24MB ram edition
Nice bloat, faggot.
24MB ram edition
Nice bloat, faggot.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gentoo is truly the patrician master race of GNU + Linux. Good thread, excellent taste.
I'm too lazy to swap udev with mdev on my nintendo wii otherwise i'd make a post.
I'm considering trying to use gentoo again, but by the time I have figured out how use flags work and why I can never seem to use them right, couldn't I have already figured out how to install a desktop environment on OpenBSD?
You are like a baby
But I'm the end-user; why should this at all matter to me?
Get on my level.
Even Stallman uses cuck-licensed software
You call that minmaxing, you ricer faggot?
Looking for benchmarks or even speculation regarding the compilation process for:
I'm attempting option 2 right now by compiling libreoffice with the 6GB memory check disabled. I'm guessing that soon my computer is going to become unusable or the compile will out-of-memory kill itself. This is probably a bad idea.
This is a strange question, but can you run selinux without PAM?
pick one
Never mind. Linux doesn't treat ramdisks the same as it would regular memory, so it doesn't get swapped, and as a result there's probably no way around grinding your system to a halt during a huge compilation.
If frequent page faults are unavoidable, have you just tried just using a swap file/partition? Might be better just to get a memory upgrade in the long run.
There's no problem. I was just trying to be clever by splitting a large compilation across ramdisk and hard disk when there's plenty of excess RAM to speed it up. Evidently this isn't supported or simple.
Yes, see Android. No PAM, no poettering, no drepper.
Consider switching to the git repo if you haven't. The downsides are that the repo is 504MB at the moment,so the initial sync will take a while, and this disk usage will only increase. However, there's no courtesy request to sync at most once per day and every subsequent sync will take far less bandwidth and time than rsync would due to git's efficiency.
#/etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf[DEFAULT]main-repo = gentoo[gentoo]location = /usr/portage/sync-type = gitsync-uri = github.com
That's bloated man! My first Slackware install was on a 486 with 4 MB RAM. Kernel 1.2.8.
Does that actually run without crashing on a 4 MB DS Lite? I tried DSLinux but most of the programs just crash when they run out of memory. Penguin kernel got bloated over 20 years.
Thanks for acting as decoy. ;^)
or just use funtoo which has used git for fucking ever and has ZERO systemd components unlike gentoo
oh it also comes with a prebuilt kernel that supports all hardware so you dont need to spend 3 days compiling your own
why the fuck do people even use gentoo ?
Why am I supposed to care? It works well in Gentoo.
*Removes them from upstream (Gentoo).
Linux takes a few minutes to compile, it's not Firefox or LLVM. Having everything compiled is just bloat; what's the difference between Funtoo and shit distros like Arch?
Always a recipe for disaster.
replace sudo with doas
we need more idiots like you on /g/ to offset the corporate shills
Stallman also said that he wouldn't mind recommending OpenBSD to someone he knew would compile the kernel without proprietary firmware and be careful with ports.
how did you turn gentoo into ubuntu?
It does, as long as you don't do anything heavy. The system in that picture is Inferno, not Linux, so that makes it a bit easier.
Fuck off Jesus. I saw this same thread on 4/g/ because ypu showed it to me.
I'm sorry to tell you that you don't fit in here. Please return to 4chan.
memory-mapped files do what you're looking for, but i don't think you can easily use those in your case.
Ha the only way you know your os isnt compromised is writting it yourself. Eat shit linux fags.
Compiling it yourself* dumb nigger
winfags prove that you don't need to know that your OS is compromised in order for it to be compromised
I want LARPers to fuck off already.
Day of the rope soon brother. Kill them all.
I want winfags to die already.
Use their vulnerable inferior operating systems to hunt them and track them and ultimately destroy their lives. They asked to have their lives destroyed when they used an inferior operating system. In fact? It is no crime to kill a windows user or steal from him.
I can believe some intentional vulnerabilities are stopped by compilation-time hardening.
Do not worry I have found the vunerabilities and become the master of hacking. I will protect you for now, anyone who comes after you will have to answer to a real man
I will keep watch over you for now with my super hacking skills for I am l33t
This is so much cringe that the edges of my lips are now permanently stuck in an upward curl.
yes, but it wouldn't be compiled with the flags you wanted universally applied
Frankly if you're too stupid to figure out USE flags you shouldn't be using Gentoo anyway (because you're dumb). But you'll definitely be too dumb to use OpenBSD
Welcome to the family, son.
That font is killing my eyes.
Maybe you need flasses
Maybe I do too
pleb tier, often outdated piece of crap. Gentoo have their own sync mirrors although they're an open secret, see gitweb.gentoo.org
You're supposed to use Github to avoid overloading the Gentoo infra, m8.
He's right though. Just look at the word "package" with all these vertical alignement fuckups.
It's not like there a point to jerking off about how low your memory usage is if it isn't relative to your setup. The point is to be efficient, not limit what you want out of your computer.
That's why they don't advertise it but anyone is free to use them. I don't give a fuck if I git pull a few MiB's from their infra daily/every few days.
You have to admit that GuixSD / NixOS are either on par with Gentoo or just below though.
And why has everyone been telling me "gentoo isn't what it used to be" lately?
how did you retard gentoo into ubuntu?
So what's the reason to use them over gentoo
Who let the teenager in?
How many weeks did that take?
Can be done with emerge-webrsync.
uhh say that to every computer ive ever owned, even my 6 core desktop took hours to compile linux, not to mention the hours of time trying to configure the kernel only for it to not be compatible and needing to recompile the whole thing because you checked one wrong box
most people installing linux are doing it on low spec machines, it took over a DAY for my garage PC to compile X, not that that is a big deal because its not in use much, but still a normal human wants a system that works, not one that takes longer than windows to install
> grep -F 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | uniqmodel name : AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor> cd /usr/src/linux> cp -f "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" .config> make olddefconfig...> time -f '%e' make -j8...181.93> time -f '%e' make -j8 modules...3.71
That's an incredible 3 minutes, and the 8350 isn't the "Roll-Royce" it was anymore.
