Brave Browser

I noticed there hadn't been any shilling whatsoever for this browser, so I decided I'd do it

for when I'm using normalfag browsers, I feel it's a really strong one, and I became attached to it for my main browser on kosher OS environment/normfag2.0 browsing



Mainly recommending as a good browser to use as your go-to for reading news and whatnot on basicbitch-tier GNU/Linux & Windows systems
Say what you want about it, but at least it isn't POZ'd the fuck out, but please let us know what the problems / concerns are that you have with this browser

Other urls found in this thread:

moving on...

While that's also along the lines of what I need to what I need to hear, I'd appreciate it if you'd appropriately gauge your elitefag levels for yr audience pls k thx

It's pretty good, it just needs more time to develop. Just wish it wasn't based on Chromium.

What are the major problems with Chromium (sorry I'm having to ask)..

where is the source code, Billy?
and FF can do all of this with the right extensions

Source code implicit in Chromium / github sites?

Of course it has all the extensions... omfg I wasn't saying what you were already doing wasn't already as good or betterr...

Firefox has many extensions, but that's also a problem with it. Also, if reasons #3289 thru #5894 haven't made it clear, Firefox is compromised and am throwing out alternatives, hopefully less temporary than moreso...

Please just fuck off to some other board, faggot, neither your questions nor outlook are helpful

proof? (how is that a problem)
is it some issue numbers or what?

I didn't like not being able to have much control over the script blocker. An approach like uMatrix took would be quite nice to have coded natively, although JS regular expressions are quite well optimized, so it might not achieve a significant gain.

That's pretty much true compared to NoScript's autistic level of settings, but they maybe did change the control interface since you last used it -- wheras in now, you can block individual scripts and have some level of control over how long they're blocked for if not indefinitely

Unironically demanding answers to these questions should be a huge wake-up call to you that you're such a fucking faggot that you should just die or kys now

So does Firefox.
What did he mean by this?

When will this piece of FUD die? Mozilla didn't fire Eich. They have a post on their official blog stating they didn't fire him, the media misrepresented their employees and they don't care whether or not their employees support gay marriage.

Eich, in his personal blog, has a couple of entries on his resignation. He states he quit because he didn't want to damage Mozilla's image. Nowhere but Holla Forumschan is it stated that he was fired for "wrongthink".
Their original plan (users would get 25 % of ad revenue if they decided to not block ads) was much, much better.

Okay, your post has not literal substance until you ask the stupid question: "When will this piece of FUD die?" and then go on to make quite a few retarded statements:

You're so wrong here, and you know it. Any dipshit who has a sub-GG level understanding of your tactics can read through this

You're shilling so hard.. if it ends up coming down to needing to refute all your garbage, i'll be sure to come back... see ya!

SJW are all about getting people fired dude. That's what they do.

You cannot show me that Mozilla fired Eich. Eich, the man himself says that isn't true. You are not a witness to the situation like Eich was. This is a matter of an eyewitness testimony and a unrelated stranger who was not there. I find it difficult to believe the evidence of an unrelated stranger over the evidence of a direct participant.

Says the guy shilling fucking Brave and writing like a Redditor. Nobody makes a thread about it because we have ten browser war threads up at any time and it's just Chromium with an extra layer of botnet.

If the kosher tech websites released articles saying "only alt-right Nazi pedophiles shouldn't kill themselves," would you start swigging the chemicals under your sink out of protest?

CEOs under pressure "resign" because they are forced out. It's only a layer of decorum designed as a courtesy to not harm their career.

Does watching japanese cartoons make you retarded or do retards watch japanese cartoons?

You cannot prove that this happened here when we know that the board encouraged Eich to remain as a Mozilla officer.


Get used to it. Firefox is a ded gecko. Chrome is way more performant and all future browsers will be based on chromium.

Not an argument.

If Mozilla was a "SJW" (whatever the hell that means, since every company is for inclusion), they would have fired him years before. But they didn't. They promoted him to CEO and then he remained CEO for a couple months instead of bring fired instantly.

