Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking kill me
this seems really fucking fake
msnbc and cnn money?
Even knowing it's most likely fake, I wouldn't put it past it to be real. Reality is fucked.
They wouldn't say "shitpost"
Once everyone fanbase gets too big there this informative piece of it will always be there to give the media something to laugh at, just like the user vs scientology stuff.
All you spiritually self-destructive idiots need are for kek to be a sun god and it'll be complete.
JENNAYFAGS BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sarcuck of Mossad keeps trying to stay relevant by going after people who worship Pepe on Holla Forums. He invented the term kekistan which is his catch-all phrase for pepe and kek worship. His followers are literal redditors who take him seriously when even GamerGate PRcucks stopped. His goal is to keep framing it as cringe material so as to fight back against Holla Forums who stopped using his material, and they stopped using his material because they're not filled with GamerGate posters. Since Sarcuck missed the alt-right train, GamerGate is virtually dead, and he is a literal cuckold raising a nigger baby, he wants to try and stay as relevant as possible and that means going after Holla Forums by proxy. Whenever you see someone using kekistan or posting content featuring that term, they are from reddit, they follow a literal cuckold, and you can disregard everything they say and post; i.e. kekistan posters are useful idiots being used to subvert pepe and kek worship if you're into that.
No word about the memeteor. Am disappoint.
How subtle.
Exploding van tier.
I love it.
This sums it up nicely.
Who's the reporter? Anyway, completely fake. I'd buy it as the sort of thing that could be on MSNBC, but there's no way they'd have nothing but footage of the shitty meme, they'd have a few seconds of footage from them, and then the rest would be seated interviews with leftist "experts" using aggressive and alarmist language coming to a conclusion like "they're stupid enough to take this seriously".
Anyway, everything about Kek irritates me as a meme. It's not funny, the entire gimmick is hipster sarcasm, and there's a core segment of the retards pushing it who genuinely believe in "chaos magic" and sit parked behind their computers rubbing their hands about how they "tricked" tons of anons into supporting their bullshit pagan magic autism.
There is no magic. Playing pretend is for five year olds. You're not funny, you are functionally retarded, and I hope holding your tongue against your cheek gives you cancer, because that's what you and all your shitty drawings are.
I love how alternately (and possibly the same autistic dweeb) the two responses will be to mock me for not believing in kek, and assert *I'm* the one taking it too seriously.
Words of truth
t. leftypol
Sounds about right. This whole thing looks fake by the way, just sargon fans inhaling their own farts pretending that the media gives a fuck
There are concepts out there like thoughtforms and synchronicity that support spiritual claims but these retards will never bother to investigate them.
Even a skeptic/agnostic should raise an eyebrow to worshipping a god demon of chaos and then expecting for all your plans to go well.
In short, cult of Kek is Gamergate 2.0 or Chanology 3.0, funny at first then took on a wave of newfags, autists and e-celebs and became entirely cancerous.
Looks fake, great job.
Holla Forums was taken semi seriously before all this kek retardation and was actually doing pretty good job at uncovering the very real jewish practices in the world and "redpilling" people. If anything, leftypol should be thankful for kek because its making poltards looking like idiots and lolsorandom faggots
4cuck memes
Kek does a good job of preventing MSM news sources from talking about Holla Forums, because (((they))) won't be taken seriously when trying to explain to the public that they're being taken down by a group of frog-worshiping nazis on a Laotian basket weaving forum.
dubs confirm it's all bullshit, PRAISE KEK
Can someone find the video of that chubby older chick talking about kek ?
margaret is our queen
bagfu is all about following whatever trend will get her views, like when she spent a year "doing research" for milo's book and oops he forgot to pay her. always lol about that.
Proof that only baby boomers watch MSM.
This is even worse than that anonymous segment they did 10 years ago.
Reminder, the normies will never leave until every last kike is dead.
Completely fake.
The work was put in visually, but not audibly, and that Joe Rogan clip would never be played.
Is Margaret the Paul Latza of the Alt-Right?
This, that scratchy fat chick voice lmao
Fuck off shareblue.
Fuck off retard.
Do you mean media which had no problem talking about hackers on steroids? Nah they dont talk about Holla Forums because you retards are already killing it, its nothing more than le epic gets and shitposting
I rember
Full/pol/ is absolute trash, if you are still browsing that board and don't see any issues with it you are retarded. The sliding on it is unreal and the retards who browse it don't even realize what is happening. It's at a point where cuckchans Holla Forums is more usable and has better threads.
Keep spouting this bullshit, in the meantime your board has already been subverted by JIDF.
el oh el
What is being slid, and how is it being slid?
Not with google scripts it isn't.
Is margaret officially BLACKED or are the tweets fake?
Pretty much anything that is actually valuable to a racial realist, the threads that aren't slid are filled with mindless shitposts and d&c. The board is barely usable anymore.
My point was thag it has better content.
There's a difference between being "mad" and being annoyed that a place you enjoyed frequenting is filled with genuinely autistic morons. The "kek" cancer is just the new chanology.
no that would be the "kekistan" shit
kek is an 8ch deity, praise
It's cancer.
I'm the guy who made the collage. Here are the archive links for all the tweets I collected, because I knew there might be some doubt about them.
See I'm not upset. I just recognise that it is shit.
You're going too have too provide examples, because that could be attributed too the entire boards culture changing because of the American election like it always does. Holla Forums becomes something completly different after every American election, anyone who has been posting long enough should know that already.
It stopped being facebook frog once Hillary, the guy who created it, and the media complaining about it made it funny again.
Don't you have anything better to spam with? At the very least make it either funny or attractive.
The catalog of the board is proof. The election ended months ago but the Trumpcucks are just as kosher as they were when they first arrived from reddit. The board has been negatively affected.
Lol, no. It's probably more popular among normalfags than it has ever been, he's "le alt-lite frog" now.
islam is the only religion that makes sense tbh
Anyone have the video? Intrigued as to how bad it really was.
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cre8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.
There's nothing I hate more than those fucking put me in the screencap faggots.
You never defined what you mean you meant
1. What precisely is valuable too a racial realist?
what do you define as a mindless shitpost and can you give examples?
3. How the hell do you identify as d&c?
I legitimately cannot see what you're criticizing.
you sound butthurt christcuck
Hello, summer.
True words brother
das true,
das true.
:^) face it, sargoy is essential to political discussion on the internet, if you don't listen to him, you are out of the loop
Is this exploding van 2.0?
Good, fags who talk politics in the middle of a casual outing are the worst, especially whne they start talking about communism and other bullshit.
Only niggers and jews would willingly put up with the stink of literal shit while having sex.
What's wrong with communism? Don't tell me you're still cucked by the plutocrats. Or a paid shill?
Yes, I want to argue about how much of a failure communism is while I'm in the middle of a casual social setting.
That will surely lighten the mood and not piss everyone off and ruin everything.
"The Good…"
*Shows Cunton and Obonga*
"The bad…"
*Shows Trump*
Jesus Christ. Who knew they could get anymore blatant?
Is he? Source? I knew he's a quadroon on his father's (who, of course, wasn't there to raise him) side, but this seems fake.
I first began to cringe at it when Sarcuck of Mossad started with Kekistan.
Clinton has a full segment about Pepe on her website:
and the embedded video was aired on MSNBC. I don't think they're smart enough to not talk about frog-worshiping nazis. Besides, even if they were, they could just leave out the "frog" part.
I hope you're right. I'm ashamed over the possibility of being lumped in with Sargon's forced memes.