Is there such a thing? I barely encounter any Women who are public figures of any sort who I'd consider redpilled.
Would you say SyrianPartisan is one?
Is there such a thing? I barely encounter any Women who are public figures of any sort who I'd consider redpilled.
Would you say SyrianPartisan is one?
Other urls found in this thread:
Does she has fetal alcohol syndrome?
They exist, but good luck finding one worthy of fucking.
Lana Lokteff
Now those are some DSL's
Who cares what women's political opinions are?
This. They should be having children
That's funny.
No. There are no truly redpilled women, mostly because if they aren't just going with the popular opinion of the times they live in, they're following in the footsteps of their men, family, and close friends. There's no agency there.
This is fine though, as it only highlights that we should go back to a traditionally functioning society, where women are caretakers and men are workers.
Fucking faggots, leftistic propaganda is based on showing "alt rights" as a bunch of cringe virgins, if we found women better than the average (like 3d trump girls) supporting the "alt right" feminist will chimpout destroying their movement.
Please notice the use of " " ".
Bump for the ladies
Fuck off with sandnigger girl.
Women out
Women love them Shekels, this can't be denied
Also those are all either gooks, RP, or skin head trash.
Done with this shill thread, good night
Oh look, Evalion's replacement, and she's just as fucking ugly. You guys sure love your fucking Jewesses.
See those huge circles around North Africa and the Middle East? What we have here is a Semite. I knew this chick was a Jew the moment I saw her.
Lana is pretty good.
you jelly brah?
It's tough with you guys…what would a women have to be like to be considered based by you?
if you're trying to market a new evalion youtube whore you need to put more effort in schlomo.
The only shills here are the ones showing us as frog worshippers, the ones showing us as anime tards, the ones creating a stereotype for the masses.
Who That?
A good wife and mother.
Still the best.
Sorry about posting this in the other thread by mistake.
it's very simple
#1. virgin ideally, but if you're above 21 then less than 3 past sexual partners
if you can get JUST THAT ONE THING then congrats, you are above and beyond better than virtually all other women. you are basically a unicorn. a man is willing to teach you everything else and mold you into what he desires, but he can't take away the guys you've fucked or other mistakes you may have made
It's tough with you guys…what would a women have to be like to be considered based by you?>>7513966
My gf.
Jokes aside, just be loyal and loving that's all any man can really ask for, she doesn't have to be redpilled when i meet her but by the end we'll be gassing the kikes together.
Nothing. They cannot fight their childish nature. Women are the first to buckle in society.
dafties and cunts the lot of ya's tbh
take the joe pill lads, the only puss worth your time is local puss that you can get to know IRL and effect with your personal magnetism
So the alt right has a face?
The saviour of Crimea without a doubt.
Pre or post?
I love SyrianGirl.
Her only political flaw is "muh not all Muslims" other than that she's based. Hides her Jew hating power level but it's definitely there.
She's just a puppet of the Russian manlet though.
nah, that'd be spencer, taylor or somebody.
Dana Perino is more Centre Right, she is one of the very few Faux News presenters i like.
Apolitical, respects father and other authority, not vain but cares for appearance, not fat, not ripped, virgin.
Based Marie Cachet. Good for Varg.
You are suppose to mold them that way you fucking autist. You can't expect their Dad to fully develop them. It's your job too.
Holy shit. No joke.
Gonna add they always put a autistic name for themselves.
I think there is a few others I miss.
check out my pic dude
That is unacceptable. All Muslims want to conquer and rape Europe. Just look back at history. They lust over white women. Prized sex slaves. Worth many more than the usual dune coon pootang.
to add to the last part.
they'll enslave your children. boys have their genitalia cut off and forced into military servitude. the girl's fate is obvious.
if you haven't noticed. this thread is about >muh dik >muh alt kike waifu
I'm all pro Women but Sinead is unacceptable.
She's a cunt who cries about "muh poor palestinians" and other shitskins.
my list wasn't
it was
She must be popular with the lolbergs then?
explain how red ice is jewish please
Yeah dude she's a muzzie
There really is no "redpill" for women though. I suppose there's a wife pill (or waifu pill if you're autistic). Women should be submissive, always marry into their race, have manners and humility, and listen to their husbands grievances and worries when he is stressed. She's your partner for life. You better be able to trust her.
Seriously though OP; don't go looking for a girl who will be automatically redpilled. Just choose a woman and (if you have a strong enough will and are a real man) she will come into it eventually. Women are sometimes fickle, but that also means they're quite malleable in the hands of a real man. Make her into a real woman, user.
Pic unrelated, just thought it looked nice.
But how many of them are actually producing white babies in functional homes and overall, leading by example?
which is why she's trash. All muslims subscribe themselves to a desert death cult that singlehandedly deconstructed almost all of classical European/Mediterranean civilisation.
I've had enough.
rebel media is jewish, not red ice
like who?
everyone does this, they need money to produce content. I don't give them money myself, but at least half of the stuff they make is free.
why does red ice trigger you?
The thread was about Women, not obvious internet "anti establishment" gamergirls wanting donations and fame. Fucking retard
Shoe related
showing weakness is not good m8
or maybe thats because of todays pozzed women who are constantly shit testing because society gives them an out to monkey branch
found a bigger picture, and some others
they are only doing this because it's trendy. ever seen what they use to do before the alt right maymay came along and horades of autistic wanna-be normalfag polcucks came along?
