Biggest well-read Socialist on youtube, doesn't accept debating Sargon, make videos weekly, promote other smart Leftists, comment on major/relevant issues, unravel more propaganda, etc.
Why? Just why? If he was just more active, he could be pretty huge and just live off making great propaganda.
The best propaganda site/videos is Submedia, they consistently put out great shit with excellent production values but are even less popular than that lad.
Samuel Reed
Nicholas Jenkins
They upload to vimeo instead of youtube. Literally why?
Jose Rivera
copyright iirc
Jeremiah Barnes
I would do the same tbh family. Sargon is a lackluster debater and cries buzzwords everytime he loses one(Which is all the time).
Jack Howard
A debate with him wouldn't change anything. Cameron is too deep into idpol to effectively challenge Sargon's pure ideology, and he's an anarchist so he probably won't address any of Sargon's strawmanning of Marx. Sargon, by contrast, would just spout some vauge platitudes about individualism and cry about how the esjaydoubleus are trying to censor everything. His autism brigade will proceed to ignore all of LSR's arguments and declare their cult leader the winner.
Joseph Bennett
Which one did he blatantly lost? Did he ever debate anyone from the far left?
Depends on the topic, they don't have to go into IDpol. I don't think you give Cameron enough credit but then again I've never seen him debate so it's hard to say.
James Peterson
Sargon basically doesn't know anything about science or politics and it really shows in debates. I don't think I've ever seen him do well in a debate.
Nathan Ramirez
this he even made himself look retarded debating an actual sjw feminist
Gabriel Smith
That not enough people here know, you don't link him and the picture of whom, brings back mildly SJW scent.
They upload some of their material on YouTube with the channel name: "stimulator".
I don't really get the copyright issue.
Jack Lopez
Do you have a specific example or are you just hating for the sake of it?
Zachary King
If your message is not passed, your message doesn't exist.
Gabriel Rodriguez
I mean the issue they seem to have with copyright preventing them from uploading all their stuff on YouTube.
Thomas Moore
he's a cutie but this post is gay and bad
Jose Adams
Well, when capitalism doesn't allow you to read Das Kapital mango on mangafox, you make download it and upload it, and share the link.
So, when capitalism doesn't allow you to post on YT, you post a small part on YT and give the link to vimeo.
The revolution always finds a way.
Jason Scott
Gotta perpetuate the illiterate anarchist stereotype. Accept anything less, and there might actually be a need to address actual points of argument. They can't be seen debating filthy anarchist: they're COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY and etc.
Josiah Smith
Compared to most leftists, yeah he's pretty well read.
Angel Perry
A lot anarchists are pretty fucking stupid. Most haven't read much theory and the same goes for Marxists. Marxists have to deal with tankies and other idiots being grouped with them so really the left as a whole, Anarchists and Marxists, are stuck dealing with retards that latch onto these labels without really knowing much of anything about them.
Henry Cooper
The best part is, it's often the respective idiots of each camp that are the most vocal about shitting on the other.
Somewhere, there's a small elite of Marxists and Anarchists who get along perfectly fine and don't understand what everyone else's problems are.
Bentley Gray
William Ramirez
What are you smoking and where can i get some
Ryder Rivera
The most well-read anarchist on Youtube would be Anarchopac but he's smaller and more into idpol. That idpol aspect would hurt us if we were to get him to debate a big liberal like Sargon. We could use a non idpol person like Rebel. That would work.
Jaxon Russell
Remember when Holla Forums called Sargon of Cuckad out for his shittie arguments?
Remember how he just ignored everyone?
So much for having a debate.
Ryan Allen
Yes and yes, didn't we get a twink and a leninhat ready to debate him?
Brandon Phillips
Into the trash, he has a terminal case of idpol.
Cameron Rivera
I think you meant that he is the biggest twink faggot too young to understand the real world and remember history. The glorious thing about this board is that most you bitches would just love to be oppressed. You want it so bad that you will trade all of your freedoms and chances at opportunity for some faux progress. Socialism worked in Venezuela right? Hmmm. No? Didn't think so.