They didn't need to issue an official statement saying that they didn't want him yo leave. But they did. Several times. They've said again and again that they didn't want him to leave, that they offered him another job at the company when he resigned, that the media overexposed the tweets of three of their employees to make it seem like they wanted him out, that those employees didn't personally know or work with Eich (basically saying that they're full of shit), etc.

If Mozilla fired Eich, why would he claim that he resigned? He has no reason not to admit it if it was true.

Except when they have a lengthy (official) blog post explaining why they didn't want him to leave.

All they had to say was "we wish him luck" or whatever, but they have a lengthy official statement.

But yes, CEOs are shuffled around for PR reasons all the time. If (and that's a big if considering everything points out that this wasn't the case) he was actually fired, then it would be the normal thing to do in that circumstance.

As a web dev, I hate Apple for making this happen. Fucking Safari is the new IE, it doesn't follow any of the standards that Chrome and Firefox do and in some cases it literally does shit backwards compared to everything else like CSS transform directions.

If it let you add your own search engines, I'd be using it full time...


So this is what it's like to be a normalfag

Get kek in here he's gonna have to kill some normies. We stand at the dawn of a new age. I will not let the normies destroy us.

so I were right, that's a genuine shitposting


While I disagree with your analysis of Eich's departure from Mozilla, the rest of these points are pretty legit

Are you for real? This kind of shit happens all the time,

Yeah, and you can't prove either that someone offering free candy to kids in a dark alley is shady as fuck, yet they are. Much isn't spoken aloud, yet everyone understands it.

Of course there are going to be a billion lines of nice talk about how they "just felt like moving on" and so on, nobody wants any drama or anything like that over the issues.

that's not a problem.
and Chromium isn't?

Does it physically hurt you being this retarded?

you're too Dunning-Kruger for the first camp yet too subhuman for the second, might as well kill yourself now

It could end up being an interesting alternative as long as it remains entirely FLOSS. We will see when it is out of beta.

Eich is probably the best person for the job on a technical level. But Chromium as an upstream is worrisome, because spying features from Chrome tend to sneak their way downstream when no one is looking. We remember the recent incident:

Also OP, if you want people to read your posts seriously you should type with some semblance of proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc.

How about talking about what actually happened: Eich was never fired from his CEO position and that the Mozilla board officially supported his role as CEO. Eich took it upon himself to resign, he was never explicitly nor implicitly fired.

Just because Brandon Eich had to leave Mozilla for donating to an anti-gay proposition campaign in California doesn't magically make him a wizard or saint. He invented the utter cancer known as Javascript and he's now trying to push even more fucking user tracking and advertising into the web and user experience with this shitty new browser. Being honest about shilling this utter fucking cancer doesn't make it right. Please kill yourself.

I dunno, I have been using PaleMoon for a few years now but Firefox-based browsers are so fucking slow. Whenever I try Chromium, EVERYTHING is so much faster and smoother, including fucking scrolling down the page.

Really want to switch to a Chrome-based browser but they all seem botnet-ish. Is Brave the least botnet browser, or am I better off with some other alternative?


Not only does Brave come with all of the standard Chrome botnet, it also has it's own third-party botnet layered on top of THAT one. Their entire business model is "we'll block everybody else's ads and replace them with our own custom tailored ads instead!". Brave is not just harmful, it's willfully and actively harmful.



Well sounds like Brave is off the table then. Is UnGoogled Chromium any decent? Does it actually "UnGoogle" it?

No because as soon as you install and run it, Chromium downloads a binary blob from Google that nobody can decrypt.

im on the same boat
firefox is slow af, and waterfox its a bit better but still much slower than chromium and brave

Dont you know Android phone devices have Chrome as default browser, idiot? Of course the number of Chrome is high.

