Wonder Woman - Women Only


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Outcry of laughter?

#maletears amirite?


Americucks prepping the bull while waiting for thier "wives" to return from the screening



what like 5 theatres sold out?

Why do women enjoy ripping apart fetuses so much anyway?

only white women

Thanks Chaim

Only white male babies.

What is the deal with planned parenthood? It seems like a huge charity for what it is, or maybe it is just talked about an awful lot. We have abortion in my country but it is not a big ticket issue. It's not purely left vs. right either, although 80% seem to agree with abortions. American women seem to associate something growing inside them as 'their own body' which is strange. The only other country I have seen with such a focus on abortion is South Korea. Is there outside money pushing this?

I don't know if its outside influence on Planned Parenthood. But they perform abortions but they aren't the only ones. There are other abortion clinics out there but Planned Parenthood receives a lot of Federal Funding. At least they used to this may change with Trump. Also, in America left wing women tend to get up in arms whenever someone wants to cut funding from Planned Parenthood because they think it will undo Roe V Wade.


Yes, there's outside money pushing Planned Parenthood and abortion. Like clockwork, it can all be tied back to Soros and Rothschild. It's all a part of (((the plan))) to destabilize western countries by lowering the birthrate, so the media can push a narrative that we need mass immigration to keep our social infrastructure in tact, because we spend too much on social security and other programs, which will cause major social unrest and eventually lead to civil war. That's where /(((their)))guy/ steps in to plant a new government, completely controlled by (((them))).

in 2001? There was a massive court case that went largely uncovered about certain doctors and nurses covering up the fact they would encourage abortions in order to harvest embryo stem cells since it was massively profitable.

People who are pro-or anti abortion, or really any issue, seem very naive and think legislation protects people like magical forcefields.

How come femcunts aren't shitting all over this?

i think they did at one point?

Mass media isn't allowed to criticize the chosen people.

I see. Women seem to be scared of babies if nothing else. The discussions i've had about abortion they just always seem terrified someone is gonna make them have a baby. Would explain why abortion is fought so fervently even by fairly chaste women.

I was told the limbs being pulled off was an emergency procedure for late-term mandatory abortions and that usually the fetus doesn't even have human features. I feel all dirty now. How can you have a group of criminals like these selling diced up babies and people not only tolerate it but champion it, fuck.

I think the grrrl power angle won out. Fat acceptance is aimed at men (how dare you not want to fuck me???) whereas the feminist stuff is for low IQ women and impressionable young girls who must enter STEM fields on pain of death. As long as she is a predominantly feminist icon rather than a sexual one, they will feel less threatened. The demand for her not to be sexualized was a purely self-conscious one from jealous women.


If she wanted to be a non-sexual icon she should wear a burka.

I mean, look at this.

Women actually paid to see this shit?
Women truly are inferior.

So, I think a good chunk of the people here probably follow Lasagnacat. I'm not going to go through the whole series (which is largely hurling an incredible amount of venom directly at Jim Davis for making an incredibly popular but entirely unfunny comic) but they put out a couple videos a while back that directly attack not just Jim Davis, but media culture as a whole. I don't know if I recommend watching them just to get what I'm going to explain because they go to incredible lengths to hit you over the head with the messages (hour long and four hour long repeating videos) but I want to mention two specific videos.

They have one that follows their usual format of visually acting out the comic strip, and then showing you the actual strip to clobber you with how unfunny it is, but then they break format by having an actor pose as an art critic who then for nearly an hour vomits praise on this three-panel comic strip about how wonderful and transformative it is, how it personally changed his life. The message is simple, you can pay some supposed "expert" to say this about anything.

In another video Arbuckle puts on a "comedy show" where he runs repeatedly through a loop with his legs over his head on the palms of his hands. It's droning, it's repetitive, it's mindless. We're shown footage of the audience actively getting up and leaving during the show. Then we flash to a newspaper with a smattering of different headlines praising the show as a smash hit, brilliant, groundbreaking, etc. with a tiny blurb in the corner saying the theater may be shut down due to low attendance. The movie industry knows it's pumping out garbage, but it's cheaper and easier to pay off politically motivated critics to lie and claim it's a wonderful work of art and a smash success and give it glowing reviews than acknowledge their mistake and try to make something better.

