Will you be targeted on that day?
The day of the rope
I'm targeted EVERYDAY mayne what the fuck you talkin about
mfw these are the same people who start LITERALLY SHAKING about the most minuscule shit and CANT EVEN who think they can catch a body.
I don't understand your ching chang talk. Can you please translate it to english.
This is like pottery
why do i care? i'm targeted now, doesn't matter if different people start targeting me.
Yes it does. You will suffer on the rope, the life you once had will be strangled out of you as you dangle.
The day of the rope: the ficitonal day that Holla Forumsacks obsess about happening some time, but expect it to fall out of the sky without them taking any kind of irl action whatsoever
The actions of Antifa (You) are making it happen. There will be a reactionary response to their anarchist actions, it's literally already happening. We are in the first phase. Just wait a few years.
the actions of antifa make sane people think that their out of their fucking minds, but they're probably not going to want to hang them unless Holla Forums does it themselves or the world turns into a mad max wasteland
a swift death is better than the slow one to which i'm currently being subjected.
you mean "they're" right? This sentence confuses me a bit tbh. Do you mean sane people think antifa are bogus, or do you mean antifa makes people "out of their minds"?
I meant they're didn't proofread :^)
pedos will be hung on the day of the rope, how does that make you feel?
I'm already hung.
Ask your daughter.
I'm going to drive to the woods and kiss modern living goodbye, hopefully by the time this happens. I'll be shitting up shortwave until my solar panel gives out. Otherwise, I will shoot all intruders with bow and arrow, cut out their entrails, and fillet the meat for bbq. When and if they do find me, I hope to have my bones picked clean.
my daughter is only 2
If they magically knew everything about me then yes I could be swinging from a rope.
But in the book it is more of a decimation with only some of them being taken out with the intended effect being that a few degenerates get the rope and everyone else thinks "woah maybe this behavior is bad?".
This would work because degenerates aren't intelligent and the threat of capital punishment works best as a deterrent on people with an under three digit I.Q (this is why totalitarian regimes work best in African and Arab countries compared to a democracy).
I like cartoon porn, and not dealing with 3DPD
so yeah most likely