You need include cute lolis though. Here.
What is my english tbh
tbh Holla Forums is a wasteland and probably the worst imageboard community Ive ever seen. I just come here to shitpost. rip Holla Forums 2013 to 2015 tbh.
How's that work in progress relationship with the virgin lady friend?
smh famalam tbh
Hung out for a little while last night at a halloween party. I wanna ask her on a date pretty soon. She didn't stick around too long at the halloween party, so I didn't ask there since there wasn't really a good time to do it. There's an older married guy in the bishopric that knows her really well, and I told him how I feel and he said he wants to meet up and talk to me about her. So I'm kinda waiting for that to happen so I can learn some more stuff about her too.
I have failed you tbh
Sounds great tbh. Hopefully you can 'get lucky' in terms of having a long and loving relationship with her.
Also Hex did you see that one of the diaperfags are back
Hex, get a job tbh
He said he's trying tbh
Agreed. She seems interested in me, but she could just be being nice. Won't really know until I start asking her on dates. She seems to have a lot of fun with me, so that's a good sign.
Oh good, just what Holla Forums needs. More shit
this tbh
hex is a pathetic annoying retard tbh
thanks. marriage soon, i hope
more projection
even more projection
Hex is literally Hitler tbh
Working on it.
He's playing with my heart though. He said he wasn't back yet he returns to post more diapers. What a destructive relationship. Please help me, Hex.
This place needs at least a few diaperfags to shit up the board every now and again
a very wise move
heiled tbh
I just hope he doesn't forget. I'm gonna bring it up for sure on Sunday if he doesn't himself. I've never been so determined to accomplish my goals. I dunno how this girl isn't already married, every time I'm around her I learn about a new talent she has. She must just spend a lot of time at home alone, but still she obviously goes to church and stuff. I don't get it.
maybe she spends too much time trying to learn new talents and nowhere on the list of talents is "wifely duties"? just a stab in the dark, tbh. i obviously don't know
Well what I learned about her yesterday is that she can cook really good. That's a wifely duty tbh.
among the most important of wifely duties, tbh hex. to make proper meals, a lot of time goes into cooking. if the man of the house is busy cooking, he's NOT busy doing more important manly things. as a single guy living alone i know full well what it adds up to. user has to choose: do i want to eat well, or do i want to be productive throughout the day?
Yeah, I've been cooking for myself since I started my new diet and weight lifting routine. Major pain in the ass. I've met so many girls now that cook less than I do, so to know she can cook way better than I do is a good sign
average woman can't even cook. useless
many of them are proud of the fact. PROUD of their INCOMPETENCE! what a fucking world tbh
A few other things I've learned so far is that she can crochet, she can sew, she can speak a second language and is working on picking up another. A very well rounded woman.
Marriage Material
i swear to god hex, i'll convert for this girl. i'll give up the cigarettes and coffee if she's a skinny brunette. if you blow it with her, give me her number. you've got dibs, of course
she is
i better not, i'll hate myself
i don't have a very good imagination, but even so, i can almost fap to the thought of this girl
such a rare girl in this world. i could tell there was something good about the girls in the LDS church when i met the missionaries, but I didn't know it could be like this. girls like this just waiting for a good man to come and take them.
i'm dead serious about being willing to convert for this girl. the only caveat would be location. i don't date across state lines. so i guess that's probably out. the thought of it is nice, though, tbh
I would convert again for this girl. What's crazy is that there are still people on this board that will tell me I made a terrible decision.
Yeah well the majority of this board are legitimate pedophiles; just being with a granny triggers them.
I think it's mostly mgtowcucks that are triggered. Pedos seem to like me for some reason.
But I'm not a mod anymore
RIP in pieces Holla Forums
Can't speak for others, but you actually seem like a pretty cool guy and you at least engage in conversation with people here often and in a respectful manner.
I heard that you tried to initiate a "Pedocaust". Is that so?
tbh, tbh
you can only post in this thread if you were part of the ORIGINAL tbh-gang tbh
I deleted all the little girls on Holla Forums once. There was also a time when anything pedo was banned.
Then dysomnia realized pedos are the only people on Holla Forums.
Cute lolis
I'm an anti tbh.
This tbh
I do remember that. I got banned once for posting Pimenova's face. Used to get banned for 'pedoshit'. Hasn't happened in a while though, thankfully.
There was a time when we were seemingly easing up on the bans and deletions, and someone was complaining that there wasn't enough pedo content in a thread. I responded to him that there were plenty of pedo threads. I got told that I needed to get off my ass and do something about it, so that's when I deleted every single little girl on Holla Forums. If I'm remembering correctly. There was also a time that I banned so many pedos that the ban list had to be cleared twice.