Why give a fuck about your fucking desktop took hours to compile linux?
I run gentoo as my daily driver on thinkpad t60.
You want learn linux and how a machine works? Install gentoo.
You want something for normal human and just work? Just install what you want.
Gentoo is not for you.
A 6 core CPU definitely shouldn't take hours to compile a kernel? I'll assume that by "linux" you meant the entire system.
Same level of customization and USE flag equivalents, but reproducing a system is extremely easy since you have but one config file. There's a lot of cool stuff about it, I'd give it a read if you have time.
I doubt it has the same level of freedom as Gentoo. By freedom I mean
I have all my per-package USE flags in one single file called package.use. How is it any different?
It includes hostname, partitioning, users, timezone, and more. Take a look.
I will admit, that tickles the autism in a nice way.
im a linux noob that wants to get into linux the good way, but im not that skilled for gentoo.
whats a good alternative?
Install Gentoo.
Ignore the memery and install Ubuntu or some variant of it. Use Lubuntu if your computer is really old/slow, just plain Ubuntu otherwise.
Look up more advanced things as you settle into it.
(by advanced things I mean advanced usage, not advanced distros)
Install Slackware, Salix (a rimmed down Slackware), or Manjaro-OpenRC. Avoid cancerous bloat from the get go.
Are you slow, son? Do you know what "default" means?
~ $ lscpu | fgrep 'Model name'; qlop -tHc xorg-serverModel name: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 20 Processorxorg-server: 5 minutes, 31 seconds for 16 merges ~ $ ssh "!!"Model name: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHzxorg-server: 15 minutes, 47 seconds for 16 merges
Congratulations, you're so fucking retarded you made a 6-core desktop perform an order of magnitude worse than a 8 year old netbook
im running on 32mb ram, 4mb storage
listen to this guy
don't fear the terminal
I installed Ubunutu to begin with and it doesn't teach you shit
It doesn't teach you things, but it's suitable for learning. It doesn't stop you from learning. You can do all the advanced stuff on Ubuntu if you go looking for it.
But at least it lets you have a useful computing experience before learning those things.
Running firefox compilation, running netbeans and some other java shit, firefox and thunderbird take some ram too. I don't think ramdisk usage is included in the ram stats, but that took some space too. I'm trying various languages, so that's a lot of packages right there, there was some perf-like format where the only libre tool that could analyze it was a KDE program, and I have some big qt-based programs too.... so yeah.
how2install Gentu on chinkpad x200? i cant read~ will handsome geek squad boy be able to install for me if I pay him in fuk?
go back to lainchan
what's that?
My phrasing was poor. I'm just trying to convery that I hindsight, I could have been where I am now in a fraction of the time had I just began with Arch, Gentoo, NixOS or something similar.
Certainly, you can learn just about anything GNU/Linux related from Ubuntu, Mint, etc.. But for me, I allowed my windows dependent self to continue using GUI, scared of terminal, stuck in the Ubuntu Store for software, etc etc where as with a more 'minimal' distro, I couldn't have been such a fag.
I was just worried about not knowing what to do, and having my system break 24/7, but all those memes are false if you read documentation and take your time. And really, it's not difficult. All it is, is reading comprehension and willingness to learn.
OP here
Disk image: chiru.no
Probably only boots on a T60 Thinkpad or another old core 2 duo laptop
Disk image: chiru.no
Probably only boots on a T60 or similar Core 2 Duo machine
What's the status of the Hardened Gentoo project now that grsecurity/PaX is no longer free? I was going to install Gentoo but I don't know if it's safe or if the installation process for Hardened Gentoo is different now. I don't want to fuck anything up.
I don't have an answer to your question but installing the hardened kernel is exactly the same as a regular install, just using hardened-sources instead of gentoo-sources.
IIRC Hardened Gentoo is just a profile that affects which package/useflags you have by default. It also adds a cflag that adds stack smashing protection in your compiler (security-performance tradeoff)
If anything, they'd just remove grsecurity/pax from the profile.
grsecurity is still free.
I forgot to mention the password is password
grsec is not part of that profile, it's part of the hardened-sources Linux kernel source package
and there's people already working on a fork github.com
What WM?
one of my goal is securirty and privacy, arent barebone distros like arch, manjaro etc more insecure because they are well, more barebone and naked?
No, being more barebones means less room or attack surface for security errors. More bloat is generally more risk for security mistakes as I understand it.
But these differences are generally (assuming you don't run shitty programs) going to be minuscule compared to good OpSec protocol and basic encryption techniques, as far as I know.
"OpSec" is far too vague to even recommend. It's on the level of "use common sense". It's a security buzzword.
I've been using Gentoo for a solid 2 weeks now and am disappointed I never tried it sooner. This is how Linux should be. Ironically everything just werks better than it does with ANY installer based distro I've ever tried (though, most of those were infested with SystemD, and OpenRC works 1000% better - for example, my OpenVPN connection simply DOES NOT go down using OpenRC. With SystemD, I'd have to reset it every few hours when my connection cut out though no doing of my own. I'm left with perfection. It's noticeably faster than Arch, which I used for about an entire year some time ago. It takes like 30 minutes to an hour max to read the Gentoo wiki and get things set up. It might take a few tries to get it running perfectly, but it's well worth it once you do. (Hint: write down every command in your install procedure and keep it in a file on a seperate computer) Compilation time is a meme unless you're running it on an X220 or older - it's perfectly reasonable with only the largest programs taking over 15 minutes to intall.
Mintfags and especially Archfags, what's your excuse?
I actually like the glyphs themselves, but yeah that vertical alignment looks awful.
twm is probably tinyWM
Obviously not. It's Xorg's base WM, Tom's Window Manager.
GRAPHITE="-floop-interchange -ftree-loop-distribution -floop-strip-mine -floop-block"CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 ${GRAPHITE} -funroll-loops -fopenmp -D_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL"CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
How many packages not building?
It's still certainly worth recommending, being that most major downfalls come from that. A paranoid schizophrenic Holla Forums tier set up is fucking useless without opsec, so I've been reading a lot about it lately (and, imo, it's not on the same level as "common sense". OpSec is the first fundemental step towards a real deal system.
