Congrats, Holla Forums!
You lost 100 active users in the last 24 hours!
Congrats, Holla Forums!
so 2 of the 8 or so actual posters left, and several spammers and their vpn's took a couple days off.
First of all, if you're going to make that comparison you should have a screenshot of yesterday's numbers. Secondly, it's a weekday and most of burgerland is still at work.
Thirdly and most important however, is that you are a massive faggot. Never forget it.
Why so defensive and butthurt?
It doesn't change the facts, and it doesn't put you in charge of fairness standards.
It seemed dead yesterday at this time, so I checked the stats. I didn't cap it because I don't go around capping everything I look at, but I did note the number of actives was nearly 900 because that is what I went there to look at. This morning it seemed even deader, and I did the same thing, only this time I capped it because losing 100 AUs in a day when you have that few to begin with is a pretty big deal.
I am sorry if you are reading any more into it than that, but I am only responsible for what I say, not what you interpret it to mean.
Yes, I said it with some sarcasm. That is just who I am.
Why do you even care at this point?
The board is obviously in full collapse, and has been for months. This was an eventuality and you have known it the whole time just like everyone else. And yes, it is sad. But again, that doesn't change the facts.
lol didn't read
tbh, hes shitposting because he can the board will always have less traffic at this time
Mostly because of the obnoxious gif in the background
Newfaggot go back to cuckchan
You're too dumb to even be called a pajeet
When there is almost no activity they will use their resources elsewhere.
I've seen it before, is it a new freech meme?
It's Sam "pullin the trigger on every nigger" Hyde
4 hours later….
pic related
Welcome to endchan v.2
Good. The spamming was to get rid of normalfags