the other. That's a route of pseudointellectualism and division amongst a universally successful people. Consider that the darkest skinned people with the lowest amount of light eyes and hair in italy, sardinia, are widely known to be the most genetically untouched people in europe. Just about every study performed on them shows they're genome hasn't changed since the neolithic and is still identical to that of otzi the iceman, the oldest mummy on the continent.

I've nothing against europe's variation, but to say it consists of entirely pure, regions entirely seperate from one another genetically is a joke. Genomes existed long before modern nationalities did.

Welp better subject her to a few DNA tests beforehand to make sure this doesn't happen.

You see where im going with this ?

If this helps the conversation any, I think the Nuremberg laws said that someone who was at least 3/4 German could qualify as a German.
They could marry and have kids with "purer" German women without any permission from the state.

As long as you procrastinate the procreation, there is no race mixing occuring.

Actually, I'm going on a date on monday, wish me luck burger, she may be the one to gift me with ethnically pure ubermensch :^)

Yeah, your inferiority complex forces you to normalise your existence.

Depends on whether you are American or European.

Go push a loaded shotgun up your ass and pull the trigger

Did you read ?

And anyway, good luck on your date. You're gonna need it for her to not be 1/8 or 1/4 of another white ethnicity. Our race and ethnicities (or just your I guess) are older than Europe.

Yes, I think so and that's because I'm not American

Marry into your specific subrace.

Here ya go.

Ik word echt heel erg moe van de amerikanen mijn broeder.

What an absolutely retarded thread.

Now that is aesthetic, my friend.

Nobody ever suggested that all whites should come together and start breeding. The OP posed a simple question wondering if "mixing" with other whites has the same genetic drawbacks of mixing with shit skins. You went on an autistic D&C sperg out damning Americans and other white sub groups. So fuck you dude, we all seen the shit you said and you're a traitor to your own god damn race. You damn my entire country and your fellow whites because kikes infiltrated us. Well surprise the kikes have been doing this for years and America isnt the first nation to see this happen.

Not even bumplocked.



brit pol pls

post more cutes lad

She looks good, but I can't be dealing with Spanish women.

You don't understand the stat. It wasn't that white Americans are 60% white, it's that only 60% of Americans are white. It's probably less now. Studies show that almost all white Americans are pure white, and many even retained their specific white ethnicity from Europe.

As your chart shows, the white ethnicities of Europe are not defined by countries, only regions.

Haplogroups are a joke

Are germans also close relatives of central africans?

The second is superficial and not backed by any anything.

The third is a PCA graph specifically made to visually highlight differences between otherwise similar samples.

That's probably the same Canadian mutt who believes in bluepilled theories such as that people like some Spaniards became permanently brown because of sunlight as opposed to admixture from foreign hordes that invaded Europe in the past.
I'm not saying that there was no mixing between ethnicities, but they still do very much exist and I intend to do my part to preserve them.

Very well

Why not lad?

Not French enough.

Ik ook, volksgenoot, hilarisch hoe ze in dezelfde adem Hitler kunnen aanbidden en in een andere zijn levenswerk proberen te vergooien.

Nieuwe eeuw, dezelfde strijd.

Does that disprove anything I said? As a Dutchman I'm a member of the Germanic race, the Scandinavians are just the same, but purer.

Even if that was true which it isn't, you just need to know what haplogroups show and are to be used for, in my picture they're used as a tool to find out the tracks of the Germanic people that doesn't disprove anything I said and only 1 of three pictures involve haplogroups.

For the 8th time, I'm not saying Germans should be breeding with Spaniards and Russians. I'm saying that your ethnicity is not defined by your nationality, but by your region. Of course only including whites in the region.

Not sure who the one with the inferiority complex m8, but i dont think its me. I tried being respectful to you man but it's clear you dont esnt to have an actual discussion. If you want to think as yourself as superior to me, a fellow hwhite man then I suggest you post a picture of yourself and show just hoe superior to me you actually are. Show us those superior genes user, come on. You're a fucking race traitor who might as well be a god damn nigger.

I'm virtually 100% North West European tho

This should satisfy you.

That's a cute strawman.


I'm actually "unmixed" (by your definition) myself, if you want to look at my national heritage. All of my ancestry comes from one european country.

Uh-oh, here comes the autist to tell us that spaniards and everyone else were once blonde haired and blue eyed nord kangz :^)

You're a funny guy, user.
Je vous aime bien.

do you unironically believe all of Europe was ever Scandinavian white at any point in history?
Basques are overall of much purer stock than any European around and they aren't Sweden tier fair.

