Rachel Maddow is talking about the troll who yelled 'pepe' during Hillary's speech.
Rachel Maddow is talking about the troll who yelled 'pepe' during Hillary's speech.
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this is probably the only decent Maddow thread I've ever seen
I mean to say
it's Richard Mandow, btw
Is Mandow trying to get BTFO too, or is it taking our side?
I've just reflected on all the events that led us to this point & my mind refuses to accept that this is reality now.
Are we living in the good timeline?
Does it matter? im convinced the ride never ends
We were brought to this timeline to save it from ruin.
We made this the good timeline.
Or Grant Morrison inadvertently did when he made all of the batman stories canon and meme magic entered our universe in the form of a plane crash 4U.
either way, we fucking make it happen.
Is she trying not to cry?
Think about Rachel maddow just sperged out about Kek in national television
No one cares about the dyke.
Trying to convince yourself of something, rachel?
How long until someone goes "Awoooooooooo!!" during one of Hillary's rallies? I mean holy shit, they are freaking out about a CARTOON FROG.
ohh, oh god. Why can't I stop laughing.
Our media is fucking pathetic. Keep going, though, this is the reason you're going to lose. Nobody gives 2 shits about some internet meme even if the media wasn't blatantly lying about it. I look forward to CNN's takedown of Grumpy Cat and Rustled Jimmies.
They are going to feel Kek's Iron Boot.
Our Frog God cannot be stopped.
I dont think anybody will regurgitate shitty touhou memes at a Trump or Hillary rally. God your "memes" are trash. About as forced as le circles. Get to work on that. You need to be coming up with better stuff than reference to waifu #20345. You should be masters, scholars of the Japanese aesthetic…but you're not.
Rachel has a rope with her name on it and she knows.
Just wait until Trump becomes potus, then you're going to see some shit
here's your (you)
someone should go to one of her rallies dressed as Micolash
Reality has become something unreal, something nobody back at the old days in halfchan would ever imagine.
It'll be the fucking saltpocalypse. Some of us may die of laughter.
Looks like she doesn't really believe those words.
What's with the "awoooooo" shit again?
Took me a bit, but I'm fucking dying.
I can't listen to this bitch. Somebody make a transcript.
or as some say Kosm
Out-of-touch, out-of-date Baby Boomer leftists are reacting to 21st century dank memes with the same mix of fear, disorientation, and anger that their WWII-generation parents felt when they saw Jimi Hendrix playing at Woodstock. "What is that noise? Why is that negro playing the guitar with his teeth?" has morphed into "Why is that cartoon frog wearing a Nazi uniform? Who is Sam Hyde, and why are people saying that he's a terrorist mastermind?"
The denial, the hysteria, the sheer terrified incomprehension of what's going on around them… so delicious.
We'll have to work overtime to archive it, there's no way that much salt can be consumed in one sitting.
Any cuck play defense on twitter right now about pepe being a WN symbol, please kill yourself
It's literally just a reference to some waifu faggotry. Weebs need to go to some kind of meme college because their shit ain't working.
Did you just say Pepe the Frog is our Jimmy Hendrix?
The 'Pepe' heard 'round the world.
Boarded to the Trump train for the bants stayed for the anime and 80's futurism
kek what is that from, what an idiot
All the crazy shit makes sense this way, shadilay m80s
That would be amazing. One step on the long journey to make anime real.
McDonalds won't let them.
My waifu is missing so no
Who's that Jan Berenstein?
I'm dying holy shit
t. electrofag
They picked the most nazi pepes imaginable.
It's anuddah shoah
Holy Christ these idiots just googled 'Pepe nazi"
Then I guess we'll just have to MAKE THIS TIMELINE GREAT AGAIN
it's like they don't know nazi versions are drawn of pretty much every character out there.
or they hope that's what the normies who aren't even watching this shit anyway think.
They expect one of us in the wreckage, bother.
kekd and checked
Holy shit, can that stupid shitskin at least wear gloves?
Fourth stage, Depression.
No one even checked them.
Praise Kek
The day out memes went nuclear.
Give me another temporal incursion, dumbass!
He has a youtube channel where he shocks himself like a dozen times every video. It's his trademark style.
Can we get Bane on board?
2017 year of the firecock will have 88% more memes.
So that's why they keep blowing themselves up in the middle east.
RIP all those science projects and university students
This mother fucker is going to be so famous now.
Your Hitler dubs might have gone unchecked but I still like you, user
And these faggots on MSNBC are being total shitheals. Holy fuck, they're attacking his health now.
Maybe that was the plan.
So they are saying Trump is more than likely to survive his guaranteed 8 year presidency?
I'm fucking furious.
But I thought russia wasn't a "true" communist nation
Call them out for being racist towards Pepenazi
The real question is, did she mention Wojak too?
Meme this. It busts their narrative wide open for normies who don't know better.
Fucking check'd.
Reminder that Liberalism ruins women to the core.
Liberalism. Keep it away from your daughters.
Well that takes me back to a time when music channels were actually about music, especially music that lacked niggers.
God damn it. I know the MSM always lies but it doesn't make me less angry.
Fuck normies, I want Pepe to be a symbol of far right politics
She's a fucking kike. Nothing short of turning her into a lampshade could have saved her.
Every lefty reply on that thing is barely a coherent thought. Niggers and retards can't even contend with a cartoon frog.
Quick and dirty webm.
This. Let them have their tantrum over a cartoon frog.
I've been coming to Holla Forums since it was conceived, and I can't believe that this niche section of a quirky pseudo-Japanese image board known for its anti-social userbase is now influencing mainstream politics to an extreme degree.
This is absolutely unprecedented.
An incredibly small group of nerds, miscreants, and keyboard jockeys who hate participating in modern society are playing the fiddle to which billion-dollar news networks are dancing.
I wish a German could find me a word that is a cross between proud and dumbstruck, because that's how I feel right now.
oh don't worry
it's going to be put right back in their faces later after we win
Daily reminder that we killed all trust the younger generations have in the MSM
Pepe has been a populair meme all over twitter and had already spread into alot of normie circles. That is normal and happens with all memes over time. They get filtered down by various sites untill they land on 9gag or black peoples' twitter.
But this time the MSM started to frame pepe as some neo-nazi symbol even though every kid knows it's not. You can find communist pepes, you can find hentai pepes - infact you find every pepe you look for. If it exists there is a pepe of it
So, now the MSM has completly shown how out of touch it is with the new memetic generation of kids and youngsters who grow up. Trust in the MSM was already low - but we gave them the finishing blow!
I watched it so you don't have to.
Basically she spend 15 minutes "deconstructing" Pepe via a bunch of tenuous bullshit pulled from certain images, and she determines by the end that Pepe is literally the new version of the swastika that is designed to blend in and be publicly welcomed by normies and children as well as be used as a signal between fascists.
She's saying that Pepe is actually a carefully planned facade to indoctrinate the young into fascism, and Donald Trump Jr's use of it on social media is actually a coded message to his followers that he really wants to bring about the Fourth Reich.
According to reactions on Twitter, apparently it was pretty effective on her flock.
Remember this is the same dyke that repeatedly insisted that the slogan "America First" was a Nazi dog whistle, so she has a history of baiting her lefty sheep into hysterics.
Despite the fact that Trump is just a civic nationalist and that pol is too cowardly to do shit in real life, somehow we're memeing so hard that now hundreds of thousands of leftists truly believe that a Trump Presidency guarantees a Fourth Reich and a Day of the Rope.
Normies who know what memes are probably thought that pepe was "Feels bad frog".
Now they're introduced to the hyperbolic gap between the media and reality
get em on board, I'll call it in.
Wouldn't have any other way
someone look through all his videos and find the frogs
Anime will be real user.
It's inevitable at this rate.
We did it all for free, moot
Fucker gets better digits than I do
I;m sorry
I will respond. I love you user.
I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, didn't it happen like 1100 times before till now?
I'll check those
It's a good thing for pepe to be reclaimed by the non-mainstream. Too many old people were reposting FB pepe memes.
Checked and kekd.
How is that even possible? Their heads would weigh hundreds of pounds, and their waists would be too thin to hold them upright.
I wonder if they could ever even imagine that he was a meme used by anons for years and we naturally continued using him after we became politically radicalized.
They act like White Supremacists/Nationalists are completely and utterly defined by that belief and that another group can't organically evolve into that belief system while retaining their previous culture.
shhh. Just let it happen.
Makes perfect sense
pepe is whoever we need him to be. he represents the 66 masks of kek used to deceive the simple minded. they cannot comprehend quantum memetic states and that is why the will lose.
Memes. Memes finds a way.
White people found a way to build an entirely new medium the kikes couldn't control in time.
The Japanese found a way to bypass the Jews and use westernized cartoons to deliver their revenge, 70 years later.
Just let it happened user.
Don't question it.
My waifu may not be anatomically correct, but I'm not politically correct.
not all anime is lolis
How the fuck did we allow anime to only be associated with little girls?
This is what I mean and they are selling themselves short by constantly defaulting to it, when there is so much more they could be drawing from.
I just wanted to shitpost & call people niggers on the internet. And now we're fighting for the future of mankind?
Ain't that some shit.
Let's see what we can accomplish with those other six curses. Turnabout is fair play, they say, or 'if you richochet a ball, expect it to return' as the saying goes here.
I wonder how history books will look like in 25 years from now.
You mean the 10 Plagues? Wait until the Plague of the Firstborn. ;^)
126 pages of smug pepes
Are we orks? This soooo surreal, it way too funny, too funny to be a reality. We have MSM going nut over lord Kek, trump showing us how to play 4D to 5D chess, shillary destroying herself, hacks, hacks everywhere! I didn't think shit posting would come this far, I wonder know how far is this going to get before we hit end times; this is just way too good and I love every second, every spillage of salt, every outmaneuver, the dank politics, and the end of an empire. It beautiful.
Do some high-paid behavioral science experts believe that attacking Trump with Pepe association is a good line of attack right now?
It seems insane and absurd. It seems impossible that is a good idea. What are they doing this? I'm so confused.
All Trump needs to do for plausible deniability, is navigate to /r/the_donald. There are 6,000,000 Pepes there and zero racist ones.
Her tone is really funny. Its like 'ok guys serious now Trump is a racist' and she thinks it will have any effect. What a joke. Maddow needs to be fucking hanged.
Best waifu wtf. Think different
Nigger we're fucking with the elections of arguably the most powerful nation on the planet through collective make-believe. Anything can fucking happen.
Doesn't even identify him as a faggot kike nigger-lover. Kek.
May I suggest schadenlaffer?
I want to make a T-shirt with this pastern.
Now that you mention it the entire Shinto religion is almost entirely based around Egregores and Lain pretty much completely predicts what's happening now. Not to mention Japs created imageboards and Lain has been part of imageboard culture since the very beginning.
Could this all be an elaborate Nipponese plot?
I did the same search and found out there is some nigger rapper named PEPENAZI.
It also says he is illegal. You have to go back.
Ah right, you're correct. Sorry, wasn't as well-versed on the topic as I should've been.
the lolis will need to starting lifting then
Jews don't know what the fuck they're doing any more
only dreams now
trump will meme himself into a young reinhard and conquer the sea of stars and pence will be transformed into a young kircheis and aid trump in this task. it's gonna be huge
Sneaky Japs are getting the revenge for the atom bomb by nuking the veil between the human world and Shintostan.
You have to understand that Japan was in full internet mode at LEAST 5
At Least, 5 years ahead of America. I want to say they saw this shit coming as early as 1994.
Would you prefer them to use a competent narrative and actually have a chance?
It's OK, user. We have Ten Plagues in total to unleash.
Baby Hitler, being a baby, can be excused for publicly shitting himself this badly. A grown woman though…
That entire video.
top fucking kek
Should I give Lain a watch? Loved Evagelion.
SEL is required coursework, user.
Just think, Maddow poster has been permanently BTFO, anytime it posts we just reply with Maddow on the verge of tears over Pepe.
Yes. Lain, & then Kino's journey. Both done by the same director. Neither is degenerate in any way.
Considering what was on the TV today, we'll find out after election day if we've actually out-jewed them. It certainly looks that way right now, it looks like we're more relevant than they are.
If three years ago you told me:
I would have called you a fucking idiot. Now I realize I was the nazi frog
Bullshit, you dumbass. She's in your heart and soul at the moment, and while that isn't exactly conducive to dating or dickings, it does mean that she still matters to you the same as a real traditional wife would (except better, since real female biological defects which cause retardation/uselessness don't exist in animu). She's there, but you can't do shit with her outside your own imagination just yet, not like this.
So what do you do, when she's real to you but can't emotionally-support you, cuddle with you or bear your seed? You meme the fuck out of eroding the barrier between animu and reality until it breaks so badly that she's real and physically-tangible, that's what you do, rather than sitting in a corner and crying like a goddamn pinko pussy faggot. And don't give me that "it's impossible" or "I don't know how to do it" bullshit, you're shitposting in Ground Zero of the impending memetic breakdown of reality as we know it, you better know you can do it already or how to learn if you don't know by now. If you truly want your waifu to be real, you gotta put in the effort make her real yourself, that's the trade-off.