So in this case despite feminists disowning the film because even though the actress is flat and unappealing she's still in a vaguely sexualized costume, they're going the Ghostbusters route. Ticket pre-orders are pretty low, test screenings have been especially poor, no one is going to see this movie. How do they sell that as a success?

Create a fake controversy, try to appeal hard to a tiny, tiny minority no one likes and portray it as a feminist film, brag about selling out two theaters in instances where the sales are going directly to charity. It's like how when it's pointed out to Marvel their comics have dropped from first to third place and they've lost like 70% of their readers, they respond by saying "40% of our readers are women!" Have they actually managed to pull in a new audience of women? No, this is pure spin. The number of female readers hasn't substantially changed, it's just the vast majority of their audience was male, and that's who they've largely chased away. Let's say it used to be 10% female, let's say that 10% was 200k readers. It's still 200k readers, it's just 200k has gone from 10% of their audience to nearly half.

OP's article reads like one from that creep in Austin sending pictures of his daughter to pedophiles to "cheer them up" who wrote about Ghostbusters only needing the 14% of the population that identified as feminist to be a success.

It seems suicidal to advertise your movie as "This is only for you if you're not male, you identify as a feminist and you're in favor of abortion" but they have no other choice because they're fully aware there is no audience for this movie. It's a rebranding of how Snyder addressed the critics shitting all over BvS by saying "we made the movie for fans and what matters is their reaction" assuming the movie would still be a financial hit.

I bet they'd be complaining if there was an early screening of Superman or Batman and only males were allowed for the screening.

You are right, Black and Mexican Women like to do it themselves with coat hangers, whereas white women use a professional doctor. You do know that the number one killer of blacks and mexicans, isn't gang violence, or white cops, but abortions.


This was written specifically as a response on Holla Forums, and part of the response is directly to justification of abortion because a lot of the abortions are done on minorities. I've wondered though if it might be more widely sharable if the white genocide line was removed.

This video is very well made, I see now how they have managed to 'sneak it under the rug'. Very cheeky statistics right there.


What about trans-people and male identifying themselves as female? I thought gender fluid was already accepted ;_;

Here is another good one.

Maybe. The smarter Holla Forumsacks will still explain that abortion is degenerate, while the more spaghetti-filled ones will either go alone with most anything or spill their spaghetti and sperg out.

Last year the CDC's report of abortion statistics stated
37.3% of abortions in 2013 means 247,835 white children not born. That number is still far too high. Here's how I think abortion should be handled: the government should subsidize abortions for people below a certain income (nigs) and tax abortions for people above a certain income (whites). If the tax is high enough, nobody's gonna be able to afford, or at least want to afford, abortion. If the subsidizing is high enough then the price will be low enough that all the nigs will want abortions. It would keep the nig population in check while not hindering the growth of the white population.

source: cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/ss/ss6512a1.htm

We Wuz Kangz§

This one, just came out yesterday.

Well said. A rare insightful Holla Forums post.


And this is government funded/subsidised? That's insane!

i think its funded on the state level


Yeah, that's not fishy or telling anything. Shit's gonna bomb. Typical Sony PR work.

Comes out this friday and not a single review yet?

So what? What should happen is, men never should go to those cinemas no matter what. THAT should be the key.

So this means that they will only allow whites to the next aryan kino, right?

looks jewish so that's excellent news, although its probably lying as a way to push propaganda forwards to non-jewish women.

Embargo until 29th or something. Then they'll rain "10/10 was so touched and moved by all those women" ratings in there. Certified fresh within the hour.

I don't have a problem with this. If people want to enjoy themselves together doing something in a segregated way. Have fun.

She is a pretty cute actress. You have to admit that. She kinda looks how I would imagine wonder woman to look too.

This movie will bomb harder than Cuntbusters. It's like these studios are competing for the title of most money wasted on a project.

I imagine Black Panther will do equally well.

For what purpose? Do women not get to enjoy the movie unless men are excluded? Is this in any way a good strategy for maximising profit?

Nah. Its on the federal level. I don't think abortion should be illegal but they shouldn't get taxpayer money. If people want to get one pay full price for it. Leave the government out of it. A lot of people hate that shit.

they could close their legs

Only if they feel the need to base their marketing around the diversity cast and not the movie. If anything Marvel is pretty good focusing on the fun and hype part in marketing and not pretentious meta shit.

