I might have fucked up. Yesterday at dinner I tried to explain to my stepdad how he's a cuck for raising me when I'm not his own son. He started talking about how he loves my mom and I said that he was cucked for falling for a roastie. Now they're threatening to kick me out.
Since Holla Forums got me into this I feel like you should get me out of this.
I might have fucked up...
kys cuck
This user gets it.
So OP, why are you still there? If someone were to threaten to kick me out, I would damn well leave before they did. It might be the only way to rebuild some respect after your dumbass faux-alpha move (which was supposed to accomplish what exactly?) so move out. Shit, I once moved out and lived in my car for two weeks rather than being disrespected at home, and I didn't even deserve it, so I had no honor to rebuild.
is that a nigger in the OP's pic?
I don't have that much money I work at gamestop. I was trying to redpill him. I've been working on this a while but he does a lot of mental gymnastics when I try to talk about politics with him.
how could this have gone wrong?
Everyone needs to take the redpill.
You got the cuck concept wrong since it refers to a woman who commits adultery and gets a child as a result of said adultery. It doesn't refer to simply marrying a woman who had a child previously because that child isn't a result of her cheating on you. The central part of the concept of cuck is the adultery, not the child.
I don't know where the fuck this misconception of cuck came from but it's really fucking retarded and annoying.
You're a cuck if you choose to raise your wife's son.
I need to know if I want to save it or not, I don't save things with niggers, you fucking cuck
The word cuck hasn't had anything to do with cuckolds for ages now and its only going to get more and more meaningless until it has no meaning at all like fag or autist.
No, I'm completely fine with it being used in the same way fag is used. Obviously you're not homosexual just because some dude calls you a fag for deciding not to drink a third beer or something like that. That doesn't mean fag doesn't refer to homosexuals anymore.
What I'm not OK with is people getting the literal meaning of it wrong. People still use fag for its intended purpose and can differentiate its metaphorical usage from its literal usage. Gays are still faggots, dudes with insecurities or whatever get called faggots but aren't literal faggots.
Cuck and this stupid ass raising a child misconception is a travesty though. There's no fucking reason for this conception of cuck to exist.
Well hot damn looks like I've been accomplishing my goal the entire time
I'm glad you admit it
Joke's on you friend, that was my first post in this thread.
There is no correlation between the dynamic of being a "cuck" and the dynamic of wanting to raise a child.
You destroyed any potential surprise & excitement by telling him that now.
cucks raise other's children
I don't see how that has any relevance but I'm glad you're feeling good, I guess
isn't the example given a fallacy though? Assuming the car is moving at a constant rate eventually bart will actually "be there".
Cuckold is derived from cuckoo bird because it lays its eggs in other birds nest. Raising another birds eggs makes you a cuck. Of course you could argue that willingly raising them doesn't make you a cuck.
Around 90% of hentai has males that are 5+ shades darker than the females…
Around 90% of hentai has males that are 5+ shades darker than the females…
If the car is moving at a constant rate, then all the more reason to make the question irrelevant after a while. The example isn't used in an argument though so it isn't a fallacy.
You're gonna have to rewrite history if you want people to center the concept around the child and not the adultery anymore, as that's the connotation it gained throughout the years.
that is to make the girls stand out more, I need to know if this was posted on some porn site, interracial and dark skinned male would be tags
Anyone can raise another child.
Your reason says you are an cuck if the idea can be seen in the behavior of another idea.
I can interpret this as
-cops can uphold the law
-Therefore, I am a cop because I can uphold the law
-There is no correlation between me & a cop
only the observation that we are capable to uphold the law
-Cops can be observed to break the law
-Therefore, I am a cop because cops break laws
The observation of a label has nothing to do with the dynamic of why it is referred to as a label
-A cop can break a law but "cop" is not 'one who breaks law'.
A cuck can be observed taking care of another's kid but a cuck is a cuck even when they're not taking care of another's kid.
Therefore the dynamic of cuck goes deeper than 'raising a child you didn't conceive'.
Someone who adopts a child doesn't fall under the dynamic of a cuck.
Someone who has a child marrying someone who has a child isn't the dynamic of a cuck.
A cuckoo lays it's eggs in another's nest and then abandons the egg to the supervision of nest's host.
cucks take care of other's children, therefore if you take care of other's children you are doing the same-thing as a cuck
is all I am saying
Wrong. Cucks have an adultery wife who may or may not get a child as result of this adultery. So cucks sometimes raise other people's children, but not always, and that's not why they're cucks. They're cucks because of their adulterous wife.
wasn't wrong about you doing the same thing as a cuck
You were as it's not exclusive to them.
It's like saying you're a cuck because you drink liquids, much like cucks do.
