Am I wrong? Why shouldnt pajeets be genocided?
India, filled to the brim with filth ridden pajeets
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India is a complete (literal) shithole, but there is still hope for them:
Fuck, meant to put this on Holla Forums
Yeah, I thought this looked more like a Holla Forums thread.
That being said, the population issue does have primarily economic roots, especially in communities that historically lived on agricultural or physical labor, where the collective income of more family members meant higher suitability for that family unit overall. Expand that nationwide and compound it by multiple generations, and obviously you begin running into problems. That's not even touching on educational problems and incentives NOT to develop in the post-colonial era, leading to the often cited horrific sanitation and infrastructural problems.
What the fuck are you talking about. Just stop having kids.
Pajeet detected. Go back to your country and start building loos if you care so much.
Oh wait, you won't.
literally the only place with common toilet usage in India is communist Kerala
It has more to do with the fact that, much like in pre and early industrial societies, more children is actually an advantage beyond simply a higher chance of SOME children surviving to adulthood. When most kids are put to work either in the fields or for wages from a relatively young age, when one takes into account the resources that are shared among the whole family unit (ie housing, most basic and daily living tools, etc) versus those being only used/consumed by a single individual (ie food, water, etc), it is often more economically productive to have more children, as the money those children bring in outweighs the cost of raising them. When you're in a situation where both the family unit and individuals in that family unit are struggling to makes ends meat, such economic intensives become necessity as a matter of survival.
One must also consider the fact that contraceptives are simply not that widespread in their availability in India. The demographics that are most likely to have many children are, unsurprisingly, those who have the least access to those resources.
Additionally, part of the ongoing sanitation issue is that many populated areas in India still essentially exist as they had 100+ years ago. That's not to say no development has been happening, but most of it is concentrated in large and luxurious financial centers in the biggest cities of the country. These places receive most if not all of the amenities one would expect from an industrialized Western city, but this concentration of resources is at the sacrifice of the country outside these areas. That's why when places like Kerala (>>751586) take steps to disseminate capital across a larger population base, you start to see living standards begin to rise to what we'd expect them to be. Essentially, the poo cannot be taken to the loo the capitalist class withholds the resources to build and maintain said loos. It has nothing to do with the "white man" or any such outrageous strawman claims.
Fine, that does make some sense, I suppose. As long as we can agree it is their fault for being not able to develop. I'm surprised you took all that time to reply, tbh. Can't really debate with you past here, though, since I don't know enough
free will is a religous viewpoint
societal factors influence pop growth
it's up to society to influence the populaton to accept pop control and if freewill exists,than being properly informed can aid in people making wise decisions
What India needs is full communism. The areas of India that had a communist party in power are vastly improved
Nonsense, India is shit because their rulers are US backed neoliberal trash, there is no money for infrastructure.
When China finally fully converts to an internal economy which they're doing right now you're gonna beg the indians to make your cheap nazi flags instead.
hoo boy
Existentialists out.
Believe in yourself.
this is a stupid argument to have, humans are active agents, whether or not our actions are determined, we must operate as if they are not if we are to get anything done.
Yeah, whatever you say Pascal.