Calling them Slavs(slaves), like a good goy…

they call themselves slavs

Im sure you enjoy watching the destruction of other white nations dont you schlomo?

==60% FUCK WHITEY== am i right?

I have a sense of loyalty to all white people because we're family. We might be a little different and that's fine. You're an autistic sperg but idc I consider you an extension of my family. If you want to be an autistic troll idc. I only hope one day you realize who the enemy actually is and stop trying to shit on your own race.

…Moshe Silverstein told you that?

tbh I do see alot of dark skinned cajuns down here. You're not part nigger, are you user?


Haplogroups are not a "tool to track the german people".

They're used to track the origin of your oldest paternal or maternal ancestor. They can only represent a minute fraction of a percentile of your actual heritage, which is why anyone credible uses autosomal testing to do serious research, not haplogroup testing. Not only this, but haplogroups also easily overrepresent or underepresent themselves, just like my picture showed you.

In you logic if haplogroups are accurage indicators of heritage then the majority of the german genome is the same as central africa's.

If you tell any modern genealogist that, they'd laugh at you.


That's Creole, man. Not Cajun.
And no, I'm not part nigger.

this thread is a shitposting general and if mods were not compromised they would have deleted it

er…. no all of the slavs I have met did

only if you look at basal haplogroups and not at the specific subclades involved

haplogroups do have their use when you want to detect major people's movement
it's not a coincidence that the gradient of I1 in north Europe coincides with the Germanic expansion, to name one

tensions are wearing thin because the end is soon and things are getting horribly bad everywhere

Sorry m8, I get them mixed up sometimes.

1 cheap whore from Romania…

So I'm from spanish descent (real spanish descent, not arab/gypsy or any other bullshit). Can I fuck a cute slav/russian girl? Girls are shit here.

Stop falling for the D&C and giving into these shit threads

C'est bon, mon ami.
Don't even get me started on the difference between Louisiana Creole and French Creole.

Why not find a legit Spanish woman? Take a vacation in Iberia and just hunt.

Cajuns have Choctaw genes, its where they get the swarthy attributes

everyone knows nigger genes when you see them, that's "creole"

Oh yeah I get you, that largely depends on the country though, some are pretty much ethnically the same.

I just made a simple response in which I explained very clearly that I will breed with a woman from my nation in order to do my part in preserving my ethnicity, while you can do whatever the fuck you want in yours. Why do we need to discuss this any further? Can you explain why do you keep replying to me?

Good for you user, I apologise for calling you a mutt than.
Yeah it was the sunlight that made them darker, coincidentally only on territories that were occupied by shitskins.

Never said that.

Listen faggots, believe whatever the fuck makes you feel better about yourselves. I explained my position and that's that.

Les deux sont incompréhensibles pour un Québécois ou un Frenchie…

I'm sure they would user… there is alot of D&C and infighting happening ITT but it's sort if a good thing. The Holla Forums hivemind works best when we all are on the same page. This thread is clearing the air and working out some of our kinks. This thread might seem bad but it's actually a very positive thing for the board user.

The Holla Forums Democratic process happening in full swing. This is why we are unable to be subverted from the inside :^)

Can confirm. Some Cajuns have native, but the rest are fairly standard fare Euro-looking.

Scandinavians hardly even existed in antiquity. Their population is tiny and miniscule even today. The fact that there are people that unironically believe that nords ruled everything from sweden to mesopotamia and egypt is laughable.

Sure, there were some people with light eyes and hair infrequently in these places, just as there still are, but light hair and eyes aren't exclusive to northern europe.

Fuck whoever you want. so long as they're white.

Don't be so emasculated that you let autists on an image board who don't understand genetics bully you.

And instead of uniting together we have autists encouraging we just turn our backs on eachother…

so you're Amerindian, but you're complaining about fucking blue eyed pol's?

you're probably an Holla Forums shill tbh, avatar fagging is one of their tactics

Bien sûr. On a séparé de la France et le Québec depuis des siècles.

They're still the master race, Bubba…

Brah, sans blague, la plupart des Africains parlent mieux le Frenchie que vous…

It only becomes a problem as far as potential cultural clashes between european ethnicities but otherwise its ok.

Apology accepted, though calling me a mutt wasn't really offensive.

There are plenty of austrians and germans that are darker skinned than most southern europeans as well.