I have an idea. Why doesn't every single person on this board move to Mexico? Seriously. If Socialism works, then move to Mexico, work your way into power, and fix that country. I will wait. I will wait possibly forever if I have to. I want to see if your bullshit actually works but I can tell you that it won't. Prove every sane person wrong. Prove us to be insane. Prove you are something more than some child on a message board. Do something with your fucking life instead of whining and bitching about an economic system that has given you the freedom and opportunity to whine and bitch about it.
Kevin Baker
Fuck that shit, debating Sargon or any other alt-right opinionstube retard is a complete waste of time. The best thing to do is not give them any attention.
Cooper Cox
are you ok fam
Justin Wood
I got into a debate with the guy once about feminism. I actually cited facts with various sources, including the department of justice in order to explain that the patriarchy isn't real and that men are actually more likely to be raped than women due to the fact that more of them are locked up and in turn get raped in prison. The guy basically just ignored most of what I had to say and said that the DoJ isn't a legitimate source. He basically just hears what he wants to hear and conveniently ignores facts so long as it fits his narrative of the "patriarchy" being real.
Brandon Cooper
Did not know he was bigger than unruhe-sama
Brody Powell
Luis Peterson
We just think we can do better. Is this something you would say to the early liberals while defending the monarchy and feudalists?
As others have said Stim has the most consistently good video content out there. I'm a bolsheviki so fug anarchists, but no one else keeps as up to date on struggles with the same level of audiovisual skill.
Didn't he agree to debate collectivism but back out suspiciously at the last minute?
Liam Martinez
LSR is a very angry person and very into sectarianism. As well as this he thinks all forms of marxism are inherently ML, and he's also deep into idpol. He knows a lot about anarchism, and his videos are good, but still lets not make him out to be the desired face of leftism or something
Samuel Reed
I don't see how a pimple-faced 12 year old boy being the face of leftism could be in any way disadvantageous!
Justin Thompson
You want to live in a safe space? A big reason that the right are winning the arguments is that they have challenged and practised them. The left, dominated by SJWs as it is, has resorted to retreating to safe spaces and simply silencing and ignoring any contrary speech.
You're in all likelihood an SJW yourself so will deny this is a problem and apply the "all disagreement is from nazis" argument, though.
Christian Green
Mason Ramirez
Welcome to earth.
Jonathan Gomez
Guy's not an idiot, and he has some fair excuses for not being extremely active.
He's got his share of issues when it comes to his ideals and videos, like most people. E.G., The bit of SJew stuff Wanting to remain in the EU Anarchist but wanting temp bigger government power
Tbh I get the feeling he's kind of like a socdem who wants to be more radical. I'm not saying he's *not* a socialist, but I *am* saying that it's secondary to his general leftism. Which isn't *necessarily* bad.
Cameron Harris
Here you go: hahahaha although I'm an anarchist, I'm more comfortable with Rebel than Cameron. Cameron attracts annoying people but his intentions seem to be good.
Chase Lopez
This means literally nothing if you are too stupid to understand what you read. All he does is regurgitate other people's theories. He doesn't even have the self awareness to tell when something he says is contradictory (which is all the time). When you add to that the obnoxiousness and poor hygiene, this kid is a shit representative of leftism.
Jacob Bell
Oh, yeah! I remember! A faggot that is not free from SJWism.
Also "libertarian socialism"? Why not call it "Anarcho-communism" out right?
I too prefer EVEN Rebel, compared, and Yui is far better in theory. damn inteligentsia
Levi Lee
Was the PixieJenny or whatever her name was?
Michael Wright
Yeah, and you sound like you're fresh out of Holla Forums, assuming you aren't a Holla Forums false flag to begin with. Fucking obnoxious cunt.
Ayden James
Luis Russell
Xavier Russell
nobody is stopping you
Jeremiah Murphy
So if LSR isnt that great, who are some good leftist youtubers?
