Donald Trump continued Friday night to highlight Hillary Clinton’s "basket of deplorables" remark — this time in quite a creative manner.

The Republican presidential nominee walked onstage to the theme song of the popular musical "Les Misérables" at a Miami rally, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

"Welcome to all you deplorables!" Trump told the audience, prompting a roaring applause.


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Eric Trump meme mining Holla Forums, I knew he was one of us

Leftists have to be shitting themselves like Hillary at this point. Everything they attack try to use against Trump gets owned. It's almost like Trump is fucking Dr. Strange.

with and try


When I was in high school marching band, we did a Les Misérables halftime show. The feels are reals.




Every move, countered. Every idea they come up with someone on our team does something better.

Nothing they do succeeds. On all fronts is failure, retreat and defeat.

And someday soon even her most ardent supporters will see the truth of our cause and admit we were right.

This is the ultimate victory.

The ones who don't see it will still need to be purged.

So this is what it means to be the Big Guy

Holla Forums says hello

absolutely amazing

Holla Forums Nationalist Army video…

He didn't say you guys like Hillary. Leftists have zero fucking reading comprehension.

Holla Forums claim checks out

We should meme this. Trump being a wizard was one of the first memes attached to him during this election cycle.


Whoever runs the Trump campaign knows their shit.

If you own an accusation, make it your own, then it loses all power, you grab the incoming arm, and keep the forward momentum going until they overbalance, you don't court the media, you make the media court you.

And when they fall, they make themselves look ridiculous, because the energy built up from the attack in now released, and they sound insane, "A Green Nazi Frog is controlling this election!"

They could've taken Trump in the Primaries, but they didn't.

Because journalists these days aren't journalists, they forgot everything they were taught a Journalist should be. That would require things they don't have; no class, no objectivity, no professionalism. They are barely a cut above a Tumblr or Twitter user losing their shit.

I give it a week before the Golden Don is using TRS' "Basket of Deplorables" song.

CNN: "That comes from a racist podcast. Racist! Racist! REEEEEEEEEE!!!"
Don: "What? I just like 'Angel is a Centefold'. And Melania thought it was funny too."

They thought his campaign was going to fold up and leave town after about 3 months so they didn't even bother trying.



2016 year of the fire monkey has turned out to be way better than expected.


Different angle and quality here.

I can't believe it. Reddit isn't deplorable. Twitter isn't deplorable.

When someone says deplorables, they're talking about us. I can't wait for my invitation to the White House come January.

I should have linked the source.


Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?

Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance?
The blood of the martyrs
Will water the meadows of France!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!

If something happens to trump or he loses, there will be a revolution.

We've passed the critical point. (((They))) can't off Trump without fucking themselves over even worse. It's all going to come to an end kikes.

Isn't it grand?

He's a man with the world in the palm of his hand and he knows it.

And he has only begun.

Outlaw memes then.

Interesting article on the end of political power of organised political Jewry in both major parties. We are only mopping up the remnants in the pages of Huffpo and the online media.

That's a nice meme. I hope we can get the media and/or the Hillary campaign to sperg out over anime masturbators next.


the scariest fucking thing in the world to a progressive is that they can't control you.

that means if they try to shame you with "sexist", you own it. you just say "guess i'm a sexist then."

Illary fucked up completely with that statement.
She's been so outplayed it's fucking hilarious.

If you were Trump's heir, and formed a top intelligence and military government agency to protect the imperiums interest formed of Holla Forumsacks, what would you call it?

I like The Lion's Guard

His face is so hawkish, he looks like a king from the 16th century or something.

Give him a beard and he's a Nord right out of elder scrolls.

It's the lack of jewish genes, trump's european genes were too strong to be tainted.

Once papa trump goes punch Yaweh in the face personaly, i suppose this will be our Aryan ruler.

>not the nimble navigators



vid related.

>not the Hair Keepers

He looks like a viking.


Eric the untrumpable

He will be burning mosques in sweden before we know it.

The salt hasant even begun.



Wish me luck.

Personally, I can't wait for


year of gf's and waifus?


God bless.

I wonder how she got to that place. Was it because of that picture? I always saw Momiji as a Canadian.

The Frogmen


I always thought he looked like some sort of royal knight. It's a good look. More classical good looks like that should make a comeback.

Good fucking god this guy.

This fucking guy

I can see that, he has a very "Paladin-ish" feel to him.



Right now they have a chance of receiving Mercy but if they kill Trump there will be absolutely no quarter shown.

Also was it just be or was Les Miserables one of the least kiked movies in the last 5 years?

Wasn't the only Jewish actor in that movie a degenerate immoral business owner?