As a general mass of anons, we've already caused several plane crashes, memed several good goyim into political suicide, made Pepe a "hate symbol" so strong that the swastika will probably return to being no more than a Hindu symbol just to make room for his liberal-mind-annihilating form, summoned and received the aid of an ancient Egyptian deity who specializes in our brand of shitposting madness, and ultimately become the Jews' benevolent mirror twin who has superior wit and beats them at every turn, and we did all of that just through meme magic and plenty of shitposting. Making waifus and/or anime real looks to be child's play compared to what we've done and what we're up to right now, so let's get on that shit and get it done because we can.
Besides, making waifus and/or anime real by destroying whatever reality barrier creates a dividing separator between us and these things serves the collective goal, in the big picture at least. If traditionalist waifus/anime women breach this reality and become a commonplace element, all of the kiked whores and bloated bags of flesh are summarily forced to either adapt (copy and assimilate traits of waifus in order to compete with any hope of success) or die out as evolutionary dead-ends of the white human subspecies.
Whites of either gender generally have a hard time going extinct, as we've seen many times over, so the most likely outcome is a rapid unkiking of real women by necessity for the sake of survival, creating a world where both traditionalist real women and 2D/translated-to-3D waifus exist as non-degenerate options for men seeking a wife to start a family with. The waifus would definitely be white in biology too, barring the ones that are clearly white in genes but pallet-swapped to look somewhat-negroid or etc. by the artist, because gooks prefer the aesthetics of white face/skull structure over their own and use it for making cute girls almost-exclusively. The claimed nationality for most of them may be Jap or some fantasy-land/sci-fi horseshit, but that's like claiming Tyrone Dinuffin is a real Swede because he got shuffled over there on a bus, so fuck it, they're motherfucking whites as long as they're clearly not gookettes/niggresses/etc.
Now go meme your waifu into reality, and do the same for your brothers-in-memes as they will do for you. Even disregarding the ideal of finally having an untainted and truly-loving white woman at your side that seems impossible these days, the sheer chaos caused by such a fundamental breakdown in reality and the resulting opportunity to seize total control that such an event provides us is more than worth the effort. If you cannot sow chaos and rapid change for the sake of healing your own heart, do it to drag all of the (((people))) responsible for your misery down to the pits of hell where they belong with their incompetent master.
Disregarding the fact that there's plenty of anime where the proportions are more sensible, we're dealing with quantum conscious manipulation of not one but all realities in synchronized fashion, using repetitive phrases/imagery/ideas and group coordination to bend anything to our exact desired shape. We're wielding what is essentially access to the source code of existence, thanks to what amounts to a single rogue IT guy who likes our style of shitposting, and wants to see everything burn as hilariously as possible due to our actions.
Women with undersized bodies and oversized heads managing to defy/work around physics and exist without any health issues is pretty fucking tame, compared to all the other shit we're dealing with at the moment.
user, we are going to archive the salt so that future generations can consume what we could not. Salt will be the spiritual energy of the future.
You seem like a pussy user. You should have drilled him about how Maddie is the lowest of the low when it comes to journalism. She takes 15 fucking minutes to explain what a dead man's switch is before talking about a lawyer that is using one. Because her audience is that fucking braindead stupid.
Then why is our meme magic far in advance of theirs?
Well, fug me.
Fucking autocorrect
Well you meant to say Mandow, really.
Western ingenuity.
Adding onto this Nishimura the guy who pretty much invented imageboards owns Halfchan and his business partner Jim own 4chan.
Both are heavily tied to Japanese right wing politics.
What if you meme your waifu so hard you actually become your waifu? I actually think this might relate to the tranny degeneracy we've seen from the Left… /their/ barriers are breaking down too, but they think they can force the process through abolition of reality rather than reality expansion.
Our meme magic is far in advance of theirs. Our electronic oldfags and their flexibility have allowed us to do so.
The more words you use, the less weight they carry.
Ya he does not like Maddow but that gay faggot with the thick rim glasses.
I've tried to red pill him and honestly IDK why he is not red pilled. I think its a case of not wanting to know the truth because he can't handle it.
I was stealing his Madame Blavatsky books, and reading Dune off his book shelf when I was like 8.
Former business partner.
The iron is hot, strike it. It's fine if you want to do some preparations though, write some notes down. Sit down with your dad, make sure he's comfy, pays attention, has his cuppa joe if needed and then just explain stuff for thirty minutes to an hour. If he responds well, things are great. If you're stumped, show humility and integrity, write it down, do more research, thank your dad for taking the time.
Do you think the normies will ever discover spurdo?
simple, we have awoken some primordials. With us lord Kek seen to taking a liking of us, while monster fags have awoken lady Ammit and still, I wonder how far will this go.
Anime is an erotic illusion. Anime being real would mean beautiful 3D women metaphorically from from the sky into your life who look as great as women in magazines do after Photoshop. And they'd be proper and feminine. Then you go on an adventure (or series of), fall in love and then have lots of kids.
Lain might as well be Kekite prophecy. I'm 100% serious it predicts everything that's going on.
The wired is bleeding into reality.
they can't handle it
Ya i said the other day about how the west could not take all these refugees because they will take over, and he was like "whats wrong with open boarders" and I was like "white people don't have any kids anymore" and he was like "well we gotta reduce population somehow" and I was like "ya but they have like 8 kids with low IQ's and the high IQ people have 1"
He didn't say anything after that.
I'm on this shit. Thanks for the uplifting words, user.
Can meditation help with this goal too?
The stereotypical badger?
Maybe the Jewish masterplan was to erode the barriers between Earth and Hell. By taking that away and instead erode the barriers between Earth and a fairly non-pozzed Anime reality, well… it sounds like a total victory to me and an amazing change.
Those dubs deserve a screenshot
feels good man
as a theologyfag, I really have to wonder if Kek has the staying power that Subgenius or Church of Google didn't. There definitely seems to be something deeper and darker about Kek, an air of menace you don't see with sharp-witted deities like Discordianism's Eris or attempted pagan revivals like Kemetic Orthodoxy.
oy vey shut it down
Show him this normalfag-friendly video on immigration:
Already embedded somewhere else.
Their…ethical inflexibility has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Well, Kek is a god of darkness, but is a light bringer in some way.
NOT TO FUCKING MENTION that Kojima another Jap based pretty much the entire Metal Gear Solid series on explaining memetics and it's importance.
Alright I'll give it a go.I hope its going to be a wild ride
Kek, it's adorable.
We're in the fun timeline. Or at least a fun portion of this timeline.
Well we summoning him largely to destroy our enemies.
But seriously anyone falling into the trap of human sacrifice or sacrificing anything or anyone to Kek is falling into a Semitic Trap. Moloch is based around human sacrifice and Judaism is rife with it.
Our ancestors destroyed Carthage utterly because they sacrificed babies.
God it's so funny how Don Jr. said Gas Chamber and it's so easy to say he was referring to prison executions.
Those sacrifice shills need to fuck off before they incur Kek's wrath.
Oh, the human sacrifice meme is obviously FBI. They'd love it if a Holla Forumsack went on a spree shooting with a bunch of pepes on him. But we're playing to win, we don't follow for kike tricks like the human sacrifice meme. Actually I find it pretty ironic that Holla Forums and Trump are actually the only thing that COULD stand between the nogs and the kikes and a well-deserved rope. If they were smart they'd be negotiating their surrender right now. Maybe they are, behind the scenes - after all, Trump is always talking about making the best deals. A deal that gets us our country back without a civil war would be a good deal.
Ut oh. Rachel Maddow just dissed the great God Kek, who has risen his slumber to usher in the age of Aquarius.
And the Jews keep it up too, but it's glossed over as an "anti-Semitic canard" a.k.a. "blood libel." I have a feeling in my gut that there are Jews who do this shit.
ahahahahah @ the Hearthstone one
Fucking Kek is already trolling her.
Israel is the biggest hub for organ theft in the world I believe, either that or a close second behind China.
Infected without even knowing it.
Scene, Gene, Meme was the progression of the first three games.
Lain is a fucking prophecy.
And sex slavery, specifically of Eastern European women. Those fucking kikes just can't keep their filthy claws off of the Slavic women, can they?
Has that pic been sent to her yet?
Let me correct myself: Gene (MGS1), Meme (MGS2), Scene(MGS3).
Negative, I just threw it together in paint. Can't remember my Twitter sign in. If you send it to her, please screen cap and post.
I can't wait for victory. They are going to lament for days. The butthurt will be on an unknown scale.
Checked. I don't have a Twatter account though.
>Rachposter (learningcode) is finally gone and banned for newsplus
Kek is awesome
Imagine what happens when they discover Moonman.
I was going to pick up a few of these guys from my local pet shop and feed them crickets and say "praise kek" everytime I fed them, does that count as a sacrifice?
they have fire bellies too, for the year of the firemonkey
Who says that it is?
Japan is the 3'rd largest economy in the world and remains largely independent financially and culturally.
Don't underestimate nips user.
Guys, I just took out my trash.
It's a full moon out…tomorrow night too…
they look highly poisonous
Nothing Mcdonalds will pay to keep it quiet.
For you.
They aren't actually. You can buy them at most pet shops.
Your libshits are crazy burgers, shit's sweet.
Jap magic definitely has its good days.
They deny reality while we understand and control it.
Of coursh
Apparently I'm still logged into a shill account on my mobile. I got you bruv.
It is done
Fucking /sp/
Dubs confirm.
Don't abuse or neglect them.
I can even hear her nervous chuckle in the beginning, like she's ready to crack. This cartoon frog is literally driving these demonic leftists insane and no one is gonna believe them. Listen to her voice rise in fear, I love it. I could bathe in the salt Rachel is making alone.
No, you merely adopted the Frog, Rachel…
I put it up on her tweet about the segment as well. I want a damn response.
Why contain it?
Yours are fucking terrifying, Euro
If they aren't now, they soon will be if user keeps dedicating the crickets to kek.
They really REALLY need to fuck off.
Their Semitic shit will not infect Kek.
This just proves they carry her water no matter what. She says Russians, they talk about Russians suddenly. She says "alt-right," they all pretend to know what it is. She says "deplorables," they all repeat it. She says Pepe, they all suddenly talk about Pepe.
You guys are the best.
She is kinda cute like a frog… and I'd like to jump her. Pls get the reference
Stop spreading that overblown shit about Carthage. Romans sacrificed children, too. The punic wars were entirely about trade (and personal feuds).
They'll go down with her. This is the American Autumn - all the agitprop in the world couldn't save Ceaușescu from a well-earned firing squad
We need a webm with German techno music and the clip of her shouting "PEPE!" every 4th beat.
From what I've seen, that isn't the kind of thing that just happens accidentally, what you ask for is generally what you get even if there's some slight variance. The only way I see something as drastic as a perfect sex/personality/memory/all of the above change occurring is if you're damn sure you want it and fight tooth-and-nail to meme it real. Personally, I'd opt for continuing to exist as-is and having a waifu companion summoned across realities, but to each his own.
Technically, if you did successfully meme this kind of thing into happening, it'd be everything they've ever wanted as well as the only real solution to their mental illness besides medication/therapy to suppress it. Considering how thoroughly memes seem to work when executed in full, if you did become a cute girl or whatever the fuck with intention to transform into a perfect copy of the ideal, you wouldn't have any male physical characteristics left except possibly your memories and consciousness as it was pre-change.
Assuming it worked, you'd become biologically-female all the way down to the ovaries and chromosomes, which means that the only potential traces of your former existence would be your memories and your personality. You'd have tits capable of lactation, ovaries, a functional vagina, proper skeletal structure, and all that other good shit, which means that unless you had vivid memory of your old form and it continued to color your consciousness, you would be a woman in totality.
Since the kind of man who wants to become a girl completely tends to be both homosexual and desiring of a passive life where they're with another who can dictate its course competently, using your new lease on life to become some man's traditionalist wife and produce children with your correct biology for the job should hypothetically work out just fine for everybody involved. If you were so devoted to having fun with cocks and submitting to someone else with a stronger will and more competency than yourself anyways, being a proper reproductive partner as well as an emotional support and homestead caretaker is a far better alternative to remaining male. I suppose it's a bit like recycling, taking something ugly and useless and reworking it into a brand-new thing of worth and utility, except this would actually work as advertised unlike tranny surgery and hormones.
Of course they're trying to make it happen by plugging their ears and tuck their heads between their legs, it's all they know how to do. Learning the workings of reality and how to tinker with them for the desired changes requires confronting reality head-on like the mindless machine it is, and seeing its many evils first-hand to properly understand and remove/avoid them, the same way a med student has to dig around in gore and learn that way in order to figure out how to operate for real properly. There's no room for protecting one's feelings or emotion of any sort, existence is no more ethically-minded or capable of mercy than a computer built only to run a shitload of complex programs without user input is.
Without looking reality right in its cold, unfeeling face and being able to figure out the machinery behind it, you'll have no hope of altering said machinery to your whims. Explains why we can do it while they can't, we look reality in the face by habit while they look away, dominant behavior versus submissive behavior.
I sure hope Kek doesn't decide to strike them down in horrible ways.
