Is this still true?

Is this still true?
I don't know how to feel about this pro life shit..
Trump better not fuck with abortion clinics.
We need to kill as many babies as possible!

some seriously low effort bait, moishe

Pro-Life is a code word for Anti-White

Planned Parenthood has killed millions of niglets and beaner larvae
Without planned parenthood the US would be worse than Brazil now

Pro-Life Cucks BTFO

Ayy lmao


Moral cucks are the reason why South Africa and Rhodesia fell

What is the justification for white nationalism if it's not morals?

You're doing it very, very wrong.


Anything else, including "morals" and "religion" are just secondary
Do you think the kikes care about morals?

Niggers aren't going to be able to have as many children and leech off the system with Trump's child care reforms anyway.

Why is the surviving of your race so important if it doesn't benefit you or is a moral act?

The way i see it or you act inmorally for your own benefit or morally for the benefit of other people


What's the basics of his childcare policy?
I'm not american so my opinion doesn't matter but I'd be torn between pro-life/choice if I was living there. Pro-life means the black population grows even faster than what it currently is, pro-choice curbs the black population a little but devastates an already low white birthrate.

Whites aren't losing the demographics battle to niggers you fucking retard. Niggers control their own population through murder, imprisonment, and abandonment. They have been doing so for decades.

Whites are losing to spics, mudslimes, and Asians, but kikes keep pushing the nigger red herring out as if that's our demographic crisis. Planned Parenthood has killed millions of white babies all across the US.

Take a look at South Africa or Zimbabwe and see how the white race losing political power and being outnumbered has benefited the individual white person.


Once the welfare faucet is turned off they will simply form favelas and breed like vermin

The whole focus on moral cuckery is directly related to the downfall of western civilization
Either you survive or you get eradicated, there is no "morality"

Read the post nigger, Margaret Sanger herself said that shitskins are weeds
A few whites might end up being aborted, but in the end there is a net benefit

Are you dense? Without PP America wouldnt be 60% white, it would be 20% white, even with the millions of whites that wouldnt have been killed by PP. You would have King Nigger VI in the now called black house, your entire congress would be nigs, same with the senate. Your fucking country would be an African hell hole like Liberia.

This is what happens when you introduce large groups of r-type breeders into K-selected societies. The end up taking over and destroying the system. PP did its part. So whites have 2 children? Nice work, see how that works out when Niggers have 7 to 9.

If moral cucks hadn't complained we could have started culling the spics decades ago
What matters not is how many white babies Planned Parenthood has killed, what matters is the percentage

Without PP the US would be overrun with beaners and niggers

It doesn't work like that, it's about fertility rates

Without abortion we'd have 50-100% more niggers and spics than we have right now
America would have been lost two decades ago

If planned parenthood is defunded that means the end of America

It doesn't matter if we ban immigration or get our wall
Without PP it's over

"All those unlike us must be destroyed"

I never fucking understood these comparison charts. People think they're making an informed decision and believe the politican would do what their plan says.

If you want to be informed about what a politician might do, look at their donors. That will give you a realistic view of what is enacted once in office.

In addition, since Trump is funded entirely by his own funds and citizen donations, he only has one thing in his way of doing what he says he will: Mossad.

This causes the population to drop you fucking assclown.

We'll have ways to increase that i.e. paid maternity leave (white women are 75% of the working women)
But all of that is useless when Juan and Laquisha poop out 7 shitskins.

What are you on about, niggerlover? You think whites can sustain a breeding contest with niggers and muds?

The core difference between white and nigger/mud families is that whites get less children so these children can have more ressources to achieve the best and build a future that is better than those of their parents.

Its not mindless having children for the sake of it, it is having children that actually make a difference.

It would be of absolutely no help if white people would start breeding the same way niggers do. We couldnt make sure that these children become a better future. There would just be more unemployeable masses of whites, yet still a drop in a see of niggers and muds.

Racial superiority isnt gained by numbers.

My god, you're dumber than he is