There are no based nigg-

There are no based nigg-

Every black man is based. They have the blood of kangs.


Also the forever classic morgan freeman interview

Mad cumskins in 3…2…1

i like eddie murphy



lol king nigger looks concerned

He says "the sheriff is nearer"!

Morgan Freeman's a pretty cool guy.

B-but Holla Forums said…

Holla Forums is always right.

60 Percent of the time EVERYTIME.

Yuropoor Holla Forums is, in the vast majority of time, pretty much right
Excluding the Nords, , half of the Germanics, the Anglos and the >French

it's 2017 and 8/pol/ is all about praising nonwhites now


There are no based jew-

Holla Forums and MGTOW a bunch of NEET fags that never get out of their homes and interact with real people, the only reason some of their theories are right is because ironically the more you go up the political ladder you also find a lot of people that never get out of their environment making them predictable.
Kikes, spics, chinks, cumskins and niggers do lean to behave like their stereotypes indicate but they rarely fit a 100% most of them just need a simple speech to get them act normally.

Of course there are, like based Robert

daheck kinda name is Finkelstein…

Was it the hollocoaster or the masturbation machines?

Kikes, spics, and niggers also rarely 100% break away from their stereotypes, cuck nigger.

He was a dumb kang in search of some ancestry and adopted the first thing he could catch.

Unless you're black, you are not allowed to say that word. If you're white, take that back and apologize now.

Of course he does, one of his own is stepping out of line and thinking logically, can't have that happening among the kangs.

current year Holla Forums openly praises "based" niggers and jews because the board is now nothing more than controlled opposition populated by personality cultists
at least keep up to date with your boogeymen if you're going to shitpost about them you colossal faggot

4/pol/ maybe…

No, you stupid retard, anons get banned and called out by kukfy himself for not worshiping "based" """""""""nationalist""""""""" kikes and niggers.
Seriously, keep up with your boogeymen you colossal faggot.

That's not been my experience, unless you were intentionally trolling the board with shit threads or something.

Xmen #352


I don't actually post anything on Holla Forums anymore, I simply observe the threads.
Your boogeyman is now in full on kike mode ever since Trump kissed the wall, and they were already praising """"""""""""""""""""""""""""based"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" niggers while his election was still underway.
Keep denying this though, all you're doing is making it apparent that you either don't even really pay attention to the board you hate, or that you're a Holla Forums fag in denial over how badly his board has been subverted over the past year.

He was a nigger supremacist. Simple as that.

You take the best of what you get. There really wasn't any candidate that would have not kissed the wall.

Who gives a shit about exceptions? That doesn't make up for the rest of them.

It's not the fact he kissed the wall, it's that fact he didn't need to because he already had the kikes' hands up his puppet ass.
Also, I'm not talking just about Carson in regards to """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""based""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" nigger worship.
nu-Holla Forums deliberately goes out of its way to praises shitskins that even vaguely align with the board's civnat cult.
As said, one or two of kike/nigger shitters being an exception doesn't suddenly make up for the rest of their peoples' transgressions, and the fact that kukfy/pol/ disregards this at all is beyond disgusting and shits all over what the board stood for in the first place.

I haven't seent the nigger worship you talk about but I have seen the enormous reduction in quality. And it was the most pronounced around and after the election.
Bad as it might be it was inevitable. Yes the wall kissing was odd, from what I hear even jews don't care about that wall that much.
This is the sad reality of american politics, there are so many influential jews there that whoever comes on top will have to in some way kiss their asses. It's a shame but we can hope he turns the steering wheel at least a little in a better direction.

It's not like the US had any better choices though. On the left you had Bernie and Hillary, both far, far worse than Trump, on the right it's just NeoCon globalists and hawks itching for another war.

Trump is a first step in the right direction. He was never going to be the orange Hitler we all wish he was, but he proved to America you can win an election riding on a populist wave of resurgent nationalism and by basically saying you need to kick the spics out.

Considering the way the left has been destroying themselves trying to dethrone a guy that isn't neither a racist, a sexist or a bigot for merely wanting some better control of who enters the country basically guarantees no candidate of theirs will get elected in the next decade. It remains to be seen if the next Republican candidate moves even further right than Trump or they decide to try and go back to the NeoCon bullshit.

Read what this 75 iq retard said about the vietnam war and islam

This is the only remotely "based" black guy I can think of

8/pol/ are Natsocs
4/pol/ are the civnats


8/pol/ used to be Natsoc, but kukfy and the redditors from r/the donald have effectively turned it into a civnat shithole.
Seriously, go there and TRY to criticize one of their "based" kikes or niggers.

He only said that because he was a dumb mudslime wewuz.

8/pol/ has none. Try again >>>Holla Forums

not anymore they don't

watch out, basest of jews coming in

8/pol/ are rapidly becoming cuckservatives.

This guy was better.

not surprised tbh



Some turdskins are capable of thinking

Those that break the stereotype are the exception, not the norm. Even then, if you look at the exceptions you will tend to find qualities that are common in whites. That said, the term wigger is still a very valid insult due to how rampant that shit is.



This is the worst timeline.

I have bad news for you, they were bought by the establishment a fucking YEAR ago.

There are no based nig-

Based nigger


nation of islam is not islam.
it's a we wuz cult for dumb black supremacists who ironically took up elements of the religion of probably the biggest oppressors of niggers ever because christianity wuz too white.

You Holla Forumsyps are funny. Not even other fascists agree with you.

Despite the fact that he's sticking up for the Palestinians, he's still perpetuating the "muh 6 gorillion" bullshit.

If it's not white it's not alright

I feex


hello nu/pol/