Nearly 50,000 Christians may be resettled in the United States or

The Congo is up to 95% Christian.

Other urls found in this thread:

More worthless niggers.

As long as they aren't Muslims, right?

As any cultural libertarian will tell you, the problem with refugees isn't that they're shitskins, but that they adhere to the wrong desert faith.

These niggers are as Christian as Europeans are Voodoo practitioners.

Resettled? Sure, make a thread about it. But emphasizing so much on the niggers being christian shows your nose.

k bucko

Clickbait title op. The article doesn't even mention the United States, just that they must be resettled.

I thought you lot said that you will always feel closer to a nigger Christian than some European or hwhite NAZI?

This. lolberturdianism and other anarchist bullshit is all about "the belief".

If not the US then it would be Europe.

pls have sex


China has a few empty ghost cities they could be sent to, send them that way.

I'll gas myself immediately for misreading that. Have a bump.

You trying to be funny or are you serious? The niggers are coming to the West because no one in the West will kill them or the businesses/churches/banks bringing them here.

fucking great

Brothers in Christ indeed

Both, but it would be strategic demographic warfare to put more (((international pressure))) on the Chinese to burden these simians.

So we're not important the Yazidis or Assyrians that are sorta kinda white and actually halfway decent people?

No instead we importing Niggers, of fucking course.

no one on pol says this, retard

No sweat, Even though Sweden is at bursting limit, they'll probably volunteer to take in at least 10% of them.

Christcuck charities yall, helping da brothahood of christ roun da woorl

The West is a bankrupt, broken shithole administered entirely by kikes and colonized in totality by subhumans scavenging its bones. It doesn't have any ability to put pressure on anyone.

The board needs less LARPing.

This is the only scenario in which I would find taking in these niggers acceptable:
we set up a hunger games style scenario for all these different dune coon religion niggers to battle it out, and the last nigger standing gets sent to some unincorporated island territory to nig it up for the rest of his days (sans-citizenship).
Simply taking them in "just because" is unacceptable (what benefit does this pose to us? why would we do this?). Only evangelicals support this type of shit.

I cannot wait until Jamar makes sweet, tender love with my daughter. Just what Jewsus wants!


With Trump in the whitehouse it won't be larping.


And reported for repeating intl lies. Thanks for outing yourself, you cocksucking faggot!


o shit you're right

I thought it was shitty Christcuck charities doing it. But reminder that Christcuck charities are working hard for shitskins to flood into the west, anyway

I should think plenty of the nigger gangbangers wrecking Chicago would, if pressed, claim to believe in DE LAWD.
This is just going to be more of them, only even worse at speaking English.

Stopped reading right there. Lot of you guys are talking yourselves into this guy being something he is going out of his way to tell you he isn't. Looking for a savior isn't going to help.

The UN and Christian charities are both SJW tools now, and nothing else

Oh, Im sorry. They said it on /christian/.

And would the Chinks accept these niggers? Are you high?

Keep waiting for Hitler. Trump is a pragmatist, and there is no way he can sell the idea of MAGA and at the same time accept a large portion of 50,000 useless Congolese.

it's ok user, sorry I was a dick

Keep pretending trump is hitler he isnt going to save you

If the congo is so fucked that it requires the US to take people in, then the US should have the Casus Belli to invade and recolonize the congo.

Correct and that's why the 100+ million niggers, spics, pajeets [like his multimillion dollar donor Shally Kumar], ragheads [like the ones he sells apartments to in Jersey City], and gooks are staying right where they are.

But das fucking RACIST

Fuck off and take your christcuck taqiyya with you.


Stop believing in Trump. Trump 50 yrs ago would be a moderate on everything.

He only seems "EXTREME RIGHT" to anyone because the Jews have so much power over the narrative.

Wake up.

China is susceptible to the pressures of global trade, as are all of the UN member states. It would also be good to let the Chinese explain to the international community why they would not take the niggers. Don't play stupid and act that China is impervious to the will of the international community.

we need them come on its nice and comfy in the stew

Devout Christians as a whole are as destructive to the West as SJWs.

Has Trump said that he would stop acceptance of all refugees? I don't remember if he has ever addressed this. He went back and forth on the Syrian refugee thing early in the election cycle.

Refugees have a somewhat different legal status or at least justification for acceptance than regular immigrants.

Implying all Christians are the same thing.

user, we need to encourage more Christians to be pro-White nationalists, and it can be done.

Right now we're powerless, but that can change. We need to be resolute

Hitler never ran 500 businesses at the same time.

Either way, Trump can't accept the refugees without backtracking to his voters' agenda.

Either they don't come in (the wrong move, those people need help)
Or Trump finally makes the congo great again.

The problem right now is that (((they))) need immigrants to feed their ponzi scheme. They deliberately destabilize the congo in order to achieve this. Just like they did with the middle east.

Oh shut the fuck up. I hope Trump wins and you kill yourself in despair.

Yeah, like how the sandniggers have been forced to accept the "refugees" right? Like Dubai, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel and such?

That's an awful lot of anti-Trumpers for one thread. Also, why are you working on the Sabbath, you kikes shouldn't be touching electronics.

I'm pretty sure people would agree nowadays. We've grown skeptical of political correctness.

Holla Forums was the catalyst for that.

Agreed user, but we have to respect previous generations of strong White Christians who would never have put up with this shit.

I am an atheist and I fucking hate modern Christianity, but our great grandparents were all based as fuck and usually Christian.

See what I mean?

congo christians are gonna turn this shit around we are having a christian revival dammit hell or highwater

stop it with your pathetic idols

faith war

I'm still voting for Trump, because he's better than Hillcunt, but pretending he's REALLY GOOD is not based.

Trump is not a bad guy, but he PROBABLY WON'T SOLVE OUR FUCKING PROBLEMS.

Because no one is actually putting pressure no them to do so. And that is because Western leaders want miscegenation and globalism so badly, that they intentionally ruin their nation's demography.

I'm not really anti-Trump. He is what he is. He's perfectly suited to the mudrace hellhole we've come to know as America. At least my taxes will go down so I can buy more useless shit.

I don't like this fucking country, alright?

christcuck shillers are back, I thought the mods dealt with them?

At the very least he's an anti-globalist. That should be reason enough to have some high expectations for the man. Just look at the vast number of global power structures working overtime to stop him. What is it they have to lose with Trump if he's under kike control?

China is more influential than all of those mud holes except Israel. Now tell me how some cucks will force China to take shitskins when they couldnt force their sandnigger puppets?

they will be my army my nigger army and we will jump every heritic in the land. Run ye heathens the chansons shall drown out your petty cries to a dying god of mystical heresay.

Faith war

You sound like a rootless mongrel to be honest. You know what other tribe of people wander around without a country to call their own… ?

