photos: Actual Polish nationalist marches from recent years, this is reason to have hope!

Guys, we need to learn Polish and Hungarian and we need to do everything we can to redpill Poles and Hungarians, before it's too late! Right now they're not anti racist, they don't kneejerk freak out at the idea of White identity. We can learn Polish and/or Hungarian, move to those areas and be vocal about the fact that the places we came from are being permanently fucked by immigration.

Poland already has a national belief about itself as "The savior of Europe". Hungary is a harder nut to crack, but we can do it. Don't go full 14/88 on them too fast, but redpill them (THEY ARE INSANELY SENSITIVE ABOUT WW2). These are strong and proud White nations which have the ability to change world events.

If we can help to ignite nationalism and a desire for saving Europe/saving the White race in Hungary and Poland, we can change the world. They are not decadent and they are not liberal. We have a chance.

We need to brainstorm about how best to do this! Everyone can contribute! Go
Who's with me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Really good free courses for learning Hungarian and Polish are available here


pic=not from LOTR, actually the Hungarian parliament where the 2nd most powerful party are literally fascists

Hello Holla Forums.

You're way too keen, and your word selection doesn't fit with a normal Holla Forums user. You don't belong.

Wanting to ignite racial nationalism is bluepilled, now? What is this, bizarro/pol/?

Pole here, this is this some kind of provocation? You want racially conscious E. Europeans? Stop exporting multi kulti from the West, normalize racial perspective - that is the most crucial thing. Right now its impossible to be redpilled in E. Europe without getting hit with some kind of economic or diplomatic bullshit from the West and gorillions of dollars flooding into the pockets of (((democratic))) opposition.

Good luck with that, hahahahaha… hohohoho… HAHAHAHAH. "Learn Polish". Imagining you actually try made my day.

I agree with you fully, we're not normal westerners, we want as much as you do for racial perspectives to be normalized.

Also, "we" do not export that shit, rich western elites including Jews do. We don't have control over what they do, as the west isn't genuinely democratic as it claims to be.

isn't that just more eu-style pan-europeanism bullshit?

This looks like a thinly veiled Polish imperialism thread, riding the coattails of Hungarian basedness.

no it means the area between Russia and Western Europe proper, basically, it's a geographical term

I never said the intermarium should be a superstate, user, although an alliance couldn't be bad. Neither Russia nor Western Europe wants real nationalism to thrive.

Poland may be not quite as based as Hungary, but no nation in Europe is, not even Russia. Also reminder that jobbik believes Hungarians are part of Turan Turk brotherhood, which is fucking shit

Too late for what? It's western countries that are fucked, not Eastern Europe. Yeah, we are poor, thanks to grandpa Stalin and he's communist faggatory, but people in general hate communists and this new liberal Europe.

Stay in your fucking countries and repair them. Leave Poland the fuck alone. Your parents fucked up Europe and we don't want either of you here.

Also you sound like Holla Forums dick fart, gtfo or lurk moar.

This. Piąteczka, ziomek.

Well, someone voted for them, you know?

No, it was suppose to be cooperative union of nationalist countries that work together as far as they have common interests in what they are doing - which would be awesome.

You either Lithuanian or retarded. Possibly both.

inb4 muh prussia, subhumans, white niggers shill

I understand the realities of politics in the West. My point is there is no way you can really help Poland or Hungary while rest of Europe shits itself. Were part of the security and trade architecture of Europe and because were inland its easy to embargo us efficiently. If we become ideological enemies with the West things will become very hard for us. Unless West Europe pozzes itself to the point where we can push it's shit in, at which point enjoy being a de facto protectorate.

Its was actually an old, old Polish doctrine (Międzymorze). Now its coopted by Friedman and other US Republicans to create an additional power in the region to stop Germany from buddying up to Russia. In this incarnation it's quite naive, because it assumes I. would just remain friends with the US. I don't think it would. Poles and Hungarians can think big, we could easily allign with China and through that pacify Russia, while Germany dominates the European coast and at the end of the day nobody really has to be conflicted in Europe. I think Americans just assume they have the same street creed over here as they did in the early 90s.

Aren't Poland and Hungary already redpilled?

I mean Victor Orban is an open Ethnic Nationalist.

This thread was created by a shill, in case you didin't notice.

Eastern Europe is fucked if it doesn't learn not to follow in the same path as the west is. You guys have a good chance of that, but it has to stay. For all you know, in 20 yrs a government could begin immigration and it can start slow but become bad, fast.

Also it could be too late for the White race. Poland especially is large enough and influential enough to be a beacon of hope for the White race. The fact that my post makes you butthurt is so fucking dumb. I'm on the side of Poland continuing to exist. Yes, today Poles may be relatively based. But give it 50 yrs, are new generations of Poles all going to be just as based?

Every White nation was based as fuck 50-100 yrs ago, so realize that things can change.

So when do you take your own export back, subhuman?

Yes, somewhat, which is why it's ripe ground for even more redpilled.

They are instinctively redpilled, they are not ideologically redpilled with a sense of the need to preserve the White race and to absolutely never ever accept immigration.

We need to ring the alarm bells that the east should never follow down the west's disastrous path.

Radical nationalism has a real chance there

You negative fuck, you just hate anything that has the chance of doing something good for nationalism.

Well I mean they're not wrong in that belief.

Also, if you join them, prepare to fight for mutti merkel die Ferkel.

Another deluded retard or some amerimutt. Wars are not determined by a single battle and poles were only a part of the breaking of the siege. I would love to see them break the Turkroaches lines by themselves.

Also, they didnt do it out of the love for hwhite race. They demanded a huge amount of gold afterward. Left a real bad taste with everybody else.


No shit, but we can use that pre-existing belief to make Poland into something even greater. Right now, the leading Polish party is based but it's really fairly moderate.

The one Polish guy on here has this "fuck off foreigners we are just Poland being Poland don't bother us" attitude. That won't help them because Poland is big and strong and matters.

Poles don't have an attitude suited for their present place in world politics, they still feel, mentally, like a Soviet backwater. You can't really blame them, though.

This is because they hate Russia so much. Russia is bad, but the EU is actually just as bad

This is one of the things we need to teach Poles. We need to warn them that dealing with the EU is like making a pact with the devil.

let's try to keep the infighting to a minimum, OK?

I think we can all agree that Communism and liberalism are both vile and horrible things.

Poland developing on its own.
Nice joke. Everybody laughs.

Actually, their attitude is exactly what their amerimutt masters want. A "negro mentality" towards america, say the poles themselves.
Whatever. They will die fighting for ZOG.