Who cares? Austin is a party town with a ton of young adults. Its a good excuse for a girls night out. Most of them are going to go to the bars and/or listen to music right after the movie with their girlfriends.

Every Marvel movie is a bland and boring turd that looks and sounds like every other Marvel movie.

Yet, it works.

Won't this decrease ticket sales though. All the feminist girl power retards won't be dragging boyfriends, siblings, and fag friends with them. They get to stay home. And the women only viewings block average movie goers from attending. And from returning. imagine going to a movie chain and being told "women only." Even normies aren't going back.

"Bitches give us the silent treatment. And we let them think we don't like it."

Take note, everyone, is the lolberg stupidty that ruined Western Civilization.

This is not segregation that benefits us. This is segregation designed against us. It isn't even separate and equal, it's separate and inequal.

Since when are people on Holla Forums against segregation so much? WTF?

Does their enjoyment somehow hinge on their being no men around? Despite what some people would have you believe, most people actually like being around members of the opposite sex, especially if they're attratcive and can be coerced into buying them things. I can't see how this appeals to anyone but a small group crazy people who see rapists everywhere, and resentful lesbians.

When they are the ones getting segregated, lol.

Yeah. That's what society needs right now.

Retard, this isn't colored vs white people drinking fountains. This is YOU can't go there, but THEY can go anywhere they want.

Fucking thickheaded lolbergs.

Its very progressive and hip in certain circles to support planned parenthood in America. And giving them money is even cooler. Mostly with political people on the left. Its a culture thing of theirs. It has to be a pretty political clique to be into it but I've met some of them.

Ok…well next time you try to do/or hear about.. a men only thing and women start complaining don't come crying to this user.

Why doesn't the bitch just use a condom?

I'd love it if more women enjoyed the things I care about. That is actually enjoy them, not buy t-shirt and pose for attention.

You gotta unlearn your bullshit about equal application of the law, son. All politics is tribal and you need to advocate for your group. If you play for impartiality you wind up always giving shit up for the groups smart enough to grab all they can.

Libertarianism is a loser ideology. That's why there has never been a libertarian government or a libertarian revolution, and why the rise of libertarianism meant the death of white America.

And deprive herself of the surge of empowerment that comes with an abortion? "Take that patriarchy" she shouted at the lump of cells that never had a chance.

t. tribal anarchist

Did I ever say that Im a libertarian? Im a Republican.

(This is Sparta)

Holla Forums clearly is not up to snuff on politics

Niggers get more abortions than anyone else
And niggers aren't even people so who gives a shit?

natalie portman

Dammit Holla Forums I came here to bantz on wonderjew not get flustered over the abortion cartel and big pharma, I'm getting heart palpitations now.

I….I think she might be trying to tell you something?

She's gross, also wonderwoman has toned strong body, not a boney featureless one.

Ghul Gadot needs your foreskin!

Gal Gadot is very /fit/ for a woman. Look at her thighs. Ladies don't get big muscles unless they are one of those weird weight lifter women that have taken steroids at some point. Its almost impossible for a girl to get large arm muscles no matter how much she works out.

That's as if the Feds start deporting Whites and you said:

Nigger logic. Go back to reddit.

If those women are shit, yes. Waifubots is what we really need.

These type of women wouldn't be good mothers anyway. I bet their child would still end up dying but due to neglect instead of coat hangers or whatever doctors use.

Do you think its possible to find a real girl that would be as loving as a waifubot? Because that would be pretty cool. And waifubots won't be a thing for at least 20 years. I dont think I can wait that long for a meaningful relationship.

Waifubots will probably have heavy feminist programming if Cortana is any guide.

Just load it up with the waifu hack and good.


Arguments about OS and arguments about waifu will merge into a singularity

no one cares what you think, cuck

can Holla Forumsucks please go back to their Holla Forums reddit board now?

Aside from that she's a poser, what?

None, oblivion. As with any capeshit movie

i thought it was bad. it's worse.


Aparently transvestites are allowed to see the movie along with women


Why is Holla Forums so intimidated by women that they have to throw a fit because women went to see a movie without them?

Uh oh, is this the birth of an hilarious new Holla Forums personality?

This years cuntbusters.

