My family has been rich since the 1500s


Other urls found in this thread:

Cool slide bro

If all your money couldn't teach you not to blogpost, what chance do we have?


Nice blogspot, Moshe.

Making sliding threads must be in the very jewish blood then.

Get out

i was sliding in your moms last night fam

only solution is to kill yourself you fucking kike

Are you Joe Bernstein?

Based Habsburg here, sorry to hear that user.

Prove it faggots

im a 21 scumbag aire to what will realistically be 10s of millions of dollars
i dont really want to post any details
do you really find it that hard to believe?

Nice blog post faggot

It's heir, stupid.

Idk post a rolex watch, daddies luxury car, a stash of money or whatever.

Invest it in the Bane & Pepe Foundation, user.

Not your blog faggot

No one cares about your Jew ancestry blog faggot.

heres a rolex and a ivory tusk
i have about 80 lbs ivory worth about $500k in my dining room

fug forgot file>>7512214

send me 500k USD and i'll pray the yid right out of you. literally transmute your DNA.

nobody really gives a shit fam, good on you tho

now you may go

Lonely rich fag begs for attention.

What's so special about a Rolex anyhow?
How is it better at keeping time than a cheap watch?

what a walking stereotype, go kill yourself by drowning after jumping off your daddy's yacht you parasite


why not?
In the intertubes, no one can know you are a cat… or a rat.

I think you should donate thousands to alt-right causes.

Hey, you should give hotwheels money to upgrade the 8ch server.

A Rolex is a status symbol, not a time piece.

Pol has several multi millionaires a few european aristocrats some award winning authors military veterans CEO's there is a very diverse pool of people who hate niggers

Re take the throne you imbred nigger


Go suckle some Czech cock faggot

Give me your inheritance richfag, I'll use it muxh more wisely than you. I'll let you be my assistant and give you a monthly salary so you can live comfortably.

Reminder: All wealthy people are the enemy.

When the happening starts all wealthy people will be purged. I'll enjoy twisting a knife in their guts.

I-i think my family has or had a castle..somewhere in Germany… but I never saw it..

Go look up the Nuremburg Laws, OP. By the standards of Hitler's Germany 1/64 was nothing.

fuck off leftypol

Worried your shekels won't save you? You should be.

hotwheels is dead user. :'(

Not true. Where do you have that from?

Not all rich people are bad but most of them are shallow sociopaths completely detached from reality, they don't give a shit a shit about society and only worship money

Money has a huge corrupting power and Jews are the prime example


They were Christian.

fuck off leftypol

I don't give a shit if he is rich or not, he has to prove himself anyway in virtu

Sure, but it's too much work to filter out the few who aren't faggots, so they'll be gutted by association.

At least Trump is willing to take a massive loss in wealth becoming President, that tells me money no longer means anything to him. But for the rest of the rich fucks, I'll slide my BK2 right into their gut and twisted that shit.

This whole thread and OP is leftypol ops

don't fall for it

OP isn't even a kike


Communists will go aswell.

Ok Chaim sorry to hear that

Yeah, basically it's like this:
German noble family

Probably jewish, named after the place.

Useless neet detected.


He spoke of the

which literally means

in German.

hook me up with a job or join me in my social media business. All money made will help me and my white wife have beautiful white kids.
currently: I have contacts with over 100 influencers on social media, for $10k-$15k we can shill apps/products to over 340m+. Once we start pulling in more clients, we can use our connections to shill redpilled stuff and grow far right movements via social media.
check my picture ( current campaign I am running sunday). Email my throwaway [email protected]/* */

That's everybody retard. Most people are dogshit in general. Money doesn't change people, we just have no proper sense of direction.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, lad. But you are wrong in this post.
Nope. Clan means Klan. He spoke of the house of Germany first, then of "research Fürstenberg clan".

So his mistake was probably that he researched 'Fürstenberg' as a surname, instead of 'von Fürstenberg'.

There are no german nobility clans. Only houses.

Can't be any worse than me…

you can join the cause, but no breeding, user.

What is that flag on the far left? It doesn't look white to me.

Do you look whitu?

Cool story kike, now kindly gas yourself.

It's the Czech Republic, you ignorant fuck.

So it's true, burger education really does suck.

Herro my white pigu friend!

Sorry, I thought it was one of those South American flags.

No worries m80. The czech republic is pretty mich a non country.

Wait, I think I was thinking of Philippines (which is sort of spanish so I guess I lumped them in with South America), since it looks sort of similar to a Flip flag.

It's more of a country than most of cucked Europe tbh. At least they aren't welcoming in the shitskins so openly like the brits, swedes, or krauts.

Hello, Samurai.


post a pic of yourself

My jawline/chin is probably the more white thing about me. My eyes (still have the epicanthic fold) and nose is another story.


Aren't 1/64th cherokee mericans considered native americans?

Or look at this cringe tier video about australian "aborignals".
1:04: "I have succeeded in your society"

should have been your first clue
sage for kike

Rather not, but I look pretty much like image related with long soft ringlet hair.

Clean yourself up, you filthy whore.

and where is the person in that photograph from?

wew. Most half asian Hapa's I know don't have it. Even more strange considering that not all japanese have it due to Jomon heritage.

my grandfather was knighted by the king for job creation and charity
does that sound like a kike to you?

Funny, because my line is mostly from that region with a few nords.

I keep a folder for anthropology.

This, it seems like it was an honest mistake.

post your folder.

aside from us taking your word for it, that doesn't mean anything either. People in power generally pat each other on the back in their feelgood circles and far too often true patriots who want to work toward bettering their country go unnoticed.

