What did Holla Forums think of Tropic Thunder?

What did Holla Forums think of Tropic Thunder?

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Black face Downey Jr and kvetching Cruise almost made up for the inclusion of Jack (((Black)))

it was alright. didn't leave much of an impression one way or the other.

jack black is jewish? What was wrong with him in the movie?

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His shtick of acting like a retard has never beem funny, you normalfag cuck.

I never looked into it.

ah, okay.
how dare you call me a normalfag.

Fucking Jewish film>into the trash it goes.

Downey has described his religious beliefs as "Jewish-Buddhist"

you're the epitome of normalfaggotery

why you little-

I liked it. It was a pretty funny movie.

Tom Cruise greatest performance of all time, playing the perfect conniving piece of shit jew.

I am amazed how he got away with it, considering who runs the business. He must suck some good dick.

It was ok. Reminded me of those old comedy movies that tried to be funny and didn't care if they came off a little retarded.

Jack Black is a shitty Chris Farley ripoff.

no reason to cucksignal, newfag

Why would capitalists care about harmless anti-semitic farce? It's marketable.

Hello, Holla Forums. Got true communism worked out yet?

Yes. It's you're mom; the goods and services are openly redistributed.

jesus why are jews so disgusting

Not an argument.

Its ok 5/10 or 6/10

gave me a good chuckle tbh

I liked him in Nacho Libre. Gotta give credit to the director though for actually respecting christianity.


Nacho Libre is great, you can tell it was forced to pander to kids in some scenes with stupid fart jokes (literally added in with most lazy stock sounds), but otherwise it's a solid flick

Fuck off nigger that movie was good

One of the few good Ben Stiller movies.

Nacho Libre is kino.

I liked him in school of Rock.

the other being dodgeball?

I haven't seen School of Rock.

Walter Mitty

t. kike