Funny how they disabled the subtitles. Probably dont want to piss off their masters.

They still squat on our land which they didnt fight for and they are the biggest supporter of the genocidal EU. They can go to hell.

I am a German American and love Germany. The fact is that every White nation has a real chance of dying out now. What I'm saying is stop being so bitter. I don't blame you for being mad over past events, but Poland and Polish people actually can become a strong bulwark. Poland can become something good which can help save Europe. Poland was basically a Russian dominated backwater for 400 years.

They support the EU because it gives them money and they think it helps fend off Russia.

They don't support the EU because they are anti White cucks.

We can help teach them that the EU is evil.

Anyway, stop being so bitter, because IT'S NOT HELPING DEUTSCHLAND!

Would you fucking stop typing like a goddamn redditor?
If you did, anons might actually take you seriously.

I'm bringing a positive message about how we can help ignite nationalism to help save Europe and the White race, and that's like reddit to you?

Reddit sounds based the way you describe it.

I'm not talking about your message retard, I'm talking about the formatting. You reek of outsider and reddit, because no one who has been here for any length of time types like you do.

I actually read this site frequently and have for at least 2 yrs. I just type like I type.

What's so triggering about the way I type?

Kraut, this isn't your dojczpool. Kindly haul ass over there, where your prusserbating is welcome, you schizophrenic triator.

Just to name a few

So you are not even German nor do you speak German.

Imagine if the UN cuts up the Dixie and gives it to Mexico, who didnt even put up a fight. Try not to be bitter then, "hwite brother".

Their "basedness" is just common sense. You go to rural Germany and you can find the same "basedness" there. The problem is that the poles are subhumans and have no dignity.
Their very livelihood depends on the existence of the Anglo-Jew liberal world order post ww2.
You know why Hitler was able to be buddy buddy with both China and Japan?
Because there was no way their interests could have conflicted back then.
Similarly, real nationalism would see poland returns to being shittier than they are now. Trust the motives, not the words.

Western Europeans nationalism is the death of pooland, which has always been a negro to the best power at the time.

Again, a strong Germany means pooland will have to give back the land.
They wont allow it. You are full of shit.

They know the EU is evil, but they support it anyway.
Like I said, an inferior, undignified race. Trust the motives, not the words.

Sure thing, "brother".

You know what will save the world? You staying back oversea and Germany and actual reformed Russian empire taking care of Europe. Like back then.

Low IQ strikes again. Have you cleaned my toilet, Igor?

Also, we didnt see you in our nationalist rallies anymore. Failed to coopt it?
No surprise, you are subhumans.

Double spacing is just because I wanted to do it because it felt aesthetic. Why is that so awful? I have said both pic related and photos, both are valid. Putting ps into greentext was 100% random.

Also are you implying every single Holla Forums post has to make use of Holla Forums lingo?

Stop being so paranoid. I'm sorry if my fucking typing style annoyed you, but you're being a real bullshitter.

I made this topic because I think it's a good thing if we help to redpill Poles and Hungarians. How is that a bad thing?

I 100% agree with you but the based shit is actually in power in Poland. I understand why you're bitter. I love Germany, a lot.

Also Poland has been an important and cultured nation for a long time. Poland used to be strong, and can be again.

You're not helping Germany by railing against Poland, either.

Good luck .

They are begging for the continued existence of the EU and the creation of its army and you still call them based.
Like I said, they are not actually retarded. They know it is evil, but the EU practically feeds their shithole, thats why they WILL support it.

Sure. They can start by giving back Russia when we are also strong again and expelling all american interests out of Europe, just as we will do.

We dont "rally". We just fly the flag of out ancestors. Nice pic of the Brandenburg gate. Really encouraging us to take our homeland back again.


You will be lucky to get back even a square mile of land, let alone the old Deutsches Reich.

If anything, Germans should TRY to unite with Polish nationalism against your current evil government.

Please, stop being stupid, as though hating on Poland is going to help you, it isn't!

>be constantly assblasted that other nations dare want to survive and have to seek help from outside the region, since its dominated by two thieving nigger nations, chiefly you

Traitors in every sense. You should leave Holla Forums, you have next to nothing in common with this board.

Your what? You sure think yourselves important, huh? If you need some handjobs there are two extremities attached to the sides of your torso, you're welcome.

Only possible without transatlanticism and EU parasitism.

It's the opposite of aesthetic and the most common thing that gives redditors away when they visit Holla Forums.
You don't need to press space every 1-2 lines, pressing space every 5-7 lines is fine to prevent wall of text.
Look at this user he uses spacing correctly.
It's valid but no one here would say photos, hence my point. We weren't arguing about grammatical validity but you being an outsider and talking like an outsider.

Not overwhelmingly, but when in Rome do as the Romans do.
Chan lingo is one of our greatest strengths, normalfags cannot figure us out because of it, they have no idea what we are saying or talking about, so the use of chan lingo is highly encouraged.
It's not paranoia when actual shills visit this place as it has been proven numerous times in the past.

Rather than bad I see it as useless or pointless.
And I'm saying this as an actual Hungarian living in Hungary, most people here outside of lets say universities are conservatives or even nationalists.
It's not rare to see people wandering around wearing nationalistic or Hungarian symbols on themselves.
And about 90% of the leftists simply leave Hungary and move to America or Western Europe, they don't care for Hungary and its poverty so the scum leave while those who care about Hungary stay inside Hungary.
There is really nothing to redpill here, you can talk to 10 random Hungarians on the street and it is guaranteed that at least 1-3 of them will be aware of the Jewish problem.

Iv'e been on imageboards 9 years and i'm still a newfag.

We need to fight against EU/transatlanticism (really the same thing).

Poland already hates Russia, we just need to make them see that the EU is just as fatal as Russia.

But Poles aren't non-white subhumans, it's totally different.

People learn to double space in school, not on reddit, you dick. Also I'm not reading the rest of your stupid post.

Krautanon will probably tell you they are….

I didn't expect anything less from your quality murrican education
Remove yourself and go back to reddit

Keep posting, moron, every post just highlights what a dumbass you are

Goddamn butthurt Krauts who blame everyone else for their problems rather than taking responsibility and fixing their own shit are some of the most obnoxious people on Holla Forums.

Even if everyone wronged you if you don't take responsibility and blame yourself and your own weakness nothing is going to change.

Keep posting more, every post highlights how you don't belong here :^)

Informing common cultural standards is extremely important when it comes to weeding out subversives and outsiders even if it seems illogical and petty when only considered in the context of that instance alone.