Jordan Adams
I lost what little respect I had left for him after he talked to Kate Brooks and bought into her "I was merely pretending" line. Then Diana Davison went and finished him off, showing just how wrong he was and just how easy it would have been to do a little research into Kate Brooks.
Not only does he not know shit about the actual left, but he totally fell for an SJW's obvious lies even though his whole shtick is debunking them. What a fucking embarrassment.
Thomas Martin
Don't you start defending LSR with that "It's a shit system but it's the best one we've got" logic.
Mason Edwards
No I'm actually asking, who are some good youtubers to watch?
William Rodriguez
The Finnish Boslhevik is alright.
Has anyone ever heard of Maoist Rebel News? He's pretty good too.
Hudson Allen
What exactly is it about my suggestion that field testing your rhetorical skills would be useful that sounds like Holla Forums?
Or is it my suggestion that SJWs have overrun the left that sounds like Holla Forums? A simple look at twitter, reddit, the opinion pieces in the guardian, the US democratic primaries or the current antics in the UK Labour party would confirm this.
Or is it that you're doing what I asserted you would, claiming all dissent is Holla Forums?
I'll happily admit to being a "fucking obnoxious cunt", however.
Ayden Wright
Nicely memed comr8
Justin Edwards
You'd make a good marketing department mangager for apple.
Dunno.. It's not easy to find english speaking people that haven't gone SJW at all, nowadays.
Elijah Collins
He doesn't really strike me as very knowledgable on socialism tbh.
James Anderson
capitalism is fruit, both bitter and sweet. You either help the fruit by eating it and shitting it, helping it grow another tree or you don't help it at all.
Julian Taylor
One that knows he doesn't know is better than one the thinks he knows. H.A. Goodman is a literal assburger who has been following the Clinton email scandal closer than anyone. He's a "progressive" not a leftist. He repeats himself a fuckton though.
If you want actual leftist youtubers, please let me know if you find some. Most I know of are spastic retards like Unruhue.
Luke Gomez
I'm not sure tbh. Was it you that called Useful Idiotites socialists, fam?
Oliver Roberts
I dont remember saying anything like that no.
I do get why a lot of people consider me to not be well read - because I'm not, but honestly it seems like a lot of the time people just say I dont know much without really any specific reason to back it up with. I mean, I would get it, and actually appreciate it, if people pointed out shit that was wrong in my videos, but I find the people who make thoes claims normally dont even watch my vids in the first place.
Easton Ross
Thats a fair response. I'm not sure why I thought that.
Aiden Butler
Ah, but don't you know comrade? Only those who have read the complete works of Hegel, Marx and Engels or Bakunin and the special sect they support, are allowed to talk about socialism!
Carson Morgan
How about outside of prison?
Jack Kelly
This is true.
Jaxson Perez
Socialism only works in high-IQ areas like Sweden, anything works in high-IQ areas. What you Stirnposters can grasp is that some people have higher IQs than others. Nothing will work in mexico because Mexicans are stupid.
Jacob Brooks
Asher Myers
Not IQ, It is more dependent on class consciousness.
Tyler Hernandez
libertarian socialist rants
Lucas Richardson
How would someone have a specific reason to back that up? Somebody might say "Xexizy hasn't read X obviously because he says Y, which is clearly debunked by Z in X's work W." That's not the same thing as not being generally well-read. A well-read person wouldn't necessarily have read anything by X specifically. The only way one could "prove" a person to be not well-read would be to look at what they've read and say "that's not very much" which is also really just an opinion.
Hunter Torres
No, it's about how well the average person can understand the system. This is why when you try to introduce democracy to some middle east shithole they either vote in a demagogue or abandon democracy in favor of warlords. They're not familiar with the democratic process; they're used to trusting basic power. Casting a vote and trusting the system is too abstract and detached for them to be comfortable with it if you just drop it on them suddenly.
