David Brock Offers Money for New Dirt on Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video on the Republican presidential candidate will be submitted to his super PAC.

Brock, founder of the left-wing Media Matters and operator of Correct the Record super PAC, recently posted the plea on Correct the Record’s website and is referring to the project as “TrumpLeaks,” NBC News reported.

Brock asked for video or audio of Trump that has yet to be released.

Brock’s super PAC goes on to say they can offer compensation to anyone who has new video or audio that has been obtained legally.


What gender is that?


Also Insane.

No really the Clintons had to bust him out of an insane asylum to get him to work for them.

Yeah like the mainstream-media wouldnt already offer big bucks for some dirt on Trump.

It is simple, there is no more dirt on Trump. If it were, it would've already been found.


If you're not sure what gender a person is, than it's common courtesy to address this person as faggot when in a formal setting or fag when in an informal setting.

Thank you, I shall bear that in mind.

Literally admitting they have nothing

The best journalists from over 200 different media outlets from around the world couldn't find anything and they expect someone else will? Besides, it's a bad idea to get on Trump's bad side. Those guys at the Obama roast were smart not to clap at the Trump jokes and correct to roll their eyes.

correct me if im wrong, but wasn't media matters tied to Brianna Wu/Anita Sarkeesian/Zoe Quinn?
I swear I remember that name coming up

Don't associate that symbol with your gay ass gamergoy faggotry. You hear me, boy?


damn, never actually noticed that was on the back of the computer until i just posted it

This. Manchildren are not true Volk.

Polite sage because not relevant to thread. Carry on gentleman.

Normally I'd agree but after Hillary thrust herself into and literally mentioned it on her twitter, they're involved now no matter whether we like it or not. At least they can meme.

Oh fuck off, go shit on GG somewhere else. We've surpassed them by far at this point, but GG wasn't as worthless as you insinuate.

don't turn this isn't a "waaah gg is shit" "waaah gg isn't shit" thread
just answer the damn question

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

C'mon m80. Atleast type her real name

Attack helicopter

We should set this guy up, steal his money, and buy maga hats to flood some place with.

If it makes you feel better, Trump promised to do awful things to Wu and (((Quinn*))) thanks to the CON chat logs revealing the extent of their crimes and sickfuckery like pedoshit. Someone post that email reply. Also remember to email the Trump campaign and make them fucking destroy all these cultural marxists like those anti-GGers. Throw them in the worst prisons imaginable filled with the niggest of nigs.

* = Jewish name game

That Montebank Trump is no gentleman. I'm off to the coffeehouse with my scandalous pamphlets. Such intelligence as I have printed there will inflame the hearts of noble men. 'Tis but a trifle. Good day, sirs.

bullshit, don't believe it till i see proof