OG tbh posters were from /lg/ tbh but seriously they were tbh
You didn't get purged in yesterdays dump?
this is untrue and is a misinformation campaign being championed by pedo's to makes pedo's seem like they accomplished something good for once tbh
t. pedo
You mean in the 'Pedophilia Thread'? good thread btw
Really good thread. If I was awake I'd help dump but I wasn't and I had work. Wagecuck life at least someone pretended to be me :)
sorry to hear
I know you're Mormon but do you have any opinion of the Orthodox? Seems to be the most traditional and least corrupted
I don't know enough about my own religion let alone others. I'd say as long as they follow what is in the Bible they are fine. The only Christians I have an issue with are the ones that read kiked versions of the Bible like the Schofield version. Mormons read King James like most other Christians do. I haven't actually finished it, but I know the importance of it.
I remember that thread vividly. Dysnomia was being a pissyfaggot as usual.
Yeah, I do remember him saying that to Hex
Is that one really that popular though? Must be a Protestant thing, which explains why they are usually the biggest shills for Israel
I'm not really sure, I just know it's the most kiked version you can get since it was funded by the rothschilds
2nd picture. I like where this is going
yeah except that the image is only 384x512 and no larger version exists.
you underestimate the power of my imagination, good user
wasn't that long ago, tbh. i'm a newfag and i remember "pedoshit" bans
i remember one of those times, tbh
jfc. brb. uh, gotta take care of something real quick
tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh
I managed to pick all the low res photos.
inb4 b&
yeah. it's important. back soon, i promise
if you were mod, yes
that 2nd pic
Jim will be banning him when he sees that 2nd image
Fuck low res right at the end. I'm going to b& anyway. Night everyone.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Jim is a fat pig tbh
I'm an anti tbh.
i understand it. I don't post lewd images
You don't post lewd images here just very provocative ones. I think I've eye fucked zhenya over a hundred times. Pictures familiar.
This nigger only got a 4 day ban ahaaha. Greetly is based sometimes.
looks like greetly got him
the user knew the risks ;)
It's not like cares anyway
You aren't offended by all the pedo pictures, right?
I post pictures of young girls to showcase their beautiful European features
Nope, doesn't bother me at all. Nothing I haven't seen before, and I'm more sympathetic to your argument than I am the likes of MGTOW male feminists and their argument that we should all fap to anime and wait for our race to die out. That every female is a whore and none of them can possibly love you because muh buzzwords. I don't understand the diaperfags, but I do understand that the age of consent is flawed and that girls can be attractive before they are 18. I'm not a pedo, and I don't fap to images of children or get anything from it at all but I get where you are coming from.
underrated, tbh
kys pedokike
user, i'm not even a pedo. this "fucking/marrying younger than 18 is pedophilia" meme is a kike invention designed to lower white birthrates and disintegrate the traditional family
fucking kek, tbh, hex
Thanks dysnomia
I love this place
it's a hex thread tbh
midgetspammers and screaming Holla Forums morons are both kinda annoying tbh
hex threads are best threads tbh
Sounds about right
they are trump shills
how many years?
8 tbh
she is really small
agreed. her proportions are all wrong, in my opinion
i browse /r/mgtow and lolipost lol
based mods
grannys needs to be a lot more lewd, and still is less fappable than a lolis face
stop posting niggers in hex's thread, tbh
you're the nigger
whew laddie. are you fucking sure tbh?
you wouldn't?
you couldn't pay me enough tbh
let's get back to the thread theme, tbh
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
samefag tbh
oh so this is the new pedo bread. nice
hex thread is pedo thread
Hey bro, How’s the workout going? You promised to post gains. I myself have spent the this past month weight training a lot.
I also found a job. Hope you do as well, very soon.
Page 4 is risky business on such an unstable board, tbh. Epic thread with never ending posting potential. All anons have to do is keep it bumped
this tbh
this tbh
this tbh
What's going on ITT tbh?
Pretty much any thread with more than 20 posts on it is a pedo thread on Holla Forums any more. Everyone else has abandoned this shithole, including most of the anti-pedos.
I'm losing more muscle than I'm gaining right now, or at least that's how it feels. I'm down on weight on almost every lift since I took a week off and switched to the 3 day routine from the 6. I caught a cold right after my week off so that also didn't help my lifting when I got back on it. I'm not losing any weight, and I don't look any smaller. I'm kinda just trying to figure out what I need to adjust to break through this wall.
Try creatine or BCAAs, Hex tbh.
Yep pretty much tbh.
I think most of the antis in the pedoshit storms were actually pedos rping as antis tbh.
Try creatine or BCAAs, Hex tbh.
Yep pretty much tbh.
I think most of the antis in the pedoshit storms were actually pedos rping as antis tbh.
Already using both. I think once I'm on this routine for longer it will be better. I don't remember how long ago I started it, but it's only been a few weeks. I'm sure I'll build it all back up. I'm more concerned about getting rid of more body fat tbh. Need to start doing cardio probably
fatties off my board
1. how fat are you?
2. how tall are you?
I'll make fun of you no matter what the answer is.
Tor Broswer a shet. I have been NIT'd. Jk warmwheels fix your shit tbh
I fucking hate cardio but you gotta do it ;-;
Not that fat, I've got a pretty good amount of muscle at this point. 198 pounds at 24.5% body fat. I'm less concerned about weight than I am body fat, I'd like to be under 20% body fat.