Dominic Carter
Well, I put my views out there. If I didnt know anything about leftism, wouldnt that be evident in my videos? Point that shit out if it is.
And yea I admit I'm not well read, but that's different from not understanding leftism. I dont understand everything by any means, there is loads of shit I dont know, but the general comments of 'xexizy dosnt know much about leftism' seems unsupported most of the time.
Cooper Green
pick one, tard.
Cameron Carter
I don't think you're getting what I'm saying m8. I don't think you broadly ignorant of leftism or anything. I like your videos tbh. What I'm saying is when you say "point out how I'm not well-read" you are asking people to prove a negative. And it's even sillier because it's people's opinions of you.
Here's my adivce: don't think of this stuff as direct, specific criticism. You can't hear "you don't know enough shit" and remedy that by going out and reading the right shit. You just have to read more shit. If someone says "you're facial hair makes you look like a fag and I can't take you seriously while I'm looking at it" that's something you can address directly. If someone says "you don't know enough shit" the best thing you can do is take the frequency of those comments as a rough measure of how much you do know. Over time those claims will be less and less true as you read more and demonstrate that your knowledge has expanded. Thus people will post them less and/or get told to fuck off with their memeing. You should expect to stop hearing "Xexizy is not very well-read" once you have read plenty. Just treat it as feedback as to where you are in your progress of learning more. Most people don't get that because they're not putting themselves out there.
Angel White
I'm not the guy you were responding to before, you silly goose.
It's significantly more complex than IQ or class consciousness, but both are part of it.
Angel Ramirez
That is also called being class conscious. Understanding how and why you're getting screwed is part of it. This can be summed up in a simple lesson or two to the average prole regardless of beforehand knowledge of capitalism.
Logan Gutierrez
Class consciousness doesn't cover all of what "understanding the system" does. It isn't even necessarily a part of it unless you use a deliberately overbroad definition of it. I used voting as the example for a reason, because even in anarcho-communism people would vote. It's not just about understanding the system from a leftist perspective.
Isaiah Miller
I'm not telling people to point out how I'm not well read, because I know I'm not. I'm saying point out what I dont actually know about leftism, but I get your point.
The rest of your post I agree with though, thanks.
you could post here – a meaningless thread – or also join our music sharing boogalooza:
Luis Baker
If porky has bought up all the caves, you'd be trespassing.
Jack Murphy
Xexizy looks and talks like a faggot, he is the last youtube eceleb I'd want to associate myself with
Liam Gonzalez
It's not really that relevant considering his original argument was that women are more likely to be raped than men.
Tyler Reyes
obnoxious idpoler who whines and gets personally upset about "transphobia" and "misogyny." he's embarrassing to watch and, when he's older, he'll look back on his channel with embarrassment.
Juan Cruz
Caleb Lopez
Mexico here. What's funny is that Mexico is more likely to have a revolution than the US. Think of the 90's and the rebellion in Chiapas with the Zapatistas. That was carried out by fucking indigenous peasants who were sick of being exploited. Think of the recent strikes and protests in Southern Mexico which is poorer, in states like Chiapas, Oaxaca, Michoacan, etc as well as the Oaxaca commune. In my state, Chihuahua, there wan even an attack on the Government Palace recently where protesters tried to forcibly take the governor out. Now, if you think of the horrendous events like Ayotzinapa where 43 students were kidnapped and burned alive by the cartel in a conspiracy with the state., then shit, maybe an insurrection is near. We're stupid? Well, I complain about the people here all the time and call them stupid but take into consideration that 50% of the people here are living in poverty with no serious social welfare system like in 1st world countries, so I'm sorry. We aren't like Americans. Americans get excited every 4 years with the reality show that is the General Election whereas Mexicans are very cynical and know that the state is against us and that we're fucked either way no matter what politicians say. Seriously, Mexicans are always talking shit about the system and all its politicians. Americans are more docile and controlled by the propaganda in this sense. The problem is that people here think this shit but are so cynical that they don't always do anything and after drinking a beer, forget all about it. If alcohol were banned, we'd have a revolution already although it would be undermined by the Americans. Note that in Catalonia Spain, it was the peasants who made the short-lived socialism of Revolutionary Spain possible.