Apparently one of the goals is to integrate Tor into it:

Pic related: reading their model, I'm not as cynical about the project as most you guys are I guess.. the browser anonymizes the data that is sent btw the browser and browser company, and you can opt out of the ads altogether, so if true, that's an infinite improvement over Google's model to invade your privacy by design. But as always it comes down to whether you trust them or not

I've always been skeptical about these re-branded browsers with built-in ad-blockers/security features. Why in the world would I choose it over just a regular browser + uBlock + uMatrix, it gives me better security, better privacy and better control without using a meme browser, there is no selling point.

Time to write a browser in C and release it as a part of the GNU Project.

More like attempt to monetize themselves out of you, check out

Brave browser is a business and the product they sell is you.

David did nothing wrong, Andy is a fucking retard and Beth is trying to just get cash

That's impossible. I'm nobody's slave.

How hard would that be, would we be writing the engine or using something that's already there ?

Honestly the hardest part is the GUI. GUI in C is a clusterfuck on every platform.

Probably JavaScript would be hard too.

I like how David's silhouette is black. Like he's evil for not wanting to deal with bullshit.

I've never bothered making GUIs in any languages, can you explain why it's shit and why it's shittier in C ?

Objects make it a lot easier
also because C is shit

You can use objects in C.

GObject is fucking bad

I was thinking about using structures.

faggot confirmed

i've spent all fucking day trying out linux browsers
i dunno, google already owns the internet. might as well openly show them what I'm browsing.

Iridium or ungoogled chromium, user. Dont just accept surveilance.

What about seamonkey?

The one complain I have about chrome and derivatives is the ability to set a proxy or similar. With firefox you have a built in interface and addons as well. I know that chrome doesn't have a built in system, and I doubt there are any addons which fix this.
Maybe someone else can suggest something?
The greatest part of firefox is that you can configure a ton of the about:config settings for security and as well install useful addons, such as uMatrix, uBlock, https-everywhere, and many others. Firefox's slow speed is indeed very irritating, but its a price I pay for more peace of mind when I browse the internet.

U are all like little babies. Check this out

stop LARPing retard

I think, it's because GUI is quiet easier to do with Object-Oriented design, something C doesn't feature. But I'm sure there's a way to make it easier even without OO.

+1 for Seamonkey, it's basically modern Firefox with a bunch of cool shit in it like email, irc, calendar, etc... for now.
Unfortunately all XUL-based projects (read: all Firefox derivatives) are going to die soon because Mocuckilla is deprecating XUL/XPCOM/Jetpack/Add-Ons completely, and all of the forked projects simply won't be able to cope with the workload of maintaining it themselves.
Firefox add-ons will be replaced with WebExtensions... they are 100% literally Chrome extensions. Many Chrome extensions are already cross-compatible with mainline Firefox.

Just use luakit2, surf, or servo and write your own extensions to it like a real man, because the only other option is Iridium. At least Iridium is on all major distros (even FreeBSD).

You mean bloat. Who the fuck wants an integrated email and calendar bullshit in their browser to begin with? What is this, AOL?

it's based on the Mozilla suite, which was based on the Netscape suite. it's designed to appeal to AOL oldfags, the difference is it's not awful and fills a niche.

[citation needed]


Nearly all the alleged "minimalist" browsers fall into that trap.

The botnet builds a profile on you and pre-loads pages before you're even finished typing into the URL/search bar. It may or may not pre-load links that you're likely to click on too. This gives people a false impression that Chrome is "faster".

Shouldn't they be using Athena?

Poor amerifags with their datacaps.

it is quite impressive, I used my sisters laptop the other day running chrome and whenever I would type a url the page loaded seemingly instantly. I've used browsers on industrial tier networks and none were even close to that fast and we were on our shit tier home network. I have to give the botnet credit tbh

Why not C++ though? or Python :^)

Because we already have Firefox anc Chromium :3


That's fucking terrifying

"But botnet," you say, "you can't do that!"

"Au contraire." says botnet. "I already have."

aside from flash games and videos, who cares?

Cyberfox, even though its gone in a year