So, I recognize pedophilia as a fucked up illness. I'm starting to think I may have it. Though I don't look at children IRL and think- man she looks good, online it's different. Lolicon and 3d. I never dl or keep and I always feel disgusted and depressed after, but during it seems different. What can I do to change my habits? I'm fat, lazy and work shit tier jobs.
I'm dead inside
why ask a question like this on a board which will fetch you replies that don't want to help you stop doing what you're doing?
Mostly because i've seen Holla Forums shit on people like this. I don't know where else to go being a poor fag. I figure a good shame and someone who is in my current position maybe wanting to help.
You feel this way because of societal conformity. You will get over the guilt once you learn not to care what the herd thinks. Just live with the secret and be the better person than those you compare yourself to. Just don't do anything stupid that allows the herd to attack you with.
any advice is welcome advice thank you. I just don't know why it happened to me.
seek therapy, delete your porn
just try and fetishize something else
please note this is not supposed to be very helpful advice
stop going online
tbh Once you start having hot feeling for little girls, thats about it. During your transition on being a pedo, you'll feel uncomfortable, disconnection from "normal" people, and guilt. You'll get use to it after a while.
For thought crime? Actions determine what makes a criminal, not thought. Although with the vast amount of non-thinking morons these days I see why they confuse the two.
too late, you took the lolipill. You will be unaware that you been looking at little girls at malls, checkout lines, parks, driving then looking at a loli at the window and purposely follow that car with the loli until you or they exit, focus your attention when you see a loli on tv and then researching everything about her, etc, etc. You cannot escape it. Now you made social media accounts to get a chance to talk to a loli, fuck that its only a 0.00001% chance you will see her in person, let alone talk to each other and sharing info unless, you light dox her and know when is her birthday or where she lives, who are her parents? Fuck, and the orgasm addiction is too great when you have hundreds of GB of lolis right at your disposal where men of thousands of years wold even dream of getting one pictograph of her. You are here forever and you see middle age and old men whiteknighting lolis the worst as they took the lolipill somehow in the past and now stuck with it thinking they might still have a chance to get a loli. Enjoy little girls! :)
didn't read because i know you're fucked already
op being a faggot as usual what's new
either stop it now or kys while you're ahead, because no matter what you will end up looking like pic related if you continue on this path
Get off your computer? That seems to be the problem. If you are just fetishizing it then exercise and socializing with not pedo's will probably help but mostly you need to stop masturbatimg constantly
Poorfag can't afford it but I don't save porn, I used to go to tubegalore and exhentai. I can stop going to what I do now though, it seems like an addiction though. Like nothing gets me going except that. I'll try to have my gf work me over.
Ill probably just play more games.
You put down probably the best. Before my last ex dumped me I worked out on p90x and I lost 50 pounds and felt amazing and actually went out. Then i got a new gf and gained all the weight back and became this. So I think you may be right. I've already redownloaded p90x. Going to plans to set it up with my new work schedule. Thanks bro.
don't dead op
could have just said he's gonna end up raping and killing little girls and will end up prison
Teliophiles are the real deviants. It is normal to be attracted to little girls. The antis are just in denial about their attraction. The few that don't have an attraction are probably just gay or eunuchs.
i'm not attracted to people who have the mental capacity of a 10 year old on principal, regardless of their age