

You need include cute lolis though. Here.

What is my english tbh


tbh Holla Forums is a wasteland and probably the worst imageboard community Ive ever seen. I just come here to shitpost. rip Holla Forums 2013 to 2015 tbh.

How's that work in progress relationship with the virgin lady friend?

smh famalam tbh

Hung out for a little while last night at a halloween party. I wanna ask her on a date pretty soon. She didn't stick around too long at the halloween party, so I didn't ask there since there wasn't really a good time to do it. There's an older married guy in the bishopric that knows her really well, and I told him how I feel and he said he wants to meet up and talk to me about her. So I'm kinda waiting for that to happen so I can learn some more stuff about her too.


I have failed you tbh

Sounds great tbh. Hopefully you can 'get lucky' in terms of having a long and loving relationship with her.
Also Hex did you see that one of the diaperfags are back

Hex, get a job tbh