You aren't doing the same as a cuck though because what it takes to be a cuck goes deeper than raising a child that you didn't conceive.
You reasoning says
-Cucks breathe oxygen therefore if you breathe oxygen you are doing the same-thing as a cuck,
-However, a cuck isn't 'one who breathes oxygen'; cucks just breathe oxygen.
cucks pay for and take care off other's children
I am not saying this makes you a cuck, but it is one of things that makes cucks cucks
And it's an irrelevant point that puts the concept of cuck in a discussion for no reason, just like I could throw around the word nigger just because someone likes watermelon
No it's not.
You are literally saying that doing something unrelated to the dynamic of being a cuck makes you similar to a cuck.
Cucks do not have to take care of another's child to be a cuck.
Therefore it is NOT one of the things that makes a cuck a cuck.
why are you guys defending taking care of children that aren't your problem so much?
a cuck takes care of children that aren't theirs, them being cheated on is what makes them a cuck, but taking care of children that aren't their's is part of being a cuck
It isn't as pointed out.
You're repeating the same point ad nauseum as the other guy did
because you consider it doesn't make you a cuck, and I do
is what this is
This is in the dynamic of being a cuck
No, taking care of children that isn't theirs is not part of being a cuck.
No, it doesn't cuck operates with or without a child being present because a child isn't in the dynamic of what it takes to be a cuck
Cucks are capable of raising children that isn't theirs but cucks don't have to care for children that isn't theirs.
However, cucks are also capable to take shits– just another day in the life of a cuck.
Taking a shit is not part of the dynamic of being a cuck
taking a shit and taking in O2 aren't the same thing as taking care of a child that isn't yours
Well, you're wrong and you've been proved why. Your subjective interpretation doesn't matter.
if I am wrong then you're wrong because I also consider being cheated on is one things that makes a cuck
That's not how logic works
i didn't even call the men that do take care of other children cucks, just cuckest
Alright kid
Taking a shit and taking in O2 aren't the same-thing as being a cuck
Taking a shit or raising a child that isn't yours isn't the same thing as being a cuck.
so is this like a HPV thing?
just cuckest
Do you kvech this same way whenever someone is called a nigger, fag, kike or any other words which have taken on broader meaning here?
This totally happened.
Read the thread.
Bad OP, Bad Thread, everyone die pls thx
Autism isn't real and read the damn thread
Apparently you have no idea what the fuck is going on
You yourself have said taking care of someone elses child doesn't make you a cuck it's just something that cucks can do.
Just sounds like the ramblings of a man CUCKED into raising his wife's son
…or you can keep reading.
Anything sounds like ramblings to low IQ individuals.
Kek, this is what happens when 13 year olds browse Holla Forums.
You should remove yourself from the gene pool ASAP.
maybe this will help
Taking care of a your wife's nigger babies makes you a cuck. This is only corrected if you have more kids than her own with her. He she is refusing to have your seed than you are a cuck for taking care of another mans.
Nope part of the fetish is wanting your wife to be impregnated by another man. The entire fetish is a fetish of being a slave and having everything yours, ripped away from you. Therefore taking care of another mans sons is cuckoldry. Your wife fucked another guy, had a child and your stuck there taking care of it. That is cuckoldry.
Fag still means gay and autist still means a special form of retardation. Nothing has changed at all.
I'm good.
The fetish has nothing to do with the concept of cuck. Being a cuck used to be something derogatory. It being turned into a fetish is something more recent that has nothing to do with it.
Taking care of children that aren't yours goes before being cheated on. its cuckoldry. Being cheated on is also cuckoldry unless you think women have agency in which case you're a political cuck.
No you dumb fucking retard. The term cuck comes from the fetish and was then used as a derogatory term against the degenerate. Even cucks themselves, although they know what cuckoldry means are not proud of their fetish because they know its disgusting and wrong.
How new are you?
Refer to your own post
You can like single women AND take of a child that isn't yours.
You can get cheated on & leave AND take care of children that isn't yours.
There is no correlation between anything on that chart or whatever the fuck that thing represents.
no, you have a choice of taking care of children, just like you have a choice of staying or leaving after being cheated on, and I use choice to see if you're a cuck or not.
these things can add up to you being a cuck, is what this chart represents
You can't uphold the law though so you are off base.
Being a cop is a profession. If you uphold the law for money you are a cop. You you raise another mans child you are a cuck. That is the definition of cuckoldry.
You also have a choice not to watch your wife get fucked by a nigger. That doesn't mean when you invite a nigger over to fuck and impregnate your wife you aren't a cuck.
Cuckoldry was a fetish long before we adopted the term. This is known. cuckoldry has been a fetish since the 80's.
it is the fact that you trusted her not to cheat makes you a cuck
Anyone can uphold the law, legally or illegally is moot. We're discussing capability.