I didn't know you could config TWM to not use window decorations.
is that worth trying on llvm and mesa for a radeonsi performance increase?
is this guy right? I really like OPs style and i3 only tiling is starting to bug me
Yes. It's the WM that comes with X
Clover OS General
This thread is for the discussion of the development of Clover Operating System GNU/Linux.
Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Github: github.com
Package count: 1450
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
License: WTFPL
GRAPHITE="-floop-interchange -ftree-loop-distribution -floop-strip-mine -floop-block"CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 ${GRAPHITE} -funroll-loops -fopenmp -D_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL"CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
Install script:
sudo sumkdir gentooecho -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/sdamkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1mount /dev/sda1 gentoocd gentoowget gentoo.osuosl.org
wrong thread nigger
I wasn't about to make a new thread for a joke
probably more stable than manjaro
.ga is a free tld and yes, I made a Linux distro just for a laugh
are you okay?
CloverOS was always a joke, user.
how does it not damage its internal organs and bone structure
Work on CloverOS is going smoothly
How to configure traffic routing via iptables? I want to route all traffic from this machine through own ovpn server, but I dont know why. Are you have cooked script for iptables? Need more examples, found that jamielinux.com
CloverOS install video (ending is fucked up)
stop shitting up gentoo general with your stupid riced "os" faggot
CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -Wl,-flto=8 -funroll-loops -fgraphite-identity -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-parallelize-all -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"
I am currently making a fork of CloverOS called "CloverOS for Workgroups" which will aim to be more *professional* than the mainline version :^)
It is currently (pre)Alpha
Small fix ix.io
fuck iptables how to nftables firewall
#!/sbin/nft -f# /etc/local.d/00_firewall.start# vim: ft=confflush rulesettable inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0 policy drop # things break if these are blocked meta iif lo accept # loopback ip protocol icmp accept # icmpv4 ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept # icmpv6 (RA/autoconf/etc) ip daddr accept # ipv4 multicast ip6 daddr ff00::/8 accept # ipv6 multicast # Whitelist for LAN-only services ip saddr {, } jump private-services ip6 saddr f000::/4 jump private-services # Whitelist for everyone else public internet jump public-services ct state related,established accept # remove ↓ to log unhandled packets to dmesg for debugging counter # log level debug prefix "firewall: " } chain private-services { ip daddr & 0xFF == 0xFF accept # let broadcast traffic through tcp dport { distcc, domain, nfs, rpcbind, ssh } accept udp dport { bootps, domain, mdns, nfs, ntp, routed, rpcbind } accept } chain public-services { tcp dport { https, imap, smtp } accept udp dport { 10666, 60000-60020 } accept }}
someone has an allyesconfig I see.
Yeah, compiling 3GB of modules takes a while.
An allyesconfig doesn't usually work, though. They're probably using a generic distro config.
Sorry m8 I just said whatever sounded like it would result in the biggest kernel.
I have only ever used menuconfig, localmodconfig and oldconfig.
emerge gentoo-sources genkernelwget liquorix.net
Fuck you gentoo. Everything takes so long to compile.
Did you enable multiple concurrent jobs and set "-jX" (X = number of cores) on your make.conf?
It only really takes it's time when you're installing everything for the first time.
Shouldn't it be your cores + 1?
I've hear this, but after testing, I found that nproc does better or the same (never found any real explanation for nproc + 1).
wasn't it nproc+1 because one of the threads is just scheduling the work threads?
Scheduling is done by the kernel, m8.
Just like your mom
How does Gentoo avoid ending up with 2000+ packages? I just compiled five or six packages in Debian and they pulled 300 + packages in dependencies.
Only install what you need, keep your use flags as simple as possible, don't activate too many testing packages (though this doesn't matter much), and make sure you --oneshot (-1) anything that you don't necessarily need forever. Also --depclean after every full update.
I still have nearly 1.7k myself, but I keep a big system with a shitload more packages than I probably need.
I have about 1.5k but that's my fault for using funtoo's shitty mix in system and having a trillion KDE packages that I don't need and can't uninstall because I have to uninstall the entire thing if I want to remove any single package that's part of it.
I thought mix-ins were going to be convenient but they are a horrible feature that doesn't work.
Speaking of features that don't work, genkernel is fucking shit.
Portage should build the kernel and genkernel should be dumped entirely and replaced with a way of getting your .config into the kernel you want when portage builds it. In case the config is outdated or you want to run "menuconfig" or something every time the kernel is built (like genkernel allows you to) there should be a configurable way of telling portage how to handle it, I'm thinking a ".config-update" command that's "etc-update" but for the kernel .config.
Portage is good enough that we'd be able to use already existing features to have multiple kernels and multiple kernel versions including outdated ones like many like or need
make oldconfig
Hey, is this aliceinwire.net
It's a trap. Look at her arms.
cute enough, would emerge -e @world after setting CFLAGS="-march=native -O3 -pipe -flto=4 -Wl,-flto=4 -ftree-vectorize -fuse-linker-plugin -fgraphite-identity -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -floop-nest-optimize -floop-parallelize-all -ftree-parallelize-loops=4" with
You sure? Looked almost passable if true.
This again prove that the Y chromosom is needed to operate computers.
Fuck. Xe is a gentoo dev.
Now we have to hate Gentoo too for being SJW friendly.
Except only Holla Forumstards equal trans with SJW
Nobody said this ever. What is sure is that tranny == mentally ill. SJW is just highly probable.
They equate trans with degenerate and therefore as bad as SJWs.
SJWs are worse than your average degenerate. Most degenerates just don't give a fuck, but SJWs want to destroy society.
I'm pretty sure you can't license a GNU/Linux distro under WTFPL.
Looks like it's basically Gentoo with custom configuration files and a bootstrap script. The software packages would have their own license, but they can license the glue that holds them together however they wish.
