The Donald gets Jewed
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Lol, I love the entertainment value of reddit at least.
Who cares about that shithole anyway?
Well, while Twitter is our canary in the coal mine in case things don't go as planned (they go great so far!), reddit is, uh… a forward base or such in the middle of the warzone.
When information originates here, it circulates to that Reddit, through to news blogs, and sometimes winds up in the MSM. It is an important transfer point for knowledge to move from these deep pockets into the world. But, it is not necessary since we can make do without it. No doubt, it is helpful.
Theyre fucking ripping Milo to shreds. It's pretty sweet tbh.
They can have him back, he was theirs all along anyway.
It was deleted fast enough for damage control. I would imagine that Milo's status would be to harmed unless this continues to reverberate. He turned "alt right" into a brand then sought to convert its user-base into a customer-base to be exploited for profits.
When we get into power we need to Gas Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.
Did I miss anything?
Some rebellion is occurring in the new threads, currently archiving.
So is the Kiked-right finally learning about Milo?
I knew not to trust him but I didn't think he would try to directly and literally jew them like that.
I checked his facebook page and people seem to suspect that his account was hacked. Fucking idiots.
Just a few of what has popped up. I am sure that more will pop up, some of these will continue, and I see 1 has already been removed for some reason.
That's a real shame. Some were calling him out for scamming people over that college grant for white males. Milo needs to fucking die. I've got two questions for you OP,
1. Why aren't the users mover over to the other Donald sub? The less cucked one.
2. Have all comments critical of Milo/nimblemillionaire been removed? Because I can see some comments critical of the ordeal are top rated.
Oh shit. Hopefully this makes them revolt against their mods hardcore and cause a shitposting storm site wide.
I never paid too much attention to him except a few times when he pops up in the news somewhere or something.
1. It literally just happened. I don't know what will become of this. What I do know is that there is a lot of love for Milo on that Reddit so maybe a lot of them are confused or something that he pulled this.
2. The threads themselves were removed. A lot of comments were deleted. Maybe the mods realized that they could not control all of the shitposting so instead of deleting them all they decided to delete the posts. Another thing to consider is that when the whole thread is calling you out then you cannot really delete everything. But, this is ongoing. People are asking for an answer to this.
Doubt it. Mods seem to be suppressing it, and you should never underestimate reddit's ability to cuck.
As an aside, that subreddit is fucking cancerous. Shitty memes, gay posts, bunch of morons.
Kill the faggot kike.
The Donald has always been jewed though tbh
Guys i'm really starting to think that God is real and his name is Kek.
Life is now nothing but good news every day.
As a method of breaking up direct links, use spoilers mid-link like so
That way no moron accidentally clicks on it.
I know that you guys hate him, but CF was completely right. You can't immediately trust most fags to be leaders or figureheads under circumstance. What happens in practice is that they just insincerely repeat safe basic talking points while funneling money from the movement. Most will prioritize sodomy before considering the white race.
This same shit happened constantly to GG. Plenty of trannies did it, only to later depart the movement after donations went dry.
I really hope this cuts into their base and users flee to the Holla Forums version of r/the_donald. I forget what it's called. Some redditters cuck, yea but some came be worse than fucking chambers if you piss them off enough. That fatpeoplehate drama was delicious.
No argents here except redditt can have some primo fucking temper tantrums. Only reason I'm bumping this thread.
I thought everybody already knew that every single reddit sub that has a reason to be subverted by the admins is subverted by them as soon as possible after it becomes popular.
wasn't long ago they shut down sanders_for_president revealing the mods who ran the thing were pro-hillary the entire time.
Channers not chambers.
No he wasn't you fucking pleb. We were right.
He found Milo's sincerity questionable in his podcast a year ago and I was in disbelief until now.
I hope the owner of Reddit understands that the entire business will go bankrupt the moment Trump wins and nobody gives a shit about posting there anymore. I plan to cancel my account November 9th.
Don't look at me man, I was never into that faggot. He has risen with popularity. I never took him seriously.
Good to know. I never used Reddit before the Donald. In fact, I barely use Holla Forums but started looking at it more often when I came across Culture of Critique.
"Safe to assume that Milo's account was compromised; His first comment in like a month+ and he starts off the comment with "Hey it's Milo" - only impostors start off with re-assurance of their identity! If it really was Milo and he confirms it on FB / his own Website / Breitbart, then I'll believe it was him.
But I sincerely doubt that was him that wrote that."