5' 8"
I hate cardio too. There was one point I was doing my 6 day lifting routine, and also doing cardio all 7 days. I stopped doing cardio when I stopped losing weight, and started focusing more on adding muscle. Now I wanna get back on cardio to help trim off the remaining body fat
I'm an anti tbh. Fuck pedos right?
it is excusable
You don't get to choose your height, but you can choose not to be a skinny weakling.
that's like saying you don't get to choose your race. manlets have been proven to be a hindrance to the development of humanity to its next stage of development, same as jews
t. shitskin
Are you a girl though? or feminine atleast
manlets get the bullet too on DOTR
I will break you in half like a twig
t. jew
Internet tough guys are cancer.
is that what hex looks like?
unfortunately yes
people with inferior genetics should voluntary join in on a eugenics program and not procreate for the betterment of our gene pool
This. I'm 5"9 on a good day and get called a manlet unironically all the time. It hurts tbh but not really.
I think camel toes are allowed.
I really hope you guys aren't seriously this dumb.
and Hitler didn't procreate because he knew that would work against his goal of the betterment of the white race
based hitler
It doesn't bother me at all. Almost every girl I know is shorter than me. Only a shitskin will make the argument that a white male is inferior because of his height. It completely ignores that we will always have superior intelligence to a shitskin, and that kids can outgrow their parents.
you are inferior to every white male who is taller than your 4' 20''
Wtf I'm Hitler now.
Based Hex making me feel better about my height.
198 pounds
5' 8"
So you literally are half the man Dysnomia is.
The only people that want to try to make us feel inferior in any way for being white are kikes. Kikes are the reason for the bullshit that niggers have big dicks, and they are responsible for this meme as well. It's basically just another argument that makes niggers look good
Genuine question, how does it feel to be short? Im 6'3 and if a guys taller then me im put on edge
It doesn't bother me. Why does it put you on edge?
I hate niggers and kikes and I don't even go on 8/pol/ anymore. Pretty good conditioning I guess.
I was raised with different values so anybody bigger then me registers as a possible threat
Just be aware of your surroundings. I would also say make sure that if you are on edge you don't show it visibly in any way. If you don't know how to fight, I'd encourage you to learn. I also carry a pistol with me everywhere, so if anyone is gonna fuck with me just because they are taller than me they better have a gun.
everyone seems to not be bothered by the pictures of children and I'm sitting here wondering if this is all a glow in the dark nigger bait.
Yeah thanks i already do all those i was just curious to hear your insight
pedoniggers have been spamming the board forever now so they are just not noticed anymore, i.e. insignificant. nothing more than that poster on the wall for chess club/dungeons and dragons that you never look at because you know the people behind it are not worth engaging with
I met an older Mormon guy that is 7', the guy is a fucking giant.
Yeah, except he did notice it.
Meaning your assumptions are incorrect.
Meaning your conclusion must also be incorrect.
wow that really made me think, user. thanks for your insight
Well I'm not a pedo, but I used to be a mod and I grew up on the internet so I've seen it all before. Most everyone else in this thread is which is why no one else cares.
i'm not a pedo either but doesn't it slightly bother you that you're scrolling and you see 9 year old camel toe and no one wants to acknowledge the camel toe or visible under age ass. like what the fuck did the pedos do? it wasn't like this a month ago.
Were you around before the botmod got created that deletes known cp spam? Because we used to have cp spam in the catalog almost constantly. This stuff is tame in comparison. Technically this shit is legal too, but the mods have to enforce a standard that goes beyond what is illegal to be cautious which is the only reason that shit gets deleted.
Get over it and you're the one sexulizing her
i wasn't and I'm glad I wasn't. haven't been here in a little over a month so I'm judt surprised how lax everything is.
stop with this "everyone is a closet pedo; you're a hypocrite" cliche. Thanks.
well all i can say is get used to it, it doesn't seem likely to change. unless i become a mod again, my efficiency was unmatched it does keep the normalfags away.
indeed it does. I was there for most of the pedo discussions a few months back and god damn were they entertaining to read. The speed, the hostility and the triggered normalfags in those threads were priceless. I honestly miss those threads; the ones that reached 700 replies in a few hours. God I miss them.
It's all 3DPD shit when it come down to it.
Keep the memes flowing. I am the hero Holla Forums needs.
More OC please. I like memes at other people's expense.
how so?
Well the fact that once a child hits puberty their body is telling the world around them they are ready for reproduction. They may not be ready as far as psychological maturity, or financially but it didn't used to be a problem until feminists told women the only way to be empowered is to leave the house to get a job and stop having kids
But isn't 16 low enough? Maybe 15, even
Most of the US is 17-18 according to wikipedia. I don't really know where it should be. I don't have much of an argument because I'm not really interested in going after girls that young. When I was 18 I could definitely see myself going after a 13 year old though if it was legal. That's only a 5 year difference, and I dated a girl with a bigger age gap than that just recently.
Ohhh shit nigger.
By normalfags standard that makes you a pedophile. Hex confirmed a pedophile tbh.