There was no will to force the hand of the sand niggers. None at all.

No, nigger. I'm White. That's why I don't like America. I'm White and I don't like to play pretend.


This is why evangelicucks shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is so depressing, what's the point of having a family, kids, forcing kids to obey the law, go to school, get certificates and then force them to work like wageslaves, when your politicians import fucking braindead niggers and give them free shit? The niggers have millions of niglets while living on welfare, while your kid has to bust his ass to earn enough to pay rent. It just seems to me that it's best to give up on family and enjoy my hobbies, because these rich corrupt fucks will fuck me over anyways.

There's no will because there's no capability. Sand niggers OWN the West. Do you understand that? Non-Whites flat out OWN the West. It's nothing but a milk cow for them. They dump their products, they own land, their oil money dictates which defense contractor stays solvent.

voting is idolotry

Learn Polish or Hungarian, user, I'm not even kidding, the White race has a chance to survive there.

We need to preach about how fucking horrible it is for nonwhites to invade a society to the East Euros before it's too late.

It may be our only hope

I understand that sentiment, but Trump is medicine for the disease, I'm not saying he's the cure. Let's go back to where this starts though, with Trump I don't think he accepts the 50,000 Congolese. To be honest, I'm not even sure if Hillary would (unless her backers demanded), because that's a group of people you can't even give make-work jobs to.

No, they don't. Because you can't OWN anything without military power backing it. For that reason, I don't even buy the idea that Israel owns the United States. Certainly, they wield undue influence, but when they are really one night of the long knives away from having that taken away, you can't really call that proper ownership.

only the virgin niggers will not be drowned. the remnent will be consecrated and baptized by a white man to really wash the sin out of these coons and they will not be allowed to have sex or masturbate they are my nigger army they will crush heritics with the power of the cross and the blood shed on it that day by jesus christ. we need these men and we are going to let you know niggers are better than non christians that is a truth. If you aint a christian you are not white. Nothing else can be said to deflect if you are not a christian you are not white

Are you and I living on a different planet where Western militaries do anything else with their time but explicitly and openly destroy the enemies of Israel and the Gulf States?

That being said, I will waken my argument somewhat. These days, and looking forwards, I'm not even sure what "The West" means for us, as it has become far less of a Eurocentric concept.

"the west" UN dumping grounds where Whites are bullied into having no identity

I asked an honest question Why is that so hard to grasp?

Christianity itself has never been a positive influence in the West. You can go back centuries and observe events like the Pope giving the gypsies free passage through Europe when they told him some story about how they were displaced Christians.

It really is a disgusting religion. I'm also an atheist, but our native beliefs were leagues ahead of the Christian cult that took over the West.


I agree Christianity has been mostly bad but I think we have to respect our Christian ancestors who weren't cucks

I want Christianity to die, but I think that some Christians have been good, and for instance have crusaded and done good.


Because it was full of disgusting nigger images, I barely looked at it. At first Trump was all about helping Syrians, but ever since he's always said "I will take no refugees. We can't, sorry. We're broke".

The only remotely positive period of Christianity in Europe was the early conversions of Gothic peoples who still retained their pagan vitality.

eat da poopoo
CommonFilth must be ecstatic.

Literally these niggers should be exchanged with the sinful riot niggers let them suck sand in the congo let some actual people with feelings represent niggers for a chance



And judging by some of the responses here, I'd say that's working.

This is where we shall see if Trump means what he says, by "America First".

most everyone on this thread is based, though

Everything coming out of his mouth about Iran, protecting Israel 100%, and taking on dipshits like James Woolsey isn't a promising sign.

Christianity won't die until you can provide:

The answer is not KEK and certainly not Islam.


Yes, but not because of Christianity

The Crusades were of no benefit to Europeans. Tens of thousands of Europeans died in pointless conflict away from home, instead of actual conquest and colonization like the British in particular excelled at. A number of the Crusades, such as the Albigensian, were also aimed at fellow Europeans who didn't accept Christianity or the Catholic Church's version of it.

Well isnt that an apt observation by someone dead inside without christ and a little dupe that prances to and fro like the merrymen this fuck is why if you are not a christian you are not white. Lets bring out our dead weight luciferians and all sorts of self worshippers and exchange them with people with feelings aka cchristians of any sort.

faith war

Actually this is a pretty good thread I must say, a lot of proper debate instead of just BASED GOD EMPEROR stuff, I'm actually having to prove my support logically. Maybe Holla Forums is better at night.

Is this some argument for Christianity?

I think that for most of its history Christianity has been a good thing though, the church has been a bulwark of good family values and unity against Islam

Now that time is done.

I want to give European Christianity, the distinct religion of our ancestors, a good burial.

I don't think Christian Europeans were just basic Christianity, they had their own special culture. Just as Afghans practicing Islam are not somehow unAfghan, past generations of Europeans being Christian was not unEuropean imho.

He's a nationalist with neocon sympathies, that is fer certain. And to be honest, I think that describes most of middle America, and certainly the evangelical crowd.

I don't see him being controlled by them though. He probably thinks Woolsey is useful to navigate uncharted territory.

So yes, there is part of Trump that is an unknown quantity, but with Hillary we know for certain that she's a puppet candidate. Any other vote is a vote for Hillary, so even if you're rightfully suspicious, Trump is the correct choice.

He's a staunch civic nationalist who loves the symbolism of nations but won't actually do much to defend the real substance of a nation (its people)

At most he might have some temporary good effect on immigration, but it's not like he'll shut off the flow of third worlders into the west. He won't. He'll just make it all "legal"

O joy, white genocide done legally, how awesome

checking my own double dubs

It's an appeal for something which can bind a group of European people who would otherwise have diverse views on many issues.

I would favour an approach that centered on nature rather than mountain gods in the levant, but LARPing in the woods doesn't really work in the modern world.

That was what I thought, tbh. I don't remember him bringing it up during the excellent Arizona speech, so was wondering if there was any new angles to this.

But I don't know if Christianity itself added anything. Unfortunately, we don't know enough about the early Germans and Celts to judge.

One of the very few things I'll grant Christianity is that there was an even nastier religion gaining adherents throughout the ancient world: Manichaeism. Christianity beat that, but absorbed some of its teachings through Augustine. Some of the extreme Christian hatred of the flesh may be due to Manichaean influence.


No need to worry about that laymen. Nothing is more of a trait of heresay than to question the political theatrice. Didst it over occur to yov that thefe trvmp cvckf ftandeth on fhakey ground? They are on Ice of thin proportion, Into the chilly waters of the heritic the riverf of their bvlood.

This is all your faults, christcucks

We need European culture and heritage but in a spiritual form. We can study and love our past and our old polytheism without literally believing it.