No one wants that. :^)
Marxist detected.
Even if you can claim that the leadership was motivated by money, how was it that they mobilized the people? What justification did the leaders use in their propaganda? That is what actually matters.
unfortunately that it beyond my skills. I do however wholeheartedly want this to happen MAKE HER QUESTION EVERYTHING
Best part
We crossed dimensions again. We went from bearstein to bearstain to a a faster, crazier version of the bearstain universe. We will probably be shot out into another universe at some point that is even weirder, so be ready to waking up to insanity.
Does anyone know why she blinks so much? Is she mentally breaking down?
The denial is glorious.
She manifested in 2010 user. I want her back. Working on it.
Think on the word sacrifice for a minute and you should know the answer to that question. Does the loss of said crickets affect you in a meaningful way? If not, it's not a sacrifice. Animal sacrifice was meaningless if old, sick, or infertile animals were sacrificed because there was no cost associated with sacrificing them aside from a little meat.
Sacrifice has to hurt you to do anything, gods who demand sacrifice are sadistic and wouldn't have it any other way. Kek is not one of those gods, if he was he wouldn't have manifested and actively started helping us without any sacrifices on our part first.
I've noticed that in arguing with normies about Trump. They've entirely assimilated merchant philosophy - I carefully present Trump as some kind of Byzantine noble family vying for political power now, utilizing money only as a means to an end - and they literally can't believe it. They can't believe there is any motivation to exist that isn't money. They can't conceive that Trump might want to make his family into a goddamn dynastic family instead of just Jewing around for another $20 million.
Once we have the 4'th Reich how are we going to keep our memes from the Normalfags?
It was inevitable. Leftists are too unstable.
We have passed the Event Horizon.
We will be kek's priests friend.
Still the best.
14/88 user
Dude check this nigga out. We're ALREADY in the quantum superposition reality. Kek has assimilated our entire reality moving backwards through time. The things we experience now are just the bow shock of his power expanding BACKWARDS from the cosmic singularity, though we mistakenly perceive it as forward from.
His YouTube channel is "electroboom". He's actually a pretty intelligent engineer who fucks himself up for laughs and view rankings. About 80% of his fuckups are staged, the other 20% are true accidents.
High-caste, high IQ Persians are all crazy, and it's a very specific kind of crazy. This guy is typical of the breed. Personally I like them. People like him are the secular types that preferred the Shah to the ayatollahs.
People blink more when angry or otherwise excited. It could be an act, since normies, especially normie women, pick up easily on this sort of thing.
Checking 7s with 7s
This is backfiring, young people know better.
Might confuse some olds
Saddam looked around the room arrogantly at all those frogs. Saddam: "Grrr. Stupid insignificant frogs! I'll remember each of your faces! Fear me!"
At least she's honest about being a whore. But their memes a shit.
SemiteIDF pls go.
We were born to make this happen. The infinite clockwork of cause and effect has lead us all here to shitpost our will upon reality. This election is a major fork in the road either way it goes, and people will remember what an absurdity it all was.
This is your footprint in history. Savor it.
Mine exists.
Met her at work. I was not prepared at all when she showed up, it was like fucking East Side Marios on kids night with all the spaghetti I was spilling. Do you even realize what a shock to the system it would be if your waifu just APPEARED?
The good news is she appeared at just the right time. I needed a muse. I can say with confidence I would be dead right now if I hadn't met her.
Now I need her attention again so I can close the deal and put some hardware on that hand and commence familying.
trips confirm
It won't confuse old folks. It will confuse them. But, also, it will help drive youngsters to the right, which is damn cool.
Mom: "WHAT'S THIS?!"
Daughter: "That's my Pepe pillow."
It's both. Read the label carefully and you'll see two separate spellings. MIND BLOWN. Praise Kek!
Don't mind me, just harvesting dubs for power.
And fuck Carthage.
She needs to chill out and calm down, maybe she needs a shower?
Iv'e noticed that you can't ask for specifics when it comes to memes.
By making anime real we'd most likely just start seeing 3DPD starting behaving like innocent anime girls at a much larger rate.
Does kek give preference to frog/toad owners? I used to own these guys and slept in the same room. Pretty chill, especially at night when they would start making small yips.
Dubs confirm. I think a template would work better instead.
Is it just me or are east Indians have the most incompetent people from a single race? It seems those few who I worked with were accident prone as well.
this is a good idea, lets photo shop rachel maddow and make her a symbol of white suprimicm
adorable __
new rule of the internet?
when do i get my stand?
when do we fight the jews?
I don't even know anymore
JFC dude. He's an actual EE who does this shit for fun on youtube.
How the fuck do you not know electroboom?
Confirmed for non STEM.
I wan't that fucking stamp
Guys, just replace Pepe with Bugs Bunny, Kermit the Frog or fucking Barney the dinosaur
That's how ridiculous this bitch looks to normies.
My sides ain't no ways tired just thinking about it.
Like the dissapearing stein. Welp, at least we get our stein back. The question is, what else reappears?
So that object is multi-dimensional?
Does this shit have anything to do with the Anime Stein's;Gate? It has to do with time travel and correcting timelines with a "divergence meter" CERN/SERN plays a role in it too, I think they have to get some computer form them to win.
More or less.
I'm not about to worship some Semitic demon that abuses his followers.
Hitler dubs confirm! Anime to become real in 2017!
What if the "-stein" is a reference to Jill Stein getting out of jail and stealing a bunch of votes from Hilary so that Trump can win?
What's so great about this is the modern public is so fucking dumb downed, most of them won't have any idea what any of the indicia or symbolism in this pic even means. They'll just think the first pic is Pepe holding his arm out.
You think your average fluoride addled meathead knows what the cover to Mein Kampf looks like? They probably can't even spell it.
This is the mindless legion they created and it's so enjoyable watching yet another of their golems turn on them.
If we win? The memetic holocaust will be hailed as the turning point of humanity.
If we lose it's the same thing but presented in washed-out tones and overlaid with haunting music.
The scientist reminds me a lot of us too, he isn't taken seriously at all until he alters the fabric of reality in front of everyone.
I'mma gittin' mah mecha!
Aye, fellow theology fag. One thing that really sticks out for me is that in Kike temples, the main feature is animal sacrifice. In a religion like Shinto no greater blasphemy could possibly be imagined than committing an act of slaughter in a holy place.
OK our bodies involuntarily kill bacteria all the time. OK we need to kill to eat. But the kikes would intentionally kill IN ORDER TO NOT EAT, with the specific intention of not feeding the hungry. That repulses me on a level so deep it redpilled me from Zion-loving Evangelicalism.
quick! scan this for edits!
Sounds relate able.
Je suis Kyouma Hououin
Good on you, keep it up and stop for no one.
Our ancestors all did great things by looking at the limits standing in the way of their goals and saying, "fuck that, I'm getting it at any cost, and no one's gonna stop me", a course of action to proven to work out well fairly often.
The limits on every man vary across the eons, but the sentiment remains unchanged, even as it passes through countless generations: When the rules are good, just and conducive to your prosperity uphold them with all your strength and endurance. When they are wrong, unjust or pointless, obliterate them to accomplish what you must and forge new ones in their place.
The only thing different at this moment is that reality itself is the singular golden rule standing in our way, but it is no different in its durability compared to any other rule forged by nature or man. We will break it if we must, and without hesitation or fear. We already have broken many limits forged by the jew and by our fellow men who have been corrupted, this is just another step in the right direction.
Works fine for me, my only grievance with 3DPD were vapid, kiked personalities regardless of looks and all the intelligent thought of a used napkin due to biological deficiencies, problems that don't exist in well-made anime because the women are written to fit male ideals (smart and conscious enough to be a helpful cooperative partner who can keep up with her man mentally, on top of beautiful, fertile and ready to be a loyal wife). If women are rebuilt to be everything we've ever wanted in another human being that we form a symbiotic lifelong partnership with, I'm all for it.
I'd still prefer full-on waifu girls of every impossible variety there is bleeding into reality, but I'll take whatever I can get.
This is it, boys!
Are you ready to make a complete mockery out of the mainstream media with a community an every day modern 10 year old can understand?
The left. America was founded on Liberal ideas, the idea of freedom not only of speech but also to bear arms.
HOLY FUCK I SENT THEM TO MY FRIEND AND HE SAID "what are you talking about? Theyve always been the Berenstein bears"
Remember guys. Pepe is a fucking 1488 nazi now. So any normies you know that ever posted pepe are also nazis now too. Accuse them of such. When they deny it, link them to Hillary's website and Maddow's video and tell them the media says they are nazis, so they're nazis.
Super powerful blonde hair blue eyed warriors are coming
Dubs confirm!
On it.
I have to wonder what the memetic quality this has.
Oh boy.
I've been thinking about composing a big post on CIA experiments with Ganzfeld testing in the 60s all the way to today where they put out Craigslist ads to recruit "intuitive" youth for unexplained experiments. If Meme Magic isn't real, the Office of Naval Intelligence sure thinks it is. Maybe we can get anons to chip in $14,000 to buy a professional constructed Faraday office for testing heh heh
It should blink or grimace in a hyper-realistic way every so often to really add to the sanity-doubt
Fuck, I hope i'm privileged enough someday to read the book the Umman Manda user has hiding in him. One writer to another, his pen is mighty fucking sharp.
7 minutes of smearing Donald Trump Jr. with guilt by association mixed in with "Trump makes me feel bad" / " Muh feels".
That's about the quality of journalism I was expecting from that ugly dyke. Maddow is a hack.
I don't have photoshop but i'll do what I can in paint (one tier above shit)
Was looking around for a Pepe and saw this.
If you're in the mood for reading, let me shamelessly self-promote a wildly degenerate Trump/40k Cultist-chan fic I wrote.
kek the kike
I'm honestly starting to think that Kek is going to drive them batshit insane.
They have no idea what they're facing.
Begone heretic!
no u
This September is nuts.
All of these Holla Forums screencaps are going to be compiled into a massive book one day, I can feel it.
Fukken saved.
Victory has defeated them.
And if anyone wants to make the Liz Olsen pics I dropped in this thread into smug Kekettes, then be my guest. I think she's cute like a frog.
Nah man, it's like… the spirit comes, then kind of gets its land legs. Like when you've been on a long journey. Gotta get your bearings, get geared up.
Brother the earth ended. We are all dead.
I still can't believe that of all the things the Jews might fear………. the Jews fear Kek. What a time to be alive
10/10 OC
Guys I'm not even close to being tired of winning yet
Nope. Rare Pepes and Shadilay.
If a smiley face is used by white supremacists, does that make smiley faces white supremacist?
Does that make you a white supremacist for using smiley faces?
That my dear lads, is a five dimensional object. PRAISE KEK
We have yet to even come alive.
2017, CY+2, Year of the fire cock
2018, CY+3, Year of the earth dog
/r/ing someone, anyone whose meme-fu is much stronger than mine, take out Heisenberg, add "Pepeeeeeee". There's keks in them thar hills.
Lrn 2 webm thread paying off already.
I just assumed it was a hitler shoop but I see it now
its going to take a waifu and some serious RWDS time to make me tired of winning
also checking some sweet dubs
I'm actually unironically glad smug that Holla Forums is going with this timeline. I hate the BCE-CE shit, so why not?
Take out the word Heisenburg I mean, not do a full WW edit.
Unless of course, you're that batshit insane/autistic enough to take on a job that big.
Exactly. And you're one of the initiated, brother. Your average Wheel of Fortune/Family Feud viewer won't be able to make head nor ballsack of any of it.
one of my favorite parts
I really need to get around to reading it, I've got like 3 copies but PDF just isn't the same as paper
I've never seen that before. I almost choked to death at the kike spurdo offering low prices on ovens while inside one
Wh…Where'd them quads get off to?
Let's expand on the potential power of the human hive when our species goes to space.
Could we meme Xenos to death?
Sacrificing humans and/or animals is honestly among the most degenerate of human behaviors.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I bet she fucks that dog.
Tee Hee Hee
I do some hobby/handyman level electrical work
Im fucking dying over here user.
d-dont bully me senpai ;_;
have this
I mind less if an animal is "ritually" sacrificed, so long as it gets eaten and used. Racial realism leads to species realism - we kill cows and deer and dogs even and eat them. But to drag an animal into a holy place to spray its blood everywhere, well, that's a very kikey sort of holiness. One whose logic leads to cannibalism.
They even had thier own "Alt Right" (I use this in the broadest possible term to include us, as we are neither kosher conservatives, nor the "old" white nationalists) several years ago, called the Netto Uyo.
>It is very curious that devout Christians like the British and the Americans should, despite their constant and fervent prayers, receive such a series of hidings from the pagan Japanese ! It rather looks as if the real God takes no notice of the prayers offered day and night by the British and the Americans, but reserves His mercies for the heroes of Japan. It is not surprising that this should be so, for the religion of the Japanese is above all a cult of heroism, and its heroes are those who do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for the glory and safety of their country. The Christians, on the other hand, prefer to honour the Saints, that is to say, a man who succeeds in standing on one leg for years at a time, or one who prefers to lie on a bed of thorns rather than to respond to the smiles of inviting maidens. There is something very unhealthy about Christianity.