Many years ago, the Linux CPU scheduler sucked ass and would only actually utilize 80-90% CPU on a typical desktop system using -jn. The extra thread from -jn+1 was to ensure that the CPU was fully loaded. The scheduler improved enough over the years that it now uses more like 99.5% CPU, making n+1 less useful. It does still have a small amount of utility for spinning rust hard drives, because while the system is waiting for I/O operations to complete, it can work on the extra thread. Hyperthreading makes -jn+1 obsolete because it accomplishes the same thing in hardware: each core works on two or more threads simultaneously.
I licensed a bash script under WTFPL.
In installscript.sh line 8:if [[ $partitioning = "a" ]]; then ^-- SC2039: #!/bin/sh was specified, but [[ ]] is not standard.In installscript.sh line 11:elif [[ $partitioning = "m" ]]; then ^-- SC2039: #!/bin/sh was specified, but [[ ]] is not standard.In installscript.sh line 24:if [[ $yn != "y" ]]; then ^-- SC2039: #!/bin/sh was specified, but [[ ]] is not standard.In installscript.sh line 35:if [[ $partitioning = "a" ]]; then ^-- SC2039: #!/bin/sh was specified, but [[ ]] is not standard.In installscript.sh line 36: echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/$drive ^-- SC2039: #!/bin/sh was specified, but echo flags are not standard. ^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.In installscript.sh line 38:mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/$partition ^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.In installscript.sh line 39:tune2fs -O ^metadata_csum /dev/$partition ^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.In installscript.sh line 40:mount /dev/$partition gentoo ^-- SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
LiveCD download: github.com
My bash prompt is shifted over on my gentoo install and I can't read some of the error messages when I try to install Cory.
Wat do?
b-but I use an x220... does that mean installing gentoo will take three weeks?
I don't think SJWs wants to destroy society but they want to improve it.
But obviously their methods are just destroying everything they touch.
Every single ideology that ever existed wanted to "improve society".
_,met$$$$$gg. ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.0 stretch ,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.9.0-3-amd64 ,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 7h 10m ',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1643 `d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: bash 4.4.12 $$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1280x1024 $$: $$. - ,d$$' WM: i3 $$\; Y$b._ _,d$P' CPU: Intel486 DX Processor @ 50 MHz Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' GPU: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.9, 128 bits) `$$b "-.__ RAM: 845MiB / 5960MiB `Y$$ `Y$$. `$$b. `Y$$b. `"Y$b._ `""""
mainly firefox. would like a lighter browser, but meh, I have the ram to run shitty 2017 browsers
also, whatever the fuck nick land is talking about.
Never mistake stupidity for malice.
emerge --search phrack
for lulz
did you just assume their existence?
install gentoo
I don't exist and your care for all forms of entities brings me great comfort.
what are you, a nazi? KILL ALL FASCISTS
you're the retard, Holla Forums
typical leftist train of though, look at this BASED TRAP!!
until they are informed of their inferiority then they have to compensate
choose one and only one
I swear you gentoofags are worse than those "gamer" machildren playing vidya on windows.
install cloveros
install DildOS
still a source based distribution, nigger
ayy me too
uhh, I'm pretty sure their point is that if it was normalized the suicide rate would be less or same as normal people. I'm not affirming what they say though, measuring human behaviour with shady empirical methods and using it to influence national policy is retarded.
My FX-8350 can build my entire 2500 packages in under a day. t. cloveros guy
The "compiling is slow" meme really needs to die
why not just accept that rsync is the tool for the job
Try to do the same on a laptop, faggot.
Stop generalizing and focus on the specific context.
What is binhost?
My laptop's a quad core APU, FX-8800p. I don't see what the big deal is.
"If you're unsure it's a trap...it's a trap."
-OpSec for (you)r balls #101™
Shoulders are too large.
Cheeks don't lie.
Arms are too big.
Hands are of a man too.
Clearly a man taking shit medication on this image
But from what I can see that person isn't making reckless drama so it's ok.
Really user? If he had his dick out you'd talk about his bone structure while ignoring his bone. His adam's apple is even more obvious in that photo.
Not wanting to get trapped on a trap pun intended in Gentoo bread I'll have to give Gentoo a go I've done everything else. I need something that doesnt sperg on RAM for an old machine.
all you'd have to do is watch a video and it's instantly obvious by voice/mannerisms. there's no gender surgery for vocal cords
Yes there is user.
Ok just the UI alone wants to make make go full Gentoo fag.
Probably some faglord who didn't use -j6 or something.
Yeah, that's not how it works.
This is not REAL rice.
Maybe your terminal font isn't monospaced?
Pipe error stream into file.
It clearly says LEDE.
No, no it's not. They got rid of the testing patches. You literally have to pay for a subscription if you want updates now.
It took me a week to get this going but nonetheless I'm happy with this!
Question; I'm gonna be installing this on a friend's t60 at some point, is there a kernel checklist I can look at to get an idea of how to configure it?
ThinkPad wiki probably has everything you need to know but generally it's just case of selecting right network drivers, audio and GPU in kernel config, mostly everything else you would need on T60 is in defaults.
I'm not a gentoofag, how do i into useflags?
My Github got flagged
New repo: gitgud.io
CloverOS iso here: cloveros.ga
Use a bitmap font for terminal (I suggest terminus, SGI screen or simply fixed).
Using mpd on a local machine is quite retarded, I think. Try cmus.
Nice, but try ranger.
they fucked up.
i like guix but that's just factually incorrect. guix is excellent at building reproducible packages from source, but there's no equivalent to USE flags. they would make reproducibility much harder.
Thanks, I'll try this on my T60 when I find it
good 1
Maybe if we normalize fentanyl for teens then there will be less overdoses, because they will know how to use it properly.
What happens if you recompile the packages listed in top with LTO? I don't know if they even compile with LTO save for init which does (assuming you have openrc).
Gender dysphoria isnt a lifestyle choice or a passing delusion though.
Girl brain+boy body=severely mentally unhealthy.
Their brain is wired the wrong way for their body and hormones at a low level.
I dont know why this is so fucking hard for people to grasp. SJWs who make like they're fucking magical fairies showing us that sex psychology doesnt real and Holla Forumsfucks who think its SOMETHING SOMETHING THE JEWS DID IT THE JEWS ALSO COMMUNISTS(JEWS)
CloverOS GNU/Linux
Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current ISO: cloveros.ga
Git: gitgud.io
Package count: 2829 cloveros.ga
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga nl.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"
Previous threads: warosu.org
Video: a.doko.moe
CloverOS memes: cloveros.booru.org
Validate ISO:
gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"
wget cloveros.ga
gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20170810.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20170815.iso
Please share your kernel config.
Weird. I thought there was a male and a female brain. I also thought the embryo's cells would develop according to the chemicals they were bathing in during the first couple of months.
Because a few may be legit birth abnormalities doesn't mean that most of them aren't completely delusional. Look at cripples from birth and the "trans-abled".
That probably would be the case, were it possible.
Tranny brains are much closer to normal male brains than to dyke brains. Disfiguring their bodies won't help. Making it legal for them to seek and receive treatment would.
Nobody but you mentioned jewry. Next time you write something that angry, before clicking reply take a few seconds.
It is clearly possible, and said "disfiguring" typically does help. Not fix the issue completely, but help significantly, in most cases. We can put the cases where it doesn't up to people who didnt actually have gender dysphoria, just convinced themselves and their retarded sjw friends they did after smoking too much tumblr.
as usual, Holla Forums shows themselves to be precisely and exactly bizzaro sjws.
This is exactly the situation that Dr Michael Mosley asserts in his documentary about human gestation.
How can portage be the best package manager if it's written in python, the most unstable clusterfuck of a programming language in the known universe?
imagine my shock
Unstable compared to which version of the C++ ABI?
To be honest, portage is the worst part of Gentoo, pkgsrc is a lot better. Still the best distro.
I am deeply ashamed of my package count.
you should be deeply ashamed of your piss ugly desktop you uncultured swine
My chink mechanical keyboard does not work. Others normally do, though.
What do I do?
That package count isn't exceptionally bad. It's actually pretty normal after a while of usage and installing new shit. What the other anons said is more worrisome, though. Why isn't there a better version of wpa_gui, though? It's all I need, really.
Not that user, but what would you suggest? I want at least some WYSIWYG interactivity (ncurses would be fine) but NetworkManager+nm-applet is the only one I know of
just use iw, wpa_supplicant and dhclient (or dhcpcd) like a non retard
mines still under six hundred, but im not using gentoo and I consistently uninstall things I only needed as a one off
certain things massively increase the count though. fucking wine, programs that depend on most of a major desktop enviornment, etc.
just use
wpa_passphrase >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf; wpa_cli reconfigure on the cli
wicd is a good choice
wicd-curses seems like exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
FYI, what these Archfags neglected to tell you is that the project has been abandoned for years.
The gentoo wiki details how to deal with this exact situation.
Another "Centrist" idiot following just behind the vanguard Left.
Another "Centrist" idiot following just behind the vanguard Left.
You can usually find one study to support most positions. The majority of evidence is in line with the (three) ones I posted.
Sure is sources here. I think you mean, the majority of "evidence" is produced from six participant studies based on self-reporting and full of newspeak like this.
How much space do you recommend I allocate for the Gentoo root partition?
On my soon to be replaced Arch system, I'm have a 25G root partition, out of which 12G is used after cleaning the pacman cache completely.
I suppose I'll need more space for the cache, since the source takes more space than the compiled programs, right?
Should I just go with 25G or use 30G or more?
This isn't REAL arch.
not arch
How long does portage take to load? When I had 1K packages, on a i7-4790K it took 3 minutes to resolve any package.
My nigga.
Any help?
25 is probably enough, but if you're not hurting for space, you might go a little higher. I have a pretty heavy system with most of KDE, plus plenty of extras and at 30 it gets pretty cramped compiling the big ones that can't compile in RAM.
Boot an Ubuntu livecd and run lspci -k to see what modules it loads. Your kernel is probably missing one.
Why would I ever use this over just installing Gentoo?
its possible to run debian with half of that easily
It goes fast
kernel compiling takes 5 minutes on my i5 2500k without oc.
that is sexy as hell
Is it a good idea to put commands I want to be run at startup in inittab?
I want to set the backlight brightness as soon as the i915 module is loaded.
Apparently the 'modules' script starts at the 'boot' runlevel, so I guess I'd need to run the command at runlevel 1 to make sure that the module was loaded before running the command.
So, I want to add an entry to inittab like this:
brt:1:once:/bin/bash -c "echo 12 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness"
Gentoo is a great idea on top of a shitware kernel and userland. Gentoo should come over to Illumos and help Make UNIX Great Again!
That's fucking retarded. Use /etc/local.d/.
I'd like to interject for a moment: wiki.gentoo.org
Convert me. Why should I use Clover?
Yeah, it didn't even work for some reason (although something similar worked in devuan).
Would I need to write an actual init script if I wanted to run the command in runlevel 1 for example?
Because the day you won't be able to execute a modified version of a software because of hardware restrictions, you'll be in deep shit.
How did you install TinyCore on Gentoo?
I though it was a different distro.
It can gOfast.
A lot of people bitch about build time, but I can rebuild my entire system in 20 hours, and that includes lots of bloat like firefox, Thunderbird, gnu octave, gnuradio, and libreoffice.
Is there a way to display short package info on Gentoo like in pic related?
I tried
equery m dfc
equery m -d dfc
but neither displays any description.
There's also no description for vim, gcc and who knows what else.
There's also no short description for nano like on the website, but
equery m -d nano
gives me a huge block of text instead.
Use OpenBSD with a librebooted memepad with a urtw0 dongle sold by ThinkPenguin (the realtek dongle requires non-free firmware, although you could theoretically compile the free version but I ended up running into compilation errors all over the place and said fuck it)
Never ever run fw_update
Never ever install bullshit from ports, you don't want that garbage anyway
By realtek I meant atheros, my bad
Also libertyBSD forums have some helpful tips, but libertyBSD is behind and generally not worth the trouble because you can do the same things with mainline oBSD
Something likefunction pkgdesc() {find /usr/portage/ -regex ".*/${1}/[^/]*.ebuild" | \ head -n1 | \ xargs grep DESCRIPTION | \ cat -
Just use eix. Or emerge -s.
does gentoo download the code from the upstream, or do they have their own repos?
can I remove the /etc/portage/package.use/ directory and create a /etc/portage/package.use file instead?
or can I just have both?
