The plan is simple, put pepe every where irl, and then spread the i spy pepe with my little eye game to any one you can.
Maybe a hashtag
Any ways it's just an idea
inb4 (1) and have some oc
The plan is simple, put pepe every where irl, and then spread the i spy pepe with my little eye game to any one you can.
Maybe a hashtag
Any ways it's just an idea
inb4 (1) and have some oc
Other urls found in this thread:
kind of like wheres waldo, but with pepe irl? Do we print out pepes and place them in interesting places?
Kind of, stencils would be easier, stickers as well, hell maybe even moss pepes, branch pepes on the beach.
Checked (1)
Oathbreaker would be more lucritive
Gas yourself faggot. Pepe or bust.
As long as its pepe fine kek is a forced meme
Holy shit what a fucking newfag.
This, Kek will see praise every where.
Well what else could he do, he couldn't (1) the thread as inb4'd and it got bamped, i guess this is what happens when you out smart the shills.
Pepe is dead, long live Kek
This is beautiful
That pepe cures cancer
Didn't mean to sage.
I hope you're making a joke.
Pasting a similar idea I put out in the Shadilay thread. Don't mean to annoy with spam but anons seem to like it and I think it's good.
Casually saying shadilay to friends, acquaintances, strangers, etc., during random encounters as a greeting or a goodbye. Used with possibly ironic, happy tone - "shadilay!" - so friend doesn't think much of it, "oh there's user being silly again using some silly word". Always change the subject or make a joke when asked directly what shadilay means. Alternatively, make up different meanings every time. Marginally intelligent persons will quickly pick up that it's a joke and "Shadilay" has no actual meaning (wink), start using it themselves.
Word will work it's way into common usage among normies. Millions upon millions unaware they have made empowering Kek a regular part of their lives. And since it's used in the act of a mischievous joke, utterances of "shadilay" will always be accompanied by the energies of mirth and mischief that bring our Kek much joy and power.
Well done. This is solid memesmanship.
fucking 5 star post, user
Dubs confirm, perhaps we can make it so you say shadilay when you see pepe?
and to be honest my idea some what stemmed from that very thread, I'm still reading and posting in the Shadiley thread.
Pure gold
I don't know if it's a good idea to associate shadilay with pepe in the minds of the normies. I think it's best if shadilay is, as they say on youtube conspiracy occult videos - "exoterically" (i.e. "as perceived by the uninitiated") just a silly joke, but esoterically (i.e. "as percieved by the initiated") praise for Kek, just as Kek/Pepe is exoterically just a silly frog named Pepe, but esoterically Kek.
Tourettes user here from the other Shadilay thread.
A quick update. People (particularly friends from college) have noticed my new 'shadilay' catchphrase and they've cottoned on to it. Also I tend to shout "Pepeeeeeeeey!' Like the guy in the Clinton Rally. Often followed by a "whoop" or "Wayy!". It is involuntary and I believe I can incorporate "Shadilay" into my list of obscure and often vulgar tics.
I noticed that it has a sort of effect on people. Yes they laugh but it's as if they notice on a subconcious level that it means something… And yes I'm leading them on the "It's a joke word" type of thing and a few have also started using it to greet me.
Your picture says a thousand words, the Shadilay rises…
How long do you think it'll take for one of them to google the word and find the music? In that case I'll just let them think I'm shouting an obscure music title and let the meme magick do its work!
That's beautiful user.
We need martyrs to infiltrate her rallies and yell pepe
I hope this spreads everywhere.
Does this mean you can go full shitlord and shitpost IRL constantly and then use Tourettes as an excuse? Lucky man.
(checked again master of dubs)
Praise Kek
I started this thread to throw some ideas out there and I'm glad your dubs are hear to provide guidance.
Thank you glorious tourettes user.
I had an idea for this that it might be good to put the "shadilay is a joke" thing on urban dictionary and upvote it a bunch so it appears in searches.
I wrote this definition and examples for urban dic, but you apparently need to sign in with facebook or google to post there now. If anyone wants to / can post to urban dictionary, it would be appreciated. here's the text:
A meaningless word commonly used as a casual greeting or way of saying goodbye, or as a celebratory or affirmative exclamation (akin to the ways in which "halleluja" and “amen”, are used). "Shadilay" is a meaningless word used as a joke. When asked what "shadilay" means, the user of the word will always give a different, made up definition or story of the origin of the word. When someone uses "shadilay" around you and you're already in on the joke that the word has no real definition (wink), common practice is to go along with it naturally, as though it were a perfectly normal word, thus drawing in others around you to wonder what this "shadilay" thing is that they're apparently missing out on.
"Later dude"
"Shadilay… It's Peruvian for 'may you be praised'"
At last, glimpsing the cosmic absolute, overwhelmed with the magic sound of metallic harmonies, he exclaimed "shadilay!"
"Hey dude"
"Shadilay…it's an Egyptian word for "beautifully adorned donkey", a common greeting"
"You told me it was Peruvian for ‘may you be praised’”
"What? Nahh…."
What is this? High school where you want to create a new, cool, hip word?
Well, we're never going to call him kek in the presence of the enemy. That's something WE do, in the presence of each other. Everyone got that?
We DO NOT want them digging into kek.
Dubs confirm. Pepe is a cover. KEK is the secret name.
Kek smiles upon your plan, brother. This is great memetic practice and I think this has the potential to go far. Godspeed and Shadilay!
I put it on YouTube.
Does he travel?
Good write up, it's a good idea and I'm glad your here :^) I had this in mind when it would be said out aloud not the made up definition but saying it in a jovial manner and playing it off.
Roger doger, although they all know about him any way but good practice none the less.
It's too esoteric to understand.
It'll just fuck up the energy.
You just have to believe me.
