Why is every day like this?
It's really hard to pick the right clothes where you don't sweat and don't get your nose sore later on. Actually, it's impossible. I'm forced to bring 2 other sets of clothes in my backpack and sometimes I still fuck it up.
7:30 am
Who wears clothes these days? That's SO 2016!
go figure
Is it female clothes?
Have you tried not being a pussy ?
Interesting question coming from French guy.
Works for me, pussy boy.
You can wear warm pantyhose and a skirt and in the evening undress pantyhose and put them in you bag .
Stop it!
I'm not a fag.
It's not gay to be a girl
Yes it is, if you have a penis.
No, it's ok
big if true
Are you saying it's not okay to be gay?
If you dress up as a woman but you take your clothes off and have a penis and have sex with another man with a penis is it gay?
question of the century
But you shouldn't take off stockings. Also if you're cute then not gay
guy on guy sex is only gay if there is kissing involved
Stockings are inharintly gay
*When it's on something that has a penis
are you an actual retard?
just wear thick jacket w/ light shirt
wear a scarf if you a fag