Kirsten Dunst and Sofia Coppola on Hollywood Sexism

Feminists love distorting interviews to make it appear that X and Y celebrities are speaking in feminist terms and demonizing men, while the quotes contain nothing of it.

They used to do it to create drama and distort into polemical statements, but now they do it to peddle their religion.

There's nothing wrong with anything said in this interview.

Elitist Liberals won't ever dim lamposts with their hanging corpses, but they really should.

Aren't her movies about "woe is me I'm a poor rich white woman I'm so oppressed."?

Sofia Coppola

The Bling Ring - $5,845,732
Somewhere - $1,785,645
Marie Antoinette - $15,962,471
Lost in Translation - $44,585,453
The Virgin Suicides - $4,906,229

Lifetime Gross Total (5): $73,085,530
Average: $14,617,106

Bitch is lucky studios even let her on set. Dunst at least provided some decent fapping material in her prime.

Does Bigelow rank much higher in gross? Who is the top earner with a vagina?

Kathryn Bigelow

Lifetime Gross Total (8): $210,781,605
Average: $26,347,701

The highest grossing film ever directed by a woman solo is…"Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel at $219.6 million


And I never seen a single movie made by her.


There doesn't seem to be much sexist going on here. Just a nice story about the friendship of two actresses.

Dunst was great in Fargo season 2.
Coppola hasn't done a decent movie since Lost in translation, or before that.

I agree. She really sold her role of a retarded, slightly autistic criminal really well.

Is Sofia Coppola deaf or retarded or something? There was something really weird with the way she talked in the Godfather Part III. Even amateur actors don't speak that poorly.

Her movies are just really bland.

No, she's just a woman.



That accent, is that supposed to be Canadian?

Be gone, plebeian. Your kind is not welcome.

lmao gtfo nerd


the world is sexist but these rich liberals don't care, same as the conservatives they demonize. they get rich off articles like this, whining but never solving the problem.

I liked Virgin Suicide and Lost in Translation, but this bitch is far too vain, stupid and ignorant. Was anybody in her circle of friends and family ever told her that she sucked? This cunt does not know a good story when she found one.

Marie Antoinette is an interesting story. A spoiled princess and queen living in wealth and a bubble all her life, not knowing the suffering of the people. In one year, her son died and her entire world shattered. Everything she did to save her family made their situation far worse and more hated to the point that her husband was killed. From hearing flattering for decades, then hear the curses and hatred and the shouts for her execution. That is a good character study written by itself.

What does this bitch do with it? Marie didn't anything wrong, it was all the men fault. She is a boring woman, sympathize with shots of her being bored, forget those starving wives and children outside, they were just dont understand her. No one understand her, see how she partied, cucked her her husband because she is bored. Sympathize with that, do not judge her. It was not the worse historical revisionist I have seen, but it is the most boring.

Someone should have stop her and told her that spoiled rich women being bored are fucking uninteresting without any plot developments. There are millions of interesting stories in the world and hollywood allowed this bitch chose her boring life story to tell, and tell them in a boring and vain way. The worse part is that film sites and cultures liked to promote her just to lecture the world about female oppression everytime she made a movie while there is other genuine female directors that they could promote and stop the lecturing.

Good goy

top kek, it kinda looks like Dunst's hand goes into her pocket and through the dress to rest on the other woman's hip.

It's true, dunst's teeth were cute


No the bling ring is the exact opposite of that and its pure kino


Did Dunst play a chipette?

Thats not that bad.