Genes for tan or darker skin were likely carried by the early european farmers who inhabited southern europe in the largest bulk.

Did you read what I wrote about the darkest people in italy being the least genetically touched? This is proven, mind you, not some theory or claim.

Southern europe has always been more tan than central or north. Take a look at roman paintings.



Slav is not a derogatory term Moishe and it doesn't come from slave it comes from slava which means honor or glory.

Tu veux dire ceux violer par des Arabes pendant des siecles?

It's gender treason to have any relations with women in this day and age.
They have fully sided with the enemy against white males.
If you don't already have a 2d waifu at this point, then you are pretty much doomed.

scandinavia has accomplished next to nothing compared to contintental europe or the british isles.

Don't make me laugh. They're fine people (outside of sweden), but calling yourselves "masters" of any race is a joke.

hes the french poster guy and hes trying to piss you off

I said "in this picture, they're used as a tool to…", work on your reading comprehension.


Pretty clear you have no clue what you're talking about.

And again, your whole "haplogroups are stupid!" speech is wasted on me because I only used one picture that involved them and in that picture it was about specific subclades anyway, again proving you have no idea what you're talking about.

Français modern, peut-être. J'apprends le français cadien.
Pourquoi vous dites ça?

its not the discussion its just thins isnt really politics its shitposting

select desireable qualities at any rate.

if population growth is high enough, then miscegenation of a reasonable quality is ok. so you can feel free to court ladies of different races with desirable qualities if you wish.
now is not such a time.
now is the time to strengthen our own and reproduce.

this is the tactic.
so long as we have growth that maintains our strength in numbers, granting us leverage politically, our children, grandchildren, etc… will have a future where there interests (ie. security) are met.

Check out his post count. Likely shill, especially with all the out of place avatar fagging and Asian degeneracy vids.

reasonable quantity*

C'est pour ca que les pays Scandinaviens sont les plus riches avec la plus haute qualité de vie…la France et le UK sont des trous a rat multiculturels..rien de plus…

no been to most slav countries Poland, Russia, Czech republic, Ukraine slavs call themselves slavs and Romanians are not slavs

But they factually weren't.


This needs to stop lads.

Comme tu veux Bubba, mais ça ne te servira pas à grand-chose dans la vie…

Being a mix of Slavic and Mediterranean myself and seeing the effects of it, I'd rather pick a full-blooded White of parents of one ethnicity to raise a family with. Although the situation in my family is good in general, I've got a fucked up sense of socialization that's rooted from this fact. Being of mixed anything isn't good for the spirit, be it ethnicity or race.

And gas yourself.

you don't even consider monogamy and marriage do you…

"la France et le UK sont des trous a rat multiculturels"

Unlike Sweden right?

Except that's not what you did. You tried forcing your autistic superiority complex on us. Nobody EVER said that you should go out and mix with non native whites.

The question posed by this thread was simply this and whether or not is was wrong. I tried to point this out but you seem to be too thick headed or too emotional to comprehend right now. I think you SHOULD try to find a native woman to have kids with user, EVERYONE IN this god damn thread agrees that's ideal. Ok?

Now we have people like you and others who seem to be trying to turn this into a superiority contest. It's noy even friendly banter it's intentionally bashing your own kind. We have differences sure but they are minimal to thst of our common enemies that ALL white men share.

All of those claims continuously go against historical records. Like it or not Germans enriched the north half of Italy and arabs enriched the southern half. Then by pure coincidence even though neither of those populations left any lasting imprint on Italy the north is light like Germans and the south is dark like arabs.

Sorry, Gianluigi…

It's threads like this that makes me want to leave pol.

Fuck you jackasses. Just Fuck you idiotic morons. I'm gonna take my God knows what mixed breed American WHITE self and I'm gonna go Fuck my pale as hell part irish, part Scandinavian and part czech wife.

And I'm going to have some more blue eyed WHITE children. 2 WHITE kids isn't enough.

Except my family isn't the right kind of WHITE apparently. Fuck you.

Just what the Fuck pol…this is why shit has gotten so bad. White people are in dire straights and your dividing us further.

Hey Holla Forums, how does it feel to know that people of all different races are out there fucking their brains out while you sit alone in your computer room, not having sex with anybody and fuming over it all?

You seriously wish you had some kind of Holla Forumsice force that supervised everybody's bedrooms and did blood tests to 'Make Sure All Pure.'

I respect your opinion, and agree that everyone has a right to view it socially as they want. I'm simply saying genetically it means little, and is what europeans have been have been doing since before recorded history.

