If Jim is a freemason and (((they))) still haven't gone full on "SHUT IT DOWN" on Holla Forums even after full exposure in the media 4cuck was taken out instantly, then do the masons have the same goals as us or are they co-opting us?
we are going down the road of 4cuck though
If Jim is a freemason and (((they))) still haven't gone full on "SHUT IT DOWN" on Holla Forums even after full exposure...
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a shitposting LARPer if you have no suspicion of Jim's intentions.
Hi Holla Forums
See this, you're going to get shitposts like yours and this all through and this thread will go nowhere.
hi jimbo
thanks for your great works if your not a satanist in which case thanks for selling us the rope.
new truth discovered by this user
our founders walked the path of light.
they knew the name of the god of light.
our people are still all over the world and we need you with us.
most of us niggers were tricked worshipping satan without knowing it.
the lynchpin of our enslavement is the big lie. it is so big and so many people are complicit it proves the existence of evil.
satanist running isis with saudi royals
satanist running kikes via rothschild et all
satanist running christians antipope encouraging sin and fucking little boys.
athiests have blind faith in the word of man.
free your soul and have the courage to follow it
take everything you have learned from pol
apply it to this, i am perfectly aware of the source and so you can see the truth right in front of you.
peace be with you brothers.
hail victory.
It shouldnt go anywhere. We have done it to death.
Quit being homosexuals and get on the trump train already.
Freemasonry is code-word for internationalism. Every thread on freemasonry gets shilled and saged and shitposted to oblivion.
See this isn't even making sense.
It doesnt have to. You are acting in bad faith.
That could undermine faith in the god emperor at this critical time is the action of a traitor or a heretic, even if they do not understand why, or are trying to do something good.
You can talka bout it, or any of your other myriad concerns about him AFTER WE FUCKING WIN YOU RETARD!!!
Stop giving (((them))) ammo and wedges to drive deeper.
Jim who? Is he why 4chan was down recently?
Keep this thread up I want Anons to see the Jewpedia link, it's important.
How new are you?
Fucking end yourself, my man.
Yeah its important in your memetic scheme to sabotage us.
We can deal with it after the election.
well you all suck their golden boy Trump's cock why would they want to shut you down? rofl
are people here just expected to know every esoteric phrase thats regurgitated on this board?
no i dont know who "jim" is and all im asking for is a fucking last name
Masons are a plague.
Exactly what I mean. You worship words on the talmudvision and their fake two-sided astroturfing as "evidence" you are doing something right. lmao. played like a fiddle.
A true Aryan follows action and example. Talk is cheap.
1) Shutting down Holla Forums isn't profitable, we leave the site 90% of the userbase goes with (source on this is Josh so take it with a grain of salt) this also makes me wonder about all the closeted furfag pedos within our ranks
2) (((Jim))) and Hiroshima like us for some reason
3) Jim knows that we have major dirt on him and is also a crazy bastard that probably fucks little girls and feeds people to pigs, he knows shutting us down would incite another exodus and massive digging, he is afraid.
4) If (((Jim))) really is a dataminer, shutting down the people he wants to datamine wouldn't be profitable either.
Look at the biden thread. There where people saying it was fine. This is the very same see no evil good-ole-boy nonsense that has ruined the world and every last fucking good thing in life. They are a revolutionary force that is adept at hiding in plain sight and they used kek to do it.
They only way they could start is by saying our beloved pepe is kek an egyptian god. Freemasons claim to be the heirs of egyptian traditional satanism. They also use trump a possible 33rd degree freemason they are OBLIGATED TO VOTE FOR AND DEFEND HIS INTERESTS AS IF THEY ARE THEIR OWN.
There is so much to cover thank you op.
Most of the errata of the boards is to be kept either in the form of memes, or in ones mind.
Im not even a burger.
Can one of you guys please explain what it is you're talking about for once?
