Mods are butthurt bigtime today.
Poor babies must be close to getting shut down.
Mods are butthurt bigtime today
you're a little baby bitch
cry moar faggot
Guess the b& didn’t stick
your filename is showing
samefagging BO
Don't know anything about the tweet, and this is Holla Forums, there is no such thing as a ban here.
Hey, you guys are the ones crying, not me.
I am just pointing out that you are, and mocking you for it.
Do you really need to have this explained to you? Just because you can evade a ban doesn't mean banning doesn't exist here. How retarded can you be?
Oh.. well what’s your Twitter then?
I’m weaning myself off of Holla Forums by only following the same user base then slowly expanding into normal people. I’m also trying to stop masturbating.
I see people on this site justify censorship by saying that if you can get around a barrier, it's not a barrier. Therefore, there are no barriers in the universe, you just have to try harder!
If it can be evaded, by definition it isn't a ban.
More accurately, it is a ban on an IP, not on an individual. So a person can not be banned, while an IP can be.
I don't twitter. Or jewbook.
So a store can't ban you because you can walk back in if you want. Someone's gotta tell Chris Chan that he isn't banned from Gamestop after all.
no it's not
So what is it, Dys? Is the heat comign down on you guys today or what?
Jim finally give you an ultimatum that you can't meet?
FBI crawling up your asses?
What is it…why are you all red in the twat today?
Correct. That is not a ban, that is simply a policy.
A ban is a policy.
mods pls ban this idiot
Why not?
Are they not narcissistic enough for you?
Any advice for not masturbating?
I made it 4 days until tonight.
The key word there is "legal", user.
8ch is not a legal authority, nor any sort of "official" entity. They have a policy, and some weak ass tools that don't work because of other poorly written policies. A ban prohibits, meaning "disallows". Since I can come and go as I please there is no disallowing going on.
i hope you realize you are arguing semantics, and are literally saying nothing at all/taking up no nuanced position of any sort
They can't.
All they can ban is this IP.
And I have an unlimited supply of them.
by this meaning something is only banned if the government says so
Legal doesn't mean shit. You can break the law if you so choose. Guess that means you aren't prohibited from murder. All that talk about "prohibition" and it never really happened. The only thing truly prohibited, or "banned" by your made up definitions, is breaking the laws of physics.
I am arguing the reality of this site and the way it is set up. Nothing more.
We have this thread frequently. I could probably call the next 4 responses like Babe fucking Ruth.
No, you're arguing the definitions of words. Getting around a ban doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
We have all the threads on the board frequently.
You still don't get that there is no "getting around" a ban that is not on *me*. A ban on an IP is not a ban on me, it is a ban on a number. So I stop using that number.
Next you’re gonna say something like “Subversion cannot be preventable” or “Is free speech spamming?”
Actually no, I don't need to say those things because Dysnomia himself has said those things many, many times.
Well, glad you are all enjoying the show, back to work for me, I have threads to bump.
your literally calling it a ban then turning around and saying it's not a ban.
Let’s get to the point, shall we?
Rules 8 and 9
RULES 8 and 9
i don't even know where the rules are tbh
New to image boards?
not everyone had the dishonor of using halfshit.
rules 8 and 9 are no more in 8chanland.
So I didn't see pic related and some retard starts arguing bans doesn't exist.
What happened? If you get banned you spam. Those are the rules. Just wait till the mod has taken a break.
Sorry, but you seem misguided.
They are called rules of the internet not rules of 4chan.
Look at Rule 75 for instance.
Snax may not be a mod on Holla Forums but there are mods here that it definitely applies to.
Also do you talk to people about stuff you read here? No right? Because you adhere to rules one and two.
They still apply.
Then you aren’t part of the club dude. You’re just some guy that nobody knows how he got here or what he’s doing.
this board Is full Of censorship
No, you're full of pedohpilia