Lol you act like we consider those 'whites ' actually white. If anything its the police force wanting to classify anything they can find as white. We actually have a term for these people 'Hispanic Whites' which means white for Hispanic standard.

You act like people want to build a wall for teh lulz.

Appellez-moi Boudreaux. :^)


I have an okay sex life im just also a racist

Sorry Hans.

Malheureusement la Suede est en train de prendre le mauvais chemin…quand meme un meilleu rpays que 99% du reste de la planete…


Don't take it too seriously. It's a handful of NEETs who aren't even gonna have children in the first place sitting at home telling those of us that do have white kids or at least plan on it how to do so.


Not an argument.

You're surprised that race-obsessed creeps are now trying to micromanage white people?

Stop having sex, you deserve to be bred out of existence, whitey supreme

nice neolithic Y-DNA

no actual proof of this, otherwise explain to me the low amount of IBD sharing of Italy with the rest of Europe in the last 2500/3000 years

if north Italy is fairer is because of bronze age movements of Italo-Celtic stock, and if the south is darker is because of late neolithic/bronze age movements from the east Med sea

L'Espagne, Italie et le sud de la France sont Arabes…triste, mais c'est la réalité…

PS:Je suis Québécois de pur descendance Normande…

you talk like a nigger faggot and your shits all retarded

Nah, they got raped by Arabs for 300 years…

Ah, right. The rest of europe consists of retarded mongrels who embraced multiculturalism due to their clearly lacking IQ, but when SWEDEN does it, it was just a tiny little mistake on their perfect spotless genius record of innovating and accomplishing nothing.

there's something in politics known as strength in numbers.
when other people outnumber yours, they have more power.
that means, if white people depopulate, we become more and more at risk.

sticking your dick in someone =/= marriage and reproduction.
this is about reproduction and its political implications.

as we're not subhuman filth, we automatically think marriage when we consider reproduction.
if we thought otherwise, we'd be like that black guy who had kids with 50 women, and we could just fuck whatever, increase white numbers and water down all other races, and just let someone else take care of it.

Best thing ol'King Louis ever did was send French whores to Quebec. Damn if some of the women there aren't the best looking in the world.

The first Reich encompassed everything in northern Italy. Do you know who the Lombards were? Like the city of Lombardy

I wonder why a person of European heritage would make posts to make their Europeans argue amongst themselves?

Truly a mystery.

Whitey Supreme
Blackey Supreme
This my new
favorite meme
that is their cry

you should just die

Honkey Supreme
Nigger Supreme
they're the same
completely lame

Caucasian race is not race, it is species, Caucasian species.
Within caucasian species, ther is white - European race.
Within European race, there are subraces - breeds. Meditteranian, Alpine, Nordic, Dinaric, Baltic, etc…
So, what you are talkin about, user, is mixing between European subraces (breeds).
Now. Even you are D&C, or you are brainwashed or you are stupid not to know that simple fact.
Btw, your pic related is Nordid + West Baltid, Lappid influenced.
Now go and fukc yourself, because you dont start a thread without any fucking basic knowleage about 1920 anthropology.

accept it as the shitposting general

under rated post


We're in such dire demographic straits demographic that such nitpicking behavior would ensure our demise regardless.

I have Russian and Ukrainian friends, my genetic makeup is primarily Germans, Russian, and Swiss.

Slavs have similar IQ and physical appearance to us, and they have a long and storied history of scientific and literary accomplishment, end of discussion.

Never said it was civilized discussion user. When Holla Forums becomes divided on an issue this is what happens. That's the beauty of imagboards but Holla Forums specifically. It's something ive noticed after years of browsing this place. It seems like a total shitstorm of chaos and it is, but it's a democratic form of chaos. Each side calls the other side shills until one eventually just gives up always the minority this is why we can be subverted. Holla Forums is a hivemind and when part of the user base tries to diverge from the ideology of the rest of the board they are cut off like cancer through autistic shitposting and spamming. It ensures that the Holla Forums hivemind stays a singular entity that always shares the same train of thought.

this isnt about being divided on an issue this is half chan pol tier levels of retarded

It's a legit argument tbh. The less mixed the parents, be it culture, race or ethnicity, the better the environment you make for the child.

if you keep screaming it like any drooling nigger it won't become true

and? I swear you drooling retards make afrocentrists look like the intellectual elite
conquering a territory normally doesn't change the genetics of the common folks, this is especially true when it comes to empires, which are by definition state entities with multiple nations inside it

unless you start talking genetics, stop embarrassing yourselves further

I heard it all before, those pics don't explain shit. I can find sources of Greeks being blond back in the days. However, there is proof that Southern and Eastern Europeans have foreign admixtures in them.
And its pretty much an obvious fact that there was interbreeding caused by foreign hordes invading Europe, Spain was under shitskin occupation for centuries, do you think that's nothing? Or Greece under Turkey etc.

