If you knew gaming you'd realise gamergate was a response to something that has been building up since at least 2011, and no, it isn't "muh women stealing muh vidya" as you't love to believe.
It was almost the entire industry shitting on its customers on multiple occasions and never getting any flak from what was considered the official press.
Do you remember the DmC fiasco? Tameem was a "cis white hetero male" and yet he was getting insane amounts of hate, and for good reasons. he was directing an unneeded reboot for a very much beloved franchise, none of the fans were having any of it. Yet the "press" called the gamers entitled for protesting. The game ended up being a dumbed down piece of shit and selling less than expected. This was part of the buildup to gamergate and gess what, no women were involved.
Do you remember the Mass Effect 3 finale? The three promised "different" endings where the same cgi scene with a different colour filter on top of them. Consumers protested for the obvious bullshitand guess what, the "press" called them entitled again. This was part of the buildup to gamergate.
Do you remember any official journalist batting an eye over the wrecked state of SW:TOR? Again, stuff that led to gamergate.
My point is that gamers were long tired of their entire press being paid advertisement, and when the occasion rose they took it. Sadly Holla Forums saw and took the occasion as well, and the results were not too exciting for me.
Also, you're deluding yourself if you think that any sizable amout of gamers wants to "keep women out of gaming". Female gamers have existed for as long as gaming has existed. In a comparatively smaller number but wanting to erase their existence completely is idiotic.
And no, nobody has a problem with games targeted towards women, how many people have you seen spewing rage over The Sims? The problem is that the industry could start mass producing games targeted towards women but they would either sell like shit or be Candy Crush, and we already have that.
Again, if you think you have figured out the perfect formula for the AAA game that every women will buy you're welcome to talk to a published, they'll be very interested in hearing you.
You know when you'll run into some anger? When you manage to derail a beloved franchise with some gimmicky "woman-friendly" title or you bribe some judges and journalists so that they gloss over the fact that your revolutionary game idea is actually an unentertaining piece of shit.