Actually, most are 16 (including my own state)
was going to say that, lol. physically, there is a big difference between an 18 and a 13 year old
based tbh
13 year olds are the best so yummy
it finally fucking happened
18 - 12 states
17 - 8 states
Yeah you are right. 16 majority
By that logic there is a big difference between an 18 year old and a 16 year old given how many 13 year olds could pass for 16.
if it were legal, indeed
hex is normalizing pedophilia here tbh
Figures a ponyfag is too stupid to comprehend something so simple.
you realize mental capacity and physical appearance are two separate things, right?
Oh now the ponyfag is gonna try to shift the goal posts to another subject entirely so he can try to take moral high ground over me. Fuck off ponyfag.
I never knew this day would come but its fucking glorious. Capping and archiving this thread tbqh, tbh.
no, that was the entire point of me pointing out the stupidity of your (i am assuming hastily made) statement. there is absolutely no moral component at all to the stupidity of your statement. andy milonakis is a 16 year old according to your reasoning he's in his 40's
ponyfag out
fuck off pedo shit
stop nitpicking tbh
hex just came out as a pedophile and you want to act all high and mighty smh. we should be praising and welcoming him with kind and warm comments tbh.
this tbh
Also your argument is retarded, andy milonakis has a growth hormone deficiency unlike a regular person
hex is not only the spammer but closet pedo tbh
uh didn't mean to quote you twice pedo hex. you're on of us now. welcome tbh.
that was the entire point of me posting him, moron. physical appearance is not representative of age. and just because somebody can "pass" as a certain age, you do not treat them as if they were that age. being unwilling to admit the very nominal stupidity in your original post is a sign of infant mind tbh
No you just compared apples to oranges and posted a man with a disease to compare to normal adolescents. Your argument is shit, and you are a worthless ponyfag.
Stop nitpicking and celebrate with us.
Hex confirmed a non exclusive pedo tbh.
Pic related.
guess i should've expected this out of someone with middle schooler height. you are the eternal 7th grader and always will be at 5 ft 8. reminder guy in pic related did nothing wrong (except procreate), it is the only acceptable redemption for your kind
butthurt ponyfag is still butthurt that his argument is trash
this thread needs more midgets
real midgets fuck off
good one, pipsqueak
t. ponyfag
It's alright buddy we have hex on our side now. let's celeberate with midgets. it's only fitting tbh
t. Hexlet
shouldn't hijack hex's thread like that though
you've been "talking" to hex for a good 30 minutes tbh
A ponyfag is still trying to argue with me about psychological development. wew lads.
its a midget hex thread get it :3
how long have you been on hormones? What size bra do you wear?
At what age did you decide that you should dedicate your life to a little girls cartoon about rainbow ponies, and then lecture others about psychological development?
ponyfags btfo tbh
Enough with boring semantics tbh.
Today I learned how annoying it must be for pedos to have to defend themselves against even the lowest form of degenerate(ponyfags)
ponyfags and diaperfags to gulags tbh
Ponyfags don't think rationally and I'm an anti tbh. I just have a terabyte of midgets because its evidence of the pedo's degeneracy. Fuck pedos tbh.
April is kinda cute tbh
Best thread on Holla Forums
stop talking about abuse victims tbh
b& soon tbh
hex doesn't mind
It doesn't matter what I think, I'm not a mod anymore.
LQ no one get triggered.
No nipples allowed.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
I'm trying
Alright going to do something else now. Bye everyone.
hi Ox ?
Yeah its Ox. Can confirm on LF if you want.
go in person and ask for applications and shit in places that are hiring you lazy nigger. sitting on Holla Forums and sending in half-assed applications online is gonna take you forever to get a job
I don't want just any job, or I'd have one already. I'm gonna do the employment agency thing soon.
Hebe Lera is best Lera i wanna get her naked mmmmm.
One more 'ban' won't hurt. Ahh this place is destructive.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Haven't you been out of school too long to get a programming job now?
i trust you
You shouldn't tbh. Remember I'm LEO.
I'm a LEO. Ahh my english is bad sometimes.
that was fake Ox
True. Real Ox is an anti tbh. Alright have a good day, LH.
Well I figure any job is gonna have some training, it's just a matter of getting an interview and saying the right things. From what people are telling me, employment agency is the only way I'm going to get the type of job I want. So we will see what happens with that.
training? easier to bring in Pooloo Patel from India than train an American. Few employers do any training these days. That's probably what internships are for.
you still send in applications to places that you don't meet the requirements for on their ad; protip: all employers do shit like that. jobs 15 years ago that needed no experience now "require a bachelor's". most often times you can still get the job with a decent enough resume/interview
Yeah I know. It's just fucking retarded to call it entry level
That's how it is nowadays though. Then they complain Americans can't fill these jobs and they just hire Poo in Loos for less cost
as likely as it is i'll get hate: that is literally what the political economy of capitalism drives businesses to do. people sell their labour as a commodity; and the wage minimum set for the absolute bare necessity as a means of subsistence is what the businesses will go after for hire. outsourcing jobs and employing illegal immigrants, as well as offshore funds to evade taxes on the ones they should be paying are all cancers in the US right now
What app is pic 4?
