
Idea for trolling:

Vote Trump – you non-conformist alt-righters were going to to spite normies anyway – write the above hashtag on a post-it or whatever next to it.

Take photo, up to failbook, twatter, instaham, wherever will get the most attenshuns.

If you feel like it, also write some cheesy, cringy shit like, "I don't know much about Trump, or politics in general, but I do know Trump pisses off SJWs, so consider this a middle finger to you repressive, regressive left-wing authoritarians."

That's it.

In what aspect exactly? Most places where SJW censorship of people is mostly in private places (videogames, forums, social media, college campuses)

You're just a neckbeard who's sad that women like your hobby as well.

where the is


But it's probably a weak attempt by a Holla Forumsyp to mae people vote for Trump tough…

Aaaand i'm a retard for not saging.

Should there be segregated vidya?
Would you be okay with playing a game where all guys talk softly and dress nice?
Girls aren't comfortable with playing sluts in every single game, if you want to have sexy chicks all over your screens go play an eroge or something.

I'd be pretty happy if calladoody fps plebs would stop shitting up the RPG genre

I would vote for trump if he would seriously propose forcing all call of duty players into ghettos

Also you and all the rest of these girls should fuck off and find something you like better tbqh

yeah but those girls make a sizeable amount of the consumer market in those games.
You're asking companies to pick one costumer over the other over some ideal of "art" or "tradition", you know that never fucking works.
You'll continue playing their games without the butts because you like the gameplay, I don't see the problem here.

SJWs are a threat to the Left and should be fought by the Left, having some foreign other undermine them will only feed their self-righteousness and take us down with them (see Sargon's retarded poll to ban humanities)

Listen, if you don't know gaming you should avoid talking about it.

If women were represented fairly in gaming GamerGate wouldn't have happened.

If you knew gaming you'd realise gamergate was a response to something that has been building up since at least 2011, and no, it isn't "muh women stealing muh vidya" as you't love to believe.

It was almost the entire industry shitting on its customers on multiple occasions and never getting any flak from what was considered the official press.
Do you remember the DmC fiasco? Tameem was a "cis white hetero male" and yet he was getting insane amounts of hate, and for good reasons. he was directing an unneeded reboot for a very much beloved franchise, none of the fans were having any of it. Yet the "press" called the gamers entitled for protesting. The game ended up being a dumbed down piece of shit and selling less than expected. This was part of the buildup to gamergate and gess what, no women were involved.

Do you remember the Mass Effect 3 finale? The three promised "different" endings where the same cgi scene with a different colour filter on top of them. Consumers protested for the obvious bullshitand guess what, the "press" called them entitled again. This was part of the buildup to gamergate.

Do you remember any official journalist batting an eye over the wrecked state of SW:TOR? Again, stuff that led to gamergate.

My point is that gamers were long tired of their entire press being paid advertisement, and when the occasion rose they took it. Sadly Holla Forums saw and took the occasion as well, and the results were not too exciting for me.

Also, you're deluding yourself if you think that any sizable amout of gamers wants to "keep women out of gaming". Female gamers have existed for as long as gaming has existed. In a comparatively smaller number but wanting to erase their existence completely is idiotic.

And no, nobody has a problem with games targeted towards women, how many people have you seen spewing rage over The Sims? The problem is that the industry could start mass producing games targeted towards women but they would either sell like shit or be Candy Crush, and we already have that.

Again, if you think you have figured out the perfect formula for the AAA game that every women will buy you're welcome to talk to a published, they'll be very interested in hearing you.
You know when you'll run into some anger? When you manage to derail a beloved franchise with some gimmicky "woman-friendly" title or you bribe some judges and journalists so that they gloss over the fact that your revolutionary game idea is actually an unentertaining piece of shit.

Look, they're just mirror images of each other, there's no reason to side intentionally with either of them

Complete and total bullshit. Girls are fine playing sexy characters just like most men are fine playing handsome hunks. Social justice warrior games sell absolutely terrible and people usually don't give a crap one way or the other. If you don't believe me go look at how well Battle born sold vs Overwatch just recently. Gamergate was never about men vs women. It was about corrupt members of the establishment trying to force their awful taste down people's throats. Like the other guy said you clearly know absolutely nothing about video games so you should just hold your tongue. Sex is nothing to be ashamed about. Especially, when it's something fictional like this. I could understand more if you were talking about real women ,even if I didn't really agree, but to advocate for censorship in fiction is a disgusting unjustifiable position. Fiction allows people to explore their darker thoughts in a safe and healthy way. Trying to restrict these outlets will only harms our society.