Anyone can break the law and that includes the police. The profession of it is moot.
Thank you for re-affirming that my post was offbase. Which is what I wanted & hoped was recognized.
No the fuck it can't–
you can "subtract" all those things & principles and still have it "add up" to be a cuck.
Factually wrong, unless you mean we as in Holla Forums. The concept and word for cuckold is hundreds of years old, much older than the fetish
You are a cuck or you are not a cuck.
Black & white; it's not a gradient.
If a cop breaks the law he is a criminal. Just because he has the title cop does not mean he is not a criminal.
If a man believes in god he is religious. If a man raises another mans child he is a cuck. That is the definition of being a cuck.
Similarly, just because a cuck raises a child that is his doesn't mean he isn't a cuck.
This is possible because cuck has nothing to do with children or raising them in any way or fashion.
A cuck is a cuck.
A cuck who raises someone else's child is a cuck who [also] raises someone elses child
I'm right there with you. Being with a woman who has ever spoken to another man makes you a cuck to imageboard neckbeards.
This doesn't mean anything as it can't be related to any one user.
newcuck detected
newcuck detected
No, srsly user– your post doesn't mean shit.
Only newcucks parrot what they reply to tbh.
lol newcuck
Lurk more, newcuck.
says the newcuck
Looks like I hit a nerve when I called you a newcuck tbh
I can lurk and your post would still not mean shit.
I'm being dead as, user– no matter what you call me your post won't mean shit.
You got astronomically asshurt when you were called a newcuck
Every post you made since then, you took what I said and copied it like a child. You will reply to this post in a similar manner to your previous ones because you're such a newcuck. Pic related replacing jew with newcuck has you completely profiled. I'm living in your head rent free now.
Thank you for demonstrating exactly what I said you would do to prove that you are a newcuck.
You are a newcuck and you know it in your heart. Parroting like a child having a tantrum is all you can do. I can't believe calling you a newcuck hit you this deep.
He called you a newcuck-without-an-argument in response to you using newcuck-without-an-argument. So you then ironcially re-affirm that he's a newcuck-without-an-argument while not having an argument.
No one gives a shit about your baseless opinion. Me stating that aloud doesn't magically mean people all-of-the-sudden care what the fuck you have to say.
keep posting newcuck
Imagine being so mentally rattled that you have to samefag in order to defend yourself.
keep posting newcuck
Living in your head
I wonder if you're going to be kept awake at night trying to rationalize away your status of being an actual newcuck.
keep posting newcuck
Apparently, you're going to pretend my argument doesn't exist so you can keep posting… while posting shit because you claim that I don't have an argument.
Are you always this fucking fried?
Your samecucking goes without saying but this is just sad now.
newcuck embarassing himself
The post times are observationally impossible to have been one user. Are you going to post that you were trolling or are you going to keep pretending that you care?
When did you think that immaturely parroting something ad nauseum that someone initially called you would actually work to de-legitimize its effectiveness? The fact that I've gotten this far into your head from two syllables speaks volumes of how shaken you are.
I never made this point, newcuck. Are you still gonna ignore the argument?
I've gotten you to write long ass replies every single time, little faggy newcuck
I have never not had an argument, user.
Apparently you still don't give a fuck about anything besides your own post, so to reiterate again– no one, in turn, gave a fuck what you had to say.
Even as I state this aloud, no one still gives a fuck what your baseless opinions are?
I proved this by questioning your baseless opinions. No one cares to accept your empty bullshit.
smh you sound like a newcuck rn
newcuck still embarrassing himself lol
Your posts have a very apparent sense of anger in them, with your italicized and bolded work usage and heavy swearing with your insults. I really made you mad. Feel free to get in the last two posts when you samecuck multiple times, you come off as immature enough to need that last word as a reassurance to your ego.
newcuck still ignoring argument and embarrassing himself lol
You're still up your own ass.
You have an argument that supports no argument under the assumption that I'm samefagging. You are arguing for an argument that you don't have– you are the one projecting user.
the redpill was made to cuck you from the world. you played yourself
Jesus Christ, it is angry in here.
I'm not angry– you can use the words of an angry person and not have the emotion of anger.
Personally, I like to use words like fucking and shit– to add emphasis on a dynamic of the post. It means "I'm not joking or suggesting an opinion don't ignore the argument" but nothing more than that.
"You're still up your own ass" can be written as "you aren't paying attention" but I felt saying the latter would have not drawn the necessary attention.
I'm sorry it feels angry in here to you, user.
lol but y u mad tho
You are capable of substituting all the posts of with yourself
Oh yeah, you don't have to be mad to add emphasis to something, but at first glance it seemed very goddamn angry in here.