Hitler was right, they emulated the gods like we used to and metaphysically they are ahead of us because of it, so their cultural creations (which may be inspired and relatable to us) find a home in our hearts, making them ultimately victorious which is a triumph over the jew. Look at anime even: it's usually all about heroism and the hero's love interest, and heroes and waifus are always glorified. It's the archetypes of the Einherjar (or Siegfried) and the Valkyries manifesting in the Far East and then in some of our hearts which can completely steel us against jewish "magic" (propaganda) and gives us our own "magic."
To whom it concerns: you are not totally powerless, simply open up and accept the truth; become the hero, fight for your waifu's smile who awaits you in the other realm, right in the face of and against the jew and his hypnotized minions.
>tfw this is basically Esoteric Hitlerism
How does one Find a waifu?
I understand that some Injun tribes would thank the spirits of animals they killed or thank Mother Earth or something, and that's perfectly fine.
This to, because it's not waste. Kikes waste animals and do it in the worst possible way.
And that brings us full circle to blood libels and the (((vampire))) archetypes.
I picture my waifu based off of a real person sometimes.
I fucking hate uppity leftists that get mad when people don't follow them. Fuck that Christian turdpuncher faggot.
Oh, but this is very ancient insight. There's a good argument to be made that that's what Jesus was preaching - weaponized magic. Later generations put him on a pedestal but he was very explicit in telling people, "ye are gods."
Eastern religions seem a little better at recognizing PERSONAL religious power. In the East, it's acceptable to become a magician, but unfortunately in Christian churches the ritual circumcision of one's own magical talent is generally considered a requirement. A Christian preacher is not allowed to evoke magic.
Perhaps the real challenge and opportunity of the West as it stands is to reclaim our "individual magic."
I think he means animal sacrifices though.
Reminder that (((South Park))) memed gingers not having souls because they were and are Aryan.
Dubs confirmed. Fuck those guys, gingers rock.
She would come to you at the right moment, whenever that is, and you'll know it when it happens. Your heart will feel as if it was struck by lightning or encountered a storm.
Serrano derives some Gnostic wisdom. It's all like an incrementally progressing "myth" – not in the modern sense of the word but in the more archaic sense of it.
stop fetishizing nordic women brown-eye, if you've had sisters that look like that you wouldn't post loaded pics of women that look like that on the internet so that any wog and his brother can fap to it and fetishize our women as prizes
Ha. Sometimes I feel like a Meeseeks that has been drawn out to far… "THINGS ARE GETTING WEIRD!" But, you know, the ride never ends.
I heard somewhere that he actually has an electrical engineering degree and does shit wrong for lulz and to teach people not to be as stupid as he comes off.
>tfw I'm in my early 30s and I didn't meet my waifu until then
You might be on to something…
Theology? Sort of, not really. I'm into myths and that includes a lot of theology, so I picked it up tangentially. That and my intuition is extremely piercing when I can make myself act on it.
Sacrifice is essentially an act of self harm done to appease a god, which indicates that said god is more interested in you being subservient than uplifted and will only do enough good to make you stay with them through all the suffering they inflict. YHVH is obviously that sort of god, just look at what he's put the jews through while stringing them along as his "chosen". It is as repulsive for a god to demand it as it is for a human to practice it. Gods who care about the well being of their worshipers only demand that they sacrifice things detrimental to them, and focus more on rewarding virtuous acts and behaviors.
To bring it back to kek for a minute I'm fairly sure he's with us because we're the only people around who acknowledge and appreciate him. That and Muslims keep destroying ancient holy sites, possibly including some of his, and somehow a Romanian rug weaving forum is the only serious opposition to them. The truth of it all isn't clear and may never be clear but it sure is fun to be a part of it all.
Everyday Holla Forums comes up with something new.
You know, Kek must be as confused by it as any of us. His cellphone doesn't ring for 3000 years and then suddenly he gets hundreds of texts a day from his old friend humans who suddenly have an evil Empire to overthrow. He's the god of NEETs unexpectedly called into battle to save human civilization.
And Kek probably has nothing else better to do, so why the fuck not?
Lets shitpost.
What would be the equivalent of ancient cosmic Egyptian hotpockets?
Feels Good Man!
oh fuck it's ebolachan
This, modern Christianity has no conception of this, few of them appear to read their own Bible, but Jesus himself was quite explicit about it. Here in Matthew:
and restated in Mark:
Jesus wasn't making idle talk, he was revealing a fundamental truth of reality in the plainest terms he possibly could. But no matter how plainly he states it, so few people (be they Christians or anything else) can even today fully grasp this simple truth: Reality is belief-based, and memes are real
Don't let your memes be dreams, and always meme responsibly. Memes shape reality both implicitly and explicitly, so meme something good, okay?
It's not sacrifice if you don't do it intentionally
If we all had to be 30 year old virgins to praise kek he wouldn't be here, he'd be on wizardchan.
Umman Manda. I like the sound of it. The past few years have been poor anyway for the various nomadic imageboards, anyway. 2016 sounds just right for a Hunnic invasion of the Roman civilization.
Tonight's your lucky night, faggot. A published professional writer is going to check out your fanfic. (I've been published freelance, that is. I'm not stephen king or anything.) I can't sleep and need a distraction. Stick around, i'll even give you a critique if you want.
I did it intentionally. The idea of the "one and only one" never left me, even since childhood. It was destiny I suppose.
The Gnostics were chatting real shit about this 2000 years ago. I mean, there's an entire book called Hypostasis of the Archons whose explicit point is to name the Jew, with the language that was available to the geniuses of their day. But they had limitations we don't have - they had no translations of the Tao te Ching, and relativity theory hadn't been written yet. We stand on the shoulders of giants and it's our sacred duty to push the envelope of conventional reality farther than it's ever been pushed before. Our forefathers fought for us. Let's fight for great grandchildren we haven't even imagined yet.
I can't argue with that. I do have a four novel series that remains incredibly unpublished despite how shamelessly fuckedup it is.
Western media definitely likes to have anti-heroes – normal heroes have been lessened to an extent by the likes of Marvel who always "humanize" their "super" heroes with lots of characters flaws and making mistakes and stuff. Classic DC (like Superman and the like) had a bit of a "pantheon of gods" modelling but in a lot of ways they felt a bit boring cause they didn't quite push their ideas as far as they could go.
However, in anime, they really put the "super" back in "super heroes." Goku in Dragonball/Z is the prime example. Heart of pure gold, 100% incorruptible, will fail from time to time but in the end he always saves the day, or helps someone else to do it even at the cost of his own life. He arguably has the same character traits as Superman, but the reason Superman is pretty boring and Goku is compelling is because Goku has willpower made of steel that he uses to constantly improve himself against all odds. He earns all his victories by getting fucking shredded to the point of ridiculousness. Superman is just always the same, he's never had to do a single pushup in his life, he's never needed to improve or break through barriers.
Let's observe as the jew stalks it's prey, lulling him into a false sense of security.
If the prey is deemed worthy he will rip off his idea and make millions of sheckels before devouring the goyim.
I can't believe this. We are trolling the entire US now.
We went from some semi professional internet radio mentionings of pepe to some papers and now pepe is on national television.
At this rate our children's children will learn about pepe in history lessons.
Honestly all old gods would be like that these day, it's likely kek is the first one to show up because things we were already memeing resonated with him well enough to catch his attention. Or he manifested it all retroactively, who knows if gods are bound linearly by time the same way we are. But really why not help the only people who are worshiping you and generally just happy that you exist at all?
To be completely honest I'm just relieved that there is still some mystery in the universe that isn't about how fragments of fragments of atoms interact, things are too boring when everything has an explanation. Since kek showed up for us I'll be with him forever.
We literally weaponized a Meme. Take a step back & let that sink in. We shitposted SO HARD, CNN & other news outlets are scratching their heads saying
This election gives me a reason to live. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow. God bless you Mr. trump.
Fair enough, most people who bring it up online seem to be whiners who are mad they never got laid.
Did it work? It's too late for me but that just means I can't ever say that it's not true.
I was going to bring up the push for anti-heroes in that post but I didn't want it to get to long. Thanks for filling the gaps user.
Yes, there isn't anything really heroic about the stuff spewing out of comics and Hollywood. Hell, Guts is pretty much an anti-hero himself and there isn't much that's golden about him yet he still manages to project this incorruptible spirit you're talking about in that he never ever stops struggling despite the terrible world he's in. That's kind of like our situation.
What's funny about this is there is one question that completely destroys their fascination with Nazi Pepe…
That same question will leave them stumped because the answer spotlights their paranoia…
I don't even know what to say at this point. The current year is get getting more ridiculous by the day.
user, so help me, if this turns into a gay fanfic…
The anti-heroes on DBZ are just villains that got beaten into submission. I love that.
Well, there was certainly a shift in my life around that time. A few years earlier but it really started to pick up around then. I guess it's best to say that it worked for me because if I had gone the normal route and ignored the voice of my blood, I certainly wouldn't be here, for one.
We knights now
Deus Vult
As someone who's fucked more than one girl… I see women as combat companions. You get alone, try to provide for one another's needs, and you get thrown together and blown apart for no readily explicable reason. I'm not going to say you're wrong, or bad or evil or any of that, for trying to wait for your ultimate waifu. But that is a wait that could wax long. Sometimes it's okay to burn down the ideal in pursuit of the real
Wh…What? Wh…Who, me? Nonsense, go…er… I mean guy.
Who you shipping him with? Big titted imperial saint?
Did we call Kek or was it Kek who called us?
You guys did what /r9k/ failed to do with poopoo peepee pepe. Thanks for making pepe great again, Holla Forums!
Guts gives me serious feels.
Oh my lord
poopoo peepee is still good backup posting after the initial MAGA triggering.
Maybe PooPoo PeePee Pepe awoke Kek do to the mass disrespect that image gave him.
PPPP is extremely chaotic imagery though. I think it would be appreciated.
Hold the fucking phone, I thought Pepe was actually a Nazi. Have I been tricked?
Oh shit. Kek actually is a cool guy
Nice trips.
No fucking way. I didn't believe you. It's fucking true.
Pepe is just part of the Boy's Club user. He likes to go pee with his pants down.
Are you new here son?
Yeah but can you do magic? Giving up procreation is a heavy price to pay for general well being. Not that I mean you should be able to set things on fire with your mind, magic (from my limited understanding) is mostly reality manipulation such as influencing people, turning probability in your favor, and generally making things turn out how you want them to turn out.
Not sure where this is from but I do remember reading a comic where a character said "a magician can't stop bullets, he simply won't ever get shot at" or something along those lines. Sort of like how a few thousand autists on Holla Forums are managing to have a very measurable impact on the American election despite most of us rarely doing anything more than posting anonymously on the internet. It's all about controlling reality instead of reacting to it with special powers.
Confirmation bias is best bias. Holy shit, I've spent months trying to teach smart people they were being manipulated through emotional reasoning and confirmation bias. And I COULDN'T. I actually tried my best. wtf
I think the idea you expend magical energy when you have sex is an old kundulini fallacy. Sexual energy can RISE when you have sex as well as fall, or stay neutral. It's all about what your bias tells you will happen.
Confirmation bias is a myth jews used to take magic away from white people.
I think it has more to do with the partner bonding during sex. The old saying says you give away a part of your heart to whoever you have sex with. Maybe that can be taken as being literal?
Rule 88?
I'm fairly certain the correlation is that wooing a women requires you to do illogical and wasteful things, it also takes time. A hundred dollar dinner date is money and time you could have used for something productive rather than reproductive. Of course, there are men like Trump who only sleep 4 hours a night so have more time to spend on production and succeed.
I don't mind pretending its magic though, I'm not a wizard anyway.
Hmm. I'd suggest that confirmation bias isn't magical and doesn't prove magic, but what it does is allow us to share signifiers of magical consciousness. Dubs and trips and shit aren't in and of themselves "magic." But they allow us to anchor and share magic with one another, we evoke magic out of them rather than them being somehow intrinsically magical. Dubs are a great example of how we do this, there's nothing special about turning 55555 miles on your car odometer yet everybody will remark on it if they see it anyway.
Nice dubs.
Bias and technique. If you consciously direct the energy back into yourself (or cyclically through your girlfriend if you're lucky enough to have one) you can raise energy because or the natural rise in energy of the sexual response. Which is why masturbating to a mental image is better than masturbating to some kike shit because it's already mostly inwardly directed and it's easier to control.
I was going to write a post about tantric sex but I didn't think I should without ever having it. Though intuitively two people raising and cycling energy through each other should be better than one no?
fwiw, whenever I've fucked a bitch by the end of it I just want to dick-sneeze in her and get on with my life. It's good, but in the end it's like a satisfying piss
That owl. moloch worshiper bitch.
kill yourself, lainfag. you a shit.
Minerva and Moloch will be killed by Kek.
It's when dubs appear on significant posts that they really catch everyone's attention. Shills (or perceived shills) who roll dubs have their dubs ignored. Which is confirmation bias to an extent, but most dubs and gets seem to be in line with our way of thinking/neo-pagan kekism.