Look at how many Jews are pro-Jew without having to literally believe in Judaism.

I think we should revive the old pagan rituals, eventually, if not only because it honors our ancestors. I'm an atheist, but it only seems right that the traditions of our ancestors continue.

Rituals have symbolic meaning, and don't requite literal belief.

cuz muh jesus loves the little chillin

all da chillin of da world

redd n yella black n white

they all presh in hisses sight

jesus lubs da lil chillin of da world

There's no such thing. Neo-conservatism is diametrically opposed to nationalism.

Neo-cons are an outgrowth of Trotskyite communism – the exiled, jewish, and anti-Stalinist LEFT of the Soviet Union. Rather than adhere to Stalin's overall concept of "socialism in one country", they believe in "permanent revolution" where social order is turned over chronically, often in a violent manner, to consolidate their hold on power and prevent any other groups from establishing themselves.

Spend some time on the board >>>/cucktianity/ Christianity has always been vile, it's not a recent shift.

I partly disagree with this. I don't think Trump is ideological at all, tbh. He is just making it up as he goes along. Back in 2012, he criticized Mitt Romney for being too harsh with his views on immigration.

He loves being at the forefront of things and winding people up and being the center of attention. That is what he has done all of his life as a self-promoter.

If we can keep up a cultural change and shift, Trump might follow along.

Chillin on your crushed remains heritic

Yeah, I agree. That's what I was trying to say, but I wasn't explicit enough about it.

I do know that, and I don't know why I wrote neo-con, I meant Zionist.

Yep this is exactly why people like ColumnFifth should not be trusted. So long as someone claims to be Christian they'll give them the entire kingdom. Fuck that, they're niggers. We need niggers like we need a hole in the head.

Zionists can't be nationalists, either.

Observing times are we?
Prep the rack for this heritic.

It is, my apartment complex has Sudanese niggers coming in every year, they just mill about all day - being a porch monkey is genetic.

They also let their families live in the garages where they scramble across the crawl spaces like rats and burglarize adjacent garages.

Who is bringing them here and paying for their sponsorship? The fucking Lutheran Church.

You think like a dirty jew. No country deserves Niggers and Niggers don't deserve free land. The correct response is to tell the UN to fuck off and just let them all die.

They aren't people and we don't need to do anything cuck.

Lvtherens will be drowned

Sure, but Trump isn't a full blown zionist. Just as a white nationalist may feel solicitude towards Japan.

That's like saying he doesn't have full blown AIDS.

To you, but his world won't be so black and white. For the most part, he's inheriting the preexisting relations. I don't know why he cucked out to the Israel lobby when he gave that AIPAC speech. Perhaps in his mind, they're the lesser of two evils when it comes to Muslims in the region.

Drowng heretics is actually the only thing that can be done if they sin for whatever reason or speak of falsehoods like mafonry. Drowning them is the eternal baptism. They will be bloated with their own refusal to accept jesus as lord. the waters shall turn pink out of their cowerdice.
yes the waters shall blush with their false pride.

His family, his friends, his high-level employees, his lenders?

You still can't argue he isn't the best choice though.

You can make the savage into a Christian, but you can take the savage out of

heritics crushed remains they be swishin

They're illiterate niggers who your God would gladly flood again to hide his design failure from the world.

I never put forth that argument in the first place.

In which case, until he fucks up, it is in Trump we trust.

No, not for me. If that works for you, knock yourself out and roll with it.


why do these people not see that race mixing is pointless, thanks to gene modification

the fact that white christians have been gaslighted into becoming globalists/universalists is extremely triggering

user.. clearly the NWO wants white people to take the main role too.

We have too choices:


I prefer option 2.. though lately 3 has gotten tempting :^)

Kill all the niggers.

Religious D&C has always been JIDF and COINTELPRO primary weapons. The best part is that they can play both sides at will. Thus the best thing to do is ignore petty arguing and stick to the facts inb4 a shill claims everything they say is the facts

You're the cuck. Because in space we need the numbers.

And these people may still be redeemable, some even have talents that whites do not have, though most whites have talents they do not have.

Apparently the new eligibility for mass migration is "hey, gibs me what you got!".

This will not stand under president Trump.

Is this the new angle? bring in christians instead of muslims so glenn beck doesnt cry?

glenn beck loves christians because he supports israel bulldozing their orchards

Bring in Christians so they can't use the Muslim excuse.

It's a work around anti-muslim policies.

Yet again the jews subvert. Fucking pests.

I don't see the problem with this as long as they are Christians. America is a Christian nation after all.


Yes goyim remember this nation was built on Judeo-Christian values.


- they shouldnt be made citizens

- they should be expected to work as per christian doctrine, possibly after a limited time of food and housing provided privately by church or charity.

- when whatever they are fleeing from ceases they should be forced to go back, including any new progeny

the problem is most of this shit can be solved by uncucking the world

- they should be exterminated for being non-white


"I say to love thy brother yet my brother is not a nigger" - Jesus Christ, bastard son of some jewish whore

this is fucking rich, whites will literally get CUCKED TO DEATH because they refuse to believe they picked the wrong skydaddy to worship.

Uh huh. "Christians." "Christians" wearing towels over their faces and blowing up more shit.

Allahu Akbar I worship Jesus I am Sudanese where are the bleach I need make chemistry product IN JIHAD!


I still think a lot of people here dismiss stories like yours. They can't quite believe how bad organized Christianity is.

Here are some excerpts from the history page of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service:









Jewtheran Church is one of the worst.

Christianity is basically 100% jewish in the 21st century. The jews took control of the vatican (the fucking pope they installed is a kike) and the protestant churches are all kosher (MUH ISRAEL MUH GREATEST ALLY MUH HOLY LAND DURR).

Just cuck muh shit up.

Godly niggers


The white race is perpetuated by Christians, not neckbeard secularists.

yay Christians! :D

Yes, exactly, and it's something to watch for. Demonizing Muslims because of their shitty holy books, and only because of their shitty holy books, is something you see from liberals like (((Bill Maher))) through conservatives like Glenn Beck.

By keeping the focus on Muslims, it allows them to bypass opposition to bringing in Christians.

Most of sub-Saharan Africa is Christian. Most of the actual black population of Africa and the world is Christian, with Muslim countries tending more towards non-white Caucasians, especially in countries bordering the Mediterranean.

Not counting some atypical populations like Ethiopians, pygmies, and Capoids, the red Christian area has possibly the most criminal & violent people on earth in terms of genetic makeup. A city that is 30% Moroccan would probably have less crime than a city that is 10% Congolese.

This is a whole other level of cuckoldry

Atheism does not describe a comprehensive belief system. It is merely a rejection of one particular belief. It would be like grouping together all anti-feminists, which would include people in every traditional society ever, as one particular group.