you mean #5, retard
At least i will have an easier time blending in with midgets and be less noticeable by society and normies
You mean as they walk past you oblivious you even exist
I had my dick out and wanted to jack off while browsing /b, but this picture ruined it, fuck off, i lost my hard :(
dr. cantor was right - pedos confirmed short
Well I just applied for an entry level software dev job with the most basic requirements I've ever seen. All they ask is that you know about the agile design process. They don't even really require you to know a programming language because they don't even mention any specific languages just "OOP skills". I know at least 3 object oriented languages, so if I don't even get at least a call/email for this job I dunno what is up at this point.
once they see that you graduated 3+ years ago and still have no job in the field and no work experience tbh
2 years ago
Still a long time for an employer, especially compared with those who just graduated. How do you explain the fact that you didn't work at all in those 2 years?
btw I'm not criticizing, just curious
tell them you played online poker or something for 2 years. or spent it travelling after your ex-gf commited sudoku
i did both of these things
I'd hope they don't care too much for a job that basically sounds like an internship. I still have 7 certs that aren't expired right now related to software development/project management. I would tell them I spent the time learning more by myself while looking for a job. I did teach myself C++ and how to use Linux systems during that time.
kek I can't believe this would actually work, I would think it would make the company think of you as a degenerate gambler.
if you explain to them how poker is not like table-gaming, and is a skill based game with an element of luck, and how it doesn't fit the conditions of what is considered "unskillful gambling"; then you show them your graph/rate of profit, you can impress prospective future employers. it's a contentious issue in the poker world, of whether to put it on or leave it out of your resume, but it works for a lot
or fapping to hentai
any projects to show?
Makes sense
Yeah I have one that I can show them. Shows OOP knowledge, database knowledge, etc. It's something I actually use too.
Stop being a Nazi, Hex
You forget about the 6 BMillion™ already?
So the newest attention whore in this board, is this Nazi Mormon faggot, called hex.
hey did you got back into the moderation team? are you still begging for the left overs of dysnomia?
What are you fucking retarded? Lurk moar.
Does Dys know your real name and location?
Perhaps he has sabotaged your efforts.
The only thing anyone on here knows about me is what I post. And some of what I post is disinfo.
Including this post
Good man.
just like it was a jew who wrote that in pic
this explains attraction to like toddlers or a little older but what about 9-12 year olds? what exactly is a kid?
Your meme is wrong
hex, do you ever sleep?
Yes. You didn't monitor my mod actions and memorize my online time patterns like the pedos did?
Bed time soon, Hex. :3
Not like it matters but I still remember.
It will when I show my power level and take my final form again.
I've seen the dysnomia time sheet some autist made, but never one for your online times. Seems like you are on all day anyways
Pretty much. I disappear for a couple hours at a time on certain days, but that's about it. Besides being on here I work out 3 days a week, go to church on Sundays, and church activities on certain days of the week.
i have no clue how any of this works but keep it up.
I don't understand it either. You would think after all I did for them they would appreciate me more. I don't think I've done anything to make anyone hate me. The pedos have more reason to hate me than anyone on this board.
Well, besides tripfagging of course. I can understand why people don't like that, but I don't think I'm anywhere near as obnoxious as a regular tripfag. The only reason I still do it is because it seems to draw out the best of the board.
That lowkey compliment to the pedos was appreciated hex. I'm glad we can shit up the board without annoying you anymore.
>we can shit up the board…
we don't. that's the diaperfags
Well it's pretty simple really. When I post with my trip memes get made, discussions are had, threads go on for long periods of time.
Checked tbh
Even Hex agrees, pedos make Holla Forums better
who the fuk is hex
King of Holla Forums tbh
Queen of 8/b/ is Zhenya tbh. That makes you a pedophile because she's 10. Confirmed.
t. Russian pedo
7 proxies tbh
Youll never find me
The Zhenya thread spam tbh. We get it your waifu is hot af. She's not necessarily shit but in terms of metaphorically shitting up the board that's what those threads do because muh safespace n shet.
stop LARPing, I bet you havent read mein kampf or watched the greatest story never told tbh
The only larper here is you, you aren't a real tbh poster tbh
tbh larpers get out, tbh
bump tbh
t. pedophile
nothing wrong with that tbh
I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I wish I didn't have to do anything today.
cum bak 2 bed bb
we got bills to pay and mouths to feed. can't stay in bed forever
You are always welcome in the pedo threads tbh
ye of little faith
but all the pedos are in my thread
rolling for 4
hex thread is codeword for midget thread
what explains this?
Well obviously pedos realize what a quality thread looks like. hex threads = best threads
occams razor suggests all the pedos are in every thread that has significant number of replies. for more information please see:
also this, tbh
We're posting in one
pedo threads are always the most popular
this is a hex thread tbh
We do talk to Hex
>this is a hex Pedo Thread tbh
this does not please jim
on the one hand maybe, but on the other pedos are increasing traffic (PPH)
That's another Halloween well spent on shitposting.
fun thread it was. until the mod community showed up
What the actual fuck is wrong with this board?
t. mod
t. undercover mod
Rip Hex
He seriously banned me for other people's posts in this thread? wew(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
jim needs to die horribly painfully & slowly tbh
seriously? lmao
i'm pretty sure it's because he saw this post in another thread hex and jumped to conclusion that you started this thread with intent for it to be dost threat or something:
pretty triggerhappy tbh
Wow look at you whining on sudo like you getting banned by the pig over bullshit is a special case even though its happened to fucking everybody on this board at one point.