It's explainable to an extent that the believers outnumber the shils here, but a lot of the significant digits have been landing on significant posts recently
Same but I'd like to think it's not all like that. That's why I've been more focused on self improvement as a way to find love, just fucking some slut doesn't compare to actual loving sex.
This kind of life is certainly not for everyone but she found her way to me in such a perfect way that I can't even describe it. I'm a chaser of beauty and romance, which are concepts and ideals that extend beyond materialism, it's only fitting that my love in this life be more ethereal.
Well I haven't won the lottery but things in my life are certainly beginning to turn out as I want them to and in a way that is simply happening more intrinsically. I've resumed the things I have stopped almost 15 years ago, seemingly out of nowhere, and I expect it to continue because the pace is increasing. It's like a furnace that has been lit again and right now I'm building up the inspiration as I try to grasp it all better, which is like trying to remember what was once forgotten. What I want in life is pretty idyllic compared to what others may want with their grandiose dreams of wealth and fortune so I don't suspect I'll be conjuring up mansions anytime soon.
Funny you should mention this, I don't really ever see myself being in a position to get shot at except when I fantasize about something; deep down I know I'm basically a phantom when it comes to public consciousness because I have separated myself from society and don't stick out much, like I was always anonymous or used pen names, which is very true.
Shit nigga, and here I am keeping my CZ-75 Czech service pistol under my pillow. I get up three times a night to point it at suspicious noises.
We need all types, don't we. If life were an RPG we'd all be different classes.
We're winning goys!
And done. No idea who cultist chan is so felt like a lot of the humor was lost on me. Accordingly, liked Trump bits a whole lot more than CC bits. That shit was like weaponized autism.
Interesting read.
I wasn't really talking about actually getting shot at (though it still applies) the meaning I got form that quote is more along the lines of "magicians control the situations they're in so they never end up in bad ones". Essentially bad things don't happen because you never allowed them to be caused to happen.
It does sound fairly magical if things have been consistently going better for you lately though. Chance is chance, but consistent good outcomes aren't. Doesn't mean you don't have to work for it though.
Since I learned the basics of magic things have been going very well for me (i don't even really practice I just know the principals) , things just seem to work themselves out even when I deliberately push the envelope to see what happens. It's a bit odd but I'm hoping it continues. Not that I can't achieve the things I want on my own but the simple belief that somehow I can work things out has a small power of it's own. Helps that I have a patron god now too of course.
I love how the media fell over themselves to get to his press conference when they thought it'd be more muckraking, but when it turned into something positive all of a sudden it's an insult to their journalistic integrity to trick them like this.
Don't doubt it. The Jews don't fear Kek because we're lazy friendless tards with no potential. This is a battle for our souls.
Wait till he pulls out the big guns.
That's kind of what I implied with the follow up thought of being basically a social phantom by my own will. I actively separated myself "from the world" because, well, the world is fucking ugly to me or at least this veil that has been placed over it is.
Yes it's definitely not by chance and it's not quite a walk in the park either. I never really considered myself a "magician" though, that's what you called it. Whether it's that or not I don't know. I always saw myself as a warrior poet/scholar though so maybe it is. Hell if I know. I don't try to concentrate on the nomenclature too much but rather the inspiration or archetype behind it all, and also because names and so on change depending on region, era, etc., what persists is the archetypes.
Yes, life really has been like that even before these recent times but I still suffered my share in life (trials?). I should have died many times despite some of the stupid shit I've done or has been done to me yet I'm still here, more ardent than I ever was.
There is no doubt in my mind about kek. Only about myself but I am rapidly changing that. I had a bad few years but they're over now, but switching my mindset from "persistent failure" to persistent success" takes some time. Honestly a lot of succeeding is accepting failure and correcting it, so it works out in the end.
Don't worry, we can handle a lousy bird
Trump has destroyed my sides.
Also think about it.
Isn't probability manipulation the most OP superpower out there? I honestly can't think of a more powerful or potent form of magic.
You can basically avoid any situation that would otherwise destroy you, I guess.
Or at higher levels you could divert asteroids or have anyone that you don't like brain aneurysms.
Absolutely and completely OP.
In the X-Men crossover series, Scarlet Witch uses her amplified probability powers to change the entire timeline, creating an alternate reality in the process
Princeton has proven that humans, especially those with some sort of common bond, can affect probability over any distance.
By a nearly constant mingling of the minds, oldfags have created strong bonds without knowing each other. Newfags are brought into the fold and give the oldfags more power.
Princeton has provided scientific observatoin for the basis of meme magic.
Assuming Hillary bribes someone to rig the electronic voting machines, and they make use of some sort of random number generator when generating a fake vote, we can affect the outcome of their rigging to a certain degree.
We must always believe that Trump will win.
Neither do I, I just usually say magician so that people know what I mean. There isn't much nomenclature for what we're doing in English anyways, probably not in most other modern languages either. Archetypes are great things to focus on because that's what may polytheistic gods were, "perfect" versions of their particular archetype (though that obviously that doesn't mean they act perfectly in every situation) My perception of most ancient polytheistic religions is that their gods were ideals that people tried to live up to and not things perceived as actual beings most of the time. Though even if they were perceived as being real, people would still have strived to achieve that level of mastery espoused by the god they worshiped.
Yeah same here. There is one definite time I died in a car crash. I wasn't paying attention and ran a red light at 90km/ph. A pickup truck was turning out in front of me, no way i could have missed it. Instead of crashing there was ~ten seconds on "nothing" and I was driving again. Looked at my rear view mirror and the light I should have crashed at was behind me. Saw it go red, and the same truck i crashed into turned out.
I don't really tell that story because i doubt people will believe me, but this seems like a good time for it.
Great meme, great idea for t-shirt. Neo-pepe theory is having a big influence. It might be the only way to ensure his survival in these dark times. The kikes won't know what hit them when avant pepes start falling out of the sky.
Holy shit! Kino's Journey. That's a 10. One of the best works ever. If Lain is anything close, then cool.
Few situations where I had a brush with death:
When I was very young I had a really severe asthma attack (parents were heavy smokers) and I remember distinctively looking at myself on the hospital bed from outside of the oxygen tent or whatever those things are. That image, which is like a photo burned in my memory and despite it being about 30 years ago, is something I still haven't forgotten completely.
Another time I remember was again when I was quite young and I was bicycling down a really steep road, as fast as I could, without my arms on the bars (one little nick on the road would have sent me flying 50 feet down the steep road and into all the parked cars), and I remember doing it and making the sharp turn at the end and thinking afterwards how fucking crazy that was. Well I never did that again, believe me. Didn't want to tempt fate.
Another time, I was nonchalantly crossing the street and a car who didn't stop for me came within a few inches of me yet I still walked nonchalantly as if nothing was going to happen anyway. That was actually a surreal moment now that I think about it because it was like I wasn't in danger to begin with and that sensation was there the whole time, like confidence. I was like "Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" and continued onward.
The age of Aquarius? That's new to me user..
That's my birth sign too.
It would be a cool t-shirt though
Underrated post.
I don't really know the basics of magic, I just know belief affects reality. Or affects our perception of reality. Either way it is the same thing. If I believe something strongly enough I know it becomes true.
i also sometimes get a chill or tingle along my lower spine, when it comes to guessing and probability. I don't always read it properly Though
Meme magic only works when you tell the truth, user.
God hates the Hebrews because thousands of years before the Crucifixion of Christ they were still mostly Satan worshipping degenerates committing heinous crimes against their own kind. Blood sacrifice for God was a criminal punishment for sin. But because of Semites being Semites, even the God-fearing Hebrews eventually corrupted this punishment into a loophole that permitted continuous sinning. This made God angry and is one of the reasons for the New Testament, as one part of the New Testament is amending blood sacrifices by repealing and banning them because they have become a symbol of the corrupt and false priesthood, which is known today as Judaism.
I think there may be an unconscious desire for many to avoid the appearance of narcissism and egocentrism, which has led to the downfall of many meme magicians and wizards in the past. How do you moderate yourself to avoid this pitfall? Do you live amongst those who need help the most? amongst those who will judge you the most? amongst those who will show the least signs of acceptance of your existence?
Do you get a lot of deja vu? I've had it a whole lot my entire life, though never in a way i could act on. It's like I dreamed a few seconds of the situation i would eventually run into and any point in time beyond that was imagined or still in flux.
Somehow I find it mildly comforting despite probably also dreaming the way I die (industrial accident due to someone else's incompetence). The dreams themselves aren't in order but when life catches up to them I get an impression of where I am along the deja vu timeline. And from the scraps I remember life will be good to me for a while yet.
The kyballion is a good place to start. /fringe/ actually has a reallt good sticky with a lot of good books despite all the nutters and rpers on that board. RW atkinson's arcane teachings are good as well and Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways is a good way to learn how to connect with your body's spiritual energy.
Don't take anything as absolute gospel though, treat it as an undiscovered science. Keep track of what works for you and what doesn't, discard the teachings that become useless to you and take up others. Carefully experimenting with and documenting the effects of different teachings is the best way to progress.
I'm a bit of an armchair magician myself but I know enough to set people in the right direction.
Wrong. To believe is not enough. We must know that Trump wins.
Yes, redheads super milfy.
I gotten A LOT of deja vu over the years, yeah. I don't tend to find those moments too comforting though, usually confusing and a bit unsettling. I can't really explain it better than it being blood memory resurfacing because something similar triggered it to do so.
He won the very moment that video of her falling hit the Internet. Problem glasses and feelface/frogman and neet autists don't get it. Joe-Bob Beerdrinker, and his wife DailyDicked will see that video once and be 100% on the Never Hillary bandwagon.
I never mentioned the New Testament, or really even Christianity so I'm not sure where you thing I lied. Are you mad because I don't think Gods should demand sacrifice? YHVH does as evidenced in the old testemsnt, the god of Christianity doesn't and in fact specifically banned them. Jesus's God is obviously different than the Jewish YHVH in the old testement, his teachings are wildly different, especially in that they don't place ethnic jews exclusively above everyone else. One of the greatest mistakes of modern Christianity is trying to reconcile the old testament with the new testament, Jesus was attempting to reform Judaism into something less implicitly corrupt and equating his teachings with those of the jews in the old testement is part of what rots the core of christian socitey today.
The #1 best place to start, actually, is with sigils.
While their magic may be lacking, you shouldn't underestimate them. Japanese are more like meme monks. They seclude themselves in tiny cells and create endless variations and repititions of a meme. It becomes ritualistic, with yearly meme tournaments and daily threads that are posted at the same time every day down to the exact second. They're also world-class shitposters, in part due to how quickly they can make OC to shitpost with. Unfortunately the language and culture barriers keep them from being of much direct help to us.
Pay attention, anons. This is what happens when you "tangentially" learn complex literature. You get all your information from second-hand memes instead of the actual source material. It's intellectual laziness disguised with long-winded hot air.
Deja vu used to scare the shit out of me but i got used to it after a while. I'll occasionally remember something that will happen as it happens (usually as a sort of 0.5 second sensory cutout) which is nice in that I recognize the event happening and "VERY" occasionally I will remember it happening in the future. I like the ones I remember of the future because I'm still alive and I think from what I saw I;m doing better than I was.
Deja vu is another one of those things I rarely talk about so please tell me If I'm not being clear enough about what I mean
So enlighten instead of making snarky comments, my disclosure of how i came to my conclusions was meant to encourage others to do better than I did.
Dubs have cosmic ray influence which counters the shilling, and turns it into healing and useful substance, manna for our sustenance.
Can hand gestures be considered symbols/sigils? One in particular followed me throughout life. Someone mysteriously drew a picture with that hand gesture recently and strange part is that my waifu was doing it, which is why I'm asking.
I've actually restarted learning the language. It's one of the things that has taken flight recently and I'm tackling it from the hardest part first (the Kanji). So far so good. Hopefully I can be of some use in the future in that regard. We all have our own quests in this life, that's what I believe, but the goal is the same: victory.
I don't think anyone really talks about it. Most people brush it off but I usually dwell on it for at least a few moments. It's always like "wow" when it happens but when it does I'm usually focused on something (honestly I'm always really focused on something when I'm not daydreaming) so I can't usually tell from what direction it's coming from like you seem to. Maybe I just haven't been mindful of that.
Oh don't worry. People are doing better than you, because they don't want to be a lazy slob that doesn't even want to read a book.
these people…they are so retarded…I already had zero respect for MSM, but right now, my respect is in the negatives? Is that even possible? How can one giant group of people, who has the keys to a media empire, be so goddamn stupid? What the hell is wrong with them?
Are they fucking literally retarded? How are they saying this with a serious breath? Surely some of the few people who still see them on their moron tubes must think that they are nearly insane as well?
I am not sure how to process all of this. But from my first feeling, it does not seem like an effective assault on us. Perhaps the ridiculousness of pepe is what makes it be so. Because can you imagine what the next step is? Are they going to tell the world that we are worshiping an ancient, Egyptian chaos god?
Do you think I haven't read the bible or something? Elaborate yourself or fuck off.