Are you actually making the argument that masons are satanists that work for the illuminati that work for lucifer and they're harming the world by shitposting frogs?
Is that seriously the argument you're making?
Get the fuck out and never come back
You fuckers really are tinfoil delusional about what masons really are , Its just a network for certian people , a little more exclusive than scientology but that pretty much it , they dont rule the world like you may want to believe
This place has been coopted by masons for a long time.
Why do you think this place is full of Egyptian frog idols and worship?
I might get banned for saying this but is cannabis the plant really that bad or is it nigger culture that ruined it? A lot of plants have medicinal value user
I would ban you for that as well if I could.
Why do you think this place is full of anti-trump threads and heretics?
Take it back to your hug box where only voices you agree with can reach you. Your ban hammer won't save you from opinions that you don't hold.
pick one chaim
You are the 10,000th person to mis-identify Holla Forums as a hugbox.
Congrats, you are a completely unoriginal faggot.
Look who came to the surface with spam and redirection.
You liek that blind faith?
Nice water muddying with your shit kike. This isn't a religion thread.
I'm a little bit worried that some of you dumb faggots are going to get sucked into identity shit that is politics.
And it's glaringly obvious that Holla Forums has become coopted. Just look at the types of stickies. Typical 50/50 good/shit so the people get confused and snatched with prepared materiel.
Diversity of threads is down and good discussion is getting smokecreened with unrelated memes that clog up the thread of the thread. The only ones remaining are specialist or fringe threads that aren't marked by the watchers.
I'm really surprised that Holla Forums hasn't been taken down even after exposure in the media.
We've been taken over and put on strings when Jim took over.
And you dumbfucks still haven't given me any proof that masonry has common goals
you're right most masons are retards only used for their dues. Being a cuck for satanism isnt much better tho
Some low-level Freemason tried to recruit me years ago, can't say he had a good vibe about him.
Only four of those where me faggot.
We are running the art of war you complete and utterly uncomprehending idiot.
Its people like you (if genuine) that are the only remaining threat to the strategy.
And even then you cant stop it.
Trump will win, the establishment hangs.
Or Clinton wins and civil war.
Either way the normalfags lose and that works for me.
Although I would prefer glorious 4th reich, chaos will do.
user, you can't beat the Light Bringer.
He's far too wise and powerful.
Doesnt know how to sage properly , good luck with that mate
Go back to 4chan faggot.
So sceptics that don't fall into the manufactured line? You must be proud, sergeant.
I came over on original exodus, and have been browsing since usenet was a thing.
I have seen w.t. snacks with my own eyes.
Many wars, flame and otherwise.
Such is the life of a faggot.
You are a tremendous faggot however , and both you and
are just plain double niggers who have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation!
go back to >>>/4chan/ faggot
um you are no better than a Jew. Where would Zion be without it's loyal goyim? Like a head without a body.
bump because kek posting has always given me a Mason vibe
kill yourself faggot
Look at this right here
Anymore info on this "path of light?"
Supposedly it's some kind of luciferian order.
There is a disturbing trend to hate chritians and negate the most powerful ultural tie and bond man can have and that is godly fellowship under jesus christ. Now I know its not about religion but I am not saying praise jesus though I am now I am not trying t shoehorn a stolen valor meme hijack and say its unstoppable and make like 10 threads about it like the kekked folks.
this is abnormal cult behaviour that is best defined as middle management angst refined into a unified shitpost distraction. I amn rk9 in my heart you think I wanna see these fucking people make sadfrog again? ITS PEPE NOT KEK
Trump is funding this, you idiots haven't figured that out yet?
Masons worship Lucifer, yes. The morningstar.
And what's so bad about Lucifer?
From what I've read, he just wants to help people.
Get above entered apprentice and you get to fuck little boys.
The nose is showing
Be seeing you
If you took being the Aryan Ubermensch seriously you wouldn't be here.
Talk is cheap, hahahahahahahahahaha
Gonna need to provide some source for the redpills I need to calm down and type out
The Egyptian Satanic Masonic Connection
Scarlet and the Beast- The 2 faces of freemasonry
WEMS3.webm (Good primer on the devil worship)
That's literally his whole gig, bringing the light of knowledge to mankind.
You're not making any arguments to the contrary.
When in all of recorded history has Lucifer himself done anything remotely evil?
>here, eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and ye shall be as gods when you are already the image of God ;^)
This is what I am talking about they have no shame they plaster their false idols and they can not create shit so they take what is already made and warp it to their needs thats what they did to pepe. Do not stop posting pepe. Just cut out the kek cultist shit it is lucifer worship and it is bringing in strife and evil to everyones lives because everyone who is at least a midfag has part of their soul in pepe dammit. This is not something that can be twisted around I love pepe so much I am trying to explain because when you invest some attention some love into a meme your soul goes into it and kek is a demonic fuking vacum a void.
They can not create so they infiltrate that is this chan and everything wrong with the board. Just deflect and carry on with no shame. Whats even a bigger disgrace is the poor fucks who are so disheartened so duped that they think it is a legitimate movement and they think its a mad magazine type of inside joke when it is a mad magazine inside joke excep[t it is not funny it is anger. The hatred of the most worshipful master by the mason is taught to go out and built onto the outer profane community. So they steal shit then say it is theirs. This election is not a postponement there needs to be actual discussion break the silence you talk shit in every thread you imply who you are in every thread yet you hide like chickenshits and then have the gaal to ask us to prove your little games. You are fucking done. I will make you fear the lord. This is a co-opting of Holla Forums to become an elitist investment that is why there is so much fucking media personal army requests they want this to be a message that the only way we can meme is if we play ball with the fucking kike trump and his battalion of noses
None of that actually answers my question.
What's so bad about Lucifer?
Did he personally show up at your house and piss in your cheerios?
Stupid niggers, if you didn't want to look like D&C shills, you should have started like six months ago.
Its not about blinkie the fact of the matter is you masons give lucifer a bad name because the checkerboard pattern is a reference to your garbage theology. And how the mason should step over people and say King me like a nigger.
So you're one of his ACTUAL disciples then?
remember April 2015, it was the final battle between the old guard and the new, co-opted Holla Forums.
No jesus is lord. Satan and lucifer may not be the same thing but they both went against the lord so I am not going to be a disciple of a fallen angel because that is defeatism mixed with pity and delusional thoughts of grandeur. You where asking what lucifer did wrong I pointed out that the people who are most known for worshipping him make it seem like he is the king of assholes not a thing to be respected.
To who?
This is literally the first time I've ever heard anyone claim that masons worship Lucifer.
Aryans are the descendants of the Hyperborean archetype we understand as "the Light Bringer" or the "Allfather" among many other names (including Apollo, Wotan, etc.); the "fallen angels," the "giants among men" who brought technology and so on to mankind, that jews loathe and fear to this day.
The world is awash with many conspiracies often they exist at odds with one another. The Jews seek a world enslaved to them. Other groups seek depopulation, and since the worlds population is majority third world perhaps waking up the white population to the peril they live in is a good step forward, we are the masters of organised violence after all.
This is babylon and it is a perversion of that which you speak. It should not be secret if its the fucking spectacle and soul of the white race like you imply then why on earth would you follow jewish magic?
Solemon means sol and mon the sun and the moon boaz and jachin as above so below and it has a seal that is also known as the seal of moloch and most known as the hexagram or star of david. I respect the antedeluvean from what I can personally grasp of it and it is not a good thing to segregate these traditions and to mix them with kike gypsie manipulations like oaths of obediance over will.
Then you have no right making these dismissive deflections.
[Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry]
So if most of Lucifer's followers don't know that they're following him, how do you know you're not also doing exactly what he wants you to do?
I don't really think about lucifer its a cuckhold thing to do. I really don't fucking care either this is what is right there is no virtue in what you are doing and it is a disgrace to each and every one of you to have to ignore and refute and there will be gnashing of the teeth because this is a deception and I am not really worried about that because if you look at the situation this sudden turn to occultism is so much more playing into the devil's wheelhouse than pointing this out I mean thats all I really want is this to be known so we can move on it is an unhealthy obsession and I really am needing this as an outlet right now and I know I am not alone there are notions that need to be cleared up and this oath shit is not gonna fly you wanna meme go on meme with us but you need to justify it with theory that is not the okie doke the actual intentions so we can not fall for the blue book response and sell ourselves short.
What's wrong with occultism?
I don't follow "jewish magic" nor am I mason or part of some cult. In fact I would say that the jews not only plagiarized everything like they plagiarize blood, but they also corrupt and pollute it like they corrupt and pollute blood (for instance, Genesis admonishes "Nephilim" and then you never really hear about "giants" again until "David versus Goliath" which is another tale they twisted). They did the same with socialism mind you via their Marxism. As for the "Star of David," that's plagiarized from Vedic religion and it's a symbol of the heart where male and female (Shiva/Shakti) forces unite – the star is actually two triangles. The symbol I find most sacred nonetheless is the swastika.
The baggage. You always need more. It is never enough it is an addiction and I have been able to use apotheosis to say no to evil I allow myself to do memetics because it is an intrinsic parrt of modern communication and I do not really think there are biblical reprecussions aside from idoltry and going too far with it. When you got a lot of people in on a meme it is funny pepe proves this but there are teirs of understanding and this goes for all of occultism it is hidden in plain sight it is subtle it is frail but not stale it is the moment and there is always a notion that either its never enough or something is not up to par be it my own ability or understanding and of course there are atavistic emulations that are the rites of celebration and it can be a very sacred thing however what has depreciated in the modern lodge system specifically is that it has shadowed into dark masonry. When times are tough they might need to slay a lamb and let its blood soak into the eath. They may slay a child. this is supposed to be an offering to the community it has become a wretched mare. Something not spoken of something hidden in plain sight like the shade in the night it is something of fright and inane exite.
Jim's business model is to scare the kikes with le evil internet nazis and then sell them the data he has mined on them, as well as run ads here and there.
He is also working with some gov agencies to make Holla Forums much less dangerous than it used to be, to keep it under control at least, if it cannot be subverted completely. This is a part of a much wider conspiracy, but i cannot go into detail.
Freemasons are subversive kike mercenaries, criminals, mammon worshipers and the closest thing a non-Jew can come to being an actual kike.
Some of them are pretty cool and the kind of people you can have a reasonable discussion with at least, but those are mostly entry level ones, or members of some obscure lodges not connected to "the network"
They bumplocked the thread and I even tried to summerize and be consise and not bump every 5 seconds I actually was taking into consideratyion the rest of the board and they bumplocked the thread.
This is unnacaptable
Time to make a new thread
Yea, that $40/yr to barely keep the lights on is sure helping.
Full retard. Masons each worship their own beliefs (95% Christian), because Masonry isn't a religion.
Maybe read the whole passage? He's saying how Light-bearer is a weird thing to call a spirit of darkness, and how the latter would be foolish to follow.
But I doubt you've ever picked up that book, instead relying on lies (((other people))) have fed you online.
No I read the whole passage. The rest is subjective.
Then why would you lie and imply it's about worshiping "Lucifer"?
The path of light is literal truth, user.
The light, the truth, etc. It's the same thing that's always helped us out.
Kikes, psychopaths and sociopaths ignore the truth by manipulating others, but it always catches up with them eventually.
I am not lying I just do not beleive pike. He set out world wars and wants billions of people to die.
What's not to believe? M&D was a commentary about the degrees he wrote. I'm not a huge fan of his, but you're not making a lot of sense.
Are you just taking the piss here? wideshut.co.uk