Admit you are a freemason and this will not be that bad on your cult. If i have to prove it your gonna wanna hide underground because people will hear me scream halfway around the earth when I find your sick fuck cultist shit.
You infiltrated this site using the best meme our beloved pepe. you do it in the name of kek and this is your downfall
Shadilay sounds like a greeting to me, or maybe a way to say "good luck" to a comrade off on a mission.
I do not even attempt to beleive someone I think is a mason and that is you because you want SEKRIT SEKRITS ARE CANCER
So basically what you're saying is to make Pepe(kek) our Kilroy?
Im so fucking down
Exactly user.
What the fuck are you talking about?
/r9k/ go home
He's an oathbreaker retard, probably ate the whole pill box.
What the fuck terrorist depopulation shit is this?
Indeed, that works. You should use it as you see fit, always offering your own explanation of it's meaning and origin.
We could put them near pokemon go places so they always get scene and we have a reasonable reason to be there?
Oh, he's one of those faggots then. Great.
Trips confirm! Use the man-child Pokemon Go game as a way to spread this!
The media are using us to shill memes and trump and kek are used as a wedge for outside interests to pretend to be us we are the enemy and they love talking with us while talking to each other through innuendo. Do not beleive me, you will have to see for yourself.
oshi checked
time to make PoGo slightly less cancerous it is!
Those are some deceptive dubs.
I don't think I want to check those.
dubs confirm your an faggot
dubs confirm he's an faggot
Void dubs void false deception 88 dubs
I am not wrong though these people are interloping with our beloved pepe
Are you suggesting my glorious plan, endorsed by Kek with three consecutive dubs is somehow subversive? That sounds pretty heretical user.
It's already on youtube you silly goose. That's where it came from.
While Tourettes isn't always that fun to have (Last girlfriend left me because of my Tourettes alone), that is my plan and I am as smug as fuck getting away with it. I can shitpost IRL and really mess with Liberals by playing the disabled card when they call me out.
And if there's one thing I know about Kek, is that he likes mischief and lulz and chaos, hence we are the ones that have his favour. And I intend to honor that by being a vessel for memes.
and as well as my trips of truth and void dubs,
So does your antichrist snowflake trash meme you need dubs to justify because that is the only thing that can support it random non thinking numerals not people with critical thinking.
you seem a bit ruffled lad
What is so evil about Kek, in your opinion?
Filtered. This thread is being flooded with poop because they know shadilay is too powerful.
I had tourrets special snowflake its not that special go twitch and convulse like the weak willed faggot you are. If you can't stop you are not a man. I stopped that shit in 7th grade because I had to. You are a boy and your trash meme is garbage(umad?)
fresh off of garrison press, says kek too
dude you are being autistic as fuck, take a break from the internet for a bit..
Nice OC, OP. Saved
You seem upset about our magic. maybe you support hillary clinton
dank you
found him
Low energy as fuck.
Lad. I don't think I can stop this shit. I don't need to tell you my life story but I might as well use it to piss of liberals and laugh at their mental malfunction as they can't do shit to stop me.
And fuck you if you mention meds. You and I both know that it's bullshit.
I could say that I 'needed to stop' ages ago. But personally I couldn't give a flying fuck if I offend some cunt. Infact I take pride in knowing that I can twitch my way to memetic glory.
Thread update
Autist banned,
based mods smite again
KEK approves of pepe spreading irl
meme responsibly
Pokemon Go spots are a great place to post these. Also viewable to traffic if you can.
dubs btfo of faggot.
Now we need stencils or some shit, chalk?
ok OP, stop fucking being spoopy
Fucking checked
Theres no stopping now
I'm not really sure how to make a stencil, would something like this work?
Why does he always do that?
He draws every pepe with nostrils, and it triggers me every time.
This is delusion you can stop man you need to sublimate your passions you are stuck in development because this is a barrier in your life do not tell me it isnt that feeling when you need one more and you do it then you do it again and start over you do not need that in your life user just try and you will make progress.
You think the jews haven't tried?
We're simply better at it
Also kek blesses us with his magic
Perfect lad, now, we need some thing like this, I have some experience screen printing, and the process is done in layers, for pepe he has three layers, outline, green for body and orange for lips then white for eyes… so four.
This could all be done with maybe two stencils, one for the out line, and then one for the colors so inverse and normal.
seriously, nigger?
And his SECRET name, which not even we will call him, is David Duke.
u mad bro?
a little late to be saging ya?
stop the impersonations.
He's a paranoid schizophrenic who believes that masons control Holla Forums and that he can stop them with this stupid meme circles.
Makes more sense than some of the kek shit but overall that is paranoia.
i hope
Million dollar Extremely underrated post.
Of course… the most amazing troll would be hijacking Pokemin Go and replacing all pokemon sprites with rare pepes.
How can we make this happen? Since… fuck Pokemon Go…
or just start naming all the frog-like pokemon pepe and let it catch on. it will.
There are plenty of methods user, post pepe at the spots and watch the memes
bumping epic thread
This is worth its weight in gold.
Lets not forget the real origin of "Pepe der Frosch". (OC)
Youtube videos have no weight.
Wew that's a rare 3d pepe.
rare pepe incoming
Bump with hot fresh OC
Pepe on live tv
tfw when not even rare Pepes
The is but one God, Kek, and Pepe is his messenger.
Reminder to use the MCP (memetic color palette) when creating OC
I'll use whatever the fuck I want, nerd.
just imagine if they had come across Pee Pee Poo Poo Pepe
May I request some pepe template pngs?
only the dragon ones, you fucking faggot
holy shit, this is gold. sauce?
i like jones.
he should spend more time with us and learn things with us.
Whoever made this is brilliant.
use the enemy's tactics against them.
summon a plague of frogs.