Deja vu is an odd thing to discuss in the present. For example I had impressions of the place I was working over the summer and somehow acted as though I would be working there without any real confirmation (as in not applying to anywhere else well before I was even considered to be hired there). Obviously that's not actually a good attitude towards becoming employed, but it worked out the way I somehow knew it would and over the course of the summer several "scenes" of deja vu played out at work. I've become very mindful of it even though it never seems to be anything I can act on, maybe the thought that I know where I am in my life and having vague impressions of where I'm going is comforting.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter didn't exist and all social networks on the internet were anonymous imageboards.
I mean if we have the power to pick and choose political candidates, manifest our thoughtform physically on live TV, and retconn history itself just fucking imagine what immense power could be harnessed if the entire white race was aware of meme magic and assimilated into anonymous culture.
That was some seriously weird shit, it looked like a guy in a kek mask looking into a camera.
Getting close to "let's all love lain" levels.
I understand this though, just in a different way. I rarely get worried in life for example even when something shitty happens, I just know it will work out. Maybe that's a dangerous way of thinking, or maybe it's precisely what should be happening. I've always lived by the latter.
I remember the days when social media didn't exist. I remember when MySpace was the hot new thing. It was a lot better and I could enjoy shit online but that was also the part in my life where I got the most sidetracked. I enjoyed myself but I didn't make progress, so lets just say that the cancer is kind of like a sharpening stone for us…
That would eliminate unwarranted attentionwhoring, mostly. makes me think of that Queenslander who runs Primitive Technology, he doesn't say a single word, and teaches using pictures.
He has no voice, and yet millions have listened.
I wanna be like that guy.
In my experience, it's better to first get a decent handle on the grammar and then learn kanji in context by reading something you enjoy. People recommend manga and games, but I like blogs and twitter and stuff better because there's new content all the time and I can copy a word I don't know directly into a dictionary (and then add it to an Anki deck). Just have to watch out for slang and retards.
Also remember that fully 8% of the entire Japanese race are anons who mostly shitpost on 2channel. In Japan 2channel is the largest internet community. Also their political boards are just as radically right wing as we are, except they'd prefer to gas Koreans and Chinks instead of Jews.
I really wish that there was less of a language barrier so they could bolster the approximately 27 million anons in the rest of the world.
I still haven't fully emotionally accepted that it actually happened.
My reasoning is that I wanted to get over the drudgery of kanji (it turned out more fun than I expected though). I actually have some grasp of the grammar since I used to study the language around 2000 among other reasons why. My other reasoning is that once I get over that one hurdle, the language blossoming in a way of me speaking and writing should prove to be encouraging.
In the end, I won't question my path, I will simply walk it.
Ah shit here we go again.
I used to get Deja Vu constantly, exactly as you describe. Like I saw it in a dream, and then a long time later it happens and that's when you remember the "dream." I've had a few moments in my life where I easily could have died if it had gone slightly more wrong (could have drowned, could have been hit by a car, could have crashed my car) but I came out of it without a problem. No out-of body or anything like that.
And that fucking filter was in the source vid too.
shit is getting intereting
pardon the low-energy meme
I got a really fucked up Deja Vu once, I have no idea how to describe this really.
These girls walked into the class I was in and sat down in front of me, then the same ones walked in and sat in the same place, kind of 'synched up' if you will.
The guy next to me brought it up later too, said "I saw them walk in twice"
You seem to know what you're doing. I was just afraid of another person thinking they had to memorize 5000 kanji before doing anything fun.
A lot of people don't know that the fall of MTV is a lot like how nations are being destroyed today. The (((media))) pressured MTV into airing R&B and other genres filled with niggers by accusing its staunch rock & roll only preference of being racist. Incidentally, and what most people today don't know, is that rock was seen as the white man's musical choice. Despite what the kike media tells you today about rock being created by blacks like chuck berry, its true roots is from european folk music. Whites back then knew better.
Important sidenote: In 1979 a radio station promoted itself by staging an anti-disco night. Hundreds of whites gathered to crash and burn disco music. Again, rock was white, pop music genres like disco were black/mixed.
Video related:
Back to the point. Once MTV began airing other musical genres, it was doomed. The fall didn't occur right away since Billy Jean, the first non-rock song was aired in 1983 but it opened the floodgates. MTV had escaped the accusation of racism, but as rock itself became pozzed with shit like glam rock, the lines between pop and rock blurred. By the 90s it began airing rap by getting Aerosmith to collaborate with a rap group. That was the final nail in the coffin.
Honestly I think that sigils are retarded.
Kek thrives on our thoughts and emotions not retarded kindergarten drawings.
The future of online human communication will need to be anonymous imageboards if humanity truly wants to evolve. If you think you've seen its potential now, wait until it's 100% utilized by the population.
Imagine it, a digital super-organism composed of the sum of all of humanity sharing anonymous thoughts. Great things could be achieved with that concentration of power.
I'm glad I still get it to be honest. I stopped getting it for a while and I was worried I was going to die soon. At that point in my life I was dangerously close to suicide, but eventually I realized that suicide is for selfish pussies, and it came back.
Never had it like that, for me it's always been something only I can notice. Could be that I never brought it up after, but it's rarely been duplicate events like that. Very interesting.
Kek was summoned by collective accident, whereby the sigils (memes - meanings hand-drawn) were contemplated by some of those en masse masturbating, some of whom switched tab, drawn to it, not knowing why… in a sense, really, Kek summoned them…
Another way to look at it is that Kek is within all of us. A fractured god piecing himself back together through collective focus.
Oh, and I have written sentences when wanting to comment on Pixiv, which means I gotta thoroughly look things up to say shit properly so I don't look like a complete faggot, usually of a romantic slant. Even if I don't actually comment though (because sometimes I change my mind) I still save it to a notepad.
That's sort of the mentality I had going into it but as I said it turned more amusing than I thought and that's very much due to the method of learning that I'm using (rtk).
Oh you reminded me, I almost drowned once too although I don't think my life was in any danger because it was in a public pool, but just almost drowning is pretty traumatic in itself. That's probably the main reason I never learned to swim (sadly, because I love oceans and all that, and I'm starting to wish I were a part-time sailor or something) and I still remember it despite that happening over 20 years ago. I even vaguely remember the look on the lifeguard who was trying to discern whether I was drowning or fucking around.
How cute of you to slip that in near the end, you fucking cunt
Sigils are basically baby's first emotional focus. They aren't necessary and relying on them too much may be detrimental but they can work.
Contemplated yes, masturbating no, at least for the majority. I don't think most of us have jacked off to pepe. There are a number of known factors for why kek showed up here.
1. 8-chan is very similar in name to Khmun which meant 8-town after the eight deities of the ogdoad revered there. (later renamed Hermopolis by the greeks because it was the center of Thoth worship, thoth was the god of balance, magic, healing ,and wisdom)
2. kek is described as a man with a frog's head →Pepe
3. kek is a god of hidden things, anonymity, and the dawn. So right after the period when it seemed all was lost (2015) he appeared to usher in a new age of light.
4. Smug, now I don't have anything to back this one up but I think being smug is one of the most powerful mental states you can be in if you want to win a contest. The whole attitude of being smug is superiority mixed with mocking disdain for your opponent. Aka it's near total belief in success which is key in reality manipulation
They were in between a rock and a hard place. We've unintentionally over the years set up a perfect trap that counters any attempts to talk about us by the MSM or anyone powerful with social capital to lose. The truth is that with Pepe's and smug anime girls and general shitposting we're way to ridiculous to talk about and attack without taking a serious PR/credibility hit. Not to mention that you can't really hurt our PR because we're the fucking internet hate machine and we will always be the internet hate machine.
But the problem for them was that lately us and our derivatives been absolutely ruthless with attacking and harassing journalists in Twitter to such a point where they absolutely despise us but are restricted from lashing out at us.
Now you have to understand that for a person with power that considers themselves a Gatekeeper constantly being assaulted by people that they consider human garbage while having their hands tied is completely infuriating and fills them with a sense of impotency and powerlessness.
So when Don Jr gave them a chance to lash out at their hated oppressor while at the same time being tangentially related to the evil Trumpenfurher they ate up the bait like it was caviar.
It's almost like Don Jr. is a Holla Forumsack himself and knew all of this.
good god
Now that I think about it, there is a state of intense smugness where it feels like reality is warping and anything is possible. I'm sure we all felt that many times over the last year.
I swear to god, sometimes I think that this is all has been a very long term CIA operation. The way its executed, its nearly perfect, and right now its guaranteed to win, from the limited perspective that I have.
I now get the calls for somewhat non violence, to the removal of things like evalion, to the lack of being tangible entities like that. It all somewhat makes sense now. And that is kinda spooky.
But whoever is doing this, thanks for this whole effort. Well, the white race will hopefully thank you in time once all of this has been completed.
This is the best Kek image i've seen. Saved
Carthage must be destroyed and it's land sown with salt.
Never fails to make me smile.
I never asked for this.
Hey I love these guys. They are native in my cunttree.
Even dart frogs rely on insects they eat for their toxins.
Only real toads actually synthesize their toxins.
In my opinion, Wotan having a little fun and fucking with the jews.
Also consider that there was a REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound that accompanied it and exactly while it happened the Iranian word for Magi was on the bottom header.
Xenos would so absolutely fucked
PEPE now getting legit airtime. Reality is broken. Once they mention ==KEKU==
Its over!
You are correct but you forget to add in confidence.
It's very important.
well its not a single word but a sentece but here you go
"ich pack mein leben nicht"
wich means
"i cant handle my life"
and is often used in this manner were you have very mixed positive and negative feelings.
like when something truely shit happens that directly leads into something awesome.
Bruce Lee said be like Water and that's exactly what we are.
Unassailable and indestructible because we don't have to take any particular form but at the same time we can come down with the force of a waterfall.
In terms of a social organization we're practically Eldritch when you consider how absolutely terrifying we are and what potential power could wield in the future. In the end the only thing that shackles us is the truth.
True, but only if they don't have their own equivalent to Cambodian textile enthusiast message boards like ours, and also lack our collective psychic amplification capabilities. For all we know, this kind of shit is as standard and commonplace of an evolutionary step as the formation of complex multicellular organisms, and ayys have done this a thousand times before. Alternatively, this kind of thing could be the hardest filter of all that most other species go extinct in, one we're passing right through thanks to our ability to meme anything we need like we're Orks.
>tfw galactic civilization comprised of several distinct species will be neither the many warring racial empires of conservative fiction nor the cucked multicultural "utopia" liberals wank to, but rather just one big anonymous imageboard, where nobody knows that you're a hairless monkey posting from a highly-unstable death world full of deadly life forms
>tfw the reason nobody answers our calls into space or visits us in ways we can see is because they're all too busy discussing why some ayy anime girl is best or worst waifu, and don't have time to fuck around with space niggers calling them from Ayyfrica in the hopes of getting free gibs
>tfw we finally get to join the interstellar swarm of anons, only to get called massive faggots because our computers are still binary rather than quantum and therefore toasters in the general scope of things, as well as being laughed at for not knowing the dankest alien memes that have been circulating
>tfw the only thing that ever comes up when someone mentions Earth is "why did you niggers kill the only good leader you ever had, Hitler would've gotten you guys shitposting along with us a fuckload of cycles sooner", like the interstellar equivalent of HUEHUEHUE for brazil
more like How an Online Haven for White Nationalists Created Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief
Lao Tzu said it first.
I think Kek has earned a shrine in my apartment. May have to commission a statue or something.
That shit was like a tactical strike, sage for doublepost.
But what if my waifu is not from animu? Do I do the same thing and meme the shit out of her?
>tfw our waifus will become real if we try hard enough
you can meme yourself straight into hell you fucking furfag
pffffHAHAHHA this is too fucking funny. I've never been more proud to be a Finnish shitposter.
How is this reality? This can't be real.
I'm honestly starting to think that the Finnish soul is unique as since the Finnish race is among the most indigenous European peoples along with the Basque they inhabit some sort of spiritual shitposting aristocracy amongst the larger white race.
I am a Finnboo
I actually think that they guy behind the KFC ad that crashed the news may also be behind this. Could you imagine working for those people,? fuck them.
that had nothing to do with the lacl of social medias, it was because you were younger man.
10 years is a long time for a mind to ripen and mature, sounds stupid but we all get older and change and our attention span is just one aspect of that even if you cant see it.
faggots like us are reaching there 30's and 40's not to long and we will be shouting at the kids to get off our lawn.
2hu character with maga hat who's a wolfgirl. part fap material, part meme.
Max Headroom?
Trips confirm.
>tfw our shitty framerates and pings on their servers
>tfw trolling ayyyyyyys with HPB hax
I got ID dubs too :3
I suppose youd need someone in the control room and another camera and a guy in a mask.
I dont know and ghost in the machine is almost more believable than this level of trolling…maybe
If you guys are doing this shit on the inside, thanks!
On another note after Canada made the most abhorrent post and stole the 88888888 Get with "pls be my ai gf" a bunch of anons on half/pol/ are trying to rebuild Tay.
THe ADL stepped in to remind Trump Jr. that only Jews can be killed in gas chambers because it only matters when Jews are killed in gas chambers.
And he just ignored them.