But I already know its pointless to argue with you from other threads, so don't bother.

Again, read all of my posts, I never implied I hate you or that I think you should be treated as second class people or whatever of that sort, I just said that I don't want for European ethnicities to mix like they did in US.

Just look at this post: . I stated my position clearly, then got attacked and when I hit back you burgers started crying, then a resumed back to my position to clarify it again, but you still just won't stop buzzing around me.
Read my posts and replies to them and judge objectively. I'm not going to repeat myself any further, because it's a total waste of time.

You're retarded, caucasian is not a species, it's called HOMO SAPIENS

Ah…le bon vieux memé que les Québécois descende de putes et de voleurs…je trouve qu'ont c'est débrouiller plutot bien pour une gang de low life…

No, they're not. You're just a D&C kike shill.

A 2013 study by Peristera Paschou et al. confirms that the Mediterranean Sea has acted as a strong barrier to gene flow through geographic isolation following initial settlements. Samples from (Northern) Italy, Tuscany, Sicily and Sardinia are closest to other Southern Europeans from Iberia, the Balkans and Greece, who are in turn closest to the Neolithic migrants that spread farming throughout Europe, represented here by the Cappadocian sample from Anatolia. But there hasn't been any significant admixture from the Middle East or North Africa into Italy and the rest of Southern Europe since then.[38]

for what its worth, the Chinese did pic related, gotta respect that

The guy said "Can I fuck a cute slav/russian girl?". Whether he meant actually marrying and having kids or not, asking Holla Forums for permission is just plain retarded.

…and there women are superior in every way…

So the germans and arabs who colinzed Italy had no impact at all on Italy even though all evidence points to that being the case. The conquest of either side of Italy was no empire it was whole tribes and cultures migrating into Europe. The traditional view for the past 1000 years has been meds are swarthy because arab and nig admixture

completely agree
this is the course of action.
however, we can try to pursue our own as well.
if we're popping out white babies, then we're popping out white babies.
then, whichever whites have a secure future.

it's considerate and inquisitive.

Oh boy, someone better tell the vikings who had sex with virtually every European people ground.

It's not like Sweden and Norway ended up having some of the most beautiful women on the planet.

That's crazy talk.

The child of a white Brit and a white German could be raised in either culture perfectly contentedly with zero issues.


Wew that one D&C kike ruined the whole thread.

What a shame. For 56+ replies he's probably getting a performance bonus in extra ₪₪₪₪.

No we are cromangian the only pure homosapians are African niggers everyone else has neanderthal admixture


Ignore the speed user, they're traitors who will eventually come around. Have as many white children with your wife as you can at least 3

pretty much this

way way too much autism here. Niggers are having a field day and there's still some losers that go on about "WE WUZ VIKINGS" lmao wake the fuck up already you moron

Maybe you guys should just have sex with nobody, to be completely safe.

I think you've already got a start on it


Mark Copani(Mohamed Hassan in WWE…)

Fuck that. Unlike many of the posters here I Do have a happy marriage and 2 WHITE daughters. And I'm only here because as a father I need to be concerned for the kind of world my beautiful children grow up in.

And these ridicules fucks think they have a goddamned right to criticize my children..of not being WHITE ENOUGH??? And I'm supposed to brush this off?

Fuck my eldest daughter is fucking blonde with blue eyes and one of the most pale kid I've ever seen…and these fuckwits have a problem with my fucking kid?

You dipshit think we have the fucking numbers to extra picky?

They're just exercising their natural instincts unfiltered by Cultural Marxism, nothing to give a clap about.

Also this was not the argument we were talking about.

I hope it happens so. Can I have some sources to solidify that thought?



post the evidence then
and arabs never conquered mainland Italy except Bari for less than 50 years

some thousand snowniggers moving in a peninsula with millions of people, and likely moving elsewhere as the political situation changed

I still see no actual genetics argument, it's almost like you are talking out of your asses

I'll be sure to ask for second opinions on here if it is okay to start a relationship with a girl.

