What does CWC say about modern degeneration?
He began as a pathetic autist who wanted a pure waifu and to be strong. He ended up a tranny degenerate freak.
How did the Jews make CWC possible, Holla Forums? How could we have saved him?
What does CWC say about modern degeneration?
He began as a pathetic autist who wanted a pure waifu and to be strong. He ended up a tranny degenerate freak.
How did the Jews make CWC possible, Holla Forums? How could we have saved him?
He was autistic since the beginning, not everything is jews
Surely him becoming a tranny faggot degenerate is Jewish psychological shit?
In the past he would have just been a weird funny guy, in modern times the Jews make him into a fucking tranny faggot.
Seeing zog for what it is is important, but resorting to jews for any case of degeneracy isnt healthy. He was always a manchild looking for attention
Chris-chan turned tranny as a result of the SWS-wiki ex-goons goading him into it as a "salvation" from autism-virginity.
He was just an autist before the goons got to him.
I don't agree, I think he was degraded on purpose as a big FUCK YOU to southern Whites especially.
A lot of his early trolls were proto-SJWs
I regret trolling him. He might have made a great natsoc.
he's just sad
anyone who hurt him is a dick
father finger father finger where are you
here I am here I am how do you do
mommy finger mommy finger where are you
here I am here I am how do you do
brother finger brother finger where are you
here I am here I am how do you do
sister finger sister finger where are you
here I am here I am how do you do
baby finger baby finger where are you
here I am here I am how do you do
did CWC make this, user?
If he was was NatSoc he would be our ADF-Fuensalida. No thank you.
Check out the faggot on Youtube who does readings of Sonichu, I think they're called "Summer of Sonichu". He started out just reading them and cracking jokes, but now puts in disclaimers about his reasoning for not using "Christine's" pronouns and how he is "appropriating" transsexuality.
That explains everything.
That's a very old photo
At least being homeless seems to have lost him some weight.
This can't be fucking real.
Goons are the worst.
When will we purge the internet Goon?
That's where you're wrong.
what's so hard to understand
this is why balanced dose of anime is important
Jews are responsible for SJWs, SJWs are responsible for turning chris into a tranny. Now did they try to fuck him up on purpose or did their delusion make them believe they were helping him?
those girls in miniskirts gave me my first dick tingles as a kid
or was it baywatch? I can't remember
Why's he wearing mittens?