This. It really is obnoxious. We fucking get it, Germany has been raped and humiliated by the allies and it's sad. Crying about it won't save you now.

If my message were even slightly subversive, then fine, maybe you'd have a point. But this thread is basically traditional Holla Forums: let's redpill people, let's think about how we can best go about preserving the White race.

We will see about that. The best time for the subhumans to strike and end their biggest threat, us, is right now, when Germany is weakest.

But they wont. Cucked, shitskin infested Germany still has to feed the "pure", "homogeneous" pooland, and therefore their armies too. This is the very testament to our superiority.
When we go nationalist again, it will be their end, unless they go by our term.

Of course, this is assuming you dont go over here to fight for kikes again, under the pretense of "saving Europe".

If we did to you what you did to our grandparents, there wont be any subhuman there either :^)

You sell out the integrity of Eastern Europe to NATO and you dare to say that? Like I said, an undignified, low IQ race of subhuman niggers.

Well, if you win 1 vs 1, nobody would have said anything, no? But you are just like kikes, given land by some globalist entity.
And Prussia existed there as long as you have. Only when your masters gave you the land did Prussia go under.

You are slaves to the JewSA. And you export your human garbage all over the world.

To whom? Please. Try no to be a retarded subhuman.

You know, our nationalist rallies that always somehow had poolish flags just a few years earlier?
And how you tell us no German thinks like us?

How does the truth taste, subhuman?
With us being strong and us being weak, you are still our slaves. You should just attack us right now to end your pathetic existence.

Oh please. Do tell.

How? They undercut the wages, they diluted the local genes and culture, and like the vast majority of immigrants, they ALL support liberalism.
Hwhite or not, they need to go back.

When have we ever denied that German cucks exist?
We are merely talking about what would happen when Germany is strong again.

Withdraw your occupational force and you will see some changes.

Oh please subhuman. It will be you who cry when your masters collapse and we stop feeding you.
We will do to you what you did to our grandparents.

I love Germany more than any nation, user, I'm German in my blood. You don't have to tell me Germany is great, I know it.

Diluted with how many other "hwhites"?

For once I just want to hear some good news coming from Germany.
No more kike degeneracy.
Deutschland Erwache!

Your message was not subversive but you trespassed against a cultural filter that is designed to weed them out.

The most recent news is that one judge ruled the mainstream version of the Holohoax as bullshit.
Holohoax debunking is still complete illegal in pooland. How is that?




Why do you make an /intermarium/ thread then?
That is cancer to isolate Germany and Russia from one another.

I'm pure German, by blood, brother, you don't have to tell me about the greatness of Deutschland.

It's quite possible that Trump will do that but if you ever think that if only adversity didn't exist that everything would be fine then you have already defeated yourself.

Too bad pooland is begging for the EU army. So nah.

Who still believes in this shit anyway? Must be some broken, deluded pole.

Frankly, I hate Russia too, but if they dont poke us and give Prussia back, then they can trade with us for whatever they need.

This. But no worry, the Intermarium wont exist, ever. There is no incentive too, and even if there was, it would be an economic nightmare. pooland will leach Hungary and the Balkans (whatever that is left).

Nuclear bombs are hardly just soldiers and guns, dumb dumb. And who is to say we have defeated ourselves? Funny how quick you have scraped the memory of our Berlin rally.

I meant the intermarium just as the region. It's the main area that must remain redpilled for our race to survive, imo. People were misinterpreting this as me wanting an EU/US led intermarium type superstate, which isn't the case.

I believe that both the EU/US alliance and Russia are not friendly to nationalism, so that the intermarium area must be kept (if possible) strong and independent.

I think even buying Polish and especially Hungarian products is a huge thing to do to help nationalism and say F you to globalism and mass immigration.

The EU/US elite would be extremely happy if Hungary or Poland fell, right now, make no mistake about it!

Just cautioning against a mindset i'm not making blanket claims about the German volk.

Stop being so fucking touchy.

Let me guess, you're going to go raving "MUH ETERNAL ANGLO" next?

Intermarium will happen and it will prevent your filthy german hands from claiming any territory from proud peoples.

I'm pure German in my blood.

Russia allying with Germany right now would be an alliance WITH THE ARCH LEFTWING WACKO GERMAN ELITE genius, why does that idea get you so hard?

Fair enough.

A bunch of good reads:






archive them pls

those are based websites, especially counter currents, you shouldn't worry about giving them views


sturmer fairy tales, as per usual

what is documented, however is you murdering my people by the millions, for which you take no responsibility, since a kraut only applies that concept to others

Did you create an alternative? Did Russia?

No, your only offer is to fuck us over.

Nicely describes krauts. Politically retarded idiots who can't think further than they can grasp with their orangutang hands.

You want a piece of land you don't even need so you will upturn everything, start a conflict in Europe and probably end up getting rekt again. Just because you're senseless,abysmal troglodyte.

Yeah,same entity you double teamed us with–do you even read what you write??? Ribbentrop-Molotov, ever heard of that one?

We didn't ask for the land, we didn't want that land, we wanted our land and people settled on yours' considered it garbage. 2-3 generations ago people hoped for a nuclear war so they could go back East. You talk about blood and soil but Poles actually live it.

BUT WE WILL NOT LET YOU MARGINALIZE US. We will not give you anything for nothing, you selfish piece of dog shit. The fact you don't even attempt to strike some kind of agreement first is very telling. You only care about the sense of gain and you take the course of least resistance, damning yourselves in the long run.

Its a far away patron, who doesn't have conflicting economic interests with us. On the other hand, considering kancler karte, you are actual slaves to the US.

No, I don't know. Some gestures from some nationalist group is of no interest to me, neither your pathetic little manifestations. You genuinely think people fallow that shit?

I do however know about the kraut antifa trying to disrupt our independence day.

What? Learn to read, maybe? its largely irrelevant what you think, you're not a 1st league player.

Maybe drop some truth first, idiot?

You're worthless byzanthinist idiots who'll wreck themselves again and again til you finally kill yourselves. 1000 years you festered in place, being probably more populous than the whole of Eastern Europe. You didn't do anything with it, because you're politically retarded. Now's too late, you're small. At best you're a junior partner to Russia.

mean to

Actually, brits hate you parasites more than we do. That I agree with them.

Are you my favorite slovenian subhuman? I should thank God again, not being born as a subhuman.

Except that isnt what I want, and the "ARCH LEFTWING WACKO GERMAN ELITE" will never allies or stays neutral with Russia. They are your puppets after all.

Aw, are you going to blame us for Katyn too?
Slaughtering millions.
HAH. Typical of a bunch of Holohoax propagandists.