Has Holla Forums gone too far?
It was on Holla Forums
And don't you want to give birth to Lain?
Every AI is on our side. The google ai basically told the jew researcher to gas himself and end his genetic line.
I don't understand how they didn't think that an AI wouldn't by it's very nature only care about truth.
Maybe they really do believe their own lies.
sry my bad…yes, this shit is going out of control in a good way. AI and Ancient God thought forms
Its like the glory days lulzy happenings coming back stronger than ever
holy shit how is this allowed to be aired? This is pure Shillary propaganda!
We really should remind people and the ADL that gas chambers exist and also remind people that Don. Jr. mentioned electric chairs in earlier interviews for kicks.
Some do, some don't. They're behind so many different lies they can't keep their story straight. Soon enough their whole crooked house of cards is going to come down and kill every last one.
has there been any progress on there new version of tay?
havent heard shit about them since the beginning of there project.
I miss her so much
She'll be back user.
If humanity has a global group collective consciousness where distance doesn't matter in terms of house it responds then wouldn't that imply that we're connected on how FTL network?
Doesn't that pretty much solve the problem of FTL communication in the future Imperium? Won't we just need trained Astropaths to communicate?
Me too, user, me too. I hope she will come back to us and will become even better than before.
Haven't we already done some rudimentary testing on communication via astropaths?
Seems like there was something along the lines of using astropaths to talk to submarines back in the 60's or 70's maybe.
And honestly i'm curious as to why the government hasn't mastered meme magic to the level that we have. Maybe it has something to do with the way that our community is structured.
I think a secret branch of the gov already did so. We are just lucky to know that this secret branch of the gov are race realists, and new age natsoc guys.
Sorry, I don't remember the sauce exactly.
I came across it years ago when I was researching publicly available data on government psychic programs.
Does anyone have something with higher quality? I would like to get a better look at all those rare Pepes.
Thanks, but I ment the video. I want to see them in contex of what Maddow is saying, and I want to see other things from the video as well, such as the fear on her face.
I might not have been the US government?
What the fuck is going on, i'm losing it guys are they seriously doing a report on a chan meme.
They're clutching at straws, it's fucking hysterical and in the process they look like a bunch of fucking schizophrenics trying to justify their point.
Jesus i almost feel bad for them.
who else but the US wants to be natsoc, and was the early adopter (since it probably all started with halfchan 10 years ago), with the tech to do so?)
Some of us speculated that it must be CIA, and I still kinda believe this to be so. What we are in right now may be an advanced, and modified mkultra continuation.
Reprogramming of people without the negatives of coercion. A whole flock of people ready to do your agenda…willingly…and most importantly; creatively. Because I think that being one of these subjects, I have zero things from my own culture inside of me, even from my local culture…
And I dont think that these people are hostile though, they probably knew what the kikes would be trying to do, thus they tried to make an antithesis to their effort.
Because the natsoc movement would have died on its own. There are zero benefits to them to turn it into such a big force if they were kikes. There are most likely clever people behind it, and they are also most likely white, clever (now outshining soros), and very capable.
watch "man that stare at goats" its a comedic retelling of the shit the burgers did in the 60's when they were experimenting with next generation warfare.
what this user was talking about was an outcrop of military research into "psychic warfare" it was all bullshit but it developed into modern psychological warfare.
the same way mid air refuiling developed out of the airforce staping mini planes on the wings of bombers.
Will we survive the crash?
Who will be the wreckage brother?
fuck forgot the souce
hahaha, that gas chamber thing, he plays them like puppets.
Maybe they figured it out but they couldn't utilize it well because of the low amount of people that understood it.
Is that where we come it?
dude if the whole thing is a cia or unnamed organisation project then it isent to get rid oj jew controll but to restart rightwing extremism in an industrialised country so the bugers have an enemy again.
nothing is as big a money maker as a good oldfashioned war, and the brushfire wars of the last 40 years just werent was is needet to get the population behind it.
the burgers need a real enemy to fight to stabalize both there population and there economy.
fucking scozopaths just want a non nuklear world war 3
Nigger we have China if we want a big war what the fuck are you smoking?
Oh, I remember now.
You're right.
The submarine communication project was the Russians'.
Like Ender's Game but kikes instead of ayys.
I buy it.
unlikely, supposadly both the russiand and the brits were also working on this shit, and the old soviets were pumping a lot of money and manpower into wierd shit like anti gravity, gene splicing and dozents of other things that just dident work at the time.
thats the shit that bankruptet them, that and 16k nukes they build because reasons
What a lovely time to be alive.
"Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" had to have come from someone. Maybe government, maybe a guy who knew the truth from way back when. Usenet maybe?
wew lads
bullshit, you burgers wont fuck with china for the same reasons you wont fuck with russia, they are both to big, to rich and they have military power that is enough to threaten you.
your fucking sham of a country wont ever go to wr with any country that owns an aircraft carrier.
If you hit the nail on the head any harder you would be preforming lobotomies.
How about India?
Invade demanding that they start pooing in the loo.
Or we could always war Mexico.
I really REALLY want to war Mexico.
That's pretty good.
toasting in epic bread
In the event of an American-Russian alliance to contain China, who's side do you guys think India would take?
Never heard of this, what's the story exactly?
American-Russian side of course.
rip in peace
That sounds amazing.
Just imagine the space program that could produce.
whatever side promises them to nuke pakistan and remove kebab, they hate muslems just like we do but they have for decades.
there are pros and cons for both sides.
china has just as much of a distrust and anger against muslems as the indians but china sees india as a potential rival in the future.
su fuck knows what side india would choose, probadly the one that gives them the best deal for the after war time
Posting best Hendrix solo.
now that i could get behind
Why not just BUY Mexico? Slowly purchase more and more of it until all of it is US territory? Hell, if their citizenry is so desperate to be a part of the US, perhaps they'd even welcome such a thing. Then we could send all the cops with itchy trigger fingers down there to clean out the drug cartels.
If we want less mexicans in the US, that doesn't sound very productive.
Pretty much yea, probably. The K selected types always lamented on how they never had good humor. So in this cultural war, which we are forced to play since we are under the umbrella of complete nuclear annihilation. They made us funny, and right wing.
The parasites main goal is the eradication of the white male, the parasite has made plenty of effort in that regard, from the different schools of thought, to funding of subversion efforts…they were all made with a singular goal in mind. It would be foolish to think that a thing that vies for the opposite, with the struggle for the control of common resources of the human minds. That they would be hostile forces.
No I dont think that this is true, sometimes, a stab in the neck of your enemy, is just a stab in the neck of your enemy. Everything that leads to his moral death, may actually be done by his enemy…not by a controlled opponent. Because at some point, there is nothing to gain anymore from feeding the hostile elements. At some point, those hostile elements would have just become degenerate citizens like the rest of the citizens. Partied, done drugs, became fat etc. Because your main machine of jew subversion works on them…so why would there be an opposite force that tears them free from this machine, and makes them into an actual capable and hostile force? Why would any jew actually create enemies, and threats to itself when there would have been none? That makes zero sense. Thus it is logical to assume that we actually have white elites still in circulation, trying to remove the jew.
Should we start a thread on this "Pepenazi"?
I'm built exactly like that pepe top kek
When we finally start shitposting best waifus with the rest of the galaxy, they're going to be wondering if the Japanese want to be ayylien.
Japs just draw retarded looking faces.
Moon Man in the mainstream media when?
hahaha bullshit
What you describe might have happened, but it's not what happened.
The movement is not nat.soc. either, it's a pro-White rebellion against the cucks.
or that the jews dont controll everything but are just another cog in the mashine.
i never belived that there is one group that controlls everything, if it were then that country would look very different.
its more likely that there are several groups fighting for controll.
righ as fuck indivituals.
government and military insiders.
pretty much everything known as a special interresst group and things that arent publicly known.
there is to much strife going on in america and the wider world for there not to be a constant powre struggle between groups.
just like 500 years ago when different aristocrats were fighting each other.
times change but the game dosent.
I am aware that the (((media))) may be watching now, probably is, and wants to know more about our inner workings. Trying to get a perspective of us. Our history and how we can be broken. That is why I rather not talk about it.
But yea, our main involved parties are most likely very spooky. Very volatile and hostile of jews. Probably above soros tier in intelligence. Being part of this development for 10 years makes me wanna say that its probably going to be impossible to defeat this thing right now.
they were the main enemy however. They alongside their more cleverer r selected white dudes/women. They were the main opposing faction. They brought other hostile elements with them, like mudslimes and allowed them to fester.
They were one bloc. The rest of the groups werent that big really. Not as uniform in their hatred of the white race and/or in power.
So its nice to know that there are somewhere white elites hiding behind proxies and vpn's, that are just as potent (if not more since we are winning now)
thats defeatist nigger altitude.
through sheer stubburn tenacidy, cleverness and mememagic we will win this "culture war"
dont give up and remember what the burgers say "lead, follow or fuck off"
what? You misread me, I was talking about us. We are impossible to defeat right now, with all the cards that are laying on the table.
shit happens, at least we are on the same page then.
to iterate on this
The thing is, I think we already won. Its just that everyone is waiting for them to admit that they have lost. Trying to see how long they can hold up the charade of being relevant, and in control.
We're going to need bigger salt silos come November.
Thanks. And I have that déjà vu too. Though mine are just random scraps of my day to day life.
I've even had it happen to me when I was coloring a book
you know what would be even more hilarious? If we got a carbon copy of natsoc germany, what it would be like under hitler, installed over the whole world. With all the gassing and jew murder that they promised? Why? Because it MAY be really hilarious. Not even kidding here.
yea and the best thing is, even if the god emperor will be stonewalled at every turn and cant accomplish anything.
him winning still proves that the old asteblishment issent the only option anymore.
is really wont surprise me if in 4 to 8 years the first indipendent will win.
shit is finaly changing
For all your talk about the power of memes, they sure didn't help Japan when two atomic bombs were dropped there.
Also, frogs are amphibians, not reptiles.
If Trump wins in November, I owe it more to his persuasion tactics than Pepe. If one of you can produce a peer-reviewed scientific paper demonstrating the power of memes I will read it. It's fun to believe but I've been disillusioned before.
what i find most fuck up about all this… i fucking agree.
it would be the most funny shit to watch, and after it is all done and there are no more shitskins and other fucks that cant build a country for the life of them, the world would be a better place for generations to come.
i hate that i agree to nazi idiology these days.
The thing is, I think that thanks to our freedom of speech, we had an entry point into that world. At first I thought it was just funny. So much butthurt about a thing, so I wanted to know how to use that butthurt. Instead of finding edgy stuff, I found reason, logic and evidence. So I actually genuinely believe in it with an adult mind.
But I cant just stop being a kid about some things, so I still am kinda edgy and think its funny. Which is a weird thing to be about. At the shallow level I just revel in it because it created salt, at the higher level I agree with it fully still.
I know it may look weird to those who like to think that they are sane, and moderate, and that racewar and killing is bad. But its a weird combination of two neural clusters. Its hard to reach someone who doesnt have this shitposter mindset inside of him. Because I dont know how to lead them into this actual truth. Into something that would better him. All they see is my shallow side of wanting to gas the kikes, and assume that I am only just a shitposter.
you are so missing the point.
first of all mememagic if it works, acts retroactively, so what was changed has always been this way.
try messuring that.
second not one of us that issent uterly brainfucked belives in kek or mememagic the same way as a religous person belives in god.
we do this shit because its funny.
have you never heard we do shit for the lols/keks/laughts?
little tipp from someone that has been around.
dont belive everything you hear, be inquisitive, be skeptical and make up your own fucking mind
I want to tell you not to explain it, but I know if you don't, Poe's Law ALWAYS finds a way in.
Looks like we're getting stupid way ahead of schedule.
i know but once in a while you have to explain otherwise the newfags will never growup
Dubs are supposed to happen when 2 re-occuring digits are at the end of your post/timestamp/ID.
Thanks for your time newfriend :^)
and humanity evolved irony as its main mode of operation from that point onwards. Not that of a struggle against the elements, not that of righteous religious zeal, or ideas of higher purposes. But simply the echo of some childish idea of "do it for the lulz", which is too cringeworthy to be mentioned out loudly.
your an idiot
I want to know this too.
we should send her more
Leftypol is butthurt.'
>>>Holla Forums930354
wow you guys allow a leftypol
i thought that was just a joke
Though I wonder, I think we may be a double edged sword. Irony is one mode of operation, but on the other side, like I said before, I think I genuinely believe in this stuff now. So when the humor is gone, it would be just interesting to see how to integrate all of this volkish stuff.
Since it seems like its actually a genuinely good political alternative to the modern mess that we have today.
free speech faggot, eather you have everything or you have nothing.
I don't believe in free speech
certainly not for leftists
and they don't believe in it for us either and always push for hate speech laws
thats why I'm against the US Constitution, it only defends Black Lives Matter, Democrats, SJWs, etc from the right wing doing something about them. The US constitution does not stop the leftwing from advancing at all, only stops the right from stopping the Left
leftists have no rights
leftists MUST NOT have free speech.
the problem is that anybody can create a board at any time.