When you guys say mods, do you mean reddit admins? On reddit the mods are per sub, and the admins cuck over the entire site.
Top fucking kek. Sauce? I could use a laugh.
I'm kidding, it's useful to have people there sometimes
What other websites do you use, if you don't mind me asking? I've used Holla Forums pretty much exclusively since the gamergate exodus, and before that I was on 4/pol/ almost exclusively for about 4 years.
The latter.
For social media? Reddit, this place sometimes, and maybe Jewtube or something.
Kek. Nice to see gamergoys sticking it out on reddit.
And we said his was an ovenworthy faggot kike from the beginning.
Don't use reddit use, just add "un" before reddit.
Reading deleted comments is funny as fuck.
Meant for
Fucking mobile
This this this
I don't do shit on mobile.
It was made by a full gas the kikes race war now goy, but he was shoahed.
God damn, they're pissed.
I'd be too if someone tried to pull a 'no refunds goy' on me.
Redditors trying to convince people on the Donald to visit Bigly and apparently Breitbart has been notified of "nimbleamerica." There is a theory that this is CTR hacking work being done but I don't know about that. Everyone is pleading ignorance.
We aren't reddit, why are you posting this here?
A good thread died for this.
Rip jews
Shut up kike this is strong evidence that Milo is actively attempting to swindle people. Go chug foreskin.
I'm trying to help people here, who often go there, not end up getting kiked because a bunch of random people hyped up a bullshit charity run by a faggot.
My bad I hadn't read any of this. Just sick of reddit crap and posted immediately, however since this is anti milo I'm on board.
Here is their apology issued after panic:
Fuck these rich faggots. They are worthless.
They should've stayed far far away from that conman faggot Milo.
I remember some video on the Dangerous Faggot tour where some audience member who was apparently a mod at the Donald asked him directly to mod the reddit despite not knowing this faggot at all. It was not us. It was some fat autist. But now, it would seem, this winds up happening. Also, it looks like many Trump supporters are not buying the apology especially after the post deleting, comment deleting, banning of users, and more. It looks like enough abuse occurred for people to suspect a lot of malfeasance. Not to mention, go on the nimble America website and take a look at the faggots that are named there… "NimbleRichman"
lmao, look at these fools
I don't trust bisexuals especially.
Actually plotting a bit of a coup against some bifag in my industry because I found out he's stealing money and laundering it through [redacted]. I like the guy, but he's just not trustworthy.
I think Milo's reddit could have been hacked. After making the posts and stickying them, it looks like the Milo account was de-modded and then re-modded with fewer permissions.
Having Milo as a mod was supposed to give Breitbart access to the moderator chat logs in case CTR did get in. Now that he is a lower rank, that account can't see anymore, even if they get access to it back.
Those reddit goys sure are smart
A possibility. Another possibility is that the mods let the "mods = gods" mentality get to their heads and become overconfident in their ability to swindle the user-base.
It still does not add up that mods that were not using Milo's account were coming down on Trump supporters like 1984. Not to mention, this idea was supposedly in the works prior to the release and being vetted.
Obviously, but the bigger issue with Milo is that he's a fucking kike.
Daily reminder that there are no good jews.
If this was supposedly a plan for months, why did it seem like it was set up in an hour?
They thought they could turn reddit modding into a political operative/PAC/DC gravy train career like all the cuckservatives already infesting the Beltway.
New boss same as the old boss. Trump needs to stamp this shit out.
That's my point. It is a scam that mods are trying to play off as a gaffe or CTR hacking or some dumb shit like that. I would not be surprised if they change their story to make it a CTR hacking when Breitbart writes about it or something.
That is the official story but the website is not even registered as a PAC. It is just some shady nonprofit located in a strip mall in CT with a phone number in CA.
Send all them my regards.
So, community consensus seems to be that the official story is horseshit and that this was a scam by some of the moderatorship to monetize the Trump supporters.
And some faggot posted this to Breitbart,
All the internet needs to be an anonymous imageboard.
I'm completely serious everything else gets corrupted every single fucking time.
To expound on that. Here's a short historical explanation of why the filthy Yids are universally hated and have been for ages.
Part 2
Sounds like the solution to me is to live independently, within your means, multiple redundancies of finance and material wealth, teach your population the same, don't have a philosophy that leaves the door open for special status to jews, aka christianity, have ethnic identity and traditions instead. End result: people are protected monetarily, materially, and mentally, physically as well from not letting jews in.
An internet video businessman named Kirk Johnson is being accused of being the unknown billionaire behind Nimble America.
Distrusting Milo isn't Common Cuck's unique idea, retard. People have been saying to gas him for over a year.
CF is a pro cuck niggerloving spic. He is NO DIFFERENT from fag Milo in of the fact they are both degenerate attention whores who are trying to make a quick buck off of the political resurgence of the far right.
You can fuck right off if you defend or shill for either of these crypto kikes.
I sure as fuck don't recall that consensus.
I don't ever go to reddit, but it seems worth it just for this drama fest. pic related
so in short, mods bring in this "obscenely wealthy" guy supposedly backing some pro-Trump organization the mods are trying to start. Rick guys makes a post describing the whole point of it. Milo posts endorsing the guy and the organization. Massive blowback ensues, comments start getting deleted and removed left and right, the subreddit explodes into shrapnel of users shouting about the sheer degree of scummy and shady shit of it all.
Plebbitors are pretty retarded, and I have a feeling half the ones who wander over here have trouble swallowing the redpill. Hopefully this attempt at cashing in on the community wakes some of them the fuck up.
Wow those logs are pretty damning
Honestly at this point i'm positive that even a National Socialist subreddit would go to complete shit if it got any real attention or importance.
Reddit is just inherently cancerous.
You're correct. I thought this was obvious to anyone, anywhere. Reddit is as kike-controlled as you possibly get. It used to simply be a new aggregate, and it was alright back when the original creator was still alive and it was only that. Then, after his (((suicide))) it all went downhill.
Everything behind reddit, everywhere, is kike controlled, and anything new that isn't that gains popularity fast enough draws them in, and they subvery and coopt it. Every single time. Like I said, I never go to reddit, but I've read and dug enough up about it to understand the underlying pools of cancer that creep and crawl all over the site, corrupting anything it touches.
Even without heebshit going on, reddit is a beacon for normalfags and "geeks." Anything that gains enough popularity pulls in the drama queens and attention whores, and they are only slightly less destructive than the scheming jews.
Yeah, the way those mods tell each other to handle this just shows what type of people become moderators on reddit. That subreddit may have started out with a decent mod team, but all the shifts of power over the period of time between the beginning and when the sub got popular completely changed everything.
"Just ban and delete all negative posts, don't look at their post history or you will feel bad about doing it"
They know the people they are banning and deleting posts of are supposed to be on their side, but they do it anyway to maintain their power.
No user, this just random literal faggot on plebbit. The man himself is peachy.
No-one sane enough gives two shits about Milo and his corrupt poz'd holes
from one of the mod logs:
Shekel (Akkadian: šiqlu or siqlu; Hebrew: שקל, pl. shekels or sheqalim) is any of several ancient units of weight or of currency. Initially, it may have referred to a weight of barley. This shekel was about 180 grains (11 grams or .35 troy ounces).
[8:27 PM] lolmonger: I mean, @kwiztas , you know why
[8:28 PM] lolmonger: Same reason everyone was poking fun at (((them))) over and over
[8:28 PM] lolmonger: We even had an ama guest break out the ((()))
[8:28 PM] lolmonger: Just how the user base is sometimes
[8:28 PM] kwiztas: i know it is just funny when how they still use the shekel
[8:28 PM] Trumpshaker: people on t_d talking about reopening mr_trump can we remove those? we don't need schism bs
[8:28 PM] lolmonger: Ugh, yeah
[8:28 PM] kwiztas: if you didn't want to be made fun of wouldn't you pick a different name for your currency
[8:28 PM] kwiztas: and i am jewish
The Jews that don't learn to fear Kek will in time.
the exact same thing happens on 8/pol/
don't kid yourself that this board is anything other than a hugbox for reverse jew trump cucks
Because you're a newfag
And it's not even that he's a Kike it's because he's a fucking subversive one.
I think that we'd accept a Bobby Fisher or Stanley Kubrick who were genuine self hating Jews but Milo is so obviously a subversive.
To the mods of /r/mr_trump that thought things would get better:
I told you so.
"subversive kike" is redundant, Bobby Fischer would agree.
"…What's the difference between a good Jew and bad Jew?…The good Jew fucks you slower." – Bobby Fischer
Fair enough I guess.
I'd just find it really really hard to gas Bobby.
The_Donald was supposed to be our mini cancer containment camp for useful idiots, now those useful idiots are getting jewed into becoming someone else's useful idiots.
This is bad.
Fucking Jews are stealing our Goyim.
This will not stand.