Actually, you could have just told Hitler that we could drive freely through Danzig. Literally nothing would have happened then, at least not the way it did.
Too bad, the anglo extended 10m of red carpet, you fell for the meme. What do we expect from subhumans though?

It is "difficult" for me to grasp because my blood is one of self sufficiency and not a gibs me dats subhuman scum.

More than half of Schlesien and Pommern on are fucking forests now, thanks to you. So you dont need them either. Why dont you just pack up and let us work the land, AGAIN? You never did anyway. You even invited us LOL

Why did that happen, subhuman? THATS RIGHT!

Your own fault, subhuman.

Sure, there is no cold war now. Why dont you just pack up?

Pic related. We tried. And if you have taken notes of us, your masters, you know that we dont repeat things too often.

Of course. We are occupied. You on the other hand beg us to create a liberal army for you while you also invite the spic and nigger soldiers to station on your shithole.

Is that why you voluntarily learn German and abandon home to work here and in the UK?
Tough talk from a subhuman.

Pretty much write them as I go, Igor.

Thank you god, for making me something not a low IQ, undignified, pale skinned nigger like the tiny horde near the east.

Yet you can do NOTHING to us. Because you are like a pack of insects and cattle. We are weak yet we can still feed you and beat you.

Ranking change, but quality remains.

It sure is better than your own "manifestation" though. Ours dont beg for an EU army, subhuman.

Aw, try to type slower if you cant keep up. You are straining your smaller, inferior brain.

let's get back on topic

Krauts vs Slavs pls go

What have those german national heroes to do with the polish kike Angela Kazmierczak and a "destroy europe" clock?

To a shitpole, all Germans are bad, despite eating from our hands :^)
Dont mention that Merkel is a polish kike, the pole will bite you too

Stop infighting here. This thread isn't about Germany or your feud with Poles. Fuck off.

I will never let lies go past me, especially when it concerns me. But ok, I will leave this thread, but I will drop this first:
-shitpoles didnt save Europe, ever. The Siege of Vienna was broken by the forces of many European countries, and the war concluded many years after with German, Hungarian and Balkan blood alone.

-Subhuman poles refused Hitler's reasonable plans concerning Danzig and wonder why Hitler double teamed them temporarily with Stalin.

-If poles are so nationalist, they should vote against the EU and shouldnt beg for the formation of the EU army, which will serve the NWO liberal interests.

-They should also take back their human exports or disavow them. In the current state they are the spics of Europe.

But I know they will never do any of these. Thats why I hate them. If they were as based as they claim, I would welcome them at Prussia myself and tell them they can keep it. But they arent. They are worthless subhumans who serve the anglo-jew liberal world order.

If you want to do something OP then do it. Don't come on Holla Forums looking for approval or asking the rest of us to do it with you.

It's a legitimate question, albeit a rhetorical one, because obviously Kazmierczak isn't german at all.
Today Angela is supposedly german and the destroyer of europe and yesterday she was the proud of polish nationals or what.

Your opinion of Poles doesn't matter, troll, fuck off you're boring as fuck and no one cares what you think

They aren't just Holla Forums the nation, user, they can be more redpilled. Poland could become bluepilled, too. 100 yrs ago every European nation was based.

We want to try to make sure that doesn't happen.

She's half Polish, she's evil. No one on here likes her. Deal with it.

This thread is about how to redpill Hungary and Poland, which is a good fucking thing. Stop whining.

There's no way anything about Poland will fly on pol until mods start banning butthurt germ spammers.

As expected, nothing that I wrote, including the bit about territory gave you a pause. Brainless onanist larpers, you're worthless even to your own nation.

Kaczyński demands it because he knows its impssible and silences the euroscepticism claims at once.

The rest of your post is the usual garbage

Worse than children.

I understand that they're butthurt, but that doesn't mean they get to shit up every fucking thread about Poland with a million spergouts about WW2

Jesus Christ

And now I can start reading the thread.

Your plebbit thread was shit from the start muh heritage clappistani. How about you just stop posting and lurk more before you torment us with your newfaggotry

please ignore the dumbass infighting user, this is an important topic, despite the shitposts


You mad, mutt? You shouldnt talk like that to an actual German who lives in Germany.

You wrote that you dont want the land and it is "garbage" (Wonder why) yet you still want to cling onto it.
You are the low IQ subhuman here.

But you already are, slave. Voluntarily too.

The lowest form of European life is a polish subhumans. Pooland is like leddit in real life.
Fake, lazy, worthless, unoriginal and parasitic. Human dignity? Doesnt exist there either.

Do you even read your shit, subhuman? You are basically admitting that pooland IS the pro EU land, more so than BRD GmbH itself.
Try to spark two neurons together, Igor. You are laughable.

Who gives a fuck what you filter, retard? You are only blinding yourself.


Except it was who cried about it.
Anything wrong with stating facts now or is that only right if it is in your favor?



Hilarious. The low IQ subhuman actually thinks this means anything. It is fun doe, I admit that.
Stimulus indeed.


Why the fuck would France or Germany leave the fucking EU ? It's their puppet theatre.

Wrong. Learn to read.

Maybe because you need land to live and for strategic depth. "Lebensraum", ever heard of that? Twice as much land was taken from us, we don't promise Ukrainians death because of it, even though they actually did commit a large, savage genocide on us under your rule.

You're a spamming pissant, I think its obvious who's the subhuman here - you.

Like a nigger who thinks repeating his nonsense makes it more true.

Nope. lrn2rd r tard

Poland uses the European infrastructure that is in place instrumentally to survive. Germany could actually reshape a lot of it, but you're leftist cucks.

What facts? Some sturmer memes and crying, then some promises of genocide and unbridled butthurt. You just produce a huge volume of garbage that doesn't really engage with anyone, shouting into emptiness. Your only contribution is spam.

Ok, link to the posts where I have allegedly done this then. I'm waiting.

>well III didnt post any!

How about your buddies with ~20 replies each, huh? Don't expect me to treat you like an individual in this shitshow.

And supprting the kazimierczak thing as a valid excuse for a 80 million nation? Very classy.

Top kek m8.

Neither do germans

One notorious spammer, of which I'm not even convinced that he speaks german, is plural now? Yes, he raises a few good points, but personally I think he simply overdoes it, especially with all the 'subhuman' stuff, which ironically is pan-slavist propaganda. Czechs, poles etc. were obviously considered aryan.

Now that I read it again, I have also found that you are just as vengeful as you claim us to be.
Thanks, suhbuman.

Typical nigger mentality.

The truth hurts, especially subhumans like you.

