What were their names?

What were their names?

Unnamed heroes of the resistance that never got a grave with a headstone. Like all those other anonymous corpses war leaves behind.

jewpigs & other minorities

Mohammed, Pedro, Elizabeth, Hiro, Makoto. Thought it was like Layer Cake where they didn't have names tbh.


Not-Crix Nadine, Not-Kyle Katarn, Not-Jan Orrs, Not-Jango Fett, Not-Rahm Kota.

Iron Man
Angry Joe
Felicity Fuck-Me
Hirohito Kawasaki Bandai Namco

What were they THINKING

= Worldwide: $1,056,055,579

Or $117,339,509 each including the 4 extras

Spic, mudslime ("If you don't hire more people like me don't be surprised if the kids turn to ISIS"), iRebel, Chinese Investment #1, Chinese Investment #2.

Slag, spic, chink, mudslime, Jonne

lotsa of redditpol itt

reddit, reditt, redditeer, reddity, reddito

Less terrible Rey
Funny robot
Homeschooled Jedi who might have been cool if they did something with him
Spaniard who they were probably banking on being the cool character, but ended up boring
And the others who aren't even interesting enough to make fun of.

end yourself waifu fagging degenerate

Literally Who
Literally Who
Literally Who
Literally Who
Literally Who

Don't support Disney Star Wars in any capacity. It's a fucking cancer.

what scifi channel pilot is this from, it looks like it might be interesting

Blind man

that doesn't really work when crix madine and jango fett are movie characters and not just EU creations

wonder how many waifufags bought the DLC pack for their precious bunnyfu

-stronk indepent womyn
-diversity quota
-generic white male love interest

The only one I remember is Jan Ors.

They had names but the white (male) supremacist organization, The Empire, made sure they were never properly honored.

Probably ripping off KOTOR.

The Kike Cucklasa's Magnificent Interracial Troupe.

Clockwise from top left:
-Eman Beta
-Kayt-Len Jenro
-Gree'si Biin
-Jap Chinko
-Speedy Hernando

She is less terrible. LESS terrible.

Starting from the left


worst fictional character ever?

I did not watch Interracial Gangbang goes to a Galaxy Far Far Away…

From left to right

you actually have to have a personality to qualify

What i don't get is, where did the shitskins come from? Never saw any niggers even in the original?

I 'mumber when it used to be the asian countries were the ones to rip off American cinema.

Now we have come full circle.