Nathan Robinson
Actually, it's because Western powers force dictators on them in the name of "democracy".
Tyler Powell
What does idpol mean?
Aiden Stewart
As much as I disagree with Leftists I must admit that those on the far-left (Communists, Marxists, Anarchists ect) are far more intelligent, well-read and articulate than any Liberal I've ever spoken to. I think that's probably because Liberals have no incentive to read into the history of their ideas, or to educate themselves of political theory because they're constantly surrounded by people with whom they disagree. If you're on the far-left and are opposed to an economic system which has existed for centuries you can't afford to show up and argue from the seat of your pants. You need to know your arguments, your theory and your logic.
I would rather have a conversation with a Marxist than a Liberal any day. At least they aren't brain dead.
Matthew Hughes
It was anarchist.
Christian Baker
That's why it was socialist.
Nicholas Carter
*because they're constantly surrounded by people with whom they agree.
Fixed that for you. Anyway, all liberals are annoying. From the social liberal to the conservative liberal to the neoliberal.
William Edwards
Purity obsessed conservative detected. I bet you hate fags too.
Isaiah Evans
He should. They'd be on even footing.
Logan Anderson
I think he's pretty good
Jaxon Myers
ITT: SJW apologists
Jonathan Russell
biggest kys
Evan King
Jacob Rogers
Why not? Sargon comes across as knowledgeable and needs his shit pushed in.
Brandon Peterson
That's Stimulator? I pictured someone younger and browner.
Joseph Myers
It's like you're retarded on purpose.
Cooper Cooper
Identity politics. People around here don't define terms for newfags, which is excellent.
Owen Nelson
Identity-based politics focusses specifically on issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, and things of that nature.
Holla Forums is generally against identity politics as they believe that capitalist, hierarchical society is the driving force behind inequalities in race, sexuality, gender, etc. and treating them on an individual basis by censoring politically incorrect language is treating the symptoms, not the cause.
There are many leftists elsewhere like LSR or redditor leftists who will say this way of thinking is "class-reductionist."
Holla Forums distinguishes itself from SJW's, for example, because so-called SJW's will call themselves left-wing, but focus only on women's issues, black issues, etc. while ignoring class issues. Holla Forums tries to address all forms of identity-based inequality, as well as more general problems, by restructuring the way our society and economy functions.
Nicholas Powell
nah, m8, newfags r ok.
If you don't teach 'em, they might become liberal or something.
Alexander Butler
I love this board :D
Colton Richardson
I'm just spooked because in another thread I asked for the definition of a term and noone responded. I'm familiar enough with leftist stuff to understand most of the acronyms and abbreviations and ingroup lingo, but that's just me. Maybe we should have a sticky defining commonly used terms.
i wish he were more active but when he delivers he does a great job
Lucas Perez
libertarian socialist rants
good. some /idpol/ some smugness in place of arguments, but overall, quality channel.
Easton Walker
lmao you just played yourself fam
Ryan Miller
"patriarchy" is real but anachronistic in imperialist nations which coprorations have outgrown the need of heirs in the same way as it did in lesser developed stages of capitalism.
Easton Russell
No, patriarchy is still well and alive. As long as reproduction is crucial to capital it will be subsumed under capital. Women as such and their reproductive capabilities are the main factor in reproduction. So as long as capital has to control reproduction women will face sexual oppression.
Carson Walker
seeing as you know jack shit about the origin of class and patriarchy i wont even bother trying to educate the willfully retarded and just call you a faggot. feel free to cry about namecalling, it's all you're worth getting out of me.
Adrian Collins
you might want to be more careful walkin around with that edge famrade
Gabriel Sullivan
but seeing as you (as well :^) )l don't seem to grasp concepts from marxist theory the slightest bit you might want to educate yourself and read this article: