Blairite Purge Begins NOW


Hang them from the lampposts Jeremy!

Other urls found in this thread: is jezza?

Fuck yea, showing he has balls!

I know you're being ironic, but it still hurts.


Looks like someone wasn't on their best behavior


… could this man be the leader Tsipras never was?

What? No I was serious lol

This is going to tear the party right through the middle.


It already was. Corbyn has taken the first step to fix that.


thank god.

Making a Labour electoral contest in the event of a General Election an impossible battle.



Finally Corbyn is taking steps to reclaim Labour from wishy-washy liberalism.


They are right to start a coup, Labour as it is now will never win a majority vote it represents the wealthy elite in Brussels not the working class.

The right was able to appeal to the working class more, the why conservatives won a majority vote, Leave won and Ukips rising popularity.

Corbyn should be hung, his family killed and the porkies in labour should be purged from the party.

Your britpol posts are hilarious mate keep up the good work.

Corbyn is the most lefty leader Labour has had in years. He should be the one purging the porkies and the Blairites out of the party.

Holla Forums get out.

Can't wait for liberals and their

It's already beginning (see pic)


Is Hillary going to be the force which drives all corners of the party together? Did Corbyn die for his sins?

Hillary's going to be the right's candidate against Corbyn when they try and re-run the leadership election.

Problem is that Corbyn's extremely popular with the party's membership, and would get re-elected quite easily most likely.

Labour is going to be consumed by more infighting while the Lib Dems take advantage of the pro-EU sentiment among 48% of the population to win votes and the Conservatives claim the leave camp.

top fucking kek

You wish liberal. They're still fucked from when they pissed off most voters under 30.

I'm not a liberal. I'd like Corbyn to win, but Labour are intent on fighting against him tooth and nail.

Brexit is going to be _the_ issue for almost everyone at the next election, and Labour haven't even taken a clear stance as far as I can tell. The tuition fees thing will seem minor in comparison to the whole future of the country.


It isn't "third world mudskins" who are about to oversee the breakup of the UK.

good blairites pls go

Brexit: 'Half' of Labour top team set to resign -

The fools are purging themselves!

Uphold Marxist- Leninist Corbyn thought!

Self gulaging porkies will come to you but only if you post
Be on your best behavior comrade
In the comment section below

sounds great. he can replace them with lefties.

Put Sanders on the right guy

Nah, ought to be McDonnell.


Hes COMFORTABLY on his best behavior, can anyone stop this MAN?

Good fucking shit, I'm so glad to finally see this. Corbyn needs to take control of his party: the people elected him to lead and he needs to show he can. These Blairites have been trying to stab him in the back from day one, good riddance to 'em.

Literally fuck democracy am I right?

Fuck bourgeois democracy, sure.
Socialism and real workers democracy go hand in hand, however.



Blairite drinks from a can of Thatcher's


And this is the son of Tony Benn?!

He needs to stay as leader, good riddance to Blairite scum, they are the ones dividing the party that voted for Daddy Corbyn, they are the ones who insist on painting him as unelectable. They are the problem.

Corbyn however, needs to lead a LEXIT left, a Labour that believes in an autonomous UK and sets the UK towards a new economic future away from the Austerity and Neo-Liberalism that has infested the EU.

Good riddance Blairites and good riddance technocratic neo-liberal banker scum!

Here's Ryuko!

We need to start promoting Corbyn so that if they call another leadership election or something people will back him in full force

I don't think he's a blairite. He's supportive of Corbyn and quite decent.

They will anyway tbh. Only the Labour MPs are against him.

I hope so, I hope Corbyn pulls together a post-EU plan, they will actually be able to fight austerity more effectively now I believe.

They can push the idea of protecting workers' rights because they Tories can't be trusted with them.

I hope so, I hope Corbyn can pull it together, he has the ability to, as long as he's not attacked and obstructed on every front.


I agree but Corbyn outright saying that would be a huge mistake at the moment imo. He would just anger all the remain voters which he needs to win a GE

His best bet is to come out and expose this EU question for what it is; a false dichotomy. He should be talking and leaving the EU, but in the same breath talking about forming bonds on a socialist basis with other countries, a united socialist federation of Europe, to dispel the nationalism.

I like Corbyn and everything, but do you really think he can competently lead a party in which most his MPs want him gone? If half the PLP defect to the Lib Dems, or form their own party, the Labour Party is finished. Do you really want to live in a country where the two main political forces are the Tories and UKIP?

I hope so, he needs to also work with those who want to stay in and Reform while being committed to a Post-EU UK.


I'm so sick of parliamentary/congressional monarchy where the sons and daughters of the figures who for all their flaws at least fought their way up to their own position are simply gifted power

Tony Benn's father was an MP; his grandfather was an MP; his great grandfather was an MP. Still a great politician thought.

He met both Mao Zedong and Sammad Hussein and never asked these questions. Ben was a champagne socialist of the highest order.

Okay comrades, this is big news:


Corbyn needs to use this situation, these cabinet members should be replaced with decent Labour MPs who back Corbyn and have high public support. Some examples I can think of are Clive Lewis and Richard Burgon, both solid left wing Labour MPs, anyone think of any more?


All of you will be circlejerking about how brilliant a harder left Labour party will be as it slowly becomes less relevant to a working class that has no desire to see the 70's again. You'll condemn us to more years to Tory austerity and cuts.

As if China is one to talk. They're bleeding cash and their stock market could topple literally at any moment.

As opposed to New Labour austerity and cuts, twat?


holy fuck this guy is dumb lol


Lib Dems are going all out for ignoring the referendum. It's a pretty good strategy for them to pick up pissed off remainers who might forget about tuition fees.

Yeah he's down for investigating GCHQ but him and Andy Burnham voted in favour of snooper's charter.

Has anything good come out of this Brexit vote yet? I guess at least people will stop blaming the failures of our on government on Brussels…

British billionaires have lost literally billions of dollars/pounds and it's likely to continue tomorrow.

But they'll get it all back when things stabilise and the poor won't.

What else do you see in your crystal ball?

I see… obvious extrapolation based on what happened after the 2008 crisis


Lmao “You voted for this shit, you deal with it!” -David Cameron

Are all Brits silly LARPers like this?

Of course not.
He'll put it on his expenses.

Fuck's sake. I thought at least we could get a new home secretary that might have reasonable views on the communications bill.

Isn't he standing for mayor of Greater Manchester?

Yeah, but until he wins he's still home sec. It's scheduled for debate in HoL on Monday.

Watson decided to spend the day at Glasto to make it seem he was unawares of the coup. Now he can move to be caretaker leader.

Not sure if Jezza can steady this ship.

Good article.

yeah. everyone else is working overtime and he's off getting fucked up (making sure to get lots of photos)

And gave us a Tory government in 2010 and privatised the Royal Mail!

Should purge that socdem McDonnald as well

Liberal Anti-Democrats if their goal is to go against the referendum and stick with the undemocratic EU

Fuck sake Xexizy, do you understand anything?

Yes, we don't need more years of Tory austerity and cuts, we need Labor austerity and cuts!

So what should Corbyn have done with the EU referendum in order to retain support? Much of this criticism comes from him not taking a firm stance either way. What should he do now? Absolute no-win situation.

Ffs the next few years are going to be hellish

I don't see what the problem was if Labour had not had a position and MPs could campaign on whatever side they wanted, that's what they did in 1975 and Harold Wilson took a backseat.

In fact, Mcdonnell is probably more to the left than Corbyn.

anti liberal too when they were in the coalition

Yup. Far more in fact.

Any word on who Corbyn might replace them with?

Yeah, they did a great job in 2015

Once the working classes and leftists realise they are completely disenfranchised, it won't be long before there are riots in the streets and the proletariat seize the means of produc… oh, right… this is the UK. …. okay, well, they seize the local lamppost and get proportional representation enacted. Then the Bolsheviks can outmaneuver the Menshevik "liberals" and finally bring about the great and glorious dictatorship of Comrade Corbyn


at least it would stand for something

Many keks

Ye gads. Burger here, this sounds like "Vote Hillary, a vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump" shilling that's been run through find/replace.

Neolib/neocon robots really are all the same

Not even the lib dems are desperate enough to want a Blaitire. No. They are simply done for. This purge is absolute.

I think Corbyn would get along rather well with the principled members of the lib dems, I see a friendly coalition if the libs don't die.

Clive Lewis confirmed for front bench; shadow defence secretary.

He's a cool guy; down to earth and further left than most. Backs Corbyn and has good local support. Corbyn is making some good decisions so far, it seems. This reshuffle is important, he needs to secure a PLP that will support him.

From Lewis' wiki page.


Any comrades know much about any of them? Has Corbyn made good decisions? Any of them potential comrades?

Benn can die of fucking AIDS after trying to get us to bomb Syria.

Kill them Jezza. Kill em all.

This disenfranchisement among the working-class seems to be, as in most of Europe, taking the form of right-wing nationalism. I don't see a resurgence of socialism anywhere outside the membership of the Labour Party.

Well, as of now he's called on ARE JEZ to resign. Looks like he's dealing with a full on mutiny

completely ignorant about UK politics here.

Why was Blair so bad? Any good reading on this? He did a lot of good things before Iraq, such as minimum wage, and although he was neoliberal etc, he was surely better than the alternatives at the time?


What people do not seem to be understanding is, without the majority of MPs on your side, the leader of the Labour Party has NO power. Now over 50% of the shadow cabinet has resigned.

He was an economic conservative, while being socially liberal to save face. He himself said he was a "centrist". There was nothing economically leftist about Blair whatsoever.

Raising the minimum wage does not mean you're hard left. So far as I can tell, the present Tories brought in a "living" wage too.

And I should add to that, it's no longer just Blairites resigning, but people traditionally associated with the left.

If you forget about the Iraq War, Blair wasn't too bad in government tbh. As a centrist, he was able to galvanise support from across the political spectrum while bringing some fairly progressive polices, such as the minimum wage, increased public spending, some worker's right, LGBT rights ect. But he also didn't reverse the economic policies of the previous Tory government or the anti-trade-union laws, and increased the roll of the private sector. The Iraq was a big fuck up though, and that's where his reputation will lie. He's also hated by the nationalist right for the increase in immigration that happened during his term.

Does ‘hard-left’ have any real meaning? I mean, in the '50s and '60s even the Tories supported state ownership of key industries.

Clive Lewis is an ex member of a Trotskyite group apparently.


The soft-left is an oxymoron. Either you're left or you're not. The 80s showed us that, now it's being proven again.

Jeremy Corbyn speaking live in parliament.

fook, ah well i'll catch it later

(as for, you wont get caught, who knows, theyll have my IP)

you can watch it on
other channel is house of lords doing the IP bill

VPNs can work, sometimes. They try to block the IPs but they don't get many of them.

“suffered the hardship of working-class life”^tfw



Christ he couldn't print it on a bigger sheet.

"Kick out the Tories, red and blue. Stop the anti-Corbyn coup," is the chant that greets me in Westminster.^tfw

Hilary Benn being Boo'd

The Blarites are so fucked



More from the guardian.



This will surely end in a split. Apparently the PLP meeting is turning ugly. Hopefully Corbyn can keep the Labour name.

My Local MP was one f the cabinet ministers to resign. Her FB page is full of people shitting on her and saying they will leave the party if Corbyn loses.

Good to hear. There needs to be a genuine left in UK politics now.

What interesting times we're living in.


Its happening…………….


why did my pic turn into an alligator…




So, now we need a GB official thread?

The blairites remind me of the neocons who went out kicking and screaming during the rise of trump.
I think corbyn has the mandate of the people and they see the blairite scum for what they are.

Is it a good or bad thing that the Labour Party is currently ripping itself into shreds?

Don't put Trump in a positive light, he's no better than the neoconservatives that hate him. He's still a little piggy.


Well then.

This seems like a battle for the soul of labor between the old real left guard like corbyn and the new labour blairites.
The people support corbyn.
The media, the corporations, and the blairites fucking hate him.
Its simmllialr to trump and sanders.
The status quo is being upheaved and the rats are fighting and screaming because there is a chance that comrade corbyn might win.

A few of the attack i see being made against corbyn are.
"he didnt campaign for remain"
"he is a racist misognys suddurr buddur"

But then you see that crowd of ten thousand people who gathered for him on short notice.

The elite are fucking scared.

He should purge the whole party tbh


Should and will.

It's nice to know that the Left leaning parties in both the US and the UK are falling apart.

nice meme you got there

lol, jk rowling called corbyn a leftist fascist and is scrambling now

She just reveled her porky power level

Wow, that is astonishingly low.

There are two things Rowling likes, virtue signaling about how tolerant she is to get pats on the back, and maintaining her bank account.

what did he mean by this?

porky cunt needs to shut the fuck up before I find every last Harry Potter book in my house and burn them

when did fucking children's books authors get the idea that their political opinions were valuable?


Vampire jezza can't be stopped.


When Vampires are actually capitalists, but the Vampire was victorian era symbolism for lack of "morals" and so on.

Vampire Commissar Jezza can't be killed, his huge mandate will always resurrect him for the good of the working class!

Supposedly there is a real damaging report that will come out in the coming weeks revealing the extent of how fucked up blair and his government where and corybn has been on record saying that blair is a war criminal that should be tried by the hauge.
So that would explain a lot of the current events.

i don't feel so bad for spoiling harry potter back in my edgy days now

True, I hadn't even thought about that. I was thinking about it just in turns of opportunism in the light of Brexit. Good point.

Wouldn't it be great if "New Labour" were revealed for the traitors they are:
>>>Holla Forums6498222

Gonna need a source for those claims.
Or are you talking about the Leveson Inquiry?



What we need now are actual socialists to start standing as Labour MPs so Corbyn can make a decent party. He needs to replace those purged with proper lefties.

Shit, maybe I should apply, I'm not doing anything else with my life. Somehow doubt I'd be selected but oh well.

if you're female, non-white or disabled you've got a pretty good shot at it.

Fuck, I forgot about that.

note the date on this. they've been planning this since at least june. there's no way that fat fuck t.watson didn't know about this

bbc retracted this almost immediately. i think he didn't explicitly tell him to leave, just that he definitely should



Whipped by a need to not look like a cunt lmao.

There must be two completely independent platforms in the party at this point.

b-but I thought are jez cared more about actual socialism than idpol

is this just to appease the normies?

Why not? Go for it! If every britposter here applied maybe one of us could get in. If you think you could win a local election for the Labour party in your constituency then please do!



What does that even look like.

Corybn is going to be the wise commie grandpa to a new army of far left multicultural labor mp's


rip my corbyn dream for meaningful politics
i guess brexit was a mistake after all

come on now
I know it's a bit annoying but it's not like he's saying you shouldn't apply if you're straight and white

I saw a tweet that said corybn was the only one i n labor to support a black mp a long time ago when the rest of labor thought it was a terrible idea.

well that's just paul mason. he's getting the crowd hyped. people in media and the electorate do make a big deal about the number of women in cabinet positions (remember it's $CURRENT_YEAR) so it's a tactical element you need to take into account but i haven't seen anything to say white men are unwelcome under jc (i think his closest advisors are all white men except that one mental black lady)

same as how it's important to get a photo at gay pride marches and everyone has to say
when a tory says she's a lesbian
in $CURRENT_YEAR who even gives a fuck


I was being half facetious lol
disappointing to see the idpol rhetoric, but yeah i still believe in corbychevs glorious revolution

I don't think he himself is dumb enough to get dragged down into diversity quotas

I really couldn't care less if he has a diversity quota, and I couldn't care less if he didn't have one either. The whole point is that it makes no difference, so go ahead, he may as well appease the liberals if it means victory.

So long as he has a decent left platform they can have as many quotas as they want.

The problem with quotas is that they provide an attack vector for neolib/neocon entryists to subvert your organization. Forcing yourself to choose people who only grudgingly agree with your platform purely on the basis of idpol is a recipe for cancer. If Labor wants to fix itself, it needs real politicians with real agendas, not just PC mouthpieces for whatever the SO PROGRESSIVE du jour is.

Corbyn is still our best bet, but we don't want the UK to end up with a completely false leftist party like Canada.

I'd say the same, but the NUS representative head is essentially moving into the Labour household.

You'll think it's shit right up until the university unions and their students get in line behind removing tuition fees, and securing a University vote for the funding their research departments will need.

that would require students engaging in student politics

which is a pipedream

God knows what the new union president could summon with the right backing.

mostly just pissing off the other students to the point that many unions are pulling out of nus

You might need to tell the rest of the NUS that.


What do you think universities do, lad?

Build giant pointless buildings?

t, National Action.

Rebuke the ideals of rational inquiry and liberal intellectualism in favor of feelz>reelz and steal funding from any department that says otherwise

noice pics, comrade. Bring it on, buckos

If he wins the challenge he will. It'll be up to the Blairites to fuck-off and go form their own party

lel. If only he did write that

hotwheel's site is running top-notch and sweet


didn't realise it was far right to oppose prestige construction while charging ludicrous fees of £50~ to sit in a lecture wall for an hour with 100 other people

fucking liberals.


i don't even know what we're arguing anymore

Whatever you feel up to.

Which universities have done "prestige construction"? In my experience new buildings have generally filled a real need of one or more departments.

Hillary is actually one of those historically manly names that's been tranny-ized by ignorant parents, like Meredith or Ashley.

Speech is one area where pure liberalism is the only defensible position

Not him, but my university does a lot of pointless construction/remodeling. I imagine it's due to back room deals with the state government.

Every university I've ever visited has been in the process of tearing down or replacing one of their buildings, mostly ones that were perfectly fit for purpose but weren't suffiently self-masturbatory and overdesigned.

not exactly what I was looking for, private eye is great for stuff like this though

What's your point tho…

Fair enough, I stand corrected. That shit is stupid if there's no need for a new building.

That said, I wouldn't read too much into "fancy" architecture. They need to hire an architect firm to design it anyway, so I doubt there's much difference in price between a normal modern building and a modern building with a bit of artistic flair. They'll need to order bespoke components for a large build anyway.

I don't inherently oppose fancy architecture but while I don't have any figures I would certainly be willing to say over half of the demolished buildings could have been simply renovated for far cheaper, or had nothing really wrong with them in the first place, universities were given so much money after tuition fees went up they didn't know what to do with it and went crazy.

So this thread kind of rambled off into architecture, which is very interesting and all, but just to return to the matter;

Who are some leftypol approved Labour MPs? Let's make some more.


I dunno, might be worth a try… I still don't think they'd pick me but worth a try I suppose

Oh that's to join the party, not be an councillor/MP. I guess they don't take unemployed incompetent MPs :^(

The parties a bit more diverse than you think. They rely on their supporters taking part in grass roots activism as a way of encouraging selection: canvassing, working in your labour MPs office, whatever.

You should apply.

Tbf if you can convince your local CLP that you can win the seat for Labour, then they're not gonna stop you. Get known in your local political community, and curry favour with Labour CLP bureaucrats and activists, and you've got an in.

>Get known in your local political community, and curry favour with Labour CLP bureaucrats and activists, and you've got an in.
Or become one, even if you're not an office-holder, you can have a lot of influence on those who are. Such peoples' number are remarkably few, so even mild entryism can be very powerful.

A party proves itself a victorious party by the fact that it splits and can stand the split.

t. Frederick "Freddyboy" Engels

JK Rowling is vile.

jk rowling is truly incredible. why is that woman even a source for UK MSM? like, i saw her tweets get quoted every day during referendum campaign. if you want to hear the voice of the establishment, read her twitter - urgh

This. Just become a member and go to your local CLP meetings to start with. Let the wave of socialists entering the party take it where it needs to go.


What can we do to help Comrade Corbyn hold on to his leadership?

Sign up for membership and vote you fucking neo nazi.

It's only £3.

That being said, the Conservatives who registered as members will re-elect him because they want Labour to fail.
Labour members will re-elect him because they want Labour to win.


The #1 most irritating part about all this is that the Blairites manufactured this "crisis" in the leadership, then ran around saying there was a crisis, encouraged disloyalty to heighten the "crisis", and finally co-opted the media to keep talking about the crisis, so that outsiders would start saying there was a crisis and Corbyn should go… all hijacking the butthurt people feel about brexit for their own ends of getting rid of Jezza o they can be part of the smug, "socially conscious", bourgie party they stole from working folk in the 90s.

It's like an earthquake happens and folks in the council set fire to the building and then blame the Mayor for "poor leadership, isn't it time he resigned?"

Isn't it time the Labour Party embraced the fact that it is not an plutocracy of MPs but an actual democracy?


If you've got spare time, do actually join the party though and attend CLP meetings & work with Momentum to start dragging party structures leftward.


Good post.

Wow, she's really not being subtle is she

das some fucken shit.

She's right though. Most leave voters voted based on populist nationalist emotional appeals and unrealistic promises.

Don't expect anything good to come out of this…

tell me you saved it.

The problem with her tweets is she is treating the working class like they are stupid when they are clearly just victims of propaganda playing on their fears.


Moving to left was comrades fault. Jon crudas or frank field should have been leader. Students don't know shit about working in blue collar jobs like me in a supermarket.

What a delightful fellow.

The truth is Remaimers HATE the working class. Their constant generalisation and small minded bigotry of the British people knows no bounds.

Latest Thinking Allowed covers an intellectual who studies how these divisions between class occurs.

PDF attached is the introduction to the thinker discussed in the program.

This is an amazing article



So what does this mean?
t. can't into british politics

literally hearsay

I don't know about the UK, but every single university and college that can find someone to loan them the money is building useless shit. The community college near my home just built three massive buildings to house their new fitness center and spa. Tuition rates are going up, but you have to pay extra on top of that to even swim in a lap pool.

Everything seems to be happening in the last week. As Lenin said: “Sometimes, nothing happens in decades. Other times, decades happen in days.”

Angela Eagle will run against Jez in new leadership election, see news. Please ALL MAKE SURE YOU SIGN UP AND VOTE FOR JEZ WHEN THE TIME COMES.

Oh yeah, that's a real kick in the teeth, I've been on two campus tours in the last few months and both times they made sure to show us around the gym that you can only use for an extra £150 a year or whatever it is

I will but I don't really think there's much chance of him losing, the Blairites are just getting desperate now.

You realise most students these days have jobs as well, to cover the extortionate costs of university education?

So our version of Bernie Sanders won the labour leadership contest in a landslide when someone put his name on the ballot as a joke. We don't have the fucked up superdelegate thing to stop him so now they have to make him look useless in all the right wing papers (and some of the left wing papers and on the pro establishment bbc) and hope they can oust him. He's hanging on with popular support of the party and the trade unions.

In completely unrelated news the Chilcott report on events leading up to the Iraq war will come out in a few weeks and do massive damage the careers of tons of MPs who were involved. Corbyn has indicated that he's willing to prosecute Tony Blair for war crimes.

The no confidence vote was by the PLP (the sitting MPs, not the party members). He lost by 172-40 votes but it's not binding. Just makes the case for reselection (where they choose which party members run for which seats)


The party might as well split before a leadership vote. It's an argument over who keeps the brand. The Labour party is clearly divided.

The rebels will struggle to put forward anyone worth a vote.

172 traitors? Jesus, there's a lot of purging to be done. Maybe this will lead to a real socialist government in 20'

It was an anonymous vote so it's hard to know just who to purge. I think the plan was to wait until the constituency boundaries get redrawn, then you'd have 2 MPs fighting over the same seat and the party would choose the more leftist candidate.

And there's still the viper Tom Watson who must have known about this but chose to be far away at the time.

Fair enough, I'm sure most of them are mouthing off about their lack of faith on Twitter though, they could be a good start.

Hello from Greece.

I'm saddened but not surpised by the Blairites trying to bring the Labour party back to the center.

I am however fairly positive that the Labour members will re-elect Corbyn.

I just really hope that if Corbyn wins again, he will purge the party of those parasites and bring new people to the party.

Well, they were stupid to fall for the propaganda, but that's not really their fault. Ultimately the blame lies with capitalism as a system and the right wing political establishment. The hard part is convincing the working class of this fact when they've mostly bought into the xenophobic lies of UKIP.

How is Greece doing right now?

Nobody who says that has ever been right about anything. It's the rallying cry of supporters of censorship.


Shit, as always. SYRIZA has made an ass of itself, and is pretty much sure to lose to the right-wingers of New Democracy at the next elections. By the way, there is always a speculation that the next election will happen within a year. Again.

Sadly, there isn't any serious leftist party in Greece right now. And there isn't any hope or will to fight anymore. It's pretty damn depressing.

Good article. I'm definitely going to pay the membership fee just so I can vote for Corbyn again.

The US Democratic Party isn't left, even remotely.

Apparently the people besides this man are 'social media professionals' from the Blairite pressure group Progress. And the man who heckled Corbyn at London Pride works for Alistair Campbell's PR firm.

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Blairites going to get raped, my fucking sides have exploded.

This is fucking beautiful.




Nice thumbnail.


just get secret comrades to talk to MPs suspected of treachery

the comrade suggests ousting corbyn, and if the MP under suspicion shows any sign of agreement then, slam bam straight to the gulag

Do they know this is how you get riots on the streets or are they really that stupid?

you're forgetting this is the UK, where the government can cut funding to and start privatising the NHS, cut funding to train service, cut benefits, announce plans to abolish working class maintenance grants, and announce their planned forced academisation of all schools which resulted in fuck all riots, but a shit ton of peaceful, lovey dovey protests.

It won't last forever though.

I sure as hell hope not

The truth behind the Labour coup.

Death to the Third Way

We'll string them up with their own innards, along with their fascist brethren




Fucking kek, amazing. We shouldn't get cocky though; Corbyn still needs our support. If comrades haven't already, join the party now so we can vote for him as leader when the ballot happens

Do we have to be registered for a certain length of time in order to be allowed to vote?

I'd rather wait until we know for sure that Corbyn is going to be allowed to run again.

Can a Brit explain this meme to me? Is it because of the classic "We need to be in the EU to keep a leash on the Tories" view?

What's the problem?

I think it's just because "stringing people up by their innards" is a pretty Holla Forums thing to do. Unlike glorious gulag. :^)

Takes a few days at least, I can't quite remember tbh. Worth doing anyway though, even if he can't stand you can be a labour member angry about that fact, all fuel on the Blairite bonfire really

Leaving the EU will undoubtedly fuck over the working class by hurting trade and encouraging employers to move to other countries. It would be possible to recover in the long run under a leftist government, but in the short term it would be disastrous.

Would've voted leave if we had a labour gov (not Blairite filth btw) tbh

staying in the EU undoubtedly fucked and will continue to fuck the working class, the means and excuses given in which they it will hurt them just changed.
in long and short term it hurt imperialism by hurting the freedom of capital for the british.
whether the workers start organizing and fight for their interests is a question of its own unrelated to the EU.

plenty of reasons:

and in the short term, fucking the economy will hurt the poor hardest

The point of the Schengen Area is to make labor a more liquid commodity, allowing the bourgeoisie to maximize their profit by allocating labor without respect to borders. The EU is a bourgeois institution. Leaving was the right call. Better to slay one dragon (borderless labor liquidity) and leave another alive (outsourcing) than live with both. Now it falls to the socialists in the UK to actually get some measure of worker's control implemented, in order to work on that second dragon.

I might have done, depending on how much the EU was interfering with that leftist government's attempts to help the workers. If they were trying to impose austerity then I'd definitely support leaving.

In my opinion though, the EU is a lesser evil compared to the right-wing parties in the UK. I'd rather let Juncker seize total control of the UK than live under a government led by Theresa May.