Holla Forums are notorious cuckolds, even more pathetic than Holla Forums.

to be fair Holla Forums posters are never intimidated by women. because they wouldn't recognize a woman if they sat next to one in a movie theater

Why namefags always come with such low energy baits?



No, we just respect them as people who have empowered their selves instead of viewing them as objects. Try again. The world was made for men, why are you scared that a movie theater on one day decided to be for women? What would your mother say if she read what Holla Forums says about women on a regular basis? Show some respect.

How could they recognize a woman? Not like they'll find any of them in their comics.

Obvious nigger trying to sound smart.

Why are Holla Forums namefags the best entertainment? Truthseeker, Drumpfposter, now this guy, always a good chuckle

How many of these women have penises? Pic related, it's called a woman.

Mental illness and leftism go hand in hand.

Informative, but it would be better if it wasn't so full of cuckchanery.

More women than ever read comic books because there are more strong women in them than ever before. There are also more female comic book creators now than in any point in history. Try again. Comic books have always been about empowerment, and it's only natural for that to expand to the empowerment of women as well.

Capped for posterity

What about the empowerment of children? I mean if we have to empower one inferior why not all inferiors?

Women are completely equal to men physically and mentally. Women are not comparable to children you silly manpig.

I raw numbers, less women read comic books today than a few years ago. They just make up a bigger proportion.

That's a lie. More women read comic books today because they are empowering instead of oppressive. Less men read them because they are insecure whiny pigs.

the hell is lasagnacat
I have a feeling you're not talking aout garfield

Are you crazy? They are oppressive as f, some of them even defend cops and capitalism. You have to check your privilege.

As a pansexual black feminist I have checked my privilege! What I was obviously speaking of is the empowering comics whiny manpigs complain about.

Too little too late! They get the bullet too!

Bullets fired from guns are phallic symbols of oppression.

guns are used to fight the oppressor numbnuts ever heard of anarchist Catalonia?

Take your tone policing elsewhere, we are taking their cocks from them and using them! It worked for Trump nazis, so we must use it too.


Hello Nick Nocturne of Night Mind.

How many of those tickets were sold to evil rapists like this guy? archive.fo/Fwj3C

Attempting to impersonate me just shows that my words sting with truth and you truly are extremely insecure. Why are you so terrified of powerful women, Holla Forums?

It's actually crazier outside of Holla Forums than on it.

If they were powerful, why do they need empowering?

I hope people bomb these theaters.

what a fag.


For one, because as companies' female to male ratios increase, their productivity decreases.


sad how that site turned out.

you are genuinely a pussy if partial birth abortion upsets you.

0/10, that doesn't even make sense.

boom, right in the cervix

Just an edgelord.


Why bomb WW showings? Seems wasteful to have two bombs in the same theater.


The right doesn't like PP because they kill babies and would be fine with PP if they stopped killing babies

The left thinks the right hates PP because it gives women Healthcare. They also refuse to separate all the other things PP provides from abortion and think killing babies is cool. The left mostly like it because it kills black babies. And keeps the black population dependant on the Democrats and the left.

PP doesn't do anything but kill babies. They don't offer fertility treatments. They only handle one side.

Now scrub away all reviews that use feminism as their argument instead of the movie's quality and get a result closer to the truth.

Are we looking at the same actress? Nothing about that woman appeals to me in the slightest. No figure, dark hair, dark eyes, scrawny as hell, long horse face, and looks something mediterranean(which actually makes sense for the character) or jewish. I mean, at least she's not fat like Amy Schumer or something, but nothing about her appeals to me.

Comic readership is at record lows, females included. Just because a higher percentage of women fill the readership, doesn't mean more women are reading. Red Sonja has been around since 1973, and Wonder Woman 1941. It's not like female heroes haven't been a very real and prevalent thing since long before modern comic readers were even born. I mean, shit, people aren't even reading the comics. They're watching movies because they're the "in" thing right now.


I've seen trees with a greater screen presence, let alone acting talent.

Who would've thought?



If I weren't already going to ignore this movie, I certainly will now.


How did I live so long without knowing about lasagna cat? This is prime kino.

Wag the Dog.

Every kino-lover should see it.

When will the capeshit fad just go away?


Will we ever see a white women in a Jewywood movie ever again?

Is that why american comic book industry is on it's death bed now?