Got any normie friends? Redpill 'em. One minute is all it's gonna take for this one to sink in, my friends

Got any normie friends? Redpill 'em. One minute is all it's gonna take for this one to sink in, my friends.

Other urls found in this thread: shupak jewish

Hehe bumb.

I'll never get tired of the face Mika makes when she's forced to admit a truth that makes her uncomfortable. It always makes me smile.

Here's more details and a longer breakdown, seven or so minutes, back in 2008.

You better have saved the videos. Jewgle's Alphabet soup and kikegook and numerous others will scrub, hard.

Oh and post them on 4cuck and twitter.

downloaded both of these

OP here. Thanks. I can't. I've been too much of a dumbass and linked YT accounts to traceable shit. Best I can do is dump interesting stuff here and hope it gets picked up and snowballs.

How long until Joe recants this or his show is suddenly cancelled?

If these get sent to Trump and Trump tweets them, it's completely and utterly over for Hillary. She'll be Killary.

How do the press keep falling for it? Holy shit.

"We're just telling the truth." looking all guilty. THATS THEIR FUCKING JOB!

A combination of desperation limiting higher brain functions and hubris.

Well they work for one of our equivalents of Pravda, so it really isn't.

Did you see how fucking triggered Maddow was during her fucking Ode to Pepe? These people are self destructive to their very core.

I wish they would self-destruct themselves at the end of a fucking rope.

They'll be so triggered by Trump's win they'll fucking go drown themselves or something. I'm just waiting to hear about the mass commie suicides on Nov 9.


Here's an MP4 of OP's video, didn't realize it met the filesize requirement.

Link to the second video: (14.58 MB)

Mika is such a repulsive demon. She gives me the creeps.

Makes you wonder whose dick she sucked to get on tv.

Oh, yeah. Her dad is the organizer of the Trilateral Commission.

She didn't have to, her globalist father, heir to the Frankfurt School throne, paved a clear enough path already.

This would be far better if it didn't have that shitty intro.
None of my normalfag (fuck your /r9k/ "normie" bullshit) friends would even sit past two seconds of that.

normalfag implies they post on chans.
normies don't even know what the fuck a chan is.

normalfags are on chans and have jobs and girlfriends.

normies ARE the girlfriends and the co-workers.

Fucking newfags.

No it fucking doesn't.

It has always been normalfags, no need to use stroke-inducing faggot friendly terms like NORMIES REEEEEEEEE XD.

If they heard anyone say "deepest corners of the internet", then they know what a chan is; otherwise, they aren't le normies, they are rednecks or hillbillies.


Neither of you fags have a fucking clue.

Fucking septemberfags.

fuck off kid

im an oldfag i've been here since yesterday

haha, got you. I've been here all week AND I've read every log in bash.

Is it just me or does CTR HQ not pay us enough?

I only get $1.73 per post, thinking about going on strike for higher pay.

I'm still right about the normie/normalfag debate though.

This year has become a total warfare. The media isn't playing clean anymore (they were more… civil). Now the only thing they do is attack.
Compare with the Brexit aftermath. Look at how BBC and CNN reacted, outright furious. And all of those people that supported for Brexit were invited into a trap which the anchor or reporter 20 minutes bitched at the guest and continued with his/her next victim.

The same way as this webm shows. Their only goal is now trash and downplay their guest who doesn't share the same viewpoint. A declaration of war against the people. If they start hitting then hit them back twice as harder. Never show any mercy or sympathy to them.

Here's a 17 second redpill. No one would vote for Hillary after seeing this.

Very nice.

She fainted from PTSD of 9/11, she loves America that much.

Truly the savior of America, dog bless.

MSNBC: "Proof everything is nazis" template and examples


I just want to smash her face in with a sledge tbh


Here's a one hour 52 minute redpill



Look at the trending words

*actually enter "deplorable"

Let's get it back to the top

So not only did the word not exist, but even if she got the right word she's still be using it incorrectly.

Wow that bald fuck got totally reamed by that woman. Literally changed his story three times in one minute.

So I'm thinking someone with video-making skills could make a video with OP's, >>7516180's and Hillary's snapchat's spergout to further show how dishonest and crooked she is, accusing Donald of what she and her campaign did.

thank you john heilman.
heil john heilman.