It's another train stop for more shekels.
I have to say though. They put a lot of work into their earlier shit. Hope his hunch back isn't too bad.
They even admit it on their website.
Guess what the kikes labeled us? ALT RIGHT.
see. we are alt right!
come to red ice for your latest alt right news!
here is their old shit. use to be trendy. but not anymore.
also you seriously like this cuckchan tier garbage here? go post there if you want an endless
Is she redpilled i can't figure it out ?
muh dik
The closest a woman can come to being red pilled is to have a red pilled man guiding her through life. Women were created to follow, not to lead. A woman's political views should mirror her husbands.
This thread is an exhibition of how out of control our culture has become.
none of those videos are objectional, and the retarded hippy ones are only indicative of how they arrived at white nationalism via conspiracy theories, yeah. they're basically hipsters. they're not sinead tier because they don't associate flat earth with WN or cause drama or infighting.
they also interview any prominent personality in the general movement, from people like chris cantwell, matthew heimbach or daily shoah to evalion, duke or spencer.
they are a useful, well-produced resource for alternative media. we've all come to white nationalism via unusual directions.
Well that's boring
You don't even know who that is do you.
Women in general are not political but follow the prevailing sentiment of their culture. I wouldn't go as far as
to say they have "no" agency, since there are always outliers like poor Anne Coulter, but generally I second this answer.
Yes, this is a good attitude. Everyone wants something different in a partner, and look at her character like you would for a business partner or a close friend.
Women have feral natures but they thrive within a structure, you can see it in these pictures Also the women on the left have the added hindrance that they are fighting biology. Even the most left-leaning women I know are primarily interested in relationships and starting a family. They TALK about how progressive they are, but what do they want to do, stay home all the time and cook food and make babies.
Remember we always have the truth on our side even when it comes to women.
There are only a few things a woeman is good for.
Prove me wrong.
A man could use a good cocksheath.
I can't find the image, but there's a pic she posted on her twitter showing she's a coalburner
any non-degenerate women on Holla Forums?
i'm easily an 8/10. beautiful german genes. green eyes. high iq. 6'4". i'm elder-god tier man material, i know it, and i've always known it. i've had an incredible number of opportunities to have sex with women, but unlike my peers, i decided against it. i thought it would be hypocritical to expect purity in a woman but not practice that same self-control myself.
for the men reading this, you'll understand immediately my mistake: women don't seem to care about that, and when i tell them they either don't believe me or get defensive about their own number of partners.
are there any non-degenerates left? i don't want to live the sad, hedonistic lifestyle everyone else seems to. i think promiscuity is disgusting behavior. i'd rather devote myself to my career than to a corrupted failure of a woman. yet, if i do that, in all likelihood my genes will die out, and i'm not willing to allow that to happen.
do women just not realize that men like me exist? or are they not even interested? the women who've wanted me only wanted to fuck, and the ones who've wanted more had spent their life up to then being whores. the demoralization is real.
She fucks non-whites, you retard.
If a woman sees herself having sex with you, she imagines all women see it that way too. The opposite also being true.
I am not religious but I've considered trying to find a good woman at/near Church. Still, you gotta look out for the reformed/born-again sluts.
The only other recommendation I can think to try is getting involved in Hunting/Fishing, more country/redneck type outdoor activities, as the women in those groups tend to be a little more wholesome and traditional whom respect strong male figures (not raised by urbanite beta males)
Name someone on YT who doesn't ask for donations. ONE motherfucker. I'll wait.
So female "jews" are the only ones willing to show their faces and challenge the narrative on Hitler, what does that say about you, Sven?
Only bald, holohoax pushing self admitted jews are considered "based" here. Shills still have most anons here believing Sinead is a coalburner.
Race mixers will be hung on the day of the rope.
As many other posters have said, there's no such thing as a red-pilled woman. Women follow the authority figure in their life. Whether this be Obama or her father.
I have a girl. She was raised Christian and thinks that it's a woman's role to follow her man. I told her about the holohoax, Jews control the world and stuff, and honestly she does not care at all. I could be a total commie faggot and she would have exactly the same response. She likes that I am am passionate about it will follow me but doesn't really consider the details too much.
Her main goals are kids/a family. This is a good woman, which really just means she was raised well, but she's not "red-pilled" in the sense of a man. If you want a partner to care about your politics more than "yes dear" sorry but you're better off going homo.
Women are not political agents, never have been, never will be. The political ones nowadays are women who view the state as their "alpha male" that they follow, so they defend state policies/doctrine like a normal woman would defend her husband.
This. Now stop bumping this shill thread.
Here you go
Woman are too retarded to into logic. If you ever argue with one, you will find they use their emotions as an argumentative basis.
I wonder what it smells like in there.
Tell me, where can I meet someone like you ?
And what would you expect from a woman except being "non-degenerate" ?
good question. i don't know, but if you want to pick my brain and try to figure that out, here's a throwaway email you can reach me at: [email protected]/* */
good genes are important. aside from that, taking care of yourself physically with exercise and diet matters a lot.
obviously there's more to it, but those are the big 3.
ummm so like, as long as shes white man and shes skinny shes not degenerate! Who cares if she is "bi" and has purple hair, works at starbucks(THOT TRAINING CAMP), and loves niggers AM I RIGHT DUDE!!!?
Why do people always post this Jew as a reaction image?
Why did she have to get fat and old?