Christianity is a comprehensive belief system, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

I know it's hard to give a fuck about Africans at this point in history, but the destruction that Christians did to native Western religions and spirituality is being done to this day to Africans.

Not only that, but the Christians do everything in their power to stop abortion and even contraception in Africa, making Africa the fastest growing population on the planet. Pictured is a billboard in Africa showing that a person who uses a condom will die. More info >>>/cucktianity/11

It is that insane. You can not make this shit up. Even the worst of the SJWs are not guilty of this.

They're our brothers in Christ Jesus :^)

Praise YHWH! Good thing their desire to rape vanishes as soon as they take the Eucharist. Tgeyre

I bet CF is salivating at the thought

Hell is forever!


They're useful idiots. The jews and freemasons, the globalist KIKES use christians to further their agendas.

Hell is quick and painful, you'll learn what the oven tastes like soon enough autist.

I know what this means

a lot of people will be baptised into submission.

The eternal bath

Christian death squads are coming cultists.

They are the normal people all they need is a pitchfork a torch and the truth and there will be forced baptisms all around us it will be wonderful.


Why is michelle so fucking fat there? When was that

she's got some mad tit sweats going on too

It's ok anons, we're all one under Jewsus.

They should have let Gaddaffi unfuck Africa with his based gold currency

It's done everywhere. What i find hilarious is how christcucks moralize the fact that they are helping more people to be born in absolute poverty and be bound to suffer for their entire life with the fact that their kike god does not like abortion.

Reducing the African population would be an act of mercy if anything.

I think it is closely related with the "charity" business, which is mostly run by kikes and their umbrella organizations.

Just like they forbid white trash from aborting, so they can snatch their children for pedo rings once their parents die of heroin OD or go to prison.

Actually christians believe that life in poverty and pain is a blessing. They would love it if everybody lived in poverty and shit slums.

If they're niggers we don't want them.
We have too many niggers now.

what does "christian" mean in africa?

claiming christianity while acting like animals screams "by ye fruits ye shall know them"

It's like you folks want the whole African continent to become muslim so you have no BLM, but niggerkebab Jihadis blowing up


Then they should stay there, they don't need to be refugees, there's nothing wrong. The only christian refugees I want are the ones actually facing genocide by the muzzies. And rather than refugee status I want to just fucking kill the dicking muslim fuckstains.

Why do we need refugees? Why do they have to come here? You want us to bomb your enemies for you, alright, but you grab a gun and help or get fucked, and don't come here to leech of my tax dollars.

WHY ARE THE CONGOLESE COMING HERE. There is no war there, there is nothing. They're just lazy niggers living in the same niggered up nation they have for generations, but suddenly the poverty they inflict on themselves with a 70 IQ population is a problem, and has to be solved by dropping them in our homes so they can be a welfare class.

FUCK ALL REFUGEES. STAY IN YOUR OWN SHITHOLE, AND IMPROVE IT OR GET FUCKED. Just like how they ruined welfare by abusing it until it fucking died, now they abuse refugee systems. They're a plague of locusts. Niggers should be genocided, cristcuck or mudslime or some voodoo hoodoo shit, just bomb them to glass.

All I see are three strains of the same abrahamic cancer. If christcucks want to kill muzzies I will gladly help, but don't mistake that for approval of your kike slave cult, race traitor. I don't hate you as much as muslims but that doensn't mean I like you.

Let's deport our niggers to the congo so they can go stabilize it n shieet.


Feels bad man. I'd retake constantinople with Holla Forums.

Not surprising ,since most Christians are in for social image and ego other than actual faith with a understanding of the Bible.

Only the poorfags ones believe this shit, this gets preached to get more followers in slums or ghettos.

Relativism and later Marxism, was the first step into the pozzed Christianity we see nowadays were anyone that follow the Word is cataloged as a bigot or regressive

If you do, you'll be allowed into Heaven.

I know. It's not MY fault. Some dickhead took what I said and twisted it to become pozzed.

If any of you guys would screen shot my greentext post I would greatly appreciate it

Right now, you're making a rational analysis of what will happen with Church policies on abortion and contraception. Christcucks don't do this. They're very similar to early theoretical Marxists who believe that at some point, with enough exposure to their teachings, people will simply act according to the teachings of their cult.

The main Christcuck rationalization is "free will." People have free will, so instead of them taking contraceptives to fulfill their biological and pleasurable urges to have sex while limiting the number of kids that result from this, they are instead expected to simply have little or no sex except when children are desired. They have free will, so they can limit those drives that Christcucks consider base desires of the flesh.

On another level, it's even worse than that. See what this Christcuck says here

Christcucks want their people to breed so that there are more Christcucks. There is no concern about quality of people or for that matter the life plans of the people having kids, it is just pumping out as many kids as possible. Islam is the same way, so the two Abrahamic religions are locked in a race to destroy the continent with people by pumping out as many kids as possible.

The worst nation on the continent, and in the world, is Niger, a majority Islamic country with 7.6 children per female. Think of how insane that number is. The majority Christian Congo is not much better, at 6.1 children per female.

While it's true that whites need to bump up their fertility, nobody wants to win this type of race. It's better to sterilize or kill your enemies than to live in a world where white women need to have 10 kids each to achieve victory. In fact, we probably don't even need to forcibly sterilize or kill them, we should work to wipe out Christianity here and in Africa, get birth control and abortions to them, and watch their birth rates plummet. Africa did not have this problem prior to modern medicine and Christian/Islamic colonization.

I love this actually. Blacks have done some really good things


Christians like you are so full of shit with this. Your church does not give a fuck about race. Those people in the Middle East were Christian before they switched to Islam.

A year after Christ was crucified, Philip the Evangelist baptized an Ethiopian. Ethiopia may be the first nation to adopt Christianity.

The Apostle Thomas even went to India to spread Christianity:

I dont take kike D&C personel afraid of pro-breeding too seriously

How's that for a comeback? Werhmacht had blacks, Indians and Arabs in its ranks aswell.

Even Jews.


When innocent blood is shed then it brings a curse upon the land. Cultists think they when they slay a sacrifice and let them bleed into the earth it is a blessing upon the land and they offer their young to pass through the hellfire of moloch. Of baal, Of Jahbulon and other demonic principalities for literally no reason or effect except to bring a curse upon the land. That is why they shot JFK he was a sacrifice by the NWO to bring a curse upon the land and if you think about it right after they shot JFK the hippies started coming out the vietnam war began and the psyop of Rock and Roll or Devils Music and psychedelic manipulative drugs. The colors the colors! The feminists started burning their girdles the niggers started some sort of soul train that is choo chooin all the way to the bottomless pit;
total rainbow false flag and it is the same today with these fucking faggots. They need to be drowned. Seriously if we do not stop the routine shedding of innocent blood god will set his face against the nation as he would see us as a harlot of moloch and this is why they have to constantly on a daily basis every day they must say it is the christians mucking up the works when it is everyone who is a heritic and to think otherwise is false.