Just like niggers.

How inferior.

>"gemany" not just taking the blame for what the elites use the eu for
lurk moar

this festival of germancancer

wut do?

hope your mama gettin nice arse fuck from donner muhamet cuck,

one day when white skin would be punished by a decapitation in your pathetic germanistan, and you will try to get to the safe place, Ill gladly shot your nuts at the border

It is a poll for the sentiment of the population.
But nice deflecting attempt. People still see that poles are the biggest supporters of the EU.
Try harder.

You changed IP already, subhuman?
Well, we were powerful enough to destroy a child fucking empire when you didnt even arrive in what is now pooland.

So? Cant a man be free? And if you love Catholicism so much you can suck the pope's dick, who kissed niggers feet.
Did you go to your church to pray for nigger rapefugees, as requested by the Vatican, Janunsz?

AND tried to fight it afterward.
Subhuman poles allied with communists and got fucked. Ironic justice.

You high, Janunsz? Have a single fact to back that up?

Hmmh, extremely simplified description of history. As few words as neurons in the brain of a polish subhuman.

You mean us? Well, ww2 was quite complicated. But I do remember that pooland was in the Allies which also included the USSR!

Thats a very sad history of pooland, indeed. And you never recovered either :^)

Actually you also offered to give back Prussia. Too bad the cold war US puppet didnt take it. Our fault actually.

multiple times a day on this board. I also took a look into the last 3 or so deutsch cesspools. Who are you trying to fool?

You want to be enemies. Okay. Now piss off, you stinkers.

Are you temporally challenged? What can't you understand about generational change? People who were forced to live somewhere=/=people who live in the same place 70+ years later. Not gonna even entertain the rest of your idiocy.

to whom? certainly not to you, cuck. You lover of arab dick, importer of noggs, slurper of mud slime

You're describing yourselves, actually. Now that's irony.


And you seem to be unable to understand it when I say we will do the same to you the same way you did our grandparents, scum.

You allied with them, on paper at least. You can eat shit.

Said the subhumans who house gypsies and are the spics of Europe.

The thing is, subhuman, we recovered, and we hire you as slaves again. Just like the last few centuries. Even our enemies consider us more valuable than you, their "allies".
Have fun being a glass crater, subhuman.

a tremendous failure stemming from german hubris and culminating in catapulting soviets into a super power status and occupation of half of the continent

and mass rape of german women and girls by some uralic mongs

Which could have been prevented had the poolish subhumans just let German drive through a city to get to another part of their country.
But the hubris of the poolish subhumans ensure that they remain slaves to their greatest enemy even at his weakest.

The tale of the polish subhuman. Now go clean my toilet.

imaginary offences make it easier for you to nigg out and take other peoples' shit, it's pretty transparent.

I can bet you you have more of them than us.

from that pat on the butt western allies gave you, not so much from warsaw pact

and mentally you're in the shitter

you're valuable to them as a cash cow and you'll alienate yourselves all over again

only a political illiterate could think that sparked the war

Germany had by then alienated themselves from the West and failed to acquire guarantees from Russia on Romanian oil fields… meaning you had to lash out at them or be blackmailed with oil

You put yourselves in that spot, whatever Poland did there'd be a world war

Well actually I dont give a single fuck about discussion with retarded kraut with, like every single one of you, ego issues.

I dont care about you and your pathetic coutry. Just dont want me or my childrens have to clean up your mess again so fuck off. Thats all.

You never clean up shit, Janunsz.
You cant even type!
Well, why dont you take your human exports back first?

Niggers stole a bike from hwhite. Niggers pass it forward.
The bike never belonged to hwhite. Poolish logic, people. Typical subhuman inferior.

Well, we sure do have alot of you, subhuman.

Yet here we are, we recover, and all rallies now have the Prussian standard.

Yet nobody will ever consider turning us into a glass crater because of how valuable we are. But you, subhumans, tsch tsch…

It sparked the war, subhuman. Thats why I said you could have changed how it happens. Never said that it was the actual geopolitic cause of the war. Can you even read, subhuman? And why havent you cleaned my toilet?

oh my god stop arguing you dumbfucks, who gives a shit

I bet you can't read german, but oh well, here are some documents.

Is Holla Forums broken again? Can't post any images.

wtf, let me post ffs

stop shitting up this thread, asshole, everyone knows all this shit, fuck off

There comes the shitposting shill, but I'll bait anyways. Thread is ruined enough as it is, so I can at least post some valuable information for the uninformed.

Not true. Judaism and Islam did.
Romans did by far more harm to germans than the other way around.

They were screwing the people resulting even in the madness of celibacy and burnings scholars and healing women. Today it's pozzed by the current year pope. Catholicism was a tool of genocide from the start.

Won't let me post the other half.

Marx was a jew, as were most commie revolutionizer.

Anglos('equality of powers') and jews

Not our fault Jozef Beck and Rydz-Smigly were retarded and poles slaughtered germans by the thousands.

You faggots don't stop I'm going to do the same to you in your containment thread… indefinitely.

I don't care for this particular thread, but your general attitude on the board is gas-worthy.

good idea,

We should shit up their thread if they dishonor our awesome thread

Thank you for taking my side, user

You are pathetic.

don't be so perky about it… it's nothing to write home about.

you have no sense of humor

It actually is, but I was being sarcastic, anyway. Not my fault you have no taste.

okey dokey

First pic:



Go ahead then. Though I suspect you are also too incompetent for that.

Whatever you say, user, you're too smart for me.

All talk and no walk. Typical polish subhuman.

Why do you insist on spamming a thread with off content shit? Reported

There are pictures in the very video I posted.

I could name a few books, but they are german language.

Calling someone a subhuman and spamming gibberish requires no competence, as germans presented so gracelessly itt

Do you have some depicting german skin lampshades or soap? did poles shove 24 inches of wood up ypur opa's ass too?

funny that


Do you have some depicting polish skin lampshades or soap? did poles shove 24 inches of wood up ypur opa's ass too?


Do you have some depicting polish skin lampshades or soap? did germans shove 24 inches of wood up ypur opa's ass too?

Reborted XDDDD

And now the subhuman has given up. As you can see, folks.

Anyway, I will summarize this again:
-Subhuman poles never saved Europe. The Sieg of Vienna consisted of many countries. The war was ended without the poles.

-They refused diplomatic solution regarding Danzig and were promptly retaliated.

-poles are the most pro EU bunch
-They also beg merkel to create an EU army, to fight euroeskepticism claims
-Why? Because they are subhumans. They need gibs to survive.

