Political Idealologies


Let's talk about a few things. Poll Rigging, Fixed political systems, and well.. why Trump is the best choice for America today.

Isn't is crazy how 8-10 years ago, we were all laughing at the idea of a "Rogue" political candidate making it towards an endgame election? The thing is, Trump tapped into the most powerful thing that America was founded upon. We were the best, but we've only become cucked due to the globalist agendas and liberal games our society has been plagued with since the early 90s with the rise of the Clinton Family into power. That essence of people of various backgrounds and previous ideals being fed up with sold out pozed globalist agendas.

Created the 1st pic close to one year ago. Chose a flattened Triangle to better represent how the candidates base ideals and affiliations were laid out. I explained to a group of pozed high school students how Bernie has become a democrat due to it being mostly a liberal or, leftist ideal party. Which is right up his alley. Mostly made up of young adults/20-30 something millennials who were vary much split between those who were fed up with the pay to play sell out politics of America today, socialists/edge lord communists, and those who followed the basic SJW culture and deemed anything governmental as probably evil to begin with (Usually, socialists as well). Vermont's Progressive Party call Bernie, "The Grandfather of the party". But he chose to run as a Democrat, due to his Liberal ideal base. Even though he's always been Independent.

People said that Ron Paul was more Independent than Republican, but his base was staunch in it's conservative ideals (believing in a republic ruling system with a chosen council governed by the people). Therefore, he ran as a republican.

These two candidates used a powerful propellant to make great gains - They tapped into those groups of Americans who are DONE with our political atmosphere, and wanted to effect a real change. But Trump did it better. Why? Because a majority of Americans, agree with him and see the healing process starting with removal of past policies that led to our current state of sickness (GO BACK, BUILD WALL, MAGA)

Even Obama used this group to propel himself above Hillary. People really thought this guy was a "rogue" and was going to create transparency and CHANGE AMERICA. Guess what? Just another politician who lied out his ass. Even though there were plenty of people warning the mass that followed him, people didn't care. They wanted REAL CHANGE.

After 8 years of more perpetuated lies, war, a sky rocketing debt, people want to see change more than ever before. Don't let the media lie to you. Hillary's citizen support base, is as strong as Jeb Bush's gauc dip on a hot day. Almost EVERY democrat I've talked to says the same thing. "I don't like Hillary, but I'm not voting for a racist bigot"

Conversation with Democrats these days as follows:

M-Maybe. I mean, she has a daughter.. A-and.. well. Probably, it depends..

Umm, would you elect the head of the KKK?

I'm not voting for Trump. He's a racist and wants to deport half of Americans.


This is where the conversation 90% of the time turns to media/liberal word vomit until I walk away. The other 10%, usually back peddle and say, "I support Bernie - He was robbed"

Anyone these days is considered a "Democrat" by normie standards if they are NOT a religious conservative. Isn't that somewhat insane?
Conservatives in the country mostly being sectioned off as Republican, some Libertarian, and a few Constitution Party loyalists, with very few other minor sub-parties that are unrecognized. In reality, a VAST MAJORITY of Americans are conservative. But not all are religious nor see the Libertarian or Constitutional efforts as a real ideal at gaining an efficient and effective political system that we can mostly agree upon.

Republics have been tested, and work effectively when not pushed into decadence and inner corruption period - It's when the system becomes overly democratic or socialist do things begin to fall apart. The burden of the lowest of the low eventually pull upon the median when given too much.

When you look at the base politics is Bernie vs Hillary, they couldn't be more different with the exception of their "liberal" or democratic pool of followers.

With Bernie how completely cucked - his follower base (which was larger than Hillary's) is now fractured with those who are just fed up with the current politics scheme and corporate sponsorship/sell out schematics of the system scattering for a sensible candidate after-all, most turning to Trump.

Hillary - PAY TO PLAY politics and sellout globalist agendas. Corrupt.

Trump - Corporate Rogue

Bernie - Liberal Socialist, counter culture progressive

Every 4 years, it feels like more and more people are giving up on how things work in this country. They are starting to realize that this is a dying system. We all just want to Make America Great Again.


general modern culture redpill thread

So then how do you stop people from giving up?

People have nothing to believe in. They don't even believe in their candidates.

That makes no sense at all.

You mean the 60s, 1860s that is.

America is slowly becoming uncucked. Every-time we're lied to, cheated, stolen from, and robbed… we become more and more of a rogue element within the system. You can only take so many beatings until you start to find other effective ways of fighting back.

The idea that a candidate could literally go on to remove muslims, illegal immigrats, and build a wall was thought of as insane 4 years ago. After everything we've all been through. It's actually a refreshing suprise to see more are on the same level due to the abuse we've suffered by the system.

The massive conservative population of America is in control of the country, but the elite keep that under wraps with false polls/rigged elections.

off by 2

Did you even read?













Sauce on webm?





Hogfather, a british tv show