That being said, if any anons have reddit accounts with a decent amount of good goy karma points we could try and stage some sort of protest against this.
They don't care. They kicked out anyone who was even kind of far right, threatening them with doxxing and actually doxxing one of them.
Nothing you do will fix it.
What a waste of dubs.
Why are JIDF always Torfags?
I have still yet to see a single TORfag add any meaningful content to any thread. Not a single effort or informative post between them. Not one.
Likewise. It's always this exact same kind of post. Two or three lines of D&C bullshit per thread.
They actually didn't get all that jewed. SHUT IT DOWN! mode took over almost immediately and the community is still asking for heads on pikes of mods. Lots of kike-fag Milo hate getting stoked, too.
buy a shirt goys!
You have no fucking idea how hard we've worked to keep kikes out of the mod positions, user. Not even chans are safe. The only safety is in your own skills.
One ugly shirt for sale.
That's the listed address of 'nimble america'. Think it's the urgent care center, the superstores? Maybe the loan center, or the Panera? GNC? Xfinity store? Perhaps the Liquor Store, Dollar Tree, Pizza Place, Supercuts? Nail place, Beauty Supplies, SW grill, pet store, UPS store, Verizon, Kohl's, Stop & Shop?
They demodded him now
Buy it if you want to make America great again, goy.
That's just as cancerous,
I saw a thread where they were claiming that they (which I guess includes us) only call themselves "Nazis" ironically because that's what the left called them, but then they started attracting "literal Nazis".
That's because Milo appropriated the term "alt right" so now the Trump movement thinks that they are alt right when they are not. They are also blue-pilled because they have a hard time believing anyone could be antisemitic at all. I think the literal Nazis might be us lol. Culture of Critique red-pilled me. I've been passing that book around. Unfortunately, the Donald will ban you because there is a Jew as a mod as well as some faggot in the #1 position who hunts racists or something gay like that.
I thought something was up there when I saw people questioning why the US sends so much money to Israel and fights all their wars for them get downvoted and deleted.
Here's the latest.
I'm hardly surprised to hear an actual jew is modding there.
Milo has lost massive reputation over this and has yet to comment. I wonder if (((Milo))) is finished.
I don't know, but I posted this a little bit ago, and people seemed pretty receptive to it. He might be finished, if pressure is kept on. I'd say to post the most incriminating thing you can think of, if you want to do real damage to his reputation.
Those reddit OPs read more like goon satire than anything else.
I think the effects of basic site architecture upon the culture of online communities are immense and underestimated.
Reddit's defining features:
1. Feudal-style board system
This allows different overlapping board cultures to develop. It isn't bad by itself, we have the same thing here.
2. Upvote/Downvote
This encourages users to heavily police themselves, not just by posting "GTFO Holla Forums" but by making unpopular content quietly disappear. Even without cancerous moderation, users tend to turn their own boards into hugboxes as they stop being accustommed to dissent. Channers benefit greatly from having to look at ideas they hate once in a while.
3. The Front Page
This exposes different boards to each other by making their most popular content appear globally. This would be a good thing if not for the hugbox effect. Culture differences between subreddits mean that hitting the front page often means inviting #triggered neighbors to come argue. Since redditors become unaccustomed to dissent, they automatically see visitors from rival groups as shitting up the board out of pure malice. Users then endorse cancerous moderation practices in order to protect their boards, chan-style "no cp, no problem" moderation would be hated by the users because the downvote option makes them soft.
I don't think any of this requires starting with a cancerous userbase or an active takeover of moderation from anywhere. The same will probably happen to Voat if it ever gets big enough to fragment, and it would eventually happen here if we started using a reddit-style site (*gags*). The site architecture simply prunes the userbase towards a shitty community culture.>>7515214
I think most people just liked Milo for the "holy shit he actually did it" factor. Having a borderline-legitimate media guy running around offending SJWs was much less common a few years ago.
Trump really did him in, in a way. He presents the same spectacle without being an obvious clickbaiter.
He was alright when he was just attacking feminists and SJWs. Even though he was still a black dick sucking flaming faggot, he was getting good stuff done, though maybe for the wrong reasons.
But when he got involved with the "alt-right" still a bullshit term he started thinking that he's more important than he is.
Apparently, the unknown billionaire was actually a poor mod on the Donald. Meanwhile, the IRC full of corrupt mods was spreading bullshit about the billionaire being some guy named Kirk Johnson to cover their asses.
You might be right about that. Good point, user!