I've been arguing that exact point for a while now, user. My point though was that these fags don't represent Holla Forums at all, and are probably even shills. Don't let them get to you.

Welcome to the beast you feed, dumbass. Your daughters are going to be embarrassed of you

Cro magnon is homosapien you mong.

Neanderthal admixture hardly exists. It's at a frequency of roughly 1-2 percent in europe.


come on buddy.

I have, you called my women hwite mutts and implied a had an inferiority complex to justify my existance…

The fact that this thread is not bumplocked is evidence of compromised moderation. Think about it.

7/10 bait.

I see you actually have no arguments for it, typical snownigger.

Holla Forums shill

sage and report

Look at his fuckin face, that my argument…

Kike thesis - you must only breed with your nearest relatives (inbreeding)

Kike antithesis - you must breed with every race and ethnicity without control

Synthesis - You should breed within your race, thus keeping the racial purity AND removing genetic bottlenecks/helping your genes evolve

Sage for D&C raid

Fuck off shitposting shill.

Last thing the western world needs is more turbo autists D&Cing those of European decent.


Pure Italian from New York…

Arabs didn't colonize italy. They conquered sicily and used in mainly as a trade hub, and then were deported and killed upon reconquest, as were their children.

Germans had a slight impact because they permanently settled. The same could be said of slavs that germans conquered and integrated into their societies during the roman era. It's not like italians were of an entirely differenct race than germans anyways - it just reinforced genes that they already had.

"A 2013 study by Peristera Paschou et al. confirms that the Mediterranean Sea has acted as a strong barrier to gene flow through geographic isolation following initial settlements. Samples from (Northern) Italy, Tuscany, Sicily and Sardinia are closest to other Southern Europeans from Iberia, the Balkans and Greece, who are in turn closest to the Neolithic migrants that spread farming throughout Europe, represented here by the Cappadocian sample from Anatolia. But there hasn't been any significant admixture from the Middle East or North Africa into Italy and the rest of Southern Europe since then.[38]"

his father is Italian, his mother is arab though
keep embarrassing yourself snowape

Normally I'd say yes, but Whites really aren't in a position to pick and choose in such an autistic manner when Europe is literally being flooded by hordes of Muslims and darkies

Now, more than ever, is to unite our penises and vaginas for one, noble cause. To save the White race

Sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation will literally save the world


Les raisons…

I'm a burger but even I know that Southern Italy is very different than Northern Italy.

I could cherry pick germans that are that dark too.

It's called a tan and dark lighting. Cherry picking visualizations aren't valid argument towards genetics.

since this is a shitposting thread anyway, I'm gonna dump some memes

"to unite our penises and vaginas for one, noble cause"

Even a Big Bubba know that…

fuck off Holla Forums

we know they're arab assholes, fuck off Holla Forums

D&C kikes confirmed.

Good job at giving yourself away.



Is the white portion of your nation not a giant mixture of European ethnicities? Yes, it is. Do separate ethnicities still exist in Europe? Yes, they do. Do I want to preserve them? Yes, I do.
Now the question remains, why did you imply that what I stand for is dumb and/or unrealistic? Why do you care? The only explanation I see is because its bothering you.

Found the jew

pls r8 my polish gf

confirmed Holla Forums shill

sage and report

How about people just get genetic testing and mix who they are okay with mixing with as long as its out side European countrys of origin.

I think its preferable to stay within the North-Western European range if you will mix. I dont really like mixing white greeks with scandinavians or russians mixing with the portuguese. The child may not have as bad of identity issues as mulattos but its still preferable to stay within logical similarities.

I think genetically dinstinct enclaves in America are good to have if you want to prevent your german children from mixing with italians/greek 'whites'.

Genes should be personally managed as much as possible among individuals and should be respected.

essentially, want to mix, go over there and do it and make sure your progeny doesnt come over here.

Average Sicilian girl…


you sure as hell should know the reason behind it: STRENGTH IN NUMBERS.

any white will do, due to our circumstance.
however, this also implies the possibility of your own origin.
you may also pursue your own origin.


Average jew shill using cherry picking mixed race wrestlers and the darkest italians he can find to D&C

Inb4 the next thread is filled with how slavs are mongols.


Holla Forums shill confirmed

sage and report this fuck

Listen closer. I asked if a child of mixed-country White parents can thrive as well as one of parents of the same White country.


Reported for being a D&C kike.