-poles are also the spics of Europe and completely drop ethnic nationalism when people bring up this problem. They cry about racism at that point.

you can look up polish causalities on Wikipedia, kiddo. Real people, unlike your phantoms. :^)

You mean after the USSR right, subhuman? Didnt you also say you moved to our land then.
Oh wait, in your tiny brain , we did Katyn, not the Russians.

Be glad the jews left, or were they your brethren after all? :^)



have fun

have fun getting banned you subhuman spammer trash



This is the most damning evidence I could have had hoped for. subhuman poles basically admit they believe in the holohoax.

You will be glad to hear that one of our judges have ruled that the official narrative is bullshit. Soon there will be more like him.
And yet, here you are, posting an official narrative.

Fucking subhumans.

Im so scared. They would ban your little "hwhite" "brothers" first for trying to shove the Holohoax down our throat like right here, Kevin.

Dont try to debunk the Holohoax. Just post recent articles about how we are refuting the Holohoax and get away with it.

you'd never win vs turks, austrains didn't even face ottomans in the field w/o hungarian cavalry, you were that much inadequate

Poles were the only reason you and your fleeing coward emperor didn't lose

i.e. desperate Adolf had to start the war because he lit a fire under his ass.

Actually tried to get Polish SUBHUMONZ on his side, got asshurt Beck refused taking part in his futile war against everyone else

Danzig didn't even matter, it was a free city with it's own nazi party, people lived there as they pleased and could ferry their ass over to Germany and back anytime.

how many krauts would be pro if they actually got money outof it?

The difference is Poles will turn away the moment they have to pay to keep this circus running.

PiS has its own conception of EU. I don't see why we owe you anything in relation to this issue. Were enemies, remember you numpty?

Gdp growth was faster here before EU

Germans suck brown dick and don't ever mention nationalism or get fined to high hell by their cuck govt

Polish proles go earn some cash West. Boo fucking hoo.

I'm talking about ethnic Poles, not Polish citizens, Helmut.

Who ended the war then, subhuman? You?
The polish brain, folks. How subhuman.


But you dont, subhumans. Thats the point. You are niggers on gibs me dats.

Then why does PISS beg merkel for an EU army?
The subhuman cant even bant its way out of this. Funny.

Sure, leave it. Oh wait.

Oh really, subhumans? You sure? The next rally we will have Ostdeutsche talk about our lost land then. See how you will cry for your masters.

It means that you are a nation of hypocritical, inferior subhumans. Also poolish whores fuck niggers in Germany and the UK. How quaint.

Do you have a single fact to back your claim, subhuman? Not even Kikepedia mentions it.

You guys realize we're just going to ignore you and keep doing what we were doing, right? That's an awful lot of effort for zero results.

They've ruined my thread

This is why I fucking hate this fucking board now, every thread gets shitted up by fucking spammers with their own agenda

Everyone is off topic.4pol may be less based but at least it's on fucking topic, more, people use this fucking site as their blog

I'm so done

will you niggers never fucking learn to use the FILTER function? The reason these threads always go nowhere is not because of the shills, but because of you stupid niggers always replying to them rather than filtering and moving on.

well, my relative was death camp survivior and I would rather belive him than some guy in the US that propobly never even visit it turistically

Yes, just go back to the subplebbit from whence you came.

Basically everyone in Europe speaks english, they can just come here. The Hungarians already built a fucking wall and they have redpill politicians who last I checked told the Rothschild banks to go fuck themselves.

My post was entirely on-topic considering how the shills dropped in here to D&C against poles. One pro-polish shill, one anti-polish shill, and the whole thread gets derailed. Meanwhile I'm still doing my 9000 hours in mspaint with the next pepe that's going to get broadcast worldwide.

this is literally the only thing you can say, fucker, you're pathetic, kys

It's fine for you to learn the language, but you could probably shitpost pepes in Polish and Hungarian youtube channels with equally good results.

Enforcement of rules on this board is fucking lax, all I'm saying, this kind of spammy bullshit should be removed promptly by mods and the offenders should get bans

This is an anarchic board and not suited to actually discussing anything

Fuck off burgers, no one wants your mystery meat, fix your own shit and stop meddling into affairs of others.

Fuck off germancuck, what has my country ever done to yours?

Jews have been able to have such a trans-formative effect on the west because they know our language and they act like one of us.

If redpilled anons actually inserted themselves balls deep into those societies and taught nationalism and warned about what's happening in the west, we could potentially have a good effect

Right because us supporting nationalism's growth in your country is totally gonna be horrible for you, right?

Jesus Chirst, user, stop being an idiot.

How can american mongrels that are mixed with god knows what add to nationalism's growth in my country? Only my people can support growth of nationalism in my country. Support growth of nationalism in your own.


Hope you all get permabanned, disgusting kikes.

Holy shit you're a Magyar, idiot, Magyars are a mix of Slavs and all kinds of other shit. You're not pure. Why are you hating us, faggot?

Hate the west in general, but we are your friends. We actually want Hungary to survive. THERE ARE FUCKING TONS OF WESTERNERS TRYING TO GET HUNGARIANS TO BE CUCKED ANTI RACISTS

Hate them, don't hate us. Christ.

Which means he had to go hungry or what? Meanwhile one great uncles of mine was skin and bones after Rheinwiesen camps when they even had enough food to supply if they had wanted to.
Another died after the war as a slave in judeo-bolshevist gulag.
A friend of my grandfather was the only survivor as a child of his family when they were expelled from the east. Poles slaughtered his whole family while they were fleeing.

German casualties total over 20 million until 1955 in a war, which Poland and England started when there was a mutual genocidal threat with the judeo-bolshevists, who already murdered countless of christian ukrainians and other people. The whole of europe would have become red if not for national socialist martyrdom. Try to regenerate after this then.

What does your graph prove? A couple of jews? You should be grateful for not having those shits in your country anymore. Who knows how many poles really died, why and by whom. Looks like polish population grew quite a lot compared to the rest of europe.


is this really what do they teach u on history lectures?

I don't hate you or the west you dumb fucking faggot, I want you to fix your own shit and stop sticking your greasy fat fingers into affairs of others.
You don't understand Europe at all and you never will, your picture of Europe is abstract shit that was fed to you by ziowood and nothing more.
I'm sick of burger nationalists like you trying to shill your burger ideas in Europe. Richard Spencer got thrown in prison in hungary for being a burger faggot who knew nothing about history of Hungary and Russia and he's still shilling for his version of "nationalist" EU that will never ever happen.