You're really taking on the self important persona of a tripfag remarkably well.
god I love this place
we are waiting for you
tbf the term 'tbh' has been associated with the pedos for 6 montha so you were really playing with fire here. fair enough that wasn't your intentions but you know the pedos like you hex.
i started tbh-posting when it was first becoming a thing and it didn't really become associated with pedo's until later and i have no idea why it did tbh
it is just a pedo misinformation campaign to make themselves seem cooler than they are tbh
tbh-posting has no owners
we are breaking his conditioning
Well this proves we need to leave. YogaPig has just set the precedent that any OP of any thread can be banned just because pedos post rule breaking content in their thread
How about starting with you. Fuckin get out.
Go back to lolifox, librechan masterchan anywhere but here fuckhead.
i gave up on this site the moment you left dooder, by the time you came back i was already gone. its time you followed us m8. even sherry browses mewch now m8. Only people still here are the pedo's.
Why are you so butthurt yogapig?
this is probably the worst instance i've seen of undeserved banning here
his jockstrap broke
I stand with Hex
Agreed. I'm even a former mod, I've never broken any rule and I am the one reporting the dost violations.
come to mewch, megamilk will give ownership of Holla Forums bort to you.
poor baby. There are other places to go. Go there.
Well then, let's start the exodus.
I don't know why you are so angry with me yogapig, I did nothing wrong.
Former mod on hebe doesn't count.
You don't even know your own userbase, yogapig. I was a Holla Forums mod, and was one of the ones cleaning this shit up
Why are you still here? I thought you were leaving.
Why don't you put on your capcode and show everyone who you really are, or are you just going to keep arguing with me anonymously like a coward?
I specifically ended all my posts with tbh because i started noticing theat antis or pedos in the pedo shitstorm threads were ending their posts in tbh, and the rest is history.
everyone's getting b& wew
Why would anyone have a problem with Hex? He is the nicest guy on this entire site tbh
Apparently YogaPig doesn't understand his userbase at all.
Hex was the best mod Holla Forums ever had tbh, the moment he left is when the bort took a nose dive.
all "tbh" posters should be banned tbh
big if true tbh
hex@Holla Forums.co
megamilk if you are serious get in contact with me. YogaPig just destroyed any credibility this site had left by banning the OP of a thread for the content other posters posted. This is a terrible precedent. Anyone that wants to destroy the site now knows the exact formula to follow.
I hope you know that most of us here actually like you
I hope you are right. I can be the martyr this site needs if you are correct.
I support you
Hex was the best mod tbh
because its his site and he can ban whoever he wants, he established this on day fucking one of him becoming admin by banning everyone who disagreed with him.
in this case Hex literally did nothing wrong
Are you saying disagreeing with jim is doing something wrong?
well if jim thinks 2+2=4 and I think 2+2=5, therefore disagreeing with him, i would be wrong tbh
If yo want to get rid of pedos, ask jim to recover /hebe/. Since /hebe/ went down all the pedos went to Holla Forums.
>but muh (((google))) advertise
Kick jim in the ass and call my name.
Also where is the the swastika flag? Why are all flags are reduced to loser and cuck flags.
nobody in this thread did anything wrong
it was literally just because a mod saw this in the other thread (pic related)
came in here and just banned hex tbh
oh how the tables have turned.
where did hex go?
It appears Hex has been selected to attend our Resettlement Camping Program.
I was working out.
it was all a (((coincidence))) goy
Auschwitz was a pretty nice camp to be in tbh
benis indeed, spurdo
hey hex. I thought maybe you left ;(
hex is not a pedo
That's likely yogapig, who is calling me a pedo. He's doing the same on /sudo/ to justify banning me. He says my picture of Hitler with some german girls is a pedo image.
yogapig thinks I'm just a random tripfag that he can ban to make example out of. he's so out of touch. he thinks calling me a pedo will justify his actions. everyone on this board knows who i am, whether they hate me or like me every single one knows i'm not a pedo. everyone on this board knows it is unacceptable to ban the OP of a thread for the contents of other user's posts in the thread. not even dysnomia dislikes me even though i quit on him.
dysnomia is a fat pedo shill tbh
was just bantz tbh. i know you're not a closet pedo or a pedo.
this, jim. Hex is a gud Hitler lovin boy
yeah pretty funny.
k fucked that up
Jim banned and called me a pedo because I criticized him for giving out permabans for DMCA. It's what he does.
Well let's hope one of these altchans is ready to take advantage of all the ammo they just received. Banning the OP of a thread for the contents of other user's posts is about the worst precedent that could possibly be set. YogaPig just told everyone that if a bunch of pedos come and post in your thread, you are the one that is getting banned for it.