I want to!

But we hardly get any eroge in the west, largely because gaming media still throws a shitfit over fucking bikinis.

Hey guise, remember the last time accelerationism worked?

t. Neckbeard
It's not censorship, it's the cultural industry evolving to better suit their audience, the government has no play in it.
Seen that argument by pedos on Holla Forums justifying CP on.
"It's just a prank bro" mentality is why Holla Forums is leaking into real life right now.

And this is why Tankies are the first to go .. UP AGAINST THE WALL!

Can you please go back to plebbit now?

I love how you just pretended not to see the more well-argumented post.

It's the fucking internet, YOU ARE THE MEDIA
Doesn't justify sexism.

Neoliberal detected.

What sexism? Please show me these awful neckbeard monsters that just want to drive all the women away from gaming.

You know what?
If watching ecchii animu and playing Dead or Alive is sexism… I'LL BE A SEXIST!

I'll give you one point, promoting alternative news outlets was one of the most important objectives in gamergate and it failed spectacularly. The two closest things to a success are TechRaptor and NicheGames, and they both don't come close to making a salary on patreon. Instead we got a bunch of new breitbart readers and an huge viewership for illitterate wannabe political "commentators". What I would consider by far the best "alternative" outlet, Gather Your Party, is still sitting at around 2k twitter followers. Their content is great though.

But I should also mention that creating a respectable news outlet is hard as it is, it gets even harder when no matter what you publish you'll have to defend yourself from accusations of terrorism for being aligned or even neutral with a certain hastag.

Also, note how gamergate was a great occasion for the supposed "leftist" to act as a convenient human shield for corporations? Siding with Gawker, a firm that, apart from publishing garbage, is well known not to pay its interns? Oh, so progressive!

There is a huge outrage against a closed circle of big corporate publications? Shall i maybe, as a leftist, try to hear what the protesters have to say? Why would I, they're smelly neckbeards, I better fight to my last breath for the corporate interest, I don't want to be considered sexist!

Some grade A+ leftism here.

You know what, if some "lefty" alternative publications had not been as prejudiced as you around the time gamergate started, maybe the Holla Forums coup wouldn't have been so immediate and easy, and Gamergate would have become what I would have loved it to be.

I don't think they're a complete failure - no one really succeeds through Patreon. The big gaming sites don't either - they have megacorp money backing them, name recognition, and still make ends meet by borderline fraud and profiting off COIs.

Having hobbyist sites with decent reach that give a voice to those the industry want blacklisted is itself a victory. Not nearly as much of one as I'd have liked, either, but not nothing.

I might do this if I was a reactionary moron.

No. I have very curly hair. If I don't shave everyday, I get really bad in grown hairs. My entire face would just be covered in good bumps. Nice argument by the way you totally showed that you're not shallow like those videogames designers you talk about. You know shaming people based on their looks and sex lives.

They aren't "adapting" to better suit their audience. Like I said social justice pandering games usually sell terribly. Games like League of legends, DOTA, Metal Gear, Doom, Metro, and Overwatch filled with hyper violence and lots of fan service and they are all very successful IPs. I told you to check out Battleborn vs Overwatch. They both just came out recently . Battleborn appeals to the social Justice crowd and is devoid of sexual content and fanservice. One character even randomly shouts out "Feminism is awesome!". It sold like shit. I mean sold so bad Gearbox might actually be in trouble. They had to mark it down 50 percent on sale like a week after it came out. Overwatch is filled to the brim with sexy female character and it's been a wild success. I don't think T&A is why Overwatch sold so well. I just think the average person doesn't give a shit one way or the other. Most consumers aren't offended by a little fanservice and they don't give a shit about "social justice".

So let me get this straight. You support unaccountable corporations controlling people's speech? Are you sure you're not an ancap?

Oh, and this a little bit of a nitpick but that Batman comic is just fucking stupid. We get pretty boy protagonist out of Japan all the time like Leon from Resident Evil or Dante from Devil May Cry. People have no problem with men being sexualized in games. Honestly, I prefer playing pretty boys to the usual beefcakes myself. It's just projection on the part of the idpolers. They assume that everyone has the same feelings of inadequacy and authoritarian beliefs as they do.

Man I had no idea I controlled a large multinational entertainment conglomerate. Did you gents? The patriarchy just gives out so many perks. I have a hard time keeping track sometimes.