Yea, I understand lol
The butthurt levels in this thread are off the charts.
It's from sankaku, just use the file name.
newcucks are easily upset
You are a cuck for asking us for help
Please be true. The mental image you painted is delicious.
Sure. At dinner tonight, stand up, do a Nazi salute, and scream "HEIL TRUMP! HEIL OUR PEOPLE! as loudly as you can, then flip over the table. Then sit back down and give your stepfather your best smug Pepe look. He'll start crying and your roastie mom will be between your legs giving you a handjob before you know it.
big if true
my bad, never seen it before.
fresh copypasta is still copypasta
That doesn't make any sense. If it was only just written, then it isn't copypasta.
cucks… cucks everywhere
it doesn't have to be copied from somewhere to be copypasta you fucking retard.
Literally the most retarded thing I've ever read on Holla Forums and I've been here since 2002. It wouldn't be called copypasta if it wasn't copied. It literally has "copy" in the fucking name.
kek newfag
lurk more
big if true
I am the second youngest of five siblings, we were all raised under the same roof by the same parents. The younger four of us share the same father - the oldest, however, is the product of my mummy being dicked at knifepoint by her step-uncle.
Is my dad a cuck, Holla Forums?
OP did you really come to troll central for advice on life. Personal opinion only but your stepdad isn't a cuck but likely needs sainted for sticking around to help raise your ungrateful ass. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to decide to marry a woman who already has a child.
big if true
wtf I love blacked.com now
cuck literally refers to raising someone else's child
you browsed too much Holla Forums and lost 20 iq points, go look up "cuck" in a dictionary
Raising the rape spawn of another man is the purest form of cuckoldry.
it is cuck shit, even has NTR as a tag
called your dad a cuck when you're saving this kind of shit
get fucked OP, you fucking faggot
Where did you pull that statistic out from? Your browsing habits? Served ads?
i agree, they're just a bunch of edgy 16 year olds
Did he mistreat you?
OP here. After giving him a couple of days to cool off I talked to my step dad again. I started off by giving him background on how (((society))) subtly encouraged him to be a cuck and telling him it wasn't his fault. I think it will sink in sooner or later and he will call me back but for now I'm homeless.
I'm just frustrated that he's so cucked that he can't even have a calm conversation about it. Of course my mom interjected every time I talked about her part in this which didn't help.
why is user arguing with himself?
why is OP such a fucking retard?
pic related
why the fuck are there so many mastercucks on this board?
where are all the neocucks/Nucucks at?
I feel really bad for being in a similar situation.
When I was 10 my Mom took me to some guy's house and said he was my biological father. She then told me to not tell my Father.
When I turned 18 she told him I wasn't his son and they got a divorce but he still chose to keep raising me. I feel bad because ever since then I have felt nothing towards him. I hate my Mom for what she did to him. She had cancer in her 20s so he was never able to have kids because he stayed with her. And she rewarded his loyalty by cheating on him and having a son with another man. So now I'm his only son and yet I feel no feeling for him.
I've told him numerous times to do nothing for me and to leave and go away and forget about me. I tell him again and again and he just stays and continues to help out around the house. Why doesn't he leave? Why does he stay and torment himself for being a father figure for a loser and for a cheating whore?
I feel so sad for him and what he must be feeling that the only happiness that he seems to find is by talking to a person who isn't even his son and talking to a cheating slut. We wasted 20 years of his life. 20 of his prime years that he can never get back. And yet he stays. I pity him.
I vowed to myself I would never let any woman put me in that same position. Luckily, I'm ugly and so far have yet to actually go on a date or have relations with women but my point still stands.
Being a stepdad isn't being a cuck so long as you have little siblings that were born to him. You can love a woman even if one of her kids isn't yours so long as you have children with her. It's even possible to reverse-cuck someone if your name is Dale Gribble.
Now if he didn't bang your mom/have kids with her but still helped raise you, he's a fucking cuck and you should just get out.
No excuses, faggot. If you can't afford to move out tomorrow, then you abide by their rules.
t. 23 y/o trade skill student living at home with a welfare whore mother and paying half the bills under-the-table
Your dad is Dale Gribble. Love him even if he's not your biological father, user. He's supported you even after finding out you weren't his kid. You might never love him as a father again, you might consider him a spineless faggot, but that man is your father and you have a responsibility to take care of him in his old age for the shit your whore mother did.
all me
What was your upbringing like, user? Did this man enter your life early or was his appearance a major disruption? Was he more or less strict than your mom?
I wew'd tbqh
You were being fair towards your cuck stepdad. And as you would expect from a cuck, he reacted passive aggressively, directing his anger towards the messenger (you) instead of the person that did him wrong (your mom).
This should teach you to never have mercy on a white knighting piece of shit, ever.