Calm down. He didn't banned you because you are a pedo. He used it as an excuse to ban you for whatever unknown reason. Perhaps he wants to replace you with one of his CIA kike buddies
Jim is right. Pedos should be not only banned but also gased.
might as well remove the entire site since CP has been posted here
t. moralfag 'no fun allowed' modnigger (aka Cancer)
No. First, it's disgusting shit. Second, you can't fap in one thread, you need to spam every thread.
I hate that mewch worships absolute degenerate camwhores, but if they are willing to work with me I now have no reason to help this site be better. For my work trying to start discussion with this thread, I received a ban from all boards because YogaPig thinks he can make an example out of me. He thinks I'm the leader of the pedos or some bullshit. How can a global be so out of touch?
I like how now that you're being effected by jims terrible moderation that now somehow its a problem all of a sudden even though you personally helped him moderate with his terrible fucking rules to begin with.
News flash pal this has been a problem ever since jim became admin and all the mods that left then tried to exodus to other boards too and guess what it didn't work. This shithole is merely the result of an exodus from 4chan and you can't then split the community again and still have an imageboard thats alive.
Jim isn't asking for to much. He doesn't mess with anyone except the pedo posters.
I haven't seen anyone else banned for no reason at all like I just was. I helped remove pedo shit, but I didn't go around banning people for no reason.
Hi (((red pill dropper))). Did you liked jims slimy ass hairs? Go back to youtube to congratulate your fat idol
So you say, and it doesn't look like it was an effective ban to shut you down. It was obviously just to get your attention. If what you say is true, then wow, that is fantastic, what is the problem?
And it should be removed. But people are also banned all the time for obviously legal & non-lewd images.
Seems personal
He seems to think he can make an example out of me, thinking I'm just some random tripfag pedo. He seems to think that if he makes an example out of me all the pedos will leave with me. All I've ever done is try to help this site. This thread I created, I created to have discussion with people that want to talk to me. I don't care who, I just wanted discussion to take place, memes to get made. I was actually making some OC myself when user pointed out what happened.
Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. It just makes you a whiny pedo baby Tripfag baby.
Quit thinking you're special you aren't any different than the last 1000 IPs hes permanently banned from all boards for dost
How long until they just give up? There are other targets that are easier to fuck up than Holla Forums.
Noone wants to see kids photos in every thread even if it's legal.
Its not legal. Most threads have adult themes. Kids pictures can't be in pages with adult themes.
Just put on your capcode faggot
here's your (You)'s
i'm glad to have discussion with you tbh. even tho you're not a pedo i'm not either
Oh look, you're a self obsessed tripfaggot who thinks the world revolves around him what a surprise.
Out with it already
I'll be back later. Got stuff to do
why does hex trigger you so much, tbh?
why does he keep coming back?
Degenerate tripfag with meaningless threads
pick one
welcome to Holla Forums you fucking newfag
No most threads have more point than "tbh"
Because hes the worst kind of tripfag thats shit up this board since long before jim, they're like a cancer that constantly replicate and never fully go away.
we support you
why even live?
t. hex
t. jim
I think that Hex is a good guy
that's more of a meme than anything. there's one autistic user who orbits one of them and makes OC, but other than being the face i associated with the site when i first went and visited there; i dont think anyone really gives too much of a fuck about the girls.
it's a comfy place and while it is slow at times and lively at others, it does have a consistent userbase which is alright. i still post here and a couple of the other smaller chans too because i like this place but I was pretty surprised that you got banned today. at least good to know of a backup place to post if only that tbh
also i dont actually really dislike dysnomia even though i know that's the trendy thing to do…i think it's hard being the owner of this board tbh
I didn't mind dysnigger either for the first week I was here, tbh. Then I started to see xir in action and experienced why board culture fucking blows here. It's because of Jim and his cock-holster dysnomia
When will /hebe come back?
This tbh
dysnomia you around?
hex is back!
Never been there. Do they sell hot wings?
bumping so hex & dysnigger can talk tbh
fine by me
Make Hex mod again, tbh
I'll have you both know i'm the sherry user and don't appreciate you calling her a whore. Kelly doesn't even cam, she's has an instagram thats it, she was also one of the first posters on mewch. I make OC of both of these girls. I'll also have you know i began sherry posting here on 8gag, long before i ever heard about mewch. I go by "nickgurrs" on chaturbate and used to "raid" with a few of you.
Kelly is the official mewch mascot. She is a meme unique to us.
Sherry is associated with the site because i post her alot. And because she visited us once on Holla Forums. Sherry has become a part of Holla Forums board culture.
Not gonna happen unless YogaPig decides he wants to apologize and unban all the IPs he banned for no reason. I'm more likely to accept a position on another site and try to bring this board down
I stand with you, Hex
dont be an indignant loser hex
Leave a forwarding address when you go tbh
t. yoganig
Don't be a coward, YogaPig. Put your capcode on and admit you were wrong about me.