They need to move to the centre, most working class I know don't care for it to move to left either because they are uninformed or because they know most of the population are unlikely to vote for someone leftist, uk is a lot more conservative in general than most of EU, it's not going to change soon.


so we need a mainstream party to the hard left to bring it back

A competent leftist government should not feel threatened by the free movement of people.

If there is work to be done, people should be paid to do it. If there is no work to be done, then you obviously don't have any problems. If you can't afford it, raise taxes.

That's an oversimplification, but the only time immigration is actually a problem is when every workable bit of space in your country is already occupied by someone doing something productive.

I agree. But the UK doesn't have a leftist government, competent or otherwise. Under capitalism, unrestricted movement is nothing but the "freedom" of the bourgeoisie to force people to move in order to maximize profits. Under socialism, however, it would actually be a true freedom.

One of these things doesn't belong

A government that will you will never get under the EU, fascism will hit long before it ever happens.

The problem isn't free movement of people. The problem is that you don't have a leftist government. Stopping the free movement of people will not make your lives better because you will still have a government who want to enslave you. Getting a leftist government would fix both of those "problems" at once.

Also, have a look at this graph.

Are you telling me it's bad for me that i can get a job in Europe? I thought the hard left didn't believe in borders.

That's almost entirely the fault of the dishonest propaganda outlets owned by Murdoch. The EU aren't responsible for the Sun, Daily Mail, or any of the other shitrags people read.

There are many kinds of hard left. He's the wrong kind.

And how does the "free movement of people" work towards the aim of a leftist government, as opposed to lining the pockets of those fanatically opposed to (true) leftist government?

Are EU immigrants driving Labour to hard Left stances? Are EU immigrants fuelling electoral growth in actual hard Left parties?

Under capitalism, "free movement of people" is a problem, because in reality it's a way for the bourgeoisie to reduce the wages they pay. Most normal people do not want to leave behind their friends and family, and go to a foreign country in order to work for months or years. They do this en masse now because they can get slightly higher wages by doing so. They are permitted by law to do this because the bourgeoisie want to pay less for labor. What you are calling "free movement of people" is really the coerced profit-maximing distribution of labor.
If this practice ended today, we would still have the problem of overthrowing capitalism before us. But it exacerbates the problem. Ending it would be advantageous, because it would remove some of the leverage that the bourgeoisie have, via wages.

If by "getting a leftist government" you mean "achieving worker control of the means of production," then yes, you're right. But just having the Labor party in power isn't sufficient to do so. The problem, in strict terms, is capitalism, not the party in power. The latter is a means of abolishing the former.

The graph I posted indicated that this isn't happening. You would expect that an area with lots of immigrants would have lower wages, but there's no correlation.

Well, not the current Labour party. They're only slightly to the left of the Tories. But yes, the goal would be to remove the ability for people to profit off what they own rather than what they do.

There are multiple reasons to explain this though. Immigrants usually move to areas where there's already a healthy/booming economy like London or other major urban areas, or that job competition for low-skilled/low-paid work has made local workers opt to go/stay on welfare, or that wages for high-skilled/high-demand jobs in aforementioned booming areas have offset wage decreases among low-skilled/low-demand jobs where competition is fierce

You might as well just go full porky and start posting GDP figures to prove that we should deregulate as much as possible because last time we did that GDP grew by an estimated 5% instead of the predicted 3% (checkmate, gommies :DDDD)

The graph you posted actually shows a very slight downward curve, which would indicate that wages are slightly depressed by immigration. I'm also curious about whether those wages are measured in real or nominal terms, because if it's nominal, then that data is quite damning, though it wouldn't be enough to isolate the cause.

That's one possible outcome. Another is a higher employment rate among immigrants relative to citizens. If the same amount of total wages is distributed over more people (i.e., immigrants), then it's a net gain for the bourgeoisie; more labor for the same cost. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Exactly. Just electing them isn't enough. In fact, even if they had a radical leftist platform, it still wouldn't be enough (see: the Soviet Union). What's needed is the real, material abolition of capitalism.

There hasn't been a serious leftist party in the UK for decades. The workers have turned to the Right for lack of any alternatives. EU or no EU, the same thing would have happened.

Those policies are fully endorsed and doubled down on by our own elected government. Name a single anti-socialist EU policy which has been opposed by either of the main parties recently.

The EU makes it near impossible, that is the difference.

Take a look at the spread of the data. With that amount of noise it's amazing that the trend line is as flat as it is. Of course it would be helpful if they'd provided a correlation coefficient to show this more clearly.

It makes no difference. There would still be no correlation either way. The point of the graph is comparing the relative change in wages in different places. Measuring in real terms would just make all the points lower by a constant offset.

The graph isn't measuring total wages - it's measuring wages per capita, which is what is usually meant when someone says "wages". Nobody would say "I'm paying my employees £10 per hour" and mean "I'm paying my 10 employees £1 per hour each".

This is a case where I'd really like to see the data they were working with. I want to know their coefficient of determination and their confidence interval. Any statistician worth his salt will be rigorous with those numbers, so if the data is worth anything, that line should be highly reliable.

I guess you're right.

Would have been good to put that on the graph then.

Let's say you're right about everything: foreigners aren't being funneled into the UK by the bourgeoisie, they're just going because they can earn higher wages there than in their home country. This is still a problem caused by capitalism. Under socialism, this kind of economic migration would be nonexistent (or at least drastically reduced).

Yeah people are turning out in the tens of thousands for Corbyn because he's so unpopular.

Superdelegates are the least of our problems, perhaps the biggest bonus is that your Labor Party uses instant-runoffs for internal elections. Another giant factor is that the election is far shorter, unlike the months-long parade across every state in the union (smallest and most worthless first, biggest and most important dead last) for party nominations here.