Mirrors download it; but if no mirror has your "code", portage does download it directly.
Ofast doesn't really gOfast.
Ofast CAN go really fast (in heavy FP calculations).
It is so good to see you, brother.
Which profile should I use for i3wm?
The default one or the desktop profile?
what the fuck
Still too much, I only got 48mb to work with
i only got 48mb to work with mate, 24 is too much for just the OS
ah fuck you then hotwheels
okay, I disabled manually what I could find in about:config, but how can I be sure that that's everything?
fuck your choices
don't worry the bug reports only 6 months old. surely they're on it.
about:telemetry should show disabled
could have sworn i've dealt with this problem before i forget what i did though. you can also download the binaries from mozilla
"Mozilla engineers working on the Firefox web browser are concerned that the current opt-in system of data collection does not allow for the collection of unbiased data about which websites users visit and so on. As such a test period of telemetry which is opt-out is planned."
sjwfox kikes are going to make this harder and harder. get ready for opt-out, they already tried to remove all choice.
Nice whack-a-mole game you're playing there:
99 bad defaults in my Fox, 99 bad defaults,
Disable one then update to next Fox version,
150 bad defaults in my Fox!
It's an uphill battle that you cannot win. You don't know what crap they're going to sneak into the next release, which you'll have to disable by hand again.
In my personal opinion you're better off choosing the ESR version and disable updates, but of course then security larpers will bring out their RCE boogeyman that you can't POSSIBLY mitigate ANY OTHER WAY than by staying up to date with the latest and greatest CRAP.
is this good?
is that supposed to be a joke?
what the fuck
I thought the gentoo project cared about privacy, security and freedom of choice and not cucking it's users
I've tried Gentoo, but I hated waiting for things to compile, so I'm sticking with Debian, though admittedly that's a systemd thing now, even if that has made a lot of everyday things easier.
What distro should I try next?
i digged into a little bit last night and in gentoo's defense it looks like mozilla's crash reporter uses a proprietary library or something so it's not included in the source and cause's the blank data options page. I also read about some guy with the same problem still recoding telemetry data going out with wireshark though, so just like gentoo's 6 month old bug report it's UNCONFIRMED.
6 months doesn't even seem that bad for linux, the last bug I dug up that I was experiencing was with some shitty gnome program, the bug report was 5 years old, was still unconfirmed, hadn't been commented on by anyone but the op, and the op even submitted his own patch for the bug a few months later, which I applied to fix it. Years and no gnome dev even bothered to comment on it to tell him to go fuck himself.
what possible rationale can they use to justify that?
it's the way they said it that really worries me, instead of saying something along the lines of
they stated it as if it's set in stone and I don't have a choice in the matter
they're going to improve your experience by selling your data so they can hire more pajeet programmers so they can collect even more data and sell that and then donate heavily to sjw's and isreal.
You would have to use the official version from the Mozilla server if you want to use any of those features including the crash reporter.
not exactly conclusive but it was the best i could find
if this was actually the case you would think the gentoo/firefox people would make some mention of it in the gentoo wiki firefox page, and close the bug report, but naturally just like many other projects they don't monitor or respond to bug reports
It shouldn't. These memeing newfags don't know their cornholes from their pieholes. The only time it should matter is when choosing to contribute or publish software. BSD is a cuck license. Never do it.
Compile times are only annoying during your installation.
After that you can listen to some king crimson or lynyrd skynyrd song with your fans screaming in the background and by the time the song ends your packages are done, unless you're a masochist who uses jewmium/fuckfox
I don't think you can have both but yes you can swap between each of the 2 any time.
I don't even know why the directory option is a thing when you can just ctrl F to the package you want, makes sense for Xorg because the config file is much more complex but there's no reason to have portage's package.use as a directory.
We'll see what pages and javascripts crash the browser so we can fix it.
Meant to be in their voice. Of course that is just the rationale they're giving you, I do not trust Mozilla.
Has anyone tried installing gentoo on powerpc lately?
I tried the install by the handbook:ppc and it fails at updating the @world set. If I skip that it all goes to shit when i try to emerge the kernel sources. Tons of perl version conflicts.
You'll have better luck on the IRC then the bugtracker.
The PPC tarballs are out of date and typically require extra work to update. Perl a shit.
I think what I did the last time I installed Gentoo on PPC64 was update portage to support new EAPIs, then emerge -1 --nodeps the new perl version. After that, emerge -uDNpv system, and emerge -C everything that conflicts and is not absolutely critical to system stability. Eventually, the tree will have enough gaps that portage will be able to figure out what needs to be reinstalled. If you're using the ancient January 2015 PPC64 tarball, it might be faster in the long run to go nuclear on everything that breaks and follow up with an emerge -e system.
I guess you could also try updating your portage tree six months at a time, but that always seemed like more work to me.
I am starting on a fresh drive (keeping my Deb drive intact in case I cant get this to work) and doing the install with the main site tarballs..
Min install dated 2014-7-13
PPC stage 3 dated 2017-3-21
Following the Handbook:PPC by the letter even using their suggested partition layout.
Do you think I may have better luck with the older 2015 PPC64 tarball and then just upgrading from there?
How does this teach you about Linux? DIY distros are for kiddies, actual programmers use hassle-free systems because they don't want sysadmin bs to get in the way of their actual work. Therefore Linus Torvalds uses Fedora, Rob Pike uses a Macbook, etc.
1/10, get better at it.
I didn't think of this last night, but try running emerge -uav --nodeps perl && perl-cleaner --all. This should force perl to update regardless of dependencies, and perl-cleaner might actually solve the rest of the problem by itself.
No, just use what you have. The older tarball will just make the problem worse.