Jim doesnt deserve you, come home hex.
we love you hex
Hex's only mistake was being too good for this board
we love you hex
I'm over there right now trying to work something out.
ik, im the sherryfag messaging you, i love you hex i wanna kiss you
😘😘😘😘 @hex
show me thy babies
work it out hard and fast
i wasn't hating on you, sherryfag, i like you and all the OC you make. and i know you have been camwhore posting for a long time given that i have deduced you were the guy who made the sam hyde tranny thread here months ago
The guy who made that thread was in fact not me, but i did make and post this webm in there for him. The user who made that thread was one of the guys (presumably "curious cuck") who joined in on the chaturbate raid threads.
kys for posting that
hex BO when?
Maybe soon if mewch wants to work with me to bring this board down. YogaPig is too prideful to admit that I didn't deserve to be banned.
Hex never asked for this
grannies out
dont listen to this user, post moar tbh
Hex threads are the new midget threads. Wew.
it's me
Best part is after he got called out for this on /sudo/ he said I deserve to be banned for the image I posted of Hitler with German girls. Said that's a pedo image. Didn't bother to delete it though. Didn't ban me for that post, banned me for the OP. And his ban message says "dost thread", so it's pretty obvious he was banning me for the content of other anons posts.
Nobody would have tolerated any of this in 2014. Every minute spent here I detest HW more and more for abandoning the one site that could have potentially rivaled 4chan.
Agreed. I don't know what to do at this point. All I ever wanted to do was help this site, and now some out of touch piece of shit global decides it's his duty to make an example out of me. I don't want to leave, but I don't see much of a choice right now.
Anonymous are the Jews of the internet. We are constantly drifting, mistreated for our good deeds, and exiled from place to place.
I suppose that's true. Where to next is the question. I won't have a response from the owner of mewch until tomorrow at some point. I don't even know if it's worth bothering. The only plan I really have is if I could be board owner maybe people would follow based on my reputation here which I don't even know if is that good when we have retards like around
Who forced that meme?
You don't know me, my name, location.. you have no data on me absolutely none.
Quit pretending you're anything more than a cancerous tripfag who's above getting banned.
You're acting like a punished and oppressed martyr banished from his holy land even though you're still posting here right fucking now without anyone stopping you or even giving a shit.
I'm still posting here because I'm unbannable. Doesn't mean that we should just accept being banned for no reason. I basically am a martyr. I'm an innocent that got banned and is well known enough that it could potentially cause backlash.
Time to sleep though. I got shit to do in the morning
Doesn't that sound familiar to you, Hex. Remember all those innocent lolis you slaughtered? REMEMBER.
I thought we wuz broz n shet.
It's an identifier of some kind. It's like going onto Holla Forums and saying "As a jew, …" It can be seen by some as attention whoring. As anonymous, the only thing you are being evaluated on is the words in your post. Nothing else matters outside of what's in this box I'm typing right now. I'm either a faggot or a god after I post this. I didn't exist before this post, and I won't exist after this post. When you namefag or tripfag, you attempt to elevate yourself above this, thus being an attention whore.
Personally idgaf, but that's the concept behind it. And mods have to tripfag here tbh
why do pedos have to d>>7519919
why do pedos have to do this? everything you said there was correct but you had to leave the 'tbh' at end just to signal to your other pedobros that 'hey i'm one of you guys.' god the hypocrisy is just fucking rich.o this? everything you said there was correct but you had to leave the 'tbh' at end just to signal to your other pedobros that 'hey i'm one of you guys.' god the hypocrisy is just fucking rich.
what the fuck happened to my post
Wanna know how I know you're fucking retarded, m8
lurk moar, tbh
shut the fuck up tbh
I sense some sarcasm in his post tbqh
Do you, tbh? I wasn't sure, so I hammered him just in case he was serious. Also, seemed like a newfag for fucking up his copy/paste
hex is lh tbh
wtf i love sjws now
Who were you replying to, tbh?
hey guys what are the laws of vpns in the country/state you live in?
oh you know.
bye Holla Forums
t. NOT Hex
Where you going, tbh?
Where are we going now, Hex?
there's nowhere to go. i spent some time in the mewch discord and it doesn't feel right.
but i'm not going to waste my time here if i'm not wanted here by the admins
Welp, have a nice life, hex. Good luck with that skinny brunette waifu
Fuck the admins tbh. The current lineup is cancer, and I don't expect much from whatever new board vols sign up
this is your home whether you like it or not
what's the point of even posting if you can get banned sitewide for no reason, and no one will answer for it. codemonkey doesnt care, all he cares about is forcing dysnomia to overmoderate this board
i was gonna work on my board at some point, but why bother?
Just another reason for me to dislike fullchan. I bareback my IP and to know I can get kicked for shit that I didn't even post. That's fucked up
Jim has no loyalty to any of his users. He will sink as far as calling you a pedo even if you at one time helped him remove CP. Just to justify his shit ban that he could have just removed and apologized for.
Not worth the time & effort to VPN. If I have to do that, I'll just go back to cuckchan. It won't matter for much longer anyway. I'm going dark soon
Apparently, mate. It's sad
^^^ tbh
this is my meme