58 seconds. delicious little snack, user. many can consume this much.

was this trump's plan all along?

You're not m88
t.oldfag who's been on chans for over 10 years now go fuck eat a bag of dicks.


Telling the truth is supposed to be their job. Doing the bidding of their employer is their actual job, and that means shilling for illary. That's why she looks so dejected and guilty about being forced to tell the truth. It's not what the boss wants, and worse, they were forced into it due to being outplayed by a grand master of 1488-dimensional chess.

fbi agent and ny police commissioner confirmation =/= a media report, wtf.

facebook is offering this rebuttal

Nice dude, added it to the end of this. Enjoy.

Where's that famous Holla Forums logic ITT?

Calling Obama a muslim isn't the same as birtherism.

That clip is worthless.

They spread rumors and lies…WHAT RUMORS? WHAT LIES? This video doesn't say.

This explains absolutely JACK SHIT to normalfags. Uneless you have a version of this that actually explains the topic at hand you're not red pilling anyone with this. Normal fags ARE NOT GOING TO RESEARCH THIS ON THEIR OWN. If you didn't have to spoonfeed them…then they wouldn't be normalfags.

Shit even I'm guessing what it's about (in guessing brother shit).

Get a better video…this one isn't good enough.

This is why the president made a statement after Trump's speech saying he was shocked the birther question had come up again, and that he hoped the election would reflect more serious issues than that. He was trying to signal Hillmissle and the media to shut the fuck up about it. He knew damn well she was the one who started it, which is why he didn't immediately come out and attack Trump about it specifically, like he does all the time. He was trying to signal "nothing to see here" the whole time. Makes it more ammusing how fucking stupid she and her back pocket media are. I can't wait for DOTR.

Hillary has never had to learn anything in her goddamn life, that's why she and her team keep scoring so many own goals. She never had to be persuasive to get this far, just corrupt. CTR is a perfect example of her attitude - she thinks that any problem will disappear if you just throw enough other peoples' money at it.

Just watched that, all that delicious salt over some dank memes.

while we are talking about redpilling normies, I love the new angle the Don just gave us with his 6 week maternity leave proposal. the dems just cannot attack this from any angle without it hurting them. the maternity leave is not that expensive either and help promote more children over immigration. ya can point also at this when arguing that the DON will make deals. dems will be forced to agree to it lest they appear hypocritical.

Pepe **aka KEK*" is reaching critical mass, Hillary and MSNBC just opened a pandora's box on the smug frog meme. News outlets will now be forced to echo the new narrative, which will be followed by normies discovering the meme and keking for their first time, which will be followed by parodies (South Park? Family Guy? SNL? etc) and ultimately universal knowledge of Pepe the Frog and all that his smugness stands for. Who knew back in 2005 that this innocuous cartoon feels good frog with a propensity towards shoah would eventually become enshrined in human history forever.


oh shit, whats the south park episode going to be like?

Can you repost this without the background music? Can't hear shit over it.
Need something suitable for redpilling normalfags with, not just a vid for trolls to kek at.

a bunch of kikes pretending to be on your side desperate to not hang just like every other episode.

this season's theme seems to be internet trolling, so you KNOW theyll work Pepe in at some point

Bud just use this

They underestimate the powers of meme magic and the almighty KEK.

king nigger really was born in kenya though.

Trump is just pretending that he thinks he was born in the U.S. because
1) king nigger is almost out of office, so it doesn't matter at this point
2) it makes it so hillary looks like a conspiracy theorist and trump does not
3) it might make some libshit (who knows the truth and is overzealous to prove trump wrong about something) reveal something that proves king nigger wasn't born here

Actually, not just sans background music… If you can leave out the whole Trump smiling over the wall pic and do a serious version of this, it could be yuge.


etc. etc.

Sure, the troll version is funny to us, but we can't afford to slack off on this.

It's fucking amazing to me, that somehow questioning whether or not a foreign agent is attempting to infiltrate our democratic process is now a badge of dishonor. The fucker took forever to produce his certificate, his father was a citizen of a foreign nation and he grew up in foreign nations himself, you're goddam right people should call him on it.