Upon reading this, my mind actually briefly went "oh, tough luck, mr. billionaire guy" until about .1 seconds later, when I realized the absurdity of feeling sorry for a billionaire because he's broke.
I'm going to write this down as 3 idiots (mods and Milo) being naive fools instead of shilling out. Nevertheless they deserved what happened to them (mods resigning) and it's great that there were consequences for their ineptitude.
I had always assumed that Milo was at the very least acting in good faith, in spite of everything. I hope his fans turn on him hard.
Kek, at long fucking last, milo in the spotlight for the faggot that he is
Disregard that he defines every aspect of his life around him being a homosexual, and how proudly he boasts of it
Disregard that due to his completely degenerate tastes of preferring black men, he has said multiple times that black men are the most attractive, against all surveys ever done
Disregard the blatant fallacy that he also often mentions of homosexuals having average higher intelligence
Disregard that he is nothing but a self serving jew
He's been caught trying to jew people out of money
The only things I'm now thinking about is if this will be spun in such a way that the subreddit mods and even maybe milo will be forgiven, and why on earth it was so blatantly false. The website was incredibly poorly made, and the kind of conversations the logs show are almost too good in how damning they are. A little off, still thinking about it.
But god damn, this feels just the same as whenever some blatant lie is exposed to all the normies in an undeniable form, it's glorious, fucking reddit and milo kek
I can't imagine they'd get their way out of this one, although it'd be unwise to underestimate the slipperiness of Jews. How on earth are they supposed to spin:
"Don't contribute to the Trump campaign, goyim. Give your shekels to us, and we'll be sure to pass them along :^)"
The 2 mods at the top of this stepped down after enormous blowback from the Trump community. Milo has also lost his mod powers. What needed to be done was done but that leaves one more thing left to answer for that lies outside of the online venue: Milo's public image.
while normally i lurk and would agree on the whole milo is a fucking kike train is it not a bit wrong to be upset with his personal preferences and opinion in life that don't match with surveys
I didn't specify it, but he states that all race and dating studies show this to be the case.
It was in one of his earlier interviews, before he dyed his hair i think, and again in some other online discussion with a youtuber, sargon or someone.
It's the fact that he says it's scientifically shown in evidence, when it is not.
No, all faggots deserve a trip to the bog
user, I know you're young, but Milo is proud and boastful of being a homosexual. This is something he could change if he chose to, but he doesn't change it.
He preaches that it's right, and good to do. He's trying to normalize homosexuality, so that people think it's ok, but it's very destructive in many ways. It spreads disease, and it's unhealthy for relationships. It's all-around bad.
Milo also thinks it's a good thing to be circumcised, and was basically endorsing it, by saying how much better it is.
Milo even calls Trump "daddy", just to show how much of a pervert he is. He's gotten others to do it too. We can't allow that to go on. It's destructive.
Someone should tell Shapiro about all this and let the Jews crucify each other.
That sub was taken over by admins and kikes in February.
99% of the comments and posts you can actually see come from SRS minions. It's been co opted all year and faggots still take it seriously.
Now I understand why every reddit fag needs to die.
Meh, if it was co-opted then they did a horrible job because the shitposting continued unstopped. Yesterday, their master plan was revealed after months of planning and got booted the fuck our within 30 minutes. Now, the mods who did it are gone, Milo is stripped of privileges, and Milo's public image is being disgraced in less than 12 hours of the original scam post. Didn't work. This is just evidence that the Trump shitposting community is a pretty good community.
they truly wont give two shits. They made their money and half of them don't even stay in the states.
I dunno why some people here shit on their only foothold in the mainstream world. While you're busy shitting on it, (((Milo))) is subverting it by scamming you with his Nimble Nigeria fagPAC to spend money taking nigger cock in his ass.
That sub and the original creator were sincere and had great shit going on. When that sub literally got all the traffic on the site they did a forcible takeover and doxxed the fuck out of the creator which caused him to leave immediately.
They stickied cuck porn for the first hour then capped every voting ability and removed it from reaching the front page.
They did a great fucking job but it will ultimately bite them in the ass.
Now go back to reddit you fucking faggot
That's right goy. Don't worry about anything. Just sit in your unknown pocket of the internet while (((we))) do it for you. Go to your basement and eat your tendies.
what the fuck are you talking about you water-head
The Donald is controlled by crypto-Jews and leftists. It is a lost cause. Please go sit in your basement where no one can see you and let (((us)) handle this. It is for your best interest goy.