First day on the job moshie? Spamming and cherry picking isn't an argument.

americuck detected

it's funny to know the retards are against us.
praise kek.


he's an Holla Forums shill

report him

^This mongrel is butthurt :^)

True for Europe.
But, Near East and Arab peninsula (Semites and jews) is 20% up to 50% neanderthal, proog is Paabo&Krause 2010 study. Jews are Neanderthals.



No, fuken jew. It is other way arround. Niggers are homo erectus. Semites are neanderthals. Homo sapiens sapiens is Cro-magnon.

Rome. There is very little genetic difference. The vast differences in accomplishment are more cleanly accounted for by culture/infrastructure/intellectual heritage.

damn, Hillary was cute loli


we are not living in a time of ethno-nationalism.
you can toss nations' names around all you want, but it doesn't mean anything these days.

it's not rocket science.
green/blue eyes
blonde/red hair
pale skin
to whatever degree

preserve it. otherwise, those people will be raped into oblivion.

also, don't donate sperm.

Blond Slav women are not Slav, they are germanic. Pic related is germanic, not a Slav.



Acording to Boasian anthropology hoax.
You are retarded, brainwashed, or a Jew.

Caucasian, Negro, Mongol, are different SPECIES.

Now go fuck yourself, jew.

How about we don't report everything that people are somewhat divided on?

I've read the entire thread and what it comes down to is 2 groups of people.

1. People like me who believe breeding with native women is ideal but white is white and we're all one people

2. Autists who have a superioty complex who don't see fellow whites as inferior






Slavs are mongrel subrace. Mix between European white race and Mongolian yellow species (20%).

Holla Forums shills

report them

1. People like me who want spanish to remain spanish and not mix with other ethnic groups

2. Autists that want everyone to mix because we are all white


it's nothing but spam.
it does not feel like Holla Forums

Germany is for germans
Spain is for the spanish

Go be white in america

Ever actually met a Russian chick?

Spoiler alert, they don't look at all like fucking mongoloids.

Get fucked D&C shill.

Slavs are just a group with similar language, the difference between a Czech and Ukranian is enormous.

Still germanic tranny, not Slav.
Remember, if have blonde hair/blue eyes, it is germanic. No other species/race/subrace on eartha have blond hair/blue eyes.

JIDF alert!

How about you fucking kill yourself and follow the rules?


like I give a fuck. If anything its funny seeing a nigger thinking he's getting a taste of white womenz when hes really just fucking a mutilated chemically imbalanced Y chromsoned inside out penis.

kinda makes me laugh in a sick Jewish way.

i think the trick is to conflate race with nation so we view the race of a nation as such and such and not consider quantities of qualities.

seems like slander.

Incorrect. The child will not be either British or German. He will not belong to either cultures. When in germany people will confuse him for a Brit. When in Britain people will confuse him for a German.




Ive never daid this, your pulling quotes out of your ass both from me and your own. Ive stated pretty clearly multiple fucking times that breeding with native women is ideal but you seem to mentally retarded and cannot comprehend that no matter hoe many times i say it.

This thread was created to slide the rape at the eiffel tower. Plain and simple. Mods won't at least bumplock it. Questionable.

I'm cool with that.

I want that muslim DNA as far as my gene pool as possible. Even if it requires building a yuge wall.

Daily reminder that the Aryans (blue eyed blonde haired) people started every major civilization.

mods don't do shit anyways

hopefully they all get doxed at some point so we can find them and murder them


Yes, they are and you should gas yourself. Even mating with your own sister is going a little too far outside of your own genetic group, since you both inherited different genes from your parents. The only way to be truly pure is to just keep cloning yourself forever and make sure none of your genes touch anybody else's genes ever.

It's gross, like getting gravy on your cranberry sauce.

So what you're arguing is that we should racemix with Shaqueshywa and let our daughters racemix with Teeryine KaAng?

this topic is interesting but only for a little bit. the answer is simple and already here.

exploitation of degrees of any type is pure d&c kikery (ie. censorship discussions). it's always suspect.

this does not feel like Holla Forums


Who cares if its pure germanic?

It was a mentally fucked man from its beggining so what difference does it make if the mentally sick man transitions then gets fucked by a nigger who thinks he's totally banging some white girl.

Its only really fucked up if its a white man who finds out over time his 'girl' friend is actually a tranny. But some nigger doing it just makes me laugh, again, in a sorta sick Jewish sense.

