CNN cuts off their own fact checker while hes talking about how Hillary started the Obama birther movement. LUL

CNN cuts off their own fact checker while hes talking about how Hillary started the Obama birther movement. LUL

Other urls found in this thread:



Probably the worst propaganda outfit in the entire world.

Kek, it was so obvious.

They cut to the wrong clip of Michael dancing tbh fam.



Everyone at CNN will need to be executed.

Only 52 more days of this

CNN is going to crash and burn isn't it?

They're fucking mad as hell and panicking.

CNN = Clinton News Network
NBC = Nothing But Clinton
ABC = Always Broadcasting Clinton
CBS = Clinton Broadcasting Service

Same shit, same jews.

I hope so.

That was a close call, a few second more and the public might have been exposed to facts.

Good job CNN First Department!

oh wow they quite literally trotted out the dancing nigger to distract the viewers top fucking kek

CNN has more security than an army base these days. I think they are preparing.

Top fucking KEK

Source on that?

Are they that fucking scared?



That's not the Michael I remember…

CNN knows its days are numbered at this point. They are getting sloppy and frantic as the pressure mounts.

That nigger should could sing and dance. And diddle young children.

The burger HQ is the one that counts

Bobby Fischer agrees with me. The jews have killed a lot of good people haven't they?

I love this song.

What's FOX stand for?

Hot damn they sounded mad. We should spread this. hell, we should get CNN's butthurt trending on twatter.

Fuck Off Xenos?

Let me ask you this, would you have trusted Michael to have a sleepover with your child? Don't bullshit yourself now.

I don't care how good a nigger can shuck and jive, I'm not letting my children spend the night alone with him, and if you would, you need to gas yourself.

That said, I do love the hell out of that album and most of his music in general. Off The Wall is one of the greatest of all time. In addition, without it, .mp4 related would have never been able to be created.

don't think most people would trust their kid to a stranger

I never said he was white, user.


Pretty muh any powerful man in America is either gay or a pedophile.

The only ones you can trust are those who have well adjusted children like Trump. I would trust my daughter with Trump because even if he fucked her dem genes man dem genes, who wouldn't want a Trump gene imbued grandson?

What is pedowood? What is the japanese idol industry? What is child modeling?

They're all fronts for child prostitution.

I still wouldn't trust my kid to a stranger son

Consequence of feminism and 'daycare'.

That's not the point. user is claiming that everything surrounding Michael concerning his pedophile tendencies is a Jew lie. I'm asking if you'd put your money where your mouth is concerning your stance.

It doesn't seem a bit suspect that he was having young children sleep over his ranch? That's not some fabrication, that's proven fact. That doesn't raise any red flags for you user?

Did he invite Bill Clinton?

to the gas chamber with this one

have you see his room? It was bigger than many peoples houses. Like him or not Razorfist did a video debunking Jackson being a pedo. Watch that

Brazillian mainstream media is MUCH worse than CNN, they outright said Trump LIED and that HE started the "birther" shit
Im watching it now and then to see where the fucking absurd ideas my family has come from, Globo is a perfect bluepill dispenser, i must learn a way to counter it or my cousins and uncles will stay retarded forever

Considering his strained relationship with the kikes at Sony, his leaked audio talking about the jews, and this, I'm surprised you believe the pedo allegations.

post-modern rhyme goy, it's current year

Also it doesn't help that my brother is a fucking autist when it comes to redpilling and start slow, he jumps right into
If i didn't knew him i would think he is sabotaging me on purpose.

instead of starting slow*



user, that's not how you think memetically.



I remember when the birther movement started, but I don't remember who exactly started it. For all I know it could have started on 4chan.

I do remember Trump forming an investigative committee that he sent to Hawaii to dig up the truth, but that never went anywhere. I also remember it being Tea Party members who grilled Obama the hardest about "show us your birth certificate!"

But it's been so many years ago that it sort of fell into a memory hole.

he could be both but I don't think he was a pedo just a rich nigger that sony and jews wanted out of their way

I like yours way better than mine.


Man that song is just so good.

polite sage

I think he was damaged psychologically by his father's abuse. He had some sort of complex where he wanted to return to being a child. The Neverland Ranch and all that stuff being the crux of it. I'm not convinced he actually diddled the kids, but he probably reached some creepy uncle levels of sleepover parties and crap. All because he wanted to live out the childhood his father never let him have.

Holy Christ that was amazing

I think you're right

fuck trips but posted that in wrong thread, fuck me

remember who you're talking to and what was said user

dude was damaged
I think his behavior was suspect but I don't assume he was pedo

Do you think they wake up each morning and do this

im rolling

breddy gud


Only one missing here is when they cut off the Bernie supporters at the dnc to show boys 2 men.

Shouldn't CNN be worried about transitioning stimuli like that so jarringly? It might cause viewers to momentarily snap out of their stupor just enough to question why it happened.

because they aired it earlier, user, this was just a rerun

Communist News Network does it again.

Clinton started the whole Obama witch doctor thing too.


LOL OP is a fucking retard

here's the follow-up

Sauce? Got pics?



So you are still breathing and fighting the good fight, Brazil-user?

OP confirmed btfo

Obongo himself admitted he's Muslim MULTIPLE TIMES.

Another one.

arguably Obama started it, he was claiming he was Kenyan-born back in law school.

Kikes just did to Micheal what they did to Cosby. Remember to never believe the media's lies, unless they are talking shit about a bad colored goyim~!

ATL fag here, can confirm.
I've been to that hive of villainy that's based here. They have a big forum with a globe in the middle of it. (funny since they're globalists).
Aside from the globe it would be a pretty nice space, except for the fact that there's TSA-like checkpoints literally fucking everywhere.
And that was just 2 years ago.
I actually don't know what it's like in there now.

Some dindu lives matter protested there awhile ago because of "media bias" Kek
But most of the protestors where white so nothing got broken.
If they had shifted there protest to the Centennial park right next to CNN though…
They could have grabbed a lot of dindu's since the homeless one's always seem to be shuffling around that park all day.



Lost on your way to Reddit, friend?

We bear a heavy burden, sometimes. If I showed that to my folks, they'd tell me it was a simple error. If he'd said "My satanist faith" instead, they'd probably still give him a pass.


Are you shitting me that it's a literal indoor terrace there`? Holy shit

The lugenpresse are dividing them selves.


Jackson named the Jew and they fucking buried him for it. I used to think he was a pedo too but seeing all the evidence in recent years, especially since he died, it's obvious that it was a smear campaign.


Y'no what just occured to me? Michael Jackson died just before the BLM movement started.

I bet that's not coincidence. I can't imagine Jackson not being able to see through it, and seeing it as as Black hate group. He's shown such sentiments before I think.

Jackson died back in 2009. BLM started in July 2013. I wouldn't say that's "just before".

Yeah … because I have 2 daughters.

He fought the jews and lost. Corey Feldman says he was never raped by Jackson, and Corey is one "Eyes Wide Shut carnival mask in a dollar store" away from naming everyone who DID rape him. He's got no reason to lie about Jackson. If he didn't have a wife and kids, he'd already have spilled the beans.

Feral Occult Zionists



freckled old x-men

Stupid X fucks it all up. Did they just add the X just so people can't make up funny names about them?

Freckled Old Xenophiles

Faux News.