You're autistic as fuck, fam.
Mother fucker is huffing paint
It's very simple man. The Donald community is the first community in ages that is open to our red pills. Either we influence them or controlled opposition like Milo will by appropriating the alt right.
Underrated post.
You won't be red-pilling anyone there. Like i said initially before you sperged out, kikes and SRS do control every aspect of that sub. None of us are going to get a good redpill in without it being subtle, too subtle for an impact.
Those fags made sure they had control over there 100%. Go ahead and try but its a waste.
You are better off educating people that it is controlled by lefties who are just cashing in on Trump so cucks like Ben Garrison etc and Alex Jones will stop even mentioning the poz hole.
It's even broadcasted on many streams. 80% of the users in that sub arent even in the United States.
Checking these dubs
Kikes like Milo have appeal of the liberals who are starting to be afraid for their lives due to niggers and other filth. His audience is not a threat, they are sheep. No self-respecting NatSoc or future NatSoc would listen to a faggot kike and take him seriously. Even in my own bluepilled days, I never listened to kikes because they never said anything to the point and were always bullshitting. However, there might be still some people with the right mindset just bad leftover habits that fall under the category. In this case it's unlikely that either /r/the_donald or Milo will change their mindset. They'll be temporary containment chambers of attempted de-radicalization. It should be easy to redpill them regardless where they might happen to belong at a given day.
I'm mainly just checking that 1488 tbh fam.
I think now is a good time to drop redpills though, since there's some havoc going on, and people are upset with their mods. Bans are not going to go over well right now, since people don't trust the mods.
Don't let this event die out without a solid push.
There is israeli and LGBT flags everywhere. Kikes hit that sub like flies on shit early this year.
They got rid of GasTheKikes as well too in anticipation for this election.
Read these threads from /r/the_donald and try not to cringe.
You can't just walk in there and drop some radical knowledge. There has to be transition phases. For instance, from America first to Israel second and then when they ree about it you move to anti-Zionism which for many people will naturally transition to antisemitism. That's just one idea but there are many ways to go about this. References back to Holla Forums are a good strategy. I wasn't sperging, just revealing your mindset of non-action that will not get anything done.
Listen, I've been through their rodeo, in fact im a faggot e-celeb because of it. You won't make any progress and it's better to go fuck yourself with a cactus than it is to mingle in that fag haven.
I definitely tried but the mods aren't as stupid as they pretend to be. Any discussion that leads to what gets discussed here gets shoah'd 100% of the time. U can get maybe 3 upvotes before permalink is removed then you gotta move to VPN.
Fuck that shit just let them all hang on dotr.
There is already a lot of progress though. The fight against globalism is already a fight against the Jews whether they know it or not. The fight for nationalism is already a fight against Jewish culture whether they know it or not. To despise the corporate media is to attack the Jews who fill most of the executive positions. To crap all over big banks is to crap on the Jews. The angles of attack are already implemented, the language has just been secularized for normies.
Reddit is a sort of forward base. Normies aren't gonna come here and be able to handle it unless they've been fed at least a few redpills before.
Yeah yeah, and we need Israel to fight Palestinian children so we don't have to do it here. I've heard it all before.
I'm not saying we need a concentrated effort there or any dumb shit like that. And for damn sure nobody should ever mention 8ch there. But there is value in subtly redpilling people, and with the Trump crowd rejecting the idea of Nazi and racist as an insult, it's an excellent opportunity.
Theoretically, you do not even have to red pill them with antisemitism. You can craft narratives against the Jews with secular language.
1. Anti-Globalism is actually antisemitism.
2. Destroying the corporate media is actually destroying Jewish influence.
3. Breaking the banks is actually breaking the Jews.
4. Rejecting neoconservatism is actually rejecting Jewish foreign policy.
5. Supporting nationalism is actually supporting the integrity of the goyim.
6. Going for corruption prosecutions is actually going for Jewish crime syndicates.
7. Embracing Western Culture is actually embracing white culture.
And the list continues of how we have already gotten normies to fight against the Jewish plot without being antisemitic at all through the skilled use of language.
We do not have to fully red pill them, though it would be preferable and should be tried when there is a window, to lead a charge against Jews and their goy Zionists. Look at how the Jews start Jewish movements but quickly make them appear like egalitarian leftist movements. It is not necessary for a movement to have the expressed intent of Jewish interest for it to fulfill Jewish interest. We can fight for our interests in a secular fashion without trying to look like psychos to normies.