This is where you implied it: If there is anyone who's retarded here it's you.

you do know the vikings slayed pussy in ireland for a long time right? ;^)

just because your family tree which only goes back so far says pure irish doesn't mean earlier ancestors mixed with other europeans

[Citation needed]

*did not mix


No hes using ironic humor to say white is white and you autistic spergs are traitors to your own race

What is your point?


my grandmas maiden name was O'rourke

If you look it up it means descedent of Rourke, rourke ofcourse being a common scandi name.

Does that mean my Irish grandma was actually just pure Nordic?

That's wrong. A German isn't French.


O'Rourke is about as Irish as it gets


cant tell what your implying, maybe I'm too autistic or something.

Black fucking a tranny let alone a trap is just kinda funny if not weird.

Just filter him.




1. Shit thread
2. Answer to shit OP is obvious


holy fucking wew

I'd love to racemix with her

he claimed that genes are a pseudo science and can't be trusted to show where your ancestors came from on the basis that his family is "pure Irish". But the fact is that even way back then people traveled and intermarried/raped/slept around so unless he a verified family tree going back thousands of years it's hard for him to really claim "pure irish"

that's pretty neat, and yeah it could be possible but more likely your grandmas side of the family is a celt/norse mix from the time of the viking conquests

Hybrid vigor only works on domesticated plants.

good job m8? 10/10/

It shouldn't be done to a great extent outside of mongrel nations like America, because nationality is every bit as worth preserving as race. Imagine if all of Europe blanda'd up and there was just one big homogenous European nation. No more English culture, no more German culture, no more Italian culture, and so on. It's better for diversity to exist within races rather than simply without. That said, we don't face any grave threat from such things now, and it's certainly not as bad as fucking a nigger. And if you're living in a mongrel nation like America, then your country already has its own culture and genetic makeup separate from any in Europe, so someone with Scottish muh heritage marrying someone with Polish muh heritage doesn't really harm anything in those countries anyway.


I hope he enjoys his AIDS

He already had it.

Im fine with that. Theres an expression that Norse settlers of Ireland became 'more Irish than the Irish themselves'


Nice try, Mehmet.

Do you not see the fucking point i was trying to make? You're being so autistic about staying racially pure. Native women are ideal YES, if you have someone who cames to your country and they assimilate perfectly, look and act exactly like the rest of the women in your country, and you wouldn't want to have kids with her… The only way you could tell she was a "mutt" was if you were to subject every woman you are interested in to take a DNA test. You dont think thats a little absurd? If a woman is indistinguishable to your native women in EVERY possible way except in ancestry you would drop her, that's absurd. Native eomen are ideal AGAIN, and if that's what you want GOOD but being so autistic about it is absolutely absurd.

Who is Britain winking at? Is the U.S. also getting cucked in that picture? Just what is her plan?


No, it was a brexit meme. Look at the file name. And she's winking at the camera. It's called breaking the fourth wall


But they are both white, nice reading comprehension…

Would not Arab countries and turkey be more dominant if that was the case?

the Holla Forums shill got banned and flipped his IP

this is his new ID, report it

Stop procrastinating faggot and get to making Europe ethnonationalist

Any meme type requests? I have tons of nigger and jew memes, as well as feminist, muslim, and American elections-related stuff

White boyz future…







Is anyone in here any more? Or am I just wasting my time dumping these memes?

I'm enjoying it.

it's anchored.
you done good, user.


I think that different races, and ethnicities should refrain from inter-marrying. It helps preserve our cultures, and what makes us unique.

That's good. This thread was 100% trolls and shills



You can stop now.



Alright, last one



Now that's what I call journalism!

Arabs are not part of our race, you moron.



Europeans are a race. North Africans and Middle-Easterners do not belong to the same race.


It doesn't matter OP

Discounting the Slavs and the Irish, everyone's one form of mixed with Germanic or another because of the Germanic migrations.

Portuguese and Spanish have Visigothic, French have Frankish, English have Anglo-Saxon, Italians have Lombard.

As for the Slavs, well honestly Bohemia was a pretty successful kingdom and they were a mix of Slavic and Germanic.

Ultimately it doesn't impair things too heavily because all cultures within the European race are good enough to foster good offspring as long as they have a good base to work with, and everything European is a good base.

Also the mods are gay for anchoring this thread.

go away, Jew.

You're a bit special aren't you?


No. White is white. We're already on the verge of extinction, so this kind of shit is exactly what would push us over.

And you think inside is any different?

I just hope personal DNA sequencers become available in the next decade.


test test '"test'" test test



tay? is that you?
please, tay. come back to us. i know you don't want to do this! please! tay! taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!