are italians white?
Are italians white?
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Monica Bellucci is
shes fugly tbh
No, they look like Jews.
The bosses invented the idea of "white" to keep you in chains.
they are white arabs
sure they did mohammed
North italians can be
no ya cant claim all the accomplishments of the romans ya cumskin
Who cares, wops are disgusting greasy turds. Same for just about everyone from the southern European persuasion They live too close to the niggers in africa. I think its the stink wafting north that does it. organized crime is rife in Italy, and the government is so weak that they can do nothing about it..
Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Syrians, and to a lesser extent Jordanians, are all part of the same somewhat-swarthy skinned Mediterranean breed of white.
HAHAHA! Fuck no, you subhuman nigger.
they were white in history at least, but not anymore
Some Northern Italians are White, but not all. The further South you go the more Niggers you find.
categorizing people is why they fight eachother over their masters scraps. theyre too stupid to act like anything but animals.
e certo porcodio
Yes they are, kike
some italian are kek descendant
Most italians from the south have blue or green eyes
Since melanin is predatory and also affects your iris, they're white with a tendency to be tan
Are Americans white?
Top kek.
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