So, for all the people doubting that we can do anything here, we just have to set attainable goals. Even if the Donald is controlled by fags, we still have an enormous window right now to post anti-Milo content which is actually anti-Jewish content without saying its anti-Jewish content. Come on, you have to think smarter here. No shit you cannot do anything in these communities when your whole fucking master plan is to walk in there and tell the your fucking master plan. No, look through the lens of antisemitism and assess the situation. Right now, we need to cream Milo for what he did and send that faggot packing. No, it does not require us to walk in and yell HEY DID U GUYS KNO BOUT JEWS?
Good post. Anti-globalism and pro-nationalism stuff goes over very well right now, and that obviously goes against the globalist agenda. Same for pretty much all you said.
Exactly. Trump is shifting the window of discourse and it'd be foolish to not teach people about things that weren't even acceptable to talk about until recently.
And there is much more that is not mentioned. For example, a lot of people spin the idea of auditing the Federal Reserve as a deranged conspiracy theory. That is simply the Jewish media protecting itself from silly goys who want to audit them and kick them out of our financial system. So, the Jews try to make these guys look like loons.
These points I bring up, and there are more, are already seeing a visceral response from the Jewish power structure but only a person who is red-pilled can see it. The whole Jewish media is revolting against Trump. The Jewish foreign policymakers (neocons) are rebelling against Trump in the GOP. Anyone who knows about the Jewish power structure can easily see that Trump is an anomaly to it. We are already winning against the Jews and it is only a matter of time before we get Trump elected and start dealing severe blows to the system without ever really red pilling many normies at all. Again, it is preferable to red pill normies but not necessary.
comments accusing CTR of infiltrating the mods have been deleted
What did i tell you fags?
Lol, you are trying so much to derail discussion of BTFO Milo and red-pilling normies. I wouldn't be surprised if this is intentional. Whatever the case may be, as you can see, adults are trying to suggest ideas for a plan of action that people can take of their own accord. Please fuck off.
Now is the time to strike at Milo. Make him lose as much reputation as possible. Kick him while he is down and let everybody see him for the lying scammer he is.
And honestly he's by far the biggest subversive that we're faced with.
He needs to be taken down.
trust me i'd love to see that faggot crucified.
Maybe somehow you think you can go there but you better be speaking a language no bt can pick up because keywords get comments shadow removed and you can't tell without logging and checking the permalink.
I doubt they have eased off, like I said go for it. Ill keep this thread open for an hour, let me know how it goes.
it's sad that we have to admit that is true. He is just a random faggot nobody kike but (((media))) gave him a free ride.
There are people talking about the refugee crisis destroying nationalism to pave the way for a one world government right now.
Milo's crucifixion.
Wrong one. This is it.
Lol fucking newfag redditcuck, Holla Forums realized that milo and Christina sommers were controlled opposition due to their kikeness and shilling of the alto right.
Tip to redpill people: A lot of people hate Saudi Arabia. It is MUCH easier to talk negatively about them and then you make the connection to who controls SA after a while.
Ya well there is a lot of crap on the internet.
Focus all your energy on SA, make the connection later.
Can anyone link me to where CF says something about Milo?
No. Fuck that anti-white faggot.
Huh? I thought CF referred to Common Filth.
Could you be any more jewish?
Many Holla Forumsacks have been saying for months that the_donald was controlled by self serving kike mods who were just exploiting Trump support for shekels. Looks like they were right.
It does.
good idea fam
It appears that a very pissed centipede threatened to drop a metaphorical barbell on the top mod. Seems someone had dirt on TehDonald/jcm267.
Seems the top mod was a zionist.
/the_donald's top mod: Trump not a serious candidate.
/the_donald's top mod jcm267 (aka TehDonald)* calls the Trump Train 'else than desireable' and 'extreme', a fringe political group.
* jcm267 goes by many other alts/sockpuppets including:
…and dozens of others over the years
more jcm267 (TehDonald) alts:
Who mods /r/the_donald?
Every top mod of the sub has come from a narrow corridor of the NE USA, stretching from Pennsylvania through NY State to Connecticut and Massachusets. These are 'deep blue' states that reliably support the Democrats.
This corridor contains about 14% of the US population, but almost all the senior mods of /the_donald have come from here - that's a couple dozen, in total. Live outside this tiny, enthusiastically Democrat area of the USA? Then fuck you.
