Holla Forums has probably already talked about this but I just got the news:
What the shit? Trump stiffed some girls?
Holla Forums has probably already talked about this but I just got the news:
What the shit? Trump stiffed some girls?
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Sounds like a planted Shillary story to me.
His version of events is probably accurate, but he didn't do himself any favors by not getting the agreement in writing.
Seems weird that nobody could scrounge up a folding table at some convention center, though.
I'm sure if the Clintons can run a slush fund, and have whistleblowers killed off, then its not really much of a stretch to have them go looking for people who just want to make a quick buck on the side as long as they say Trump didn't pay them, Trump raped me 16 yrs ago but only now I thought it would be a good time to speak. Trump once stole candy from my baby.
sage for old news. This is from months ago
That's the question here.
This is far from the first case of a small business owner getting stiffed by Trump.
What was said?
Quite frankly this guy is a pedo. Let's face it, the only people who didn't find that display to be weird and uncomfortable were sick freaks.
I'm glad Trump isn't giving him any money. It's probably a DNC trap.
This fag got paid by Cunton to suddenly pull this story out, makes no sense he would wait until the left was in desperate need for dirt of Trump by (((pure coincidence)))
I dunno know, anons. Why wouldn't you get anything thing in writing or in the form of email? I mean shit, it's the current year. Another thing o don't get is why he would expect payment in the first place for an event like this. He reached out to the campaign and offered to perform at a price? Trump supporters are well known to do it all for free. Not to mention that the girls likely got some sales after the event because the song was a hit and talked about for a solid week after the event.
I dunno. If Trump really did screw over these girls I'd want him to make amends but something just doesn't add up for me.
Trumps a jewish buisnessman doing what jews do
You're the pedo pal. That performance was one of the greatest things to come out of the primary campaign.
Probably took Brock up on his offer.
It, like all child pageantry, was bizarre and unnecessary.
So it's that assblasted faggot
Worse than even israel today or bbc.
ANYTHING being posted from washingtonpost is written by the enemy. Even if it's a fucking cake recipe.
He also raped my goldfish when I was in Elementary school. Shockingly my goldfish went on to become a billionaire and make aquariums great again.
It wasn't pageantry though. It was 3 little girls cheer leading for Trump. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you? It was leftist click bait trash that ran the pedo angle non stop after the event, are you leftist trash, repressing your kiddy diddling tendencies?
You're a funny guy.
Seems like it.
Sorry, but not everyone looks at a kids and thinks about fucking them.
Don don't pay for strange
They did this in 92.
(although he isn't jewish but just outjewing them)
Who is this (((Popick))) anyway?
I remembered when it happened. Half of Holla Forums was raving about "loli" and the other half was left wondering what the fuck Trump was thinking.
For you.
Reminder that George Lucas only asked for a tiny cut from Star Wars ticket sales, he just wanted the exclusive licensing for action figures and stuff.
He made hundreds of millions. Obviously the manager of those little girls is just an idiot and didn't know how to run a preteen dance group much less a business.
I've heard the song a few times before without context. Always assumed it was an ironic parody. I really would not be surprised if this was a plant from the start.
Mods, why was this thread bumplocked?