There is no such thing as an ethnic slav, because it's a language group. It's a pan-slavist meme. Czechs aren't any more related to poles than they are to germans. With balkan people and russians for example it makes even less sense.
Do french, italians and spanish roam around speaking of themselves and being called as romanes or some shit like that. Nope. Germans call themselves Deutsche. So germans, brits and scandinavians don't speak of germanes or germanics casually either.

I fear that it is hard to get out of people's head at this point, however.

Many jews died during WW2, but most went to Palestine after the war.

No. The difference between you and me is that I don't rely on some made up victor history taught in school.


The problem with Eastern Europe is not a lack of redpills, commonsense is normal there its the westerners that have a lack of commonsense they need the pill.

The problem is simply the economic gap between the west and east. Look at East Germany the gap even within one country is still prevalent today. It might take centuries for capital formation to bring the east and west to converge incomes.

I think its a miracle that there is resistance in east europe to dumb policies from the west, you would think that with the gap in economic power eastern europe would have no chance whatsoever.

I think that there's a real chance that Eastern Europe getting richer right now will just make them more open to cucking.

Their current commonsense is just poor people's stubborn resistance

They aren't as redpilled as the typical guy who browses Holla Forums, either.

I think that the message of "Hey guys, your nations are special, we come from the west, don't allow your special nations to get fucked like the west" is a powerful message.

They are already being influenced by Soros and co to become more cucked, let's influence them to become more /based/

I agree that numbers of jewish death toll are exaggerated for few milions but the fact is that genocide did happen, not only against kikes (I would not mind), but also against white decent people.
Gas chambers, crematoria, mass graves and genocide are facts. There are still (last of them) living people that survived death camps and claim so with no intrest in hoax whatsoever.

Also, it was 3 mln jews in Poland at the day war started. Look at movies from ex. prewar warsaw. It was fulll of kikes. Kikes were part of society, some of them were famous artist , actors, layers etc. Tell me then, what have happend to those every single famous kike actor if he wasnt killed in death camp? What have happend to those regular kike society in Poland? Yeah sure, Germans put them on ships and let them go to Palestine and they happily lived undercovered till they dies due to olderness.

the nose goes where the shekels goes

This is literally the apex of autism.

Thats true becuase people in the west and the east have the same IQ you would expect growth rates to converge, simple economics however like I said with east Germany it might take to long,

My observations leads me to believe that people in the east are normal, I dont even think Soros has any influence there. Take for example Poland were the news was literally propaganda tier and it seams to have little effect.

History thaught them all they need to now, my brother just came back from Slovakia, don't assume that just becuase the west is suicidal the east willl make the same mistake.

For lice, yes.

Gotta burn those typhus victims etc., unlike soviet savages.

Not how you want to portray it. It was war after all. Blame Churchill, Beck, Rydz-Smigly, partisans and judeo-bolshevists. There was no deliberate policy of genocide against poles from Germany, however.

They were shipped to palestine after WW2 or what do you think how that jew state of Israel came about?

The subhumans just dont give up.

god so many spelling mistakes sorry it's very late here


Reminder for all lurkers that the subhuman poles are the second biggest Holohoax propagandists as evidence by this thread.
They are literally trying to revive the myth of the gaschambers and magic ovens.
Red pilled my ass.

Nice trips, but my country is not geographically on the balkans and we're not olive skinned. Just another example of not having a clue about European countries. If we're speaking genetically, we're a lot closer to Austrians than the rest of ex-Yugoslavian countries.


in the part of america I live, this is considered swarthy. I know all about the magyars and avars and how charlemange wanted to exterminate you all as non-white scum and how the austrian march was set up to keep asiatic horse-scum from invading western europe. I also know how euroniggers love to muh ancient stone castle in place of having any argument

Germany used them for forced labour. Why would they intentionally reduce their industrial output during total war?
It's true many people (and few Jews) died in the camps, but there's no evidence it was intentional (except for a few Jews claiming they were in twenty camps and managed to jump off the holocoaster because it run out of gas, but come on that's fantasy)..



This just further proves how clueless you are.

Hahaha, yeah, that's why obvious spics are often referred to as hwhite in your country. Keep dreaming burger, I'll side with Hungarian everyday over a clueless burger. Enjoy your 60% hwhite ZOG central.

daily reminder that if you don't speak an indo-european language you are european, you are an invader that charlemange fucked up by not exterminating like the Avars

*are not euro-nigger sorry my auto-jew is fuckie

you are just as much a part of the problem as the euro-niggers that listen to rap if you are so into the muh mongol purity that you think that all americana is cancer

lad i use genetics to keep those 1% yidders out

Now I understand their fascination with subhuman like the poles. They are equally inferior and retarded. At least poles are still pure though, I give them that.

Funny how you are trying to derail the thread to cover for the shitpole who is literally claiming the gas chambers were used as the official narrative claims.


shouldn't you be prepping cenk so he can breed your mother hansel?


this entire thread is a shitflinging contest lad its D&C the thread whats to derail?

proud of my ancestors faggot. your retarded gov't shouldn't have declared war on us the day we were attacked while at the same time trying to defeat the soviet union. only an out-of-touch german romantic would fight the worlds two preeminent military superpowers at the same time

And I see that my lil fact bombs have triggered you. Have some more, mutt.

It is another based pooland drivel, m88. You should know better.

Then why did you shoot our ships and captured them before the war, mud?
You really think I will let you slip away like that?

Do you really still think I'm Hungarian or just acting retarded?

Never said that, what I'm arguing against is clueless burgers like you meddling in affairs of European countries. You have your own country to fix, do you see any, I don't know, Frenchfag making a thread about how to fix burgerlands? No you don't.

we invited turkey into nato so we could put pershing missles near trebizond. you germans invited them into your mothers pussy so she could know a real man

why did you torpedo ships that were neutral and let everyone drown like huge faggots?

Actually, Gastarbeiter was your ideas.
So subhuman mutts are responsible for shitskins in Europe, again.

When did that happen, subhumans? Your ships were freely supplying the communists before the declaration of war.
Maybe it is time for you to lay out some supports for your claims, subhuman.

if you've spent anytime on this board, you'd know that euro-niggers have been constantly involving themselves in our election. they continuously unveil themselves by their ignorance of the constitution and their oriental assumptions regarding presidential powers. every single thread on the american election features shitloads of euro-niggers with zero knowledge of american politics and zero knowledge of american history. I can recall a retarded swede claiming how the entire american rustbelt should just be bulldozed, etc. he got super butt flustered when he was reminded of his ignorance. his natural response was

Oopsie. Looks like hard facts shut the subhumans up, again.