OK thanks. I plan on giving it another go this weekend.
Debian doesn't require systemd, it's just the default.
Is there any way to run a media server on a headless system that still uses gpu acceleration? Trying with universal media server on gentoo, but I'm even having trouble installing Java.
Thanks user this got me moving forward again.
Layman soon replaced by eselect-repo. Pretty hyped. And python3_5 default target soon, I hope.
How good is wayland on gentoo? Does it take forever to compile like xorg does?
CloverOS GNU/Linux
Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current ISO: cloveros.ga
Libre ISO: fr.cloveros.ga
Git: gitgud.io
Package count: 3151 cloveros.ga
FAQ: gitgud.io
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
Previous threads: warosu.org
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga au.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga nl.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"
Validate ISO:
gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"
wget cloveros.ga
gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20171117.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20171117.iso
Convince me to use gentoo over arch.
btw, I use arch.
It's actually easy to avoid GTK3 faggotry.
Why should I avoid GTK3 faggotry?
Gentoox is certainly good enough for my Xbox. Not to start a distro argument, but I've run Slackware on my PC since v1.0 in the 90s. I would like to consider that patrician as well... pls no bully
No systemd.
how do I install gentoo on my nintendo wii?
I could just go to void to achieve the same
Xorg doesn't take long to compile
Wayland is not something you compile. You need to install a wayland compositor or DE that has one (e.g. GNOME or KDE)
That's just poorly riced Gentoo for sake of ebin memes
What is this supposed to mean? I hope you don't think that's the number of package depending on gtkancer3.
A bunch of games got removed from the repos recently.
Gentoo devs really hate fun, don't they?
He asked for a reason to use Gentoo, not Arch
As far as I understand, what happened:
As sad as it sounds, IMO it's not a big deal. Gentoo games project have been sort of abandoned for a while and games should be shipped in a different way anyway (appimages/flatpaks/steam/etc.)
Kill yourself, faggot.
I double dare you motherfucker, say that one more time, nigger!
components with them, except what is found in the TempleOS ROM.
Free as in freedom games should be on the repos so I can compile them using whatever flags I want. As for proprietary cancer it really doesn't matter how it is shipped.
And Gentoo isn't TempleOS.
Better share that source GNUboi
SJW = Mentally ill
Tranny = Mentally ill
yeah, you baited me, here's your (you)
How the nig is bsd a cuck license?
Holla Forums = terminally retarded
You can't be trans without being SJW. The average joe will tolerate trans but only SJW will treat them like the cute girl they wish they were, and only if they make a public show of playing along with their absurd cult.
-t proud BSD license dev
Show me where I defended Holla Forums please.
What an epic showdown.
Make Gentoo Great Again
All this license war shit is boring as fuck tbh. In the 80's you had epic Amiga vs. Atari ST wars, or Commodore 64 vs. Atari 800 wars, but at least that was in demoscene productions. Now everything is completely lame and boring, and the lamers who keep ranting about "muh cuck license" don't even have the skills to make anything, much less a real demo like this:
Gentoo just released profile v17.0 to stable. As reported in their Portage news entry, the main difference is that they're beginning to use GCC "hardened" features by default. Good, but since this is Gentoo, that's a recompilation for most users.
I come here to report that I'm disobeying the news entry slightly with good results. The official way is:
emerge -e @world
emerge -e --quiet-build=y -j @world
is much more impressive. Pic related.
Are you serious?
So you don't have to select the hardened profile ?
I don't understand. I just went through the whole recompilation after selection hardened and recompiling the toolchain.
By the way, what is the rule to set MAKEOPTS?
I have a dual core 4 threads, and if I remember well, I should use my thread count, and add 1.
So it would make "-j5 -l5"?
I'm not sure though.
That's not actual anymore. If you have Intel with hyper-threading, use the amount of threads, if anything else, use the amount of cores.
all right, thanks.
I saw the two version in the doc, so I just wanted to be sure.
This shit is going to take a whole week.
Hardened Gentoo > OpenBSD for a couple reasons:
A) Gentoo is made for cross-compile. Cross-compile is a shitfest in OpenBSD.
B) Hardened Gentoo includes SELinux and other MAC solutions. OpenBSD relies on UNIX permissions and app developers 'pledging' their programs.
OpenBSD has great powerful autism which would be much greater if MAC could be applied and cross-compilation wasn't stupid.
Just got done recompiling an i686 hardened stage3 environment into an i486 hardened stage3 environment. CFLAGS are:
CFLAGS="-pipe -O0 -march=i486 -mtune=i486 -fstack-protector-all -ggdb"
I also have debug set in USE, and installsources, compressdebug, and splitdebug set in FEATURES. My goal is a fully audit-able source system. -O0 because optimizations may make the assembly differ in structure from the source code. Also, optimizations *may* be a point of vulnerability ex: you may write your program correctly, but the optimization in GCC possibly introduces a security bug.
Yea yea, it'll be slower. Point is I want this system to be inspect-able. I also chose i486 to remove the need for as many special patented instructions from the architecture as possible and make it old computer-friendly.
link por favor?
I am building a virtual machine distcc worker with i486 code, which will then do the heavy lifting for a powermac g4 powerbook with broken monitor I removed and plugged a CRT into (Anyone doing this will need to change the 'screen' alias in OpenFirmware to something like "stone_b" instead of "stone_a" and use video=ofonly, so the Linux kernel uses OpenFirmware and treats the VGA port as default rather than the broken/nonexistent screen).
I like non-modern, non-intel platforms. This system, while slow, will be my personal information management system (i.e. not so much "online browsing" but finance, personal journaling, etc).
Here's a quick lmgtfy URL, sir lots-o-lazy:
You didn't have to, but you could consider yourself ahead of the pack now. The 17.0 profiles really only enable PIE, while hardened adds a few more features. I could be wrong, but you may be able to switch to the 17.0 profile of your choosing with no bad effects since you already have a PIE system.
absolute madman
do it without -l in makeopts you coward
that's what you get for installing gnome/kde bloat
you're just bitter that nobody would take the shit you make if it was CC-0
Can you share the tools you're using?
