Why aren't you BTFOing a shitskin RIGHT NOW, Holla Forums?
Omegle raid thread tbh fam
Why aren't you BTFOing a shitskin RIGHT NOW, Holla Forums?
Omegle raid thread tbh fam
Why don't we start convincing more shitskins to be gay? It's like the most legal way of killing them.
Why bother? Europe is already conquered.
I was just trying to convince the dude to stay in Kurdistan and marry one of his own kind instead of moving to Germany, but I like your idea better.
Europe is down, but not out. We still have fight in us. Don't forget the Mongol invasion and how that went.
Why are you promoting shitskins to breed? Tell him to fuck everything that walks, rape it if he has to. Subvert their shit the fuck up.
Fuck shitskins.
Well by the time you pussified eurocucks finally start fighting back you'll already be surrounded. Some of you may have some fight left in you, but by the time you start fighting it'll already be over.
Enjoy oblivion eurocucks, leftism has destroyed your country, culture, and your people.
Alright, Schlomo. Will do.
Leftism is a cancer, but implying that countries that are still >90% white are lost while your 60% white countries somehow aren't is just downright delusional. We still have fight in us. As do you. Stop talking so much shit to your fellow whites and do your best to help your country.
I'm from The South, I don't give a shit what happens to eurocucks. If you fags are worthy of survival you'll fight back and win. If not, oblivion awaits.
Don't worry though, once Europe is overrung by shitskins we'll just nuke all of Europe + Middle East to take care of the problem for ourselves.
lol 50%
Full chat
You both should stop D&Cing so much. We're all in this together. We're all overrun by the absolute cancer that is leftism and faggot shitskins.
It lives in Turkistan. Did you even read the image?
Im not going to stop responding to the americuckold living in a 60% mudblood country calling others cuckolds
To be honest indeed, my family… To be honest indeed.
Did you even read the chat? The dude's considering moving to Germany. While I'd rather they just kill themselves off, I'm not Jewish enough to convince him at this time. And while I'm not German, I'd rather not see any of my German brothers overrun by shitskins. Call it white pathological altruism if you will, but that's how I feel.
The US is fucked, and shouldn't be talking so much shit, and I admire you for standing up for yourself and your people, but I would rather this simply be a non-issue in the first place. We shouldn't be fighting each other when we could be spending that time lynching jews.
This. We have a fucking job to do.
Sorry fam. I was just trying to get around the 75 character limit without spamming 75.
Lots and lots of towns are still completely white here in Western Europe, its mostly the biggest cities, those the most well-known, that are slowly being taken over.
It was amazing for me to spend a whole day at a local town market and see 98% white, with about 80% of those pure blonde hair, blue and green eyes. I felt what I now can describe as volkish strength and feeling part of a people.
Of course, then i had to go back to one of the medium sized cities that have some growing trouble with diversity.
VPNs are banned, that's why
I honestly didn't know. Omegle has been getting more and more Jewish over the years, and the last good update they did was adding question mode. It's been going downhill since.
Still, though, it's a good breeding ground for redpills for normalfags.
I feel your pain, my dude. My 20k inhabitants hometown has been getting more and more shitskinned; taking in more shitskins than natural population growth. Also, Oslo is fucking disgusting at this time. Sad stuff.
the same can be said for you burgers 60% you are worse off then europe
im only sorry the union army didnt burn more of your cities and rape more of your women in the war
lurk moar jooger
I'm finding it difficult to get someone to hold a conversation for more than a few minutes. Some serious bluepills on there.
Just gotta keep trying, my dude. You'll have to wade through a sea of shit to get there, but sometimes you can get some really good conversations.
I wish I was still living early 2000s too…
you mean when they only left after destroying several European armies because of an internal power struggle over who would be the next Khan?
Fucking lazy Holla Forums, fucking lazy.
I mean how we survived that just fine and prospered after. We're still Europeans.
It was late, ok
When are you going to use them, cowboy coward?
I enjoyed the chat, but
Kurds are an Iranian people btw
Islamic golden age was the leftovers of the conquered Roman Levant and Egypt propping up those desert camelfuckers to civilization for a couple hundred years untill the place became majority muslim and went to total shit of infinite wars.
Pick one.
Yeah, but Xerxes pretty much acted like a demi-tranny faggot here, so it's okay to gas him.
Geographically, the center of the Islamic Golden age was Baghdad, however most key figures (save for a few) were either Iranian or Spanish
Major Figures in:
Al-Farabi - Persian
Avicenna - Persian
Al-Kindi - Arab (although born in Modern day Basra, near the Iran-Iraq border)
Averroes - Spanish
Al-Ghazali - Persian
Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī - Persian
Ibn Muʿādh al-Jayyānī - Spanish
Ibn al-Haytham - Arab (again, born in Basra)
Also made contributions to astronomy
Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi - Persian
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi - Persian
Al-Jahiz - Arab (again, born in Basra)
Ibn Khaldun - Tunisian (also sociology)
Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi - Persian
Ferdowsi (he lived during the Islamic golden age, although he didn't contribute to Islamic culture, only Persian culture) - Persian
Rumi - Persian
Depends on how you define white. Iranians today have a ~20% combined R1a and R1b population while ~30% is J. When it comes to autosomal DNA, Iranians seem to be 68.82% Near Eastern (I think this corresponds with the Neolithic Farmers) and 19.61% ANE (Indo-european), although the sample size is small (n=17). Here's the source: docs.google.com
The majority of the population wouldn't be considered white today, however both the original genetics and culture that conquered Iran were an offshoot of the Indo-europeans.
If you want to know more about the cultural influences on the greater west, here's an essay by Jason Reza Jorjani: righton.net
also here: archive.fo
As for the Persian ethos, Rosenberg talks a bit about Persians in The Myth of the Twentieth Century.
t. Persian
As long as you are aware that the real-life Xerxes was universally describes by contemporaries as being of very high character and in posession of great virtues. "300" was cool, but partially influenced by Anti-Iranian bias. I suppose I don't have to explain the geopolitical background to that.