I literally don't give a fuck that your race of pussies loves to fuck turks and niggers

Dont ignore me, my dear subhuman mutt. Are you feeling sore from being BTFO?
It is quite difficult to argue against hard facts, no?

Typical low IQ subhuman half breed.

retarded euro-nigger needs more HE dropped on his hydrocephalic family of autistic half-turks

Trips and dubs. Untermenschen are so BTFO today. First the holohoax believing subhuman poles, now the low IQ mutt from JewSA. Beautiful. Thank you Wotan and Führer.

hurr durr im a le dumb stupid american hurr durr

You forget about this already, subhuman?


you forgetting that this included food?

stop using anglo memes as if english was your first language you faggot, you don't even know the proper colloquial usage for that meme

Been here since the first exodus, never seen anything like that or just wasn't paying attention. It's still different than burgers making a fucking thread about "lets fix yurop guise", "let me tell you about this hwhite country guise".

I never knew we would agree on something ITT user.

And weapons, and ammo, and tanks, and planes…
But you are right, food is also an important part of war.

I dont give a fuck, subhuman. I do what I want.
Nice deflecting attempt though. Lets see what your tiny brain can come up next.

its an english language board based around american culture you idiot, go to some board thats written in steppe monkey language and you'll be completely free of americans wanting to learn about other countries and talking about them from their perspective
oh wait thats right none of you have freedom of speech

Pic related.

Also, you still havent done anything to support your claims against these.

Why are you such a retarded half breed? I pity you.


How many people fron Dresden can you fit in a Mini Cooper?
About 25000 if you've got a shovel.

Look people, clueless burger still thinks I'm Hungarian. My language is much older than your simplified version of English btw.

Lel, that's not your safe space burger, go to >>>/tumblr/ for that.

literally every time

What a poor meme. People over here dont give a fuck about ashes. Digging a grave, yeah, but ashes?
This just shows us how buttblasted you are you cant even meme anymore, subhuman.

And you still havent supported any of your claim. Not like it is possible any way.

Stone Castles = one part of our culture. You are so fucking worthless, you have nothing.

daily reminder that the m1a1 abrams is the single greatest tank ever made

arent they just upgraded crusader tanks?

chill your autism hansel you might wake up cenk and he will come and beat you up for waking him from his post sex nap


No turk around here, subhuman. Unlike your subhuman kind, many of us still prefer to live somewhere clean and idyllic.

sorry im not an expert on yank armaments
as a non-military non-yank its not high on my list of priorities

oh you mean that you euro-niggers are actually going to start growing your own food again?

I can't wait to learn even more about the Armata.

dont forget the occasional diy tank reminiscent of the sherman
looks like a tractor and a ute with steel plates riveted on

its just a a t-62 with more ERA tbh
I can't wait until america goes full isolationist and all the eurocucks are screaming help help and we will just pic related

kangaroo nigger detected

this is now an austrailian burnout versus american burnout thread
global D&C nigga

We always have, subhumans. You high? Are you going to make another claim you cant support?

literally none of us will be like this
we dont want NATO funding and we dont like ZOGamerica dictating commie policy to us because of the NATO funding

we shall see


Me too, Europe would be a much much better place without you.

fucking euroniggers ITT

america can claim to be strong when they win a war without help ever

can't wait to get all my taxes back instead of having them spent providing munitions to euroniggers so they can bomb libya and allow niggers to zerg rush them so they can blame it on americans

pretty sure alliances are a natural part of winning wars idiot

probably why you've never won a war

The next USA tank will be just a newer version of the Abrams. It will have

The T-72, and completely outdated tank had:

america has lost every single war they've ever been in when it was them vs someone else one on one, think about it for a bit its true

won more than you rebel

wasnt bombing libya americas idea? because Gadaffi and his new gold dinar and opening up libyas oil to china?
and flooding europe with niggers? Austrian intelligence literally traced funding to nigger people smugglers back to the CIA
explain that lad

there won't be a next abrams idiot, we will just re-tool it forever, just like how b-52s will being flying arclight strikes off the shoulder of orion shooting C-beams into the infinite night 10k years from now

typical euro-nigger

Hey! America beat America in the war of independence.

Dont forget that victory.

with help from Spain, France and the Dutch Republic

you'd call that winning would you

no we defeated the british only with the help of the french. the idea of "fighting a war on your own" is fucking stupid childish euronigger bullshit. war is a continuation of politics, you need a diplomatic solution after the fighting. the fact that germans forgot clausewitz on the strategic level during ww2 is why they are so resentful today. and the euro-nigger idiot ITT who want to bronze age sheep stealing LARP about war are cringe

out with the old in with the new is exactly how the commies think lad

enjoy remaining irrelevant with your Trad larping faggot. nobody gives a fuck about eastern euronigger chest thumping. go march some tanks around a building and post picks of roid/synthol faggots some more and then come crying when they are a pile of gore on the floor because somebody else has a proper alliance

Burgers are at least 40 years behind Russian tech.

second gen idiot

The T-54 is first gen, the T-62 and T-72 are second gen, the T-80 and T-90 are third gen. The Abrams isn't the very first MBT of the world.

its the only MBT thats relevant though

It's an oversized piece of shit.

Kek, clueless burger is clueless.

Of the two guys fighting ITT, which one you think is the jew?

probably both tbh. fampay
jebać ich

abrams is in its A2 variation idiot

daily reminder that america is for anglo-saxons and northern euros who assimilate to anglo-saxon ideals all wogs can fuck off

the tank just has big bones

The (((USA))) wants:


Geopolitical Journey, Part 2: Borderlands, Stratfor, by George Friedman



Love this thread lads

The one who argues the Holohoax happened according to the official story with gas chambers and magic ovens.

How anti-semitic of you goy.

Learn to accept jewish culture, if it's real in their mind you better say it's real you schlock!

Croat here, the hambeast of our president signing that paper is buddies with a Jewish political patron (also the producer of the Schindler's List) Branko Lustig and she's also close with Hillary Clinton. As much as I'd like to have a strong alliance with other civilized folk in Europe, it would be for the best that we have cuckservatives like her removed from such projects.

I know you Brits are salty because you got fucked by immigrants but blaming Poles for all your problems is childish. At least they are christian not like Pakis that bring the muslim disease.

At least they are christian
Literally who gives a shit?

They literally just did force the anglos to continue their EU projekt
They are a race of ignorant, stupid, underdeveloped, lazy, ingrate, stinky subhumans. They also sided with the Allies in ww2. They believe in the holohoax as they benefit from it. Even Germany recently let a Holohoax refuter walks free, yet pooland doesn't!
Think about that!