Is marriage worth it for the finanical benefits?

Or do the risks outweight the costs?

Depends on the grill you marry and how good she is at Warcraft 3.
Protip: Marry your bestest eva fwiend.

This man speaks the truth. There is nothing better than being together with a girl who is also your best friend.

make sure the 3DPD makes more money then you, if you must get married
won't help with the child support, and you'll still lose everything, but you might be able to get back on your feet if you don't have to support the 3DPD.
also the 3DPD making more then you, means the relationship has a higher probability of ending, with her looking from someone that makes more money

Marriage can be less risky. It's called a prenuptial agreement. Your wife signs it, or she's not your wife. Pretty simple.

But I want a housewife and impregnate her and over and over again. If she earns more than me and has a fulltime job, how will she be a mother?

I don't really give a shit what you want, and nor will the family courts.

But prenup does so very very little, you might as well just marry like that.

Says who, you? That's why you hire a lawyer to write one for you. Then your wife can't decide to fuck you over randomly or when she gets tired of you and wants a new dick

Why would you even base a contract on an anti-justice system, which can just randomely decide to change their laws in the future?

Are the benefits really worth it? I rather not get married at all and deal with that legal bullshit.
It's a massive disadvantage to men, a prenup makes it to a lesser disadvantage for men, but still a big one.

Tell me why that shit would be worth it. Except for paying less taxes, what do I get out of it?

What would you want out of your marriage, hypothetically?

Marriage as a legal construct or social Institution?

I'd listen to this faggot. Most marriages are either shit or end in divorce. When you aren't allowed to beat your wife and force feed her dick and she doesn't want sex and behaves like an ass 24/7 you'll want an easy way out.

Marriage as it exists in the west, meaning both of those things.


I want a traditional housewife, who I will choose as the mother of my children and create a family with her. I want to focus on my career and come home to a person that supports me and makes my world easier.
Have you seen men talk about how much they can focus on their career without a partner? I want to even be better than them, because my wife actually supports me and doesn't drain my energy.

Legal marriage?
Idk, tell me what's that even worth . As far as I know it only gives some tax benefits, healthcare and pension, not much else.

You can have that wife, user. The legal part of marriage is bullshit, yes, but you have to think of it as necessary to ensure you keep the life you want.


There aren't any. You only have the potential to lose money by having a marriage.

wtf wrong with that whales chin

Something is growing thereā€¦..


There's no return for marriage.

citation required

if you're not in the US military, there is no financial benefit to being married

Only and ONLY IF, you met your wife when she was 10 or younger, and gone out to dates with her before 12 and married by her 13.

outside of western countries
of course

t. cuck

u already fuck goats

you're going to spend more money by living with someone just by the space and utility they take up

Family/Divorce courts have been throwing pre-nups out so regularly that the only benefit they have now is that the cost of getting them slightly reduces the amount of money she can suck out of you.

A court can't throw out an agreement that the woman signed. And if you got a decent lawyer to write the prenup, there won't be any issue.