It's not so much 'New England' as it skips Maine, RI and NH. It takes in a tight cluster of federal facilities focused on defense, intelligence, and govrenment pork. That's where the top mods come from.
jcm267 got the job as top mod at /the_donald because a buddy handed it to him. jcm267 is actually a zionist neocon with deep links to the defense establishment. He s rumoured to work at Lincoln Labs at MIT, according to some redditors. If so, some of his public statements on reddit (especially /r/conspiritard) would cost him his job, because they go against government HR rules on discrimination. (Bigly.)
He's married to a Korean woman. Loves Israel. Loathes Holla Forums, mainstream conservatives, the alt right, and basically anyone who isn't into spending $5 trillion to fight Israel's wars and thereby keep him in employment in the defense sector.
Every top mod is his buddy, living within driving distance. Some are in his social circle since college. He won't personally recruit a mod unless that mod is a neocon zionist. Period.
He's on OK terms with Viking83, /r/the_donald's new top mod. Viking83 is Danish, homosexual, camp as fuck, pro-Israel, and a big Milo fan. Normally, jcm267 despises LGBT - so Viking83 must have sucked a lot of Israeli cock to get the job. Or he's jewish.
jcm267 has hired a lot of jewish mods for the sub. At least six of the current mods are jews.
The Nimble America scandal produced an interesting fact: the address to send checks is pretty close to jcm267's home. Driving distance.
Oh yeah, a couple of the current mods are Israelis, like /u/KinOfMany.
At least they're not all fools enough to get swindled it seems. The Tea party geezers got fucked by PACs and sweet talkin politicians. We and our broader, more diluted base need to avoid the same mistake of falling to dirty conmen. Everyone is looking for an angle. We don't live in America circa 1960 anymore, where you can somewhat reliably count on a man's word. Men felt they had a duty to fulfill their obligations more then, and a sense of guilt when they fucked others over.
That's gone. We're in the low trust future dystopia that's not quite as bleak as Blade Runner and not quite as overtly oppressive as 1984 or Brave New World (though the mechanisms of control fall more in line with Brave New World I believe). Treat the world writ large as it is, as the current year, and not the idyll of the past. This means that unless you can find specific cases where a PAC does good work, you should be averse to them in general because from what I've seen, they tend to be shady operations which can pour almost all of their money into overhead and frivolities and very little into campaigning as such.
Man even good people who go after faggot mods on Reddit are self important assholes.
The entirety of Reddit needs to nuked from Orbit.
Milo really REALLY needs to be dealt with.
Honestly I blame that faggot for much of GG's destruction.
That tells me all I need to know about that community.
reddit is cancer.
Milo is a fag, a Jew and a race-mixer.
If any part of you thinks he is beneficial in ANY WAY, you are a fool.
You do know that the House of Saud isJewish right?
Milo is GG tier. He talks as if this is GG, he doesn't want to embrace that dealing with kek worshipper Holla Forumsacks is different from dealing with Gamergoys.
It's this simple.
Their current top mod is Danish. Not even American.
The Tea party was filled with retarded old Boomer fucks who were raised in a high trust society so they get Jewed every time.
Our generation not so fucking much, we're gonna take back everything that we've list.
so essentially what sarkeesian did with the SJW movement? fucking kikes
Did you even fucking read his post?
He really doesn't understand that the character of different boards is completely different.
He dun fucked up.
More or less.
However this everyone under that massive blanket isn't retarded.
He's also a faggot. One that hates the altright and racists.
Honestly is there any proof of him being a faggot. He said it out right or something like that? I'd love to get my hands on it to burn that fucker out of the_donald just for the lulz.
Yes, he's outright said it multiple times in chatrooms and will admit to it if you ask in PM or on a post.
I could not agree more. This is how bronies have arguments.
There must be some way we can use this information to screw around with those faggots? I don't mean raids or flame wars, maybe we could uncover any shady/massively faggoty shit they're into.
Wow. I am shocked and surprised
Shill alert. This is an example of a kike trying to downplay reddit's significance in this election cycle by making it appear to be only for normies.
just happened to me in the PJW AMA
It's disgusting but it's not surprising, when you take into account that their current top moderator Viking83 is a flamingly camp, pro-Israel, pro-Milo Yabbadabbadoo fan. See
Also see pic attached showing he's a fucking Dane, not even a 'Murican. He probably looks like a camp version of the Chef from the Muppet Show.
And of course there's the top moderator before Viking83, tehdonald, who's a batpoop crazy israel firster from a solidly Democrat voting state. See
And they think Trump is a joke candidate. See .