Those are nipponese maples
t. Maple Man

I would serve in his legions.

He keeps doubling down when she calls him out on fucking anything
Half his fans are "deplorable WNs who like frogs" he panders directly to us, top fucking kek.

I know but it's also her colour scheme of red and white.

That's Japan too, and you can tell because her maple looks like a red "weed leaf"

That is not a fucking Canadian maple leaf.


This whole thing has gone crazy. I posted online about that CNN incident yesterday and a friend of mine was all, "what's happened to you, we may have a problem." I was rly just liking seeing the media get BTFO and laughing at the whole thing. People actually side with CNN

These days I'm a little afraid to get out of the house, because I fear the possibility of dying in a traffic accident and not being able to watch another moment of this crazy ride.

I want to live just to see what happens next.

It has been years since the last time I wanted to live so strongly.

Your friends are garbage. Give Trump their names so they can get the noose along with Hillary.

I'm not saying it's a Canadian maple leaf, Jesus. I know what our leafs look like goddammit.

Just jewgle "momiji canadian" or something.

I have a real stake in this election now. I generally abhor politics, but I've been so mind numbingly bored and uninterested with everything lately that current events are even somewhat exciting. I just made a bet for $20 with my liberal roommate that Trump would win the election. He's the type who is very anti Trump, he still uses the Drumpf meme constantly when referring to him and makes sexual comments about him, while being the type who says "Le all candidates are shit" because even he knows that supporting hillary over trump would make him look like someone who supports a traitor.

Please make Trump win Holla Forums, $20 isn't that big of a deal but it's a nice trip downtown if I get it, and besides I would have no pleasure losing the bet because I know he would rub it in my face and gloat non stop like a bad winner, while if I win I would only plan on taking the money and being decent about it, because I know he's just been brainwashed by the media and knows no better. (Considers Current Year Man his personal hero)


You're just so above it all and smart. I'm glad I got to see your post. It's made me more cultured and intellectual.

>>>Holla Forums

How's this for reading comprehension?

takes Leftists as including /leftypol


Why don't you just kill him?

Because he's somewhat of a friend, I've known him since I started school and he's a smart guy, going for electrical engineering. He's far more salvageable than the liberals who use emotions over facts, he just needs to see the results of a Trump presidency to convince him that he was wrong.

When exactly? Because from the start they did nothing but attack and slander him and deride every fucking breath about his run.

A fucking unified pan government / party / corporate / media front marched against him, against us. And they lost. And we continue to gain in strength and power.

Not once have they did anything that they thought would help him of their own volition.

What the fuck are you on that you missed that? Or are you a faggot bluepill recently found us and politics in general? Worthless weak faggot either way.

There is also the something about the MSM during the primaries that I like the coin the "Hero's Glory Phenomena" that also attributed to the Media failing to take down Trump. Because Trump absolutely and effectively turned the media against itself during the primaries, and now the killing blow is being struck during the general.

Anyways, regressing back, Trump could have easily been eliminated during the primaries if not for his cunning which is what happened (and damn do I love his strategy and tactics). For starters, Media often sells now-a-days on two things, Drama and Controversy. Think back to this user, how did he open his campaign at the beginning? By addressing the radical islamic terrorism that was being so PC'd, as well as addressing better border security and a wall built (the controversy). Then you get to the debates and his experience in those reality tv shows and what he brought to it (the drama). The media pounced on it like a royal meal just delivered on a plate and reported on it day and night, keeping Trump in the spot light, which was the MSM's biggest mistake throughout the entire thing.

The second thing was, each and every reporter wants/wanted to make it big by have the cred of "taking down a candidate" and slandering them to career death. It may have seemed like the MSM was working together, but each and every reporter was evidently wanting to be "the hero" that struck the final blow that would undo Trump's campaign. Even when the kikes hanging onto the leashes were trying to pull their lap dogs away, the lap dogs couldn't help themselves.

As you see the results today, that backfired MASSIVELY on them. Trump's nimbleness turned the media against eachother and played it beautifully in the process, letting his enemies underestimate him. He got the pope to retract/correct his statement, and even the MSM took a hit for "misinterpreting the pope" in the process.

You really have to be one that appreciates strategy to really see the beauty in what trump's seemingly erratic behavior ends up resulting in.


(((Anne Hathaway))) was the poor women turned hooker with a heart of gold.

Is this the new baneposting?


I am fucking crying here
It feels like I'm running with the warbros again

this is why I love you faggots


they did it too, think what you will of GG as a whole, but GG sings was one of the fun aspect of it.

user the video predated gamergate and five guys


checked brother

Feels orgasmic, man!

Don't know man, but i did enjoy the musical