Yet I'll bet you take 'faith war' christcucks seriously?

Christians are useful idiots. As soon as we've won, they become the next enemy and target for eradication - it might be necessary to eradicate Christianity before we can win.

Spirituality is absolutely pointless. No one can prove or disprove the supernatural, so why believe or disbelieve in anything above this Earth? If there's a God, and He is good, surely He wouldn't punish you for having reasonable doubts for you are of little faith, and if there isn't, then you lose absolutely nothing from doubting both religion and non-religion.

Powerful Christians and the RCC itself sheltered Jews, you mong. They were too useful as financiers to get rid of as far as the upper classes were concerned, so whenever they'd kike it up enough to get the local population or the nobility riled up (hey, if we expel them we won't have to pay denbts) the nobles would pack them up and send them away to some more receptive area instead of letting the people stamp them out. The Church is the reason that there's a list of Jewish "expulsions" trailing through thousands of years of European history instead of a much shorter list of Jewish genocides.

Our old religions are in bad shape, but can be reconstructed in the same way the linguists reconstructed PIE.

Cross reference what we have left, and compare to what remains of functional polytheisms like Lithuanian paganism, the Mari-El religion, records of Greco-Roman paganism and Norse mythology, Hinduism, Shintoism etc.

And I would throw in some gnosticism/occult stuff for those who want some philosophy in there.

Also sneak Kek into the pantheon in some obscure place for the truly enlightened.

Spirituality is a tool for promoting social cohesion and in group loyalty.

Last faith war was in late 1500s.

Had you been born to witness a Crusade, you wouldn't last alive for very long.

The lord will sift you like wheat shredded wheat you need to stop your special snowflake cultist cursebringing religion and put away childish things that are comperable to emotional teenagers drinking the blood after cutting themselves.

You are losing the faith war and you know it.

Hellenism wasn't the same type of religion as Christianity. It wasn't a religion where you had a hugely influential priesthood and organized worship of gods. It was a set of mythological stories that described the virtues and faults of humanity on a massive scale. Sure, you had cults around individual gods, but they weren't servile-type cults and they had nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people.

And you say this on the basis that I disagree with you about your fucking desert cult?

Where the fuck did these people come from?

Kek, keep dreaming, kike worshipper.

All i hear is bubbles. That would be all I would hear if someone said that to my face I would drown them.

Group loyalty is cultist.

Indeed, I don't really think a return of organised religion would be beneficial, more a form of folk paganism with various cults for those who feel drawn to a patron.

I believe that hellenism rather than germanic paganism is the way to go, given how the hellenic pantheon has remained prominent in western culture even throughout the Christian era, and was indeed the foundation of it in ancient Greek city-states. Fuck, they even teach it in public education (or at least they did when I was in school).

The christian organizations that have been pushing for immigration got a lot of negative feedback about the shitskins. This is likely an attempt to bring in "more christians to prop up the church so it doesn't die yo" while simultaneously enriching us. Don't fall for it.

Which is why I am not proposing a "One true sky daddy" type religion, more a wew look at all these nice festivals we got here, I sure do love my tribe, style one.

I think we should have Hellenism for the Romance nations and Greece, Germanic paganism for the Germanics, Slavic for the Slavs, and Interpretatio for unity.

Protestants believe that D-G hates poor people. Catholics are Marxists. Orthodox believe that life of suffering is a bless, and the more you suffer, the more God loves you.

All three are obvious Jewish poison.

Supplementing one Jewish poison (radical Islam) with another (Christianity) is not a solution

At least radical Muslims mostly kill each other over who is truer to their moon god. Christians become godly niggers that move to white countries.

And the more poor people there are, the more potential members there are.

Actually, a proper eugenics program could be carried out without most people even noticing it. We don't need more white people, we need less mud people. And that could be accomplished by forcing a one child policy on everyone. Since there is much more muds than whites, they would lose more population this way. Mathematics is beautiful, isn't it?

Honestly the ACTUAL Christians from the Congo are not too bad people, I know one.

But they are still going to have to go back when the time comes.

I say that with the basis you are wishing for revival of massive holy war period in a very romanticized way

A christian would be expected to volunteer to go fight in holyland aswell.

Crusade period: no innocents, no one safe.

It's literally a "avoid the greater evil" thing.

'Not being bad people' isn't an excuse to import them to our country. Fuck, I don't believe that any group of people is really inherently 'bad.' That doesn't mean that they belong in our countries, and it doesn't mean that they have the necessary biological hardware to integrate into them. This cultural imperative of immigration being an unchangeable constant needs to fucking end.

"do a smaller evil to avoid a greater evil"

I was mocking the 'faith war' poster/s, not supporting them. The crusades shit is 100% LARPing.

Actually there shouldn't be conditions for abortion in the first place, since ideally you would have wise people who know to use protection, and only make children when they are absolutely ready for it.

Of course, broken marriages, child abuse, ruined lives, broken childhood, poverty, disease, crime etc. are all loved by your satanic god, since that's the result of your natal policies (and religion in general)

simply revert burden of proof. rather than say they CANNOT enter (everyone will want to lynch the evil natzee) simply put burden of proof of why they should enter.

Then not only you will cut down numbers by a huge margin, but you will also indirectly select the less troublesome of them, and avoid lynching by a bluepilled zombie army.

Hm no, sometimes Crusaders went Berseck, even several Christian cities were massacred. Was not intended of course, but you can't retain 100% control of a proudly fanatic army.

hello dawkins

Wasn't talking about the actual crusaders, but christcuck posters pretending to be crusaders in the modern day.

Reverting the burden of proof - good way to put what I was trying to put into words. Too many people feel that the proof has to be why they shouldn't enter.

Settle them in Detroit - it has the room to spare, they won't look out of place and it'll STILL be better than where they came from.

The only reason it remained "prominent" is because it was preserved in stone one way or another and thus survived long enough to be romanticized - and this preservation was also aided by the fact that the RCC took on much of the trappings of extant Grecco-Roman religion when it became prominent in the Roman empire and that provided Greek and Roman mythology some measure of shelter from the Church's cultural pogroms. The Germanics were both devoid of written language and the traditional enemies of the Roman power structure so they could leave no records of their faith except through foreign means and the Church took special care to grind their faith and identity into dust to the greatest extent possible once they had the means to do so.

look at these non christian cultists pretending they are gonna convince their kike masters that christianity is old hat.

Its so funny because they are not baptized so they are officially not white these shit people the mud people are critiquing salvation how cute!