I was searching some tools to get news/financial info through the command line, only found some very little project like mop or news (github).
my anemic amd A4 laptop finishes 2500 packages in under a day..
Running all this shit in parallel would actually probably increase the time it'll take to compile everything on my weak CPU.
i own an n270 acer aspire
nice bloat. neeger
No way you can actually run "FireFox" on that.
Good luck on using in in 2k18.
Standard exploits won't work if the kernel is customized to the Xbox :^)
it's actually suprisingly good. appart from the images not matching the posts sometimes. it was working last night.
Damn-Small-Linux in 2017!
stop posting your terrible rice everywhere
All µkernels have so much useless bloat that they barely run on an expensive pocketwatch.
are there any nanokernels without endless amount of useless features? (inb4 templeOS ring0 only 50million taskswaps per second .webm)
hello, here is my gentoo
i like it user... i cant install gentoo, i dont have the patience for the install. if i did get it installed wouldnt i have to setup my DE, like make a menu list and menu bar? i just want it all setup for me, i....i cant do that shit. i love linux tho
what's this
installing gentoo is ez, don't let the meming of people who've never done it fool you
just follow the official handbook and you'll be fine
you can install gnome, kde, xfce or whatever which you'll have to "set up" as much as on any other distro
I recommend xfce or lxde
What are you using to support notification then?
What boostruosites means?
Have you any suggestion than just pain trolling?
wish it had BSD-style ports
he means programs using the boost c++ lib
Different user, it was simple enough to follow the handbook and be greeted by a cli on boot.
I was already familiar with arch having used it for around a year or so, the procedure is similar enough if anything I found the documentation laid out better than archwiki for beginners and learned a fair amount more in the process.
Too early to judge gentoo as I've only started yesterday, it will take me a good while to get used to portage coming from pacman. I find portage a lot more powerful yet prefer the speed and simplicity I am used to with pacman/pacaur.
Not crazy about minimalism although I do try to apply obvious optimizations where system stability is not compromised such as removing unneeded drivers and features from the kernel.
My main reason for switching was to escape systemD and I am uncertain of how long other distros offering solid alternatives would last. Figured gentoo was in the game long enough and openRC has a good reputation so why not.
My biggest concern is compile times and system upkeep once I've got a fair amount of packages installed on my system as there is more room for error when tweaking USE flags and kernel.
On the other hand portage seems to step you through and provides a lot more feedback when things go south.
I like the level of control I have over the system but I am unsure whether it will pay off for my use case.
How do overlays compare to the AUR in terms of amount of available software and being up to date?
I use the AUR a fair amount myself to install certain packages not available in the official repositories such as rpcs3, xfce-i3workspaces plugin, icecat, xboxdrv etc...
What the fuck is wrong with that font? Look at those 'g' and 'p'. LOL that's fucking gay.
Overlays are almost as good as AUR. With use flag customization, you can sometimes turn of faulty parts of the software you got from those repos. I used to configure stuff from AUR as well when it crashed.
Compile times are fairly short if you don't compile the browser for yourself. Even brother's athlon 64 x2 machine was finished with lxde, mpv, some games and python+turtle(tkinter) within 2 days. The phenom II x4 compiled the full system in two days when I first tried the distro ( yes, I fucked up like three times and still 2 days) - this included a compiled firefox, too.
just make sure to update at least once a week or two to avoid too many packages piling up
a few days ago when I updated (after about two weeks) it took ~35min (for 31 packages on my shitty dual core i5)
I update once every two weeks and I don't think it takes more than about 30+/-15 min on average (assuming there's not a big package like firefox or libreoffice to compile)
for firefox it takes about 40 min and for libreoffice about an hour or more for me iirc
and don't worry about USE flags, just make sure you pick the desktop profile (with sensible USE flags that work for most people set)
you don't even need to change the default USE flags for the profile in most cases and if you do and "fuck up", you can always "unfuck" it by simply changing it back
if you fuck up the kernel, you can always boot into an older kernel via grub and fix it
equery u procps
That's what I mean. Honestly, mpd would be perfect without. But depending on a library with a 80MB tarball, that exists only to make C++ even more bloated than the memes could is a no-no for anyone sane.
I use cmus, now, which is okay (but I prefer the client/daemon architecture of mpd, instead of the curses client being a daemon and having a CLI remote tool of cmus).
tried it and it's still shitty and barely usable
I can see your point about boost, but there's literally nothing wrong htop (unless you're a masochist)
What's the problem with it? With a little configuration, it's plenty usable. You can even kill with k.
Those are some comfy colors user.
Is there any point in changing desktop profile USE flags when you could just set/unset whatever missing/additional packages you want globally from make.conf?
Even then, I have only edited make.conf when instructed so far.
The only use flags I've edited were on a per package basis in package.use directory.
Despite mostly using i3+xfce I'd rather keep my options open since I sometimes use software that require KDE and gnome dependencies such as kolour, Okular, etc...
I still configure useflags to remove unnecessary dependencies per package. If there is a dependancy I want to get rid off I'd just look at what software has it as a hard dependancy and try to replace it.
For now I am content with simply -systemd being present.
I think you posted in the wrong thread>>842710
thats actually beautiful and inspiring
Would you recommend Gentoo to someone who is a minimalist, but strictly anti-ricer?
I am interested in Gentoo because I want to stop eating other people's shit and make my own.
CloverOS GNU/Linux
Git: gitgud.io
ISO: cloveros.ga
Libre ISO: cloveros.ga
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
IRC: #cloveros on irc.rizon.net
Twitter: twitter.com
Packages: 3213 cloveros.ga
Rsync: rsync://fr.cloveros.ga/cloveros
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga au.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga ca.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga
Updates: Has gui volume control, 4.12.13 kernel
write your own OS then, faggot
Transition to fvwm started
Switch to fvwm done
Have you tried jwm? In my opinion it is the best minimalist stacking wm.
I'll try it
I can never get my chink mechanical keyboard to work.
What am I doing wrong?