These scum are the same subhumans behind the 1990s DLC "New Democrat" agenda in the USA that swept Clinton into office, third way "radical centrist" politics are the poison that killed politics. I highly recommend Adam Curtis' documentary The Century of the Self, specifically part four:


Oh, okay, you're a classcuck.

are you from christchurch

MPs standing against Corbyn rumoured to be Tom Watson and Angela Eagle:

We have to show Corbyn support from every plaftorm we have. Their strongest argument is muh unelectability - show the public and other Labour members that this is wrong!


wew lad! That's a LOT of liberalism.
And if Jezza won 60% of the party member vote, and party members put candidates in place, how the fuzzbuckets do the 40% then "control" 80% of the party room – there's not THAT many Ambassadorships and peerages around!?!?!?!

>"It is almost unbelievable to watch the Labour party plunge into a crisis of its own making as its MPs involve themselves in childish, self-indulgent behaviour which doesn’t befit their office."
Yes. Yes, it is!

What I said

Hope you're all signing:

Um….. wwwwhhhhyyyyyy?

okay, I get it… earthquake… Had me going for a moment cuz I'm not too far away

The problem is, who's gonna vote for a party whose leader does not have the support from the rest of their MPs? Without the PLP behind him, the leader of the Labour Party is powerless. We might be having a general election before the end of the year. It's not even about policy; with the mess the party is in at the moment, Labour could be heading for its biggest defeat since 1931.

Capitalism is good at adverts especially in London .thing is the ubers /apple other tech firms are seen as trendy by some young people under 25s but workers rights of taxi drivers etc are not mentioned by media outside of the guardian.

She's a pro-censorship SJW who doesn't give a shit about the working class, I'm sure she'll be very popular at the next election.

As for Tom Watson:

This fat hipster should have been buried after this affair, I'm surprised that he had the gall to even run for deputy leader and that trade unions and Labour Party members voted him in as deputy leader.

So call for the deselection of your local Blairite and put MPs that will support Corbyn in their place. It's perfectly within the democratic structures of the Labour party to do so, and several Momentum groups are already doing this.

This is a troublesome state of affairs for the sole party in this two horse race that's supposed to represent workers rights.

Maybe instead of worrying if half of their fielded candidates at election have the proper genitals, they should probably test the candidates on socialist theory instead.

your sentence with earthquakes, council and the mayor gave me vietnam flashbacks so i was wondering

How can one man be so based?

Venezula diss by Cameron. Can we have Alan Johnson or frank Field already, apart from uni students people don't need comrade

the attack on Corbyn is the attack of bullies.

Notice how none of them offer a critique of policies? It's just "we don't like you Jeremy"

If Corbyn leaves I'm voting Green tbh.


thanks corbs…

It appears the Blarite coup is on the verge of having its own coup:

Are the Tories and BNP laughing at this?

Even David Cameron said he should go. The Tories are likely having a good chuckle.
Holla Forums, of course, is having a party

How things are
(pic related)

I would have said that was a problem with the party's hacks who all said, "We solemnly swear to abide by the party rules and the popular will… until it is inconvenient for us and we might lose our cushy Parliamentary perks and … no, then democracy and rules can get fucked … that won't just do."

What bothers me is that the 40% of the Party who did NOT vote for Corbyn in the original leadership ballot, somehow magically got 80% of the seats in the Parliament.

There is some rulefuckery going on somewhere here

Why shouldn't they be prepared to do that?

The Blairites are prepared to see the Party split rather than abandon their campaign to get Jezza knifed.

Speaking of Eagle.

Angela Eagle’s Local Party Has Backed Jeremy Corbyn

My sides explode more and more everyday that this coup goes on.

American here. Would it be fair to say that this is happening because the bourgeoisie are preemptively trying to take over Labor, since they think the Conservatives are going to lose in the next election (due to Brexit)?

Corbyns gonna win. Blairists know this, that's why they try to guilt him into stepping down.
They gonna split but they will not be able to join LibDems. As a result we get two LibDem parties.
Why do we need two LibDem parties?

She was when she donated a million against the Scottish independence.

Can't wait for Harry Potter 8 (it will come, judging by the amount of "fan"-fiction she writes about her own works) where we find out that Voldemort was puppeteered by Jeremy Corbyn and Alex Salmond.

You forgot to label the bike and the stick and frankly the use of a white (presumably cis) male is probIematic



She's the best they've got?

I wish she would stop
Before you know it, there will be a Jeremy Corbyn esque teacher from house Slytheryn in her next book.
He'll also be part vampire.


"Labour rebels keen to oust Jeremy Corbyn are investigating whether they would have a legal case for using the party’s name if they formed a breakaway group in parliament, and have set up a website to try to gain support of “moderate” members."

They should just compromise and call them 'New Labour' and 'Actual Labour'

Or Labour+..

Labour 4 =

Remember friends, Chilcott comes out next week!
That's when the real fun begins…

It would be quite amusing if they end up calling it something childish like "True Labour"

lol, fat fuck probably spent it on food
my sides

They might be economically liberal, but they're hardly socially liberal. These are the same people who supported anti-terror laws and mass surveillance.

greeting from Greece british comrades
you are right know i thing, in the epicenter of class struggle in europe
the attack on democracy is more ruthless than ever
if britain outside of the eu manages to create an alternative to the austerity policies of brussels this will weaken the propaganda that outside the eu lies chaos
i hope they indeed split, in my expierience this is a bad idea for them so i don't think they will.
they most likely are trying a coup
for what imaginary reason do they blame Corbyn?

they can always call it 'Labour sets you free'

This post explains it well:

The Labour MPs who oppose corbyn have been systematically sabotaging the party ever since he was elected, then blaming him for it. The media are all right-wing, so they've been letting the anti-corbyn MPs control the headlines and tell outright lies.