Huzzah let them have their little fun. Because hell is eternal torment mental and physical anguish absolute pain for all of eternity.


I doubt any Christian who has read on the Crusades half seriously will know what it can possibly unleash.

It's a huge luck Crusade cannot start without official announcement.

Face it. Jews got so many enemies, Christianity can win by doing nothing.

the christianity that my forefathers practiced has also nothing in common with the religion that the egalitarian doomsday cultists from the US have spawned

Neither of you have an understanding of the crusades, they were a response to the invasion of muds who were destroying Whites, not pointless and not because of cuckstianity, if Whites were followers of any other religion the situation would have been the same.

and here he's going over mudism, he hits on again and again how christcucks are fucking us over, they don't care about Whites, they only care about cuckstianity. .

Pointing to indoctrinated bluepills sn't bolstering your point.


Yep, that's what it's looking like, in contrast to Ann Coulter who is preaching what we want, America = White, stop turd world immigration completely, redo Eisenhower's Operation Wetback to get rid of the squatters already here.

At least there won't be an allhuackbaring

Prove It Faggot

Pretty much what you say.

Crusades was a smaller evil to prevent a greater evil. Alternative was the entire becoming Jihadist Muslim without even fighting back.

We would be suicide bombing each other today.

*entire west

the crusades were the popes attempt to extend his influence in Byzantium by helping them out. They ended up sacking Constantinople and destroying Byzantium. You do realize the rab slave trade didnt stop with the crusades and they didnt end anything? Barbary pirates were still taking white people as slaves and raiding European coasts when the US was a country. They accomplished nothing and destroyed the only remnant of Rome.

Nope. Shitskins have to be treated like shitskins. Stay in your containment continents.

Actually the result would have been different given a different religion.

There would have been more reconquista-ing rather than crusading for (((Jerusalem))).

your a nigger yourself I would imagine

Wrong, they were sacking places to pay the (((money lenders))) of the crusade. It was (((their))) idea/demand to attack christian settlements to pay (((them))) right then or they wouldn't fund things further and the army would disband. The first place that was attacked, the attack ended up being so costly it only paid for that attack.

"slavery didn't stop 100%!" What a shit argument strategy. What did happen was muds being stopped encroaching on land.

That's not the different that's being referred to, I'm pointing out Whites were under attack the the no difference is the response, the alternative to fighting back was genocide & enslavement which the muds were doing all over to them so it was very clear what the result was going to be not fighting back, the muds were going to genocide and enslave until there were no Whites left unless they were stopped.


the pope called the crusades retard they were the popes idea. The objective of the crusades was not accomplished slave trade didn't end holy land wasnt re taken Byzantium was destroyed stay ass blasted christcuck. They didnt stop encroaching you fucking idiot the loss of Byzantium made the turks flood through the Balkans and try and invade central europe several times you made it worse fuck face.

Nope, watch the video.

You must be shit posting, as if my posts suggest a christcuck.

"just like slavery didn't stop 100%, everything else didn't happen instantly either therefore proving you wrong!"

Get a better script.

Are you implying the papal state didn't have a large say in sanctioning crusades? Are you slow?

She was bulking.

haha atheists btfo

more christians=better usa

No, that's just your strawman you just made.

Not religion in general, just Abrahamic ones.

This is a massive problem in and of itself. You could write a whole book about the Western "crusade" mentality, with the United States being the most guilty, entering wars with the belief that they are one of the White Hats and they are making the world safe for democracy or the buzzword of the day. The world is a much worse place because of it.

When it actually comes to a real reason for war, nobody has ever had an issue with it. Old wars used to be for conquest of foreign land, wealth, and women or of course defense of them and in fact there was often no actual invading army, just a group of people moving into an area with the men in front attacking and plundering.

Actually, I do. I know the argument you are attempting to make, but the ultimate goal of the First Crusade, which is sort of the benchmark when we talk about Crusades, was to seize Jerusalem, which has nothing to with protecting Europe from invading muds.

Who's gonna fuck your wife's soul if there aren't any niggers in heaven?

Europeans aren't voodoo practitioners, they never were, and don't pretend to be. These Africans actually practice Christianity. They're Christian whether you like it or not and you don't get to pick and choose who is Christian. Face it: Christianity is a foreign, non-white religion. It's a religion of brown people worshiping a Jew. Whites make up a very tiny minority among Christians.

No one should worship a kike, not even niggers.


Btw, if your point is that the Church co-opted a swelling sentiment within Europe that it must be defended from the Muslim trash attacking it, and turned it into a Crusade about the "Holy Land," then I'd say we are in agreement.

Oh man, can you imagine? The press would shit itself trying to report any and all events.

Even worse than that, user.

I…uh…I would be okay with cannibal gangs working their way through Detroit.

We'll need a second wall around Detroit with sniper guards, though.


Devout Christians built the post-Roman West, and somehow none of them believed it was their spiritual duty to import hordes of niggers. But it couldn't possibly be that modern evangelicuck "Christians" have been Jewed away from real Christian traditions–they clearly just know what Jesus wanted better than two millennia worth of their ancestors did.

You mean like murdering Europeans for staying true to the faiths of their fathers? Or destroying European culture because it wasn't kosher?

Cuckstianity has always been a religion for race traitors, nothing more. Those Europeans who built the societies in which we live today were yoked by a foreign religion. Of course everything they were all "Christians", because if you weren't a Cuckstian, you were going to be murdered.

The real Cuckstian tradition would be the teachings attributed to Yeshua and other Semitic texts. Within those, there is nothing European nor anything of value or virtue. Cuckstianity at its core is a Semitic religion which teaches globalist horseshit different from Marxism only in that it is theistic. Of course, when comparing the trite monotheism of the Abrahamic tradition to the superior pantheism of European cultures, it might as well be atheistic.

I'm done with the "muh good Christian" argument. There are no "good Christians" unless they completely go against their universalist, morality applies to everyone bullshit.

They vote based on shit like fag marriage and abortion when it really doesn't affect them personally and abortion is the only reason we aren't 30% black nationwide.

You can't look at the fringes of Christianity who are pro-white and say "SEE - This is real Christianity" just like you can't look at the one black guy with a Chemistry degree and say "SEE - All blacks are capable of this."

Instead of trying to breathe life into a dying, cucked out, desert religion, why not create something new?

You think pagans didn't kill other Europeans? War is part of life, get over it.
Christianity integrated the work of the great Greek philosophers as well as many pagan traditions from elsewhere in Europe, because it's the true successor to the old ways, not a rejection of them. Read Carlyle's On Heroes, specifically the opening bit on Odin.
And if Jesus is so Semitic, why do the kikes hate Him so much? Why are they so triggered by the cross that they won't even use a normal plus sign in their schools? Do you not know the origin of the word kike?