I'll not go even further down the rabbit hole, and point you to the sites all but proving the BC they provided was faked (He's referred to as African American on them, when back in those days it would've been "Negro") but eh, it's one of those tar babies that'll only bog you down at this point. Fuck it, he's almost out of office anyway. Seems to me whenever a candidate runs their BC should be available somewhere for anybody who wants to look at it *before* they're allowed on any ballot.

This is no longer 4D, 5D, or 20D chess, this is recursive chess that eventually develops it's own AI and plays itself.

I thought normies was just something some faggot euphimised because using the word fag triggered them

and that's how the universe was born

this image is nice too

How new are you?

fukken saved. 10/10

first pic is important. Even people deep in bullshit respond to absurdity shame

FIX THE SOUND you dumb fucking nigger. It goes from ridiculously loud to a whisper to blowing your fucking ears off again.

THe MSM is reprehensibly unbelievable. THe bigger issue is that people are still stupid enough to place their full faith in them to report the truth. I bet that the The Guardian could convince libshits into drinking bleach.


deplorable is an adjective and she just noun'd it.

Then I just verb'd noun. GRAMMAR.

>"One random news report!"

Pure coincidence!

This doesn't talk about his birth, only his religion.

CTR is going all out

If this is crazy, I don't ever wanna be sane.



This is some 1488 dimensional chess folks.

What is an adnoun.

Ok, maybe it's because I'm feeling like shit and am tired as all hell, but.

Could someone explain this to me?
What is the significance of this? For some reason I cannot process this.

Did Trump fake out the press by claiming Obongo wasn't born in the US? And then later on said he was?

Did the Clintons start the birther thing?

I really am confused here.

The thing that Hillary is trying desperately to cough out of her skull.

Clinton recently mentioned the 'racist birther movement on twitter. The Morning Joe show called her for having started it.

ty, I was lurking this thread for an actual answer.

Ah. I understand now, thank you.

We might be living in a surveillance state because ((( they ))) want control, but, ironically (or not ) we now all have surveillance devices with us at all times.

It's slightly unrelated to the topic, but I do think that the next world war will not be a brother war.
Lügenpresse is fumbling around more and more and thanks the the internet propaganda against one another is also quite hard now.

All of our countries also suffer from immigrants.

I hope justice will come to us in our lifetimes.
It might just happen.

missed commas

It's too bad nobody trained Joe on how to safely use a nail gun.

Thank you John Heilemann.

Jesus mother fucking christ…Shillbots are so beyond brainwashed that they deny what is right in front of them.
This is infuriating.

Don't get mad brother, just remember ol' uncle Yuri. Some are just so deeply dependent on the system that enslaves them that nothing you can do or say will save them. They are programmed to react to certain stimuli in a certain manner. Some people are just gonna have to take the lead pill for their own good.

Tis the power of doublethink. To forget truths, and recall them when it is convenient, then forget them when they are no longer needed.

Who the fuck is running this account? Seriously, it's like he/she wants Trrump to win.

Here's an edit where I removed some of the annoying things you pointed out, i don't have the ability to add those other things you suggested but I think I'll make a second video with them it it.

Good work user. Doing Kek's work. Looking forward to the next video. It could be YUGE.

was just thinking this in the "we got played " thread
trump had to have had something up his sleeve, talked to my gma, she's like "wull hilluhree never said that!" i do a little googling and find out nah, it was just her supporters and voters that spread it

the smug on my face was too much, i had to leave the room.

this man isn't even trying, and he's moping the fucking floor with the MSM

dubs say this bald guy was actually a full fledged jew.
WHATS HIS NAME Holla Forums?

well would you guys look at what i found shupak jewish


check em friendos


fuck you, this edit was for us not them.

there it is. undeniable proof.

I know we have said it hundreds of times by now. But that first pic captures it far better than a post, fucking 10/10 w the niglet in pic. Even a childlike nigger cannot comprehend that WE can be a threat.

Our new universe is epic.

I'm pretty sure singles was all that was required to sniff this one out. He's not very subtle. Panic is leading to some amazing errors in judgement with these fucks.

"Well, when you put it like that, it DOES sound a little weird, but I assure you…"

Don't forget that she said that the neo-nazi frog-cult is controlled by Putin.


speaking of NBC, listen to these clips from Friday:


It's ridiculous that a TV network is so biased against Trump that they don't even bother to try to be subtle about it.