Checkmate blairite filth.

It's more that the bourgeoisie are trying to take the party back over. They've been running it for a while, but the election of Corbyn was a rejection of New Labour and everything it represented, so since before he was elected, the Blairites in the party have been sabotaging the party in order to weaken Corbyn. It's only coming to a head now for two reasons: firstly, because they thought that Brexit could give them an excuse, and secondly, because the Chilcott report into the Iraq war is going to be released shortly. And that is going to fuck the Blairites over, and it'll only be worse for them if they've already lost control of the party.


this meme has to stop

This is a real article.


I can't even read shit without porky trying to scam me, man.

UPDATE: Deputy leader Tom Watson says Corbyn 'must go' but is unwilling to step down

BBC: Angela Eagle to challenge Jeremy Corbyn

Report: 6 July 2016

So the chilcot thing is coming up next Wednesday, all he has to do is hold on that long and the blairiets will become even scummier than people already think they are.

Rolled 4 (1d6)Are you guys confident Corbyn can win another Labour election? After all, he will have only 1 opponent this time around.

Also, I really like John McDonnell. Amazing guy, comes across as very statesmanlike nowadays. He said many times he doesn't want to lead the party, but I wouldn't mind it too much. Anyway, I stand 100% behind Corbs - as do the unions and the largest part of the membership.

Could I also point out how much of a despicable human being John Woodcock MP is? That guy has made such a disservice to the party, it's just shocking. Is he the worst anti-Corbyn MP, or is there anyone I've missed? What annoys me about Woodcock is that he's not even a smart guy, some sort of respectable plotter, he's just a total fucking amateur on every level.

As to Rowling: Total rage-bait for me. She reminds me of my Mom, to be honest. Spooked to the point of no return.

Last friday he came out with a fucking post brexit plan while the tories have their spack fight. I think Jeremy is the mask while John is the brains.

Jeremy is definitely going to win. No doubt about it.

Think so too. It's fine. Guess Seumas has a lot of influence too. Love Jezza anyway. Moving to the UK later this year and I'll 100% campaign for him should there be a general election (which there should/will be, no matter what Cragg/Johnson might say now). I think the next election is Labour's to lose - Cragg I don't even think will win the Tory leadership, it's too early for him - and there will be backlash against Boris too. May, eh…

Is there any paper worse than the Guardian these days? Posing as oh-so-liberal, and most of UK public apparently sees it as a "left-wing" newspaper - but their coverage of Corbyn is just shocking. Whole articles on some anti-Corbyn hecklers that may or may not exist, virtually no coverage of Tory crisis.
What is particularly nauseating are those "tweets" that apparently are a legitimate part of news today - just random anti-Corbyn tweets embedded into the live coverage..
What websites are you guys reading - I'm following the Morning Star and the Socialist Worker, though I'm sure there's more stuff out there?

Just fuck off.

The Guarn is absolute cancer. The irony is the EIC wrote a article ebegging :^( The gaurn is a sinking ship thank god.

Why do you guys call him "Jezza"? is jezza?

Fuck you, Slav.

its just the short form for jeremy.. same as "jez"

John is le Breton Economics Man:

Is this a joke?

[Rated PG Parental Guidance]

Fuck off trot.

I want Tony Blair gone.

Fuck off liberal blairite scum, the Corbyn train will keep going.

Eat Corbyn's bearded turds

There's no reason you can't do both: Vote for people who represent your interests (or as close as you can get), and indulge your militant lifestylism with the rest of your time.

How stupid are Trots? Seriously

You saw his Maoism flag, right?


i placed a tw, you faced the consequences

wow mind blown, i thought you corbyn normies were Trotskyists Eurocommunists that jerk off to Mendel fanfics, just plain second international socdems then?

nice spook, i eat my own turds

What the fuck is a tw?


This is breakfast fascism. It's exactly like lord Voldemort.

Buttmad utopians bitching out a guy for not believing what they'd prefer to be true, rather than what the evidence shows likely and probable.

This really isn't what Trots think though. A lot of Trots are very much behind Corbyn.

He's got a taste for it now.

The ICFI is defending him. Not exactly endorsing, but they're very academic about the claims they make.

SEP in general are fairly good for Trots. I guess in that they stay true to Trotsky while most "Trots" have shifted toward eurocommunism and other reformist retardation.

Yeah. I want to join the party and become a comrade after I finish up my chem degree. It's probably one of the only ways to broaden and deepen my grasp on theory.
North's books are impressive works of scholarship that have pushed me into much wider philosophical and historical reading than our memes can hope for.

I'm going to assume you mean that in the "At least Murdoch papers you can see coming from a mile away and mount the cannons whereas this sneaks into your backyard as a friend and stabs your cabbages"-kind of way.

Cuz nothing is worse than the Murdoch press. Just remember that.

Yeah, they've turned into more of an IDpol paper than you would have hoped, definitely. Same with The Age downunder, which used to be kinda lefty-SocDem and has since become the "My Pretty Pony" of the chardonnay-"socialist" set and IDpollacks. It is nauseating, really.

And The Age do this, too. As though the brain farts of all the Warrens from Warwickshire count as "news". It is pathetic. But just imagine a world wherein Murdoch runs all the papers.

Socialist Appeal (IMT) also have a big campaign to support him, and they're Trots (although pretty different to any other Trot orgs)

this you fuggers

a warning for those who get easily triggered, like you

yea, i'm an anarchist, i was just trolling at people who believe in politicians who appeal to middle class college students