I don't. I look at Christianity as it existed for over a thousand years.

what is moral relativism?

This is the reason we're in this mess, everyone has their own special little rules. Everyone is a special snowflake :^)

because he told them to stop being evil, deceptive shits and actually follow their religion.

Not over religion. Religious wars are almost exclusively the province of the Abrahamic religions.

You're completely full of shit. Vast amounts of our entire culture have been wiped out by Christians. Christianity is such a sick cult that Christians have even destroyed the artifacts of their own religion.

Because Christians have no self-respect, and are easy to manipulate through guilt.

Oh, and they spend as much as a quarter of a billion dollars per year attempting to convert Jews to Christianity.

"Those aren't real Christians" is no different then "Islam is a religion of piece" at this point.

It beats loving your neighbor.

This fucking shit gets me. Muzzies have been playing the same game for 1400 years and people STILL FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME. Ooh the peaceful muslim wants to come live with us…oh wait all of a sudden there's thousands of them and they're raping and murdering everyone. Who could have forseen this?

Islam is a war campaign that wants conquest. Not love, not peace, not tolerance, just conquest. Muhammad was a warlord. Their god is adapted from a pagan god of war.


Crusades final solution NOW remove kebab, every last kebab, from the burkababs to the minibabs and the rapefugees. RECLAIM CONSTANTINOPLE. RETAKE CARTHAGE. PURGE THE HOLY LAND.

I read that refugees were actually on the table as an option to "revitalize" Detroit. I was furious, because of course they'd be Muslims without so much as cursory integration. If they're Christian blacks, at least things probably wouldn't get any worse there.

Whats the point of removing Kebab when your run of the mill Christian looks like the OP pic?

Muslims are already taking over the city, the metro area has the highest population of muslims outside of the middle east

1 out of 10 people in Michigan speak Arabic

Guess you, the kikes and the majority of the modernist western world have a lot in common my friend.

Would you like to see the Holy Apostolic Church removed from Europe, and Christianity to disappear?


Well one could argue that it was to do with protecting Europeans, as the constant murdering and pillaging of pilgrims to the Holy City was an insult to the faith, God and the people.

Don't forgot the total reclaiming of Spain

pozzed cuckstianity ideology.

If you don't think the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage were religious, you're an idiot.

Dumbest thing I've read today.

You don't even know what a religious war is.

The correlation between atheism and autism is strong indeed.

The Jews want the destruction of the pure White race, it doesn't matter to them how they will accomplish this. We only need to say "No" so far to this invasion to stop it but we can't, we need rotting corpses, death through famine, blood upon metal in flesh.

Know this Christian, I only see you by your race and the tree of genealogy outlined by your features, if you cannot do the same and will struggle and tire for a kind who shares nothing of your ancestry, then in time you will become one of them by blood. And we will share no more similarities.

Yeah man, let's just burn the house down.

Speaking arabic is great, lets you know who to shoot when you hear them babbling in goatfuckish.

As a Christian, I will stand by my White brethren. I will fight tooth and nail to preserve the White Race even if I die in the process. For the sake of my nation and my people, I will always put the White Race before anything else, but I will never lose my faith in Christ. I'm willing to fight alongside my White brethren, the question is, will you accept me?

Our brothers in Christ. Deus vult!

Out today, I saw at least ten white people with nigger kids. Every single one was wearing some sort of christcuck church t-shirt.

I have an unauthorized 1653 bible and have read most of it. Christianity, at its beginning was a Hellenic Cult, symbols are all from a family in the Greek pantheon, John definitely was brought up in the Greek tradition as he starts off his Tidings with a categorical syllogism. Also he used words denoting an ethnicon between him and his people including James, Jesus's brother, and the Hebrews when they go and wreck the temple. Also early in John, Jesus says that he does not know the thoughts of his father, showing that they are not exactly the same. A Jewish version would make them all off as coming from one source as everything needs to come from one source from them, because that's how they gain control of another peoples beliefs, look at Jews in India to see how they work. Also look at the Arian Christians, look how much damage they did to those Trinitarians to see how actual Χριστιανός get things done.

Ever since Alexander defeated the Semities in battle the Greeks had been moving into their lands and slowly overcoming them similar to the Berbers in Egypt. Its Greek not Semtic but I know that Greeks havn't always been so keen on keeping the looks of their ancestors. I know as well once baptized it is not easy to break the alysídes of Θεός and are most likely destined to either Paradise or Torment when the Judge is reborn.

See you on the battlefield, brother…
May Gaud show you the way to Hævfonum instead.

Red herring. Birth rates are not a problem without immigration. At worst, we have a stable population like Japan and build more robots to do work.

So birth rates are a non-issue. The problems are immigration and race mixing. Who spends millions of dollars a year to help shitskins move to white countries? Christians. Who are by far the most enthusiastic race-mixers? Christians.

Your lord is a kike.

Hopefully we will all live to see the Europe we've always wanted to live in. We as Whites are brothers in arms.

Hell is forever!

No archive link.

OP you a faggot.

Kill yourself.

think of it as an opportunity to oppress them with systematic racism we are so famous for.

ᛗᚩᚾ ᛒᛁᚦ ᛟᚾ ᛗᚢᚱᚷᚦᛖ ᚻᛁᛋ ᛗᚩᚷᚩᚾ ᛚᛖᛟᚠ

Now, who has autism? Because with your kind of logic, it's definitely not me.

Not even true according to your own scripture, christfag.

But why can't we just help them in their own country?

I'm either not a very good Christian or I'm actually following one of the very lessons that Jesus taught us "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Accepting refugees into our country without a plan to train them to return to their homeland, retake it and be productive there is the most anti-christian way of helping them. Might as well salt their fields so they never could return if we don't plan to make them return.


same shit different sky daddy

Look again, it's right after the link.

The ideal way to do an OP on Holla Forums is to present both an archive link and regular link. The exception is when it is news source that is actively hostile, like Gawker, in which case archive only.

But if they're supportive or neutral, give the link. Alternative media outlets or even regular news outlets that present useful material should be supported. The archive is there so that the article is not lost.

A controlled burn is the only way to clean a dump

Christianity's adoption of Jewish myths is actually a quite recent thing. There are medieval writings from Christian scholars and poets praising Bacchus, a Roman God that the Kikes would definitely despise, and ones mentioning fate and fortune, both abhorrent concepts to Yahweh, as well as texts mentioning Venus. Even the monks and clergy were still worshiping "satanic" gods, to the point where one can say those anti-semetic cults of Eros lived longer than many believe.

Correct. The modern jewification is largely a result of the Reformation.

That's because Nordics are genetically cucks.

Do you guys ever stop lying? Do you ever question a cult that makes you lie so readily?