Kikes give each other awards and shit all the time, look at the Emmy's, Golden Globes, etc. You need something more solid than that.

Its ok OP, everyones jewish…
and nobody's jewish

That is a good documentary, but I don't like the end of it about ancestry. Pure cuckery. I'm not related with niggers.

I rather post this instead of the individual subrace images.

Not in the mood to dump.


Don't worry, your time will come kike.

you mean the juden
Remember Trump is rich

fuck off cunt, trying to raise a family here unlike your autistic ass. Look at what I do, if we can align that with "redpilled" movements it could be the best thing for the movement in a while.


Claim refuge in Israel user and report back all the conspiracies you uncover.

We need someone on the inside.

My mother is a british white who made the mistake of reproducing with an egyptian nigger

At least i mostly look white.

Yeah and I would tax the shit out of him. No need for individuals to be billionaires. If he really was using his wealth and power for good when he is president then that is fine, but the exception. Stupidly rich people are part of the problem and often in bed with the kikes. Just like literally Trump's children, lel.

Your literally a nip bro.

Huh, I'm 1/4 Jap too (genuine samurai class, not plebeian rice-thrashers btw)

Got high acuity blue eyes and big feet though so no one can tell. Feels pretty good.

Heresy! The blessed hotwheels shall live a long and worthy life as Kek wills it.




i think the problem is he fails to recognize that you can breed genes back out

maybe you had some nigger way back when but its gone by now

is this how genetics works?

FUCK OFF Holla Forums

Cryptocurrencies have literally zero value. If you haven't dumped your money into physical gold, ammo, guns, and survival shit you're fucked.

weak pussy hands tbh

Uh, yes it does pastor. Genetics and biology are real things. You can't pretend a nig is the same as a white man.

You're not related to niggers, although technically speaking you share a vast amount of DNA in common. It doesn't much matter though; just as all breeds of dog came from wolves at one point, so all breeds of human came from one single ancestor. That doesn't mean that your glorious, loyal, strong, obedient German Shephard hunting dog is the same as Paris Hilton's stupid, useless, snappy little brat of a purse pooch. They are both dogs and could technically interbreed, and are technically the same species, but they are not the fucking same, nor are they equal.

i agree

dump whatever you have left into it so you can sell it and buy more survival shit when it doubles or triples

You (1) kikes are coming out of the woodwork, must have struck a nerve because you think your shekels will keep you safe from our knives.

Well if shit gets bad enough you can always "find" gold ;)

You can't entirely get rid of it, scientifically speaking, but you can successfully dilute it enough to make it so it doesn't matter and isn't perceptible save for very sensitive DNA analysis. If a black man and a white woman have a kid, that kid is 50/50, assuming parents are purebred. If the kid and his progeny continue only to breed with white people, it drops every time. His kid will be 25/75, then 12/88, etc. In a few generations you can almost completely the diminish the presence of genes belonging to an ancestor of an out-group.

Give me money faggot.

Math examples like the one he gave always make me a bit butthurt. They aren't taking into account that our ancestors unknowingly all intermingled with cousins of an nth degree, which is the entire point of kinship. Different populations bred at different places. Muh 6 trillion ancestors won't change that fact.

I'm 1/8th jew but I'm not greedy or subversive and I look nothing like a kike. It doesn't really matter user

Do you have the ones where they're lined up by country? Vanished from my folders at some point.

It's like you don't even want to be a super villain. Do you at least have nice suits, a cat and a goatee?

You're correct, and as I've said, after more than a half dozen generations or so, the genetics of one outlier in your ancestry are so diminished as to be virtually nonexistent. Genetics do play a huge part in someone's identity, but here's my take: if you look completely white, are a decent and honorable human being, have white genetics, it effectively doesn't matter who your few random outlier ancestors were hundreds of years ago. You know who raised you, you know where you belong, you know the legacy of white people for the past couple hundred years, you have things to work toward and be proud of.

Your heritage in general is important, but I think the farther back you go, the less that it's meaningful to you in the here and now. What matters is what you know now, what you're saying and doing in the present. We're all white and we have work to do for ourselves, we can't listen to people like the pastor who say "oh but one of your ancestors a thousand years ago may have fucked an african, therefore who knows what your bloodline really is, so we're all just once race, the human race!" No. We all have our own tribes and whether anyone wants to admit it or not, we subconsciously know this and stick to our own. Even the liberals know this to a certain extent, I'm betting a terribly low number of them ever actually date colored people.

And you think jumping into business with a random jew you met on the internet is smart?

Wew lad, have fun getting assraped by kikes. Why do you even come to Holla Forums if you jump at the first chance to be some random jew's bitch boy? Does nothing the anons post here actually stick with you? Or are your principles just that disposable?

you're not fooling anyone, "comrade"

I agree.

Sweet slide bro, use the money for good. Fuck Soros in the ass so we can save the rope for a good goy.


i got a milly and still live like a neet

having 7 figures doesnt change you

How'd you pull that off? Smart moves in cryptos or found a good gig somewhere?

some in crypto but mainly just online hustling in all sorts of shit

i highly suggest for every Holla Forumsack to put some cash into crypto asap, its about to moon it

This makes me want to go full proletariat tbh

Its not its just jewish marketing pushing rolex as special, the same as jewish marketing pushes diamonds (a jewish controlled commodity) as a symbol for love

This TBH

I too am Samurai class. My grandmother's maiden name is Hiramatsu, a Samurai class name.