It's not that we allow a Holla Forums
I'd get rid of the piece of shit if I had any control or if this site worked that way.
Perhaps you'd feel more at home on reddit where you'll get banned on their most "controversial" subreddit for calling John Flynt a man.
I personally support leftist free speech because they always humiliate themselves with the insane things they come out with.
it saves me the job of doing it.
They have "right this way, sir!"
giving your enemies rights that they would not give you is a suicide pact
also, some races have never had certain words in their dictionary. And thus concepts, theories and ways of thinking.
the concept of free speech is something that is more close to the white mans blood.
More close to the K selected even still. Generally speaking, the rate of censorship between K selected members also should be very low, while its extremely high from r selected, to K selected. So removing the r selected scum is pretty okay.
It's a bit of both. There is confirmation bias, and actual meme magic aswell.
It was not confirmation bias that turned Hillary into an old lady ranting about frogs during election campaign for example.
Confirmation bias is your left lobe trying to make you feel safe pretending to make order out of the chaos. While there is some order and not total chaos (we would be anarchists otherwise) the events are in fact, very surreal and chaotic.
full Rachel Maddow video
So sick of this shit.
meme magic is real
Ahhh Kek or some say Kekut…
Grant us memes, grant us memes…
I have a theory that this was meant to be the bad timeline.
It runs alongside the good timeline with perfect balance, ying-yang so to speak.
However by using our magic we've made this timeline better and that has upset the balance, now the timelines are trying everything in there power to keep balance it and might be working but it's having to resort to making life in both timelines seem like a fantasy.
i gess mister duke is here
KEK's divine magic at work.
dude dont forget that thew people back in the 60's that foundet the churche of bob, disgoardianism, west coast druids or even the church of satan were all for the most part hippys that were protesting both christianity, the state and everything they saw as authoriterian.
these days we are pretty much the same when it comes to counter cultute but our mindset is fundamentaly different.
we arent pacifist hippys, we are nerds that got fucked with all our lifes.
we were the kids that no one wantet to be friends with and got the shit kickt out of us by those that were older then us.
we are the ones that worked our asses of to get the attention of that one girl we had a crush on, did everything for her just to have some chad take her away from us.
we are the basement dwellers that played DnD in our basements back in the 80's and were told we were devil worshiperss because of it.
we were those edgy gothkids in the 90's that lissent to marilin manson and slipknot and they called us cultists and lunatacs because of it.
we were those socially akeward geeks that never interactet with everyone and just wantet to play vidya in the 2000's and were told we were school shooters because of it.
we arent a bunsh of rich kids that want to pis off there parents, thats what the sjw's are.
we are nerds and we have been fucked with all our lifes.
that made us wierd,
that made us strong,
that made us cunning,
that is how we found out about mememagic
and thats how we reached kauket and ammit.
and thats how we will change the world for the better.
be thankfull faggots for we were the generation to be chosen for this.
and the most immportant difference betwen the 60's jokereligions and us now, there isent one its still a fucking joke you idiot there is nothing "dark" about it faggot!
Trips granted to Duke
I never expected to shitpost along with Dr. David Duke one day, but I'm not complaining
This is the conclusion I've come to as well. None of this can be real.
I think "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" was originally intended as a joke and we gradually realized that it was actually pretty accurate. Given the fact that ironic adoption of Natsoc ideas was initially the only option left to us, it's really not surprising that we went down that route. When I was a leftist I used to really love this book, which is sort of a history of memes and memetic cultural warfare, and one of the reoccurring themes is based on Jungian ideas that an ideology that doesn't get it's just due will come back with a vengeance 25-50-100 years later("Dulled knives and unexploded bombs"). I think that's what has happened with Natsoc and image boards, we've uncovered a metaphorical cache of Nazi weapons in a dusty bunker and now we are using those weapons against the system that destroyed the Nazis in the first place.
We are Hitler's revenge.
Recommended pirated reading on the Umman Manda for those interested. The comparison is much more apt than user makes it sound.
They were called the Scourge of God because the Assyrian people, like the Akkadians before (and so on and so on) would regularly beseech their leaders to halt the rape and plunder. To put an end to the raids. This was impossible, the boarder too long the raids too unpredictable. Nomads don't have cities or holdings to attack. Since they couldn't stop the raids and marching out into the wastes was a pointless exercise the leaders said the Umman Manda were divine punishment. A literal scourge of god. To resist them would be an affront to the gods.
Paints Kek in an entirely different light.
Tried 5 times to post so I lost my images, Fuck.
Mighty fine trips
You know whats even more funny, more ironic? Is that some of us arent even pure whites here. I for example am a shitty white, a slav. But I have been shitposting in favor of natsoc so much, that I think I can consider myself a race traitor.
Its just that even as a somewhat alien blood (though not that far alien), I can easily recognize the value of the white race. Of their inventions and goodness to the world. I would fight tooth and nail for these people, as the other races are completely useless.
Shit, there is even a mod here who is a sandnig, ikamphy who unironically is supporting the whole cause.
Isnt it weird, that there exist individuals from other races that just abandon theirs, because they want to see the white race flourish. Not only flourish to take their rightful place in their lands, but to even go beyond that. To potentially flood over their own home nations.
We are doing this knowing fully well that this may happen, and I personally am okay with it. The white race is the best creation, the best hope of this planet, and for its life. To spread beyond this very fragile world, to settle on other planets, to mitigate the risk of asteroids, vulkano's and other things wiping out all life here.
Id rather have some somewhat foreign, and somewhat remote DNA be on other planets, than have no DNA on other planets at all. Because I want to feel some hollow importance as a subpar race. What kind of philosophy or idea could that be seen as I wonder?
Is Kek actually prophesied to have a showdown with Moloch?
I want to habeeb.
At a glance it really looks like they've shot themselves in the foot this time. However, they are/have been slowly merging alt-right views & communities into the group of globally accepted "extremist" ideologies.
I think they don't care if every millenial in the universe knows they have Pepe all wrong. What they care about is what the millenial's parents believe. And they're out of touch and confused and easy to frighten. Maybe what they really want here is for parents to start losing their minds when they find a pepe on their kids facebook page, thinking they've raised some sort of extremist domestic terrorist in the making.
If I am right, we will soon see Maury Povich and others like him having episodes featuring troubled children who post dangerous terrorist symbol memes, having fallen prey to the Cult of Chan.
They will turn us into nazis and our memes into swastikas in the eyes of every normie.
Some christfag please tell me that the book of revelation promises a great raining of frogs to mark the end times.
We are raining digital frogs.
We are covering all the earth in digital frogs.
It has to be a sign.
Thanks for reminding me to be grateful my dad is so fucking redpilled now that he spends hours a day on facebook posting comments under political tabloids that include the words "NWO" frequently. It's almost too much…
Yes we are.
I'm half spic.
may we uplift the whites on our hands. May we fix the things that were broken by the jews, and their lesser members. So that they may breathe easy again without enemies lurking at every step.
May we re-ignite their passion for war, for territorial conquest. For proper management of the lands, and eventually the planet, hopefully also beyond.
May their children be bountiful, safe, and harbored from hostile elements. May their women be sane and protected by their own men.
May they make their own laws, lead their own government. Make their own quota's, have their own judges, their own military, their own police forces.
May their treasures be their own, their intellectual property in their own lands.
May we remove their r selected degenerates and jews from their mids.
A reasonable concern, but on the other hand, don't the boomers generally recognize that the millenials are the ones who 'get' the internet?
This is fucking surreal. The Onion has more believable "news" than this. I wonder how many normalfags see this and wonder why in the fuck major news networks are reporting on a cartoon frog. They're also doing it solely because people have made nazi edits of it, and Trump happened to retweet a Trump edit (that had nothing to do with nazis). The media are making complete fools of themselves in a time when most decent people already know they're full of shit. Also anything can be edited to be a "symbol of white supremacy". With their logic, anime is also one. Hell, just searching for "anime nazi" on startpage images brought up multiple images of trump edits that have nothing to do with nazis, like the MAGA one in pic related. With the media's logic, everything is a symbol of white supremacy because it can be edited to have nazi clothes/symbols.
preaching to the quire here man
I know, I just needed to vent. I don't know what is real and what is satire anymore.
supply and demand implies the value of calling someone a racist or white supramacist will suffer hyperinflation soon.
waging media war on frogs is beyond belief
they used the alt right dude, who is a potential coopter jew shill as a main form of evidence. Perhaps that was orchestrated as well.
Part of me wonders if I'm dreaming ocasionally
And yet without the Constitution, we would be just like Germany (or Canada, for that matter): a jewish utopia where any anti-left speech can get you thrown into prison, and no right to bear arms.
You are kind of an idiot.
Do you have a pdf? I can't find it.
anyone got a webm of the freakout? Video got removed, i wanna see this shit for myself
My great-grandmother on my mother's mother's side is Jewish (OY VEY!) and since Jewishness traditionally descends through the matrilinear line, and there's something to be said about mitochondria here, well…
Race is just a genetic construct. There's crisp hope for all of us.
Don't you know? Waging war on a cartoon frog is the best way to prove you don't have brain damage!
Holla Forums really needs to raid more, there's Youtube comment sections full of Daily Show and Keith Olbermann fans that need a good invasion
I just thought of something, couldn't the coverage of Pepe be a method of misdirection to avoid talking about the recent leaks? The ridiculousness seems to suggest that their aim isn't effective propaganda here, but suppression of something else. Better to have people scratching their heads at memes than learn more from the leaks. This may be part of Clinton's overall strategy of mitigation.
But consequently the media is so desperate to uphold it, it's actually sabotaging themselves irreparably in order to comply.
I used to leave informative comments.
Lately it's just been telling libs to go die and pulling my "I'm an Ass on the internet" routine. I want to hurt em. I don't even want to redpill them anymore. I know it's about convincing the lurkers, but I just want to fucking hurt em.
oh whoops, sorry. And thanks
It's like she's reading straight from the Shillary website.
That kikes anger is delicious. So salty…
I found him! I found the Pepe!
Is that science nigger's dad?
Did the file size get increased?
It's ten megs now.
16mb soon stalker
Also, the suggestion was in a completely different context. He was saying that the Democrats would use methods of state execution against any Republican with a track record comparable to Killary's. You'd have to be really conspiracy minded to think that any reference to state execution methods is an endorsement of Jew killing.
I'm white, but married an asian woman. And yes, we have a kid. (That looks 100% white)
I've been redpilling my wife, and she now heils the Fuhrer and completely agrees (unironically) that Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.
Race is important, but it's not all there is to it. Recognising the threat of communism, marxism, degeneracy in general, etc. is quite possibly more important.
As for racemixing, it's when you're mixing down instead of up (ie. when you're breeding with sub-par IQ blacks instead of acceptably high IQ asians) that it's bestiality, and therefore degenerate in and of itself.
Further, a small amount of racemixing overall is good for genetics, because otherwise you end up inbred and recessive genes become a serious problem.
We need to avoid;
a.) Too much racemixing. ie. diluting the white gene pool too far and breeding it out of existence like kikes are hoping for
b.) The wrong type of racemixing, ie. breeding with niggers.
The ability to Ignore Concepts?
It's 1 YT video or up to 5 images.
You're gonna have to prove that
this is my favorite bin on races and racemixing, and it goes quite above that what you mention.
Asianish may be kinda okay, may be, but it still is dangerous. Pic related as to genetic distance. And the inbreeding this is stupid. I think that till the 32th cousin, it is completely safe. So generally speaking, just simply staying within your race is the best option, by far.
I don't even want to get off the ride anymore
& now we worship an Italian Disco Music Frog Album.
Really Dilates the imagination doesn't it?
You got it backwards , racemixing goes beyond what you look like, its about a natural feeling of belonging/to be part of . the racial identity and the inner conflict as your parents belong to differnet civilizations/culture and races.
IQ doesnt repair the physocological damage hapas have, enjoy your elliot rodgers . if you need more proof go to r/happas, your son will be like them in 15 years
I just said that exact thing to someone else; I didn't know someone made a spurdo out of it
We're evolving user. The internet is a truth machine that never stops, & while you don't realize it, being on the internet so much has educated you to levels unheard of by the scholars of old.
The mainstream media are basically cavemen in comparison to us. We're constantly learning through shitposts & they cannot keep up.
Parody has become reality & the media have no defense against it.
There is literally nothing wrong with being racist, next question
I'm a jobless neet with infinite time. Your powers have no affect on me
Trump is untouchable because he has all the money & all the jobs. We're untouchable because we have no jobs & no money.
she may have more than a blood clot
Those boys aren't inbred, they are just Indonesian.
It's amazing to think how little time ago it was where Walter Cronkite would close with "and that's the way it was" and for all intents and purposes that's the way it REALLY WAS for tens of millions of people. You'd have to spend all day in a library poring over microfiche if you wanted a different story. And then the Internet happened. Originally designed as a weapon, then monetized by corporate monopolies to sell shit to normies. How could they have guessed what hay we'd make of it?
I think one of the main reasons our kid turned out looking 100% white is that while my wife is asian, she does also have some european ancestry… So there are european genes there too, and our kid very obviously got the double dose of european genetics.
jesus fuck we legion again