Books of the Vulgate Bible

I drink your tears, aspie.

The Europe that conquered the world was a Christian Europe, not the Tolkien trash you are larping with.

you niggers really need to brush up on your screencaps, we've had this discussion a hundred times over the years and the topic's been gnawed to the bone…

pic related is all we need

Times have changed a lot since that post. Christians have openly declared themselves the enemy of whites


Yeah, and quite a lot of progress has been made. Christians used to troll the fuck out of Holla Forums to sell their beliefs, and they can't do that anymore, too many people are wise to them.

Plus, there is far greater awareness of how much destruction the churches do, even in this mostly secular age. The refugee crisis in Europe was a big turning point, with it being all too obvious the extent to which Christians were pushing for Europe to accept migrants.

If we're going to analyze liberals/progressives/SJWs re all of the problems they cause, we should be doing the same for Christians, who are just as harmful to white interests.


Niggers, much like Latinos, don't understand religion anyway. ANY religion. They just stop worshipping the local bush spirit and replace it with Jesus or Muhammad.

Dead civilizations.

So is Christian.

Oh, you better believe in conspiracies.

It's pretty disgusting. Europeans lost their honor due to christfaggotry. So eager to lie, just like their semitic chosen people.

And yet it's still going on? Good to know the Christianity today is just an empty husk that doesn't know itself anymore, and is not actually the real teachings. =^)

Acts 17:26 makes it clear that borders are God's creation. Borders shall not be crossed.

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the *boundaries of their lands*."

It is not Christian to import third world people, regardless of whether they are also Christian. It is a sin.

Notice how the anti-christ worshippers try to link this to christianity, even thogh the UN is an atheistic, communist organization.

New Living Translation version, which makes it pretty clear.

Notice the first 3 words

Nothing at all about race, and if anything this comes off as anti-racist.

The influential KJV makes this even clearer.

That is positively anti-racist.

Then in the 2nd sentence, the part about determining boundaries is right after "rise and fall", and is merely a statement about the power of the Jewish God.

Any attempt to make this out to be some type of nationalist quote, let alone a racial nationalist quote, has no merit. Hardly any Christian, including ones who have spent their lives studying the Bible, shares your meritless interpretation.

Arabs and Hebrews were both born out of a single man, Abraham, despite being different races. Arab muslims trace their lineage to Ishmael. Hebrews trace their lineage to Isaac. There is no reason to believe that the first sentence is a denial of race. We all know that nationhood is defined by race, so there is definitely an acknowledgement of race in this passage.

It actually isn't. There is not a single Christian society on earth today. That is a fact.

"One race, the human race."- Rabbi Jesus

He didnt say that, btw, take a bunch of niggers, let just the smart ones to have women and repeat for some years, tell me what happens please, fun fact, "caucasoid" iq has been falling the last century.

Now what you've done is made Acts 17:26 to be solely about the peoples of the Levant and portions of the Near East. It's not about human beings and nations in general.

IOW, you just undercut the argument you were attempting to make, because you can't have it both ways.

Btw, it's funny that Acts 17:26 is used to support an anti-racist argument by Christians. Example:


I think the main issue in Christcucks think niggers are human and have the base emotional intellect and willpower of a (white) human being.

They don't. The average bantu nigger isn't much different than an ape, maybe a 10 IQ difference and it can speak language. The smartest niggers are just smart enough to read and write at the middle school level of a white.

Niggers are not human.



I think I would find reading such a thing interesting, though I would likely miss such connections.
This does fit with the whole 'Judeans were a tribe of whites' thing though.
I also wonder what is in the missing 'Refutations of All Heresies'.

Just call them Orcs


thanks obama.

also wouldn't be great if this could cause some infighting between them.
something like

or something along those lines.

You think Love is actually the type they show in kid's shows? Hahaha. Greek has 4 different words for love, each are used in different contexts in NT.

If I want to correct your errors, it is an act of love, not hate. Why do you not get it, you wannabe spawn of satan?


At least Common Filth is happy

Finally Obama is doing the right thing!
Out with the Muslims, in with the Christians!

It truly is a great time to be a nationalist!

I'm disappointed in European people. They are nothing but infighting cucks and traitors. They think they can buy happiness.
I'm disappointed in African people. They are nothing but glorified apes. They think they can be given happiness.
I'm disappointed in Oriental people. They are nothing but raving maniacs and slaves. They think there is no happiness.
I'm disappointed in Asian people. They are nothing but cogs in their machines. They think they can do without happiness.

I'm disappointed in jewish "people". They are nothing but scoundrels and liars. They think they can destroy happiness.


That was well done, poet user.

Is the Leprechaun an old 4chon meme?

not even sure tbh, I just think the content of the post is bretty good

>Doesn't include Reconquista or the battles of Crusaders vs other Europeans such as Bulgaria, 4th Crusade or the Baltics

Poor quality image. The Crusades were a good thing but this image is just spreading misinformation.

Yeah, it was from 4chon.

These types of threads have been going on for a long time, but one big difference between now and then is there much more focus on what Christians are doing in the present. It's no longer a mostly abstract discussion of Christian morality vs Pagan morality, or historical questions re Charlemagne and the Massacre of Verden, with lots of historical counterfactuals.

Now we're mostly talking about Christian batshittery in the present. Nobody believes the bullshit anymore that some ridiculous thing a Christian organization does is some isolated incident, and they were "subverted by Jews." That's like saying the ADL is "subverted by Jews." Christianity is toxic to its very core, and the damage it does is everywhere.



At this point it's just best to wipe the slate clean and start fresh… again like the dinosaurs.

Guess they're Christian so it's ok not.
This is why genetics is important to nationalism. The type of civic nationalism that rejects a shared genetic heritage is just globalism in a mask.

Are you sure about that? Atheism is shit.

Cap it.

Liberalism is an auto-immune disease. Or AIDS. Or both. Probably both.

What do you think have we tried during the Six Gorillas? :^)

Did that apply to all types of hominids when it was written in the declaration? No.

Have you even read 'The Fate of Empires'?
As far as that in concerned, it would have made no functional difference what religion it was. Why? Because the same thing happens to every single religion in every single empire. Christianity is the dominant one today, and therefore it's Churchianity doing all of this.
If you selected for some parallel universe where everything happened the same except people in Europe kept their previous religion, and somehow America was founded the same way, then guess what? It would be that religion which is doing the exact same niggerloving bullshit as is happening today. There would also be people like you saying it was always like that, and there must be something systemically wrong with it.
Then explain to me why it is that that happened with Islam during the original Arab Empire? ISIS has merely returned to the real roots.

The kike on a stick is blocking the most important part, ironic.

Symbolism 101: if it's behind them, rising or behind their heads, it's brought by them or they atleast have it in their essence.