Crimea is Ukraine.
Russian trolls can't respond
Crimea is Ukraine.
Russian trolls can't respond
Хуй соси губой тряси, выблядок.
Crimea is Crimea
Ukraine isnt a historical country, you have no history.
Stop pretending to mean anything.
hahaha Russian trolls are you on break?
I just wanted to get your attention to say nice work trolling in texas.
your country is all fucked up and Putin is robbing you blind and Crimea is Ukraine, and the Holodomor was a genocide, but at least you guys can troll hard. I salute you for that.
You know in the west our weakest pretend to be Stalinists. It is humors they are too weak to even squat.
Мыкола если Крым это Украина почему бы тебе туда не съездить? От того, что Россия это моча, хохляндия не перестанет быть говном.
you caught me, im a russian troll who works for putin. Why? because I like money, I make money while you sit in your mom's basement behind your computer raging at boogeyman.
where can you spend the money since as an agent of the securirty arparatus you can't vacation outside the country.
Ah the frozen pebble beaches of Crimea. much better than the warm sands of anywhere else.
Russia has been cucked by Putin. Putin fucks your mom and your dad and you every night. Russia is a great country and should be rich. instead Putin and his friends are super rich and everyone else is poor.
You know this is true.
I don't work for government, Mykola
Russia doesn't exist. Kieven-Rus is the land of the Russians.
Allegiance to Kiev, not Moscow.
you aren't a conscript soldier volunteer either or you would have already come home to your mother in once of these.
Russian mothers tell their sons, going off to trainings accidents, come home with your cooler or in it.
Why are you not in ATO?
Answer, little bitch.
what is ATO? Is that your mother's name? The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?
It's anti-terroristic operation, where male khokhols are forced to go by their government.
Rememeber when Putin shot down that Jet full of innocent people and then lied about it? haha. A strong leader could be honest. and grow chest hair.
Why can't Putin grow chest hair?
Like Beslan?
Your country is in worse state than ever.
Poroshenko is a hypocritical dictator who views anyone who's against the government; inferior, by attacking and killing innocent people in Donbass, stop giving food, medicine and any government support to Donbass.
Russia didn't militarily interfere in Ukraine, if so then the civil war in Donbass would've ben already over a long time ago.
Besides, Crimea had a fair referendum in which the people chose to be part of Russia.
And Crimea was historically part of Russia.
HAHA Russian lies very resilient, can be used thousands of times.
Just goes to show Poroshenko really cares about human lives.
Just like in Poland right? Old Russian tricks.
Stalin would be proud. right before he purged you.
Putin cares about human lives?
Putin cares about russia?
Putin only cares about money. How long will your money loving despot loot your great country?
+30 rubles have been added to your account
The Ukraina belongs to Grossdeutschland tbh.
how absolutely naive you are
Crimea is Russia and there's nothing you can do about it lmao
Who wouldn't want Willy Wonka as President?
so you are admitting the podesta group and the Russian government were in league. thanks for that confirmation of our suspicions.
Do Podesta and Putin ever fuck the same little boys and compare notes?
5'7" is manlet and there is nothing you can do about it.
Does Putin think he will be taller the more dead children he stands on?
This Russian is all tuckered out from invading Ukraine. He is just going to take a little nap and dream of his distant homeland.
Know anybody in this pile?
is this your brain on ZOGbot propaganda?
I'm sure the million dead Iraqis for Israel might have something ot say
always the commie fallback
lol back to twatter #resistance
Russians are Swedes.
Crimeans are Shitskins.
Ethnic Russians aren't Slavs tbh