Give a man a webm, he keks for a day thread

Alright, faggots, time for some of you to share your arcane knowledge. This is a thread for those of you with webm/gif making knowledge to share some of it with the community.

Way I see it, we're all made stronger if there's more of us who know how to webm/gif. Also, just think of all the dank new memes that will come of it. The left is terrified of our memes; from this barracks we will raise a meme army worthy of the God Emperor.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there ANY video editing software for ganooloonix that isn't a steaming pile of shit that crashes every five seconds?


Programmed by the kikes at google, to serve Africa. It permits you to download from 100 of sites, by pasting url.

It's great to download from youtube, and convert to webm just by pasting link.

FFMPEG is the staple of linux in terms of editing videos, it do amazing things.

You download a GUI for mint which makes it easier, also check out Ubuntu Studio for the hardcore media produces, it's a ubuntu version (i know shit) but it comes prepackaged with all the multimedia tools, and programs. The only distro I know of that specializes in media production for linux.

The chrome store has a quick and easy gif program called Makegif. It's good for ripping shit off Youtube; just a few button presses and it does the rest. Here's one I just made using it.

The "add text" feature is pretty basic and quickly shits the bed once you try to do something more complicated than blanket texting the whole thing but it's serviceable. Anybody know of any better gif programs?

For gifs and other images, use Gimp.

FFMPEG is a command line tool.


there's literally a program named WEBM FOR RETARDS you fucking retards just fucking google it fuck

Openshot is fine for webms.
1 click solutions are fine until you want to make a 5-20 minute webm…
It's better to learn how to do it right.

I use ffmpeg despite using Windows as well. I just like having the control of the command line when it comes to encoding stuff. Yes, when it comes to quality and getting as close to the filesize limit as possible, I'm a big autist. When I see small res shit or something like 7.09mb for a video that's 2min+ I feel disgusted. Don't do a half-assed job.

Is there any simple way to do this from mobile on android ?

This is pretty clutch. Know of any program I can use to trim the webm?



Are you retarded?

Can you faggots fuck off with the insults. This is a learning thread, of course there's going to be noob questions. That's the whole point, so people can learn. You're the retard if you expect this thread to be full of experts.

So you are retarded


Ok lads, I'm dropping some tips for downloading videos and encoding webm using youtube-dl and ffmpeg - assuming you're running a terminal. This post will be split in two parts.

First, there's a board for more knowledge :

So, the first thing you'll need is a video, to download a video from yt, twitter or anywhere else, use this :
launch a terminal and here's two easy methods - there's a lot more btw :

the first one is the easiest. No need to select options and the best quality is already chosen for you. Also this line is able to download entire playlists.
youtube-dl -cit "VIDEO URL"
>-c = resume partially downloaded video files
>-i = continue upon download errors
>-t = use video title as the file name

and here's a script that'll give you all qualities and formats - audio only / video only / low or high quality / webm / mp4 etc. :
still assuming you know how to use a script. If not then just simply copy paste that on a file, name it give it permission to execute scripts and type ./ on your terminal.
#!/bin/bashyoutube-dl -F "VIDEO URL"read -p "Please enter the desired quality # " FORMATyoutube-dl -f $FORMAT "VIDEO URL"
>-F = list you the available formats
>-f = is for choosing the quality
If using this method you'll get a list like pic related. You simply chose what you need and type the number associated on your console. So for the (Best) option, type "22". The end.

Using these two methods, you'll only need to change the "VIDEO URL" with an actual " com/url" duh and for the second one to chose the quality or format you want. If you got any questions I'll check back to answer if possible. (1/2)

So, now you got your video it is time to encode it to webm.

Here's a 2 pass encoding script. like above rename it to, give it permission and type "./". Type Y (for Yes) when asked.
#!/bin/bashffmpeg -i "INPUT FILE" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf scale=-1:720,fps=fps=24 -sws_flags lanczos -pix_fmt +yuv420p -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 400000 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 2 -threads 4 -speed 4 -an -f webm -passlogfile LOGFILE -pass 1 NULffmpeg -i "INPUT FILE" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf scale=-1:720,fps=fps=24 -sws_flags lanczos -pix_fmt +yuv420p -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 400000 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 2 -threads 4 -speed 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 192000 -ac 2 -metadata title="METADATA OUTPUT" -f webm -passlogfile LOGFILE -pass 2 "FILENAME OUTPUT.webm"
So as you can see, there's a lot of option right there, but to keep it simple here's the most important ones:
>INPUT FILE = paste the exact filename of the input - with his extension like "YOURVIDEO.mkv".
>-vf scale=-1:720 = the 1 is to keep the same aspect ratio as the original (16:9 etc) and the 720 is the resolution (try 1:240 1:320 1:640 etc)
>-b:v 400000 = this is the bitrate video, you can use a calculator to determine the good bitrate associated with the audio bitrate, but to keep it simply, just lower the 400000, don't go too low tho.
>-b:a 192000 = this is the audio bitrate, like above you can calculate bitrates, but in most cases if you want good audio stick to 192kbps.
>-metadata title="'METADATA OUTPUT" = this is the metadata name of the output file, ie what the video will be titled when playing.
>FILENAME OUTPUT.webm = will be the name of the file, so keep the .webm in there.

So there you have two strong tools to download videos and to encode it in webm format. Ask anything if you're lost, I'll try my best to help you out.
Here's also this infographic to help you.
And for more infos go to

whatsapp has blocked webm videos


webms will cut out the majority of macfags. Its not supported by safari and they all use that. Firefox and chrome kill the battery four times as fast.


need jeb webms

This is shit, there's literally no advantage in using this over Webm for Retards.

I don't bother with it, its sized right every time I've used it.

thanks, will check it out

get shotcut. works on pc/linux/mac.
can export anythin to anythin. easy video edit.

Jebms, if you will.

I just use
to chop out the clip and then the web converter at
and for the linux vs windows bullshit flame warz

Aye thanks nigga

I could be, but this doesn't answer my question…

Pls halp, I don't have desktop but I want to be a webm meme master…

mp4 for web and mkv(x264 for anything else, thank you very much



Don't listen to any of these faggots talking about trying OpenShot, Pitivi or Kdenlive. All three of these are crash prone garbage.

There are exactly two video editors worth a damn on GNU/Linux, one is Blender VSE and the other is LightWorks. Both of these video editors have a steep learning curve (because Lightworks is very old-school, and Blender is very 'different'), but both are powerful enough to get the job done (and without crashing most of the time).

XMedia Recode is good for Windows (torrent a cracked version). Look up some tutorials for good configurations.

That's my favourite kkkhristmas jingle.

pls respond
