Libertarian polling better then Trump and Stien but not Hilary?

I can see why younger voters support Johnson but SHilary? but hey its killing SHilary's race so meh who cares keep voting goys.


I fucking hate every Johnson supporter. These are the same people that did not give a fuck about Ron Paul 4 years ago and now they support Johnson to signal how intelligent and enlightened they are because they think Trump is an evil racist. These people are the worst kind of people. they are completely incapable of independent thought. I want to fucking hang them all.

Pretty much… Though i would not want to hang them cause violence is bad. But yeah they would have smashed Ron if Trump had never existed.

Ha, at this point, violence is a necessity. You can call it good or bad all you like but that wont stop it from happening.

IMO, if you have to resort to violence then you are not very convincing.

Any liberal millennial vote not going for Hillary is bad for her, who the fuck cares if it goes to Steinberg or Feelin Da Johnson.

pretty sure that's because most of them were in middle school when Ron was running.

Yeah, you are right. I'll just convince muhammad to stop raping white women. Ill just convince niggers and mexicans to stop abusing the welfare system and I'll just convince the corrupt politicians and media to be just and fair.

Nope, they need a fucking rope around there necks.

the worst kind of faggots. will put a johnson sticker on their cars because they know nobody will key their shit while simultaneously trying to show how enlightened they are for voting for some fuck with no chance at winning. they do it to be contrarian spastics because they are cowards.

That age category is 40% white at best.

k m80.

Anyway Johnson didn't qualify for the first debate so this poll is legitimately full of shit.

Poll was based on an age group not a national poll, so it would never be a guide for the debate stage.

Quads confirm direct action.


I call total bullshit. No one I know 18-34 is voting Johnson… no one at all, actually. I've heard Hillary from all the overweight single women, Trump from all the men who have wives/gf as well as their wives/gfs, and Stein from low T beta males that were going Bernie. Admittedly, this in anecdotal, but from what I've seen and heard, this is just unbelievable.

Libertarians are just controlled opposition at this point, they are globalist garbage just like liberals and Marxists to serve ZOG's purposes.
If any this poll shows that millenals cant into dank candidates and fear strong opinions, plus a after taste of Marxism allied a fear of determination.

I know that. What I'm saying is that basically fucking nobody is voting for Johnson, not even millennials. Any politically aware millennial is gonna go for Stein, retards are gonna go for Clinton, cucks are gonna sit this election out, and anyone who gives one iota of a shit about America is going to vote Trump. There is a zero percent chance that this poll is accurate. Not even Sanders fans or libertarians are voting for Johnson.

Johnson's face is so punchable. He looks like a jewish pedophile.

According to my liberal mother - volunteered for the Obama campaign in 08, and who I am doing my best to make her stay home on election day - my father is going to be voting Johnson as a protest vote. In all likelyhood that is just the story he told her, but my assumption about people voting Johnson are either those people who dislike Trump and are using it as a protest, or those people who don't want to reveal that they are voting for Trump.

Quads confirm Day of the Rope soon

Your parents are faggots. Why haven't you redpilled then yet?

This, these people are probably voting for the first time and want to be edgy lolbergs, the problem is the lolberg candidate is a total fucking autist that doesn't stand for the tennants of libertarianism at all

Actually, come to think of it, how did Johnson get elected as the libertarian candidate anyway? Did too few people give a fuck to try and challenge him?

He's such a fucking sperg, he walks around like some un-attended special needs child, he wears fucking sneakers with a full suit for god's sake

They live in a blue state in what is essentially a cuckservative town. Some of their friends are yids. Redpilling your own parents is difficult, they will always view you as a child, and they are set in their ways. I did get them Trump gear as a 'joke' for christmas.

he looks like a legit goblin.

Get them The Art of the Deal

My father has a copy actually, bought it years ago. My mother used to work in real estate, and she knows people who have been screwed on commissions by Trump. You don't get to be as rich and successful as he is without stepping on a few toes.

Pretty sure Johnson's opponents were literal spergs and retards.

Okay, fair enough. Cucks are either gonna sit this election out, or vote for a DUDE WEED candidate. He's still not relevant.
I dunno, I legitimately hate Gary Johnson.

I agree, he's as phony as a 3 dollar bill. The angle I'm working on with not voting for Johnson is that its an embarrassment - which it undeniably is.

By now the media/gov/edu establishment is beginning to suspect something isn't quite right. I believe some of them are honestly starting to think about that as a real possibility.

The Libertarian party has been co-opted. They aren't libertarian anymore.

Some say he is what the republican party should have been before it was co-opted

So a bunch of gun trashing open border cucks? I'm glad it played out differently.

It's because she needs to be elected to keep out the xenophobic, homophobic, nativist, racist, misogynistic Republican, goy. Does that sound like a parody? Go to any CNN or Guardian page and click the comments - you will see what I just wrote nearly word for word.

Its fucking CNN what do you expect?

If the fucking cucks screw this one up.

They deserve everything they get.

Ron Paul was so 4 and 8 years ago.

Libertarians had their chance and they let the (((media))) blow it for them … twice.

I know someone who who voting for Gary because he thinks Trump raped his ex-wife and some thirteen year old and has his products made outside of the US.

I'd like to see how it breaks down between 18-24 and 25-34. My guess is Trump is leading among 25-34 millennials

Well you can't convince some if they aren't using it, what are you gonna do torture them until they admit to something they didn't do like the Brits did to nazi PoWs?

check la times polls most the others are being skewed by over weighting democrats/females

polls have changed a lot since the deplorables gaff
use la times polls they are one of the few that dont over-weight dems and females. sadly no 4-way polls.

Not biased at all goyhim

Bullshit, 90% of this movement is 18-34, Trump is defiantly more than 29%

Libertarian period has been co-opted as most people who cared about it left and then the feminists took over it when it was weak to make it from Liberty to muh Weed and Open Borders

tbh, not so sure about that

Another bullshit poll.

I still prefer Libertarianism as a system, but right now it's impractical. It relies on an intelligent population - which we do not at all have.

I think most Libertarians think the same and are temporarily shifting to fascism until we can eliminate all of the dumb dumbs.

It's estimated there is 500,000 burgers who go to 4/pol/, 8/pol/, TRS, DS, and other sorts of websites that are past the window

101% of 18-34 year olds will vote for one of those 4 candidates huh? Seems legit.

I think they round up with these polls. This probably isn't the only one like that.

500k? id guess 50k.

Doesn't matter who polls well with millennials, we saw during Brexit and during the primaries with Bernie that they're too lazy to get off their asses and actually go to the voting booth on election day.