Buzzfeed and Marxism

Something I just found:

"So where did Peretti get that idea? Peretti's academic writings offer one clue. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz in 1996, Peretti published an article in the cultural theory journal Negations entitled "Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Contemporary Visual Culture and the Acceleration of Identity Formation/Dissolution." After the paper was mentioned in New York's Peretti profile,'s Eugene Wolters read through it, and found that it more or less lays out (and critiques) Buzzfeed's entire business model—a full decade before the company was founded."

"Can memes be revolutionary?
To be clear, Peretti's article isn't simply condemning these processes. Indeed, at points he, to quote Wolters, "leaves open the possibility that Buzzfeed is one giant resistance."
For example, Peretti praises "slackers" for embracing consumer culture without actually, well, consuming, thereby denying the forces of capital their ultimate victory. "This refusal to consume defuses the capitalist media's efforts to accelerate the process of identity formation/ dissolution and capital accumulation," he explains."

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh man, we are reaching Holla Forums-tier levels of autism


Oh lawd

Please tell me someone has that thread archived.

Also since I already started on the topic, I may as well post the cancer I have stumbled upon in my travels to their board

Only have the screencap, IA's twitter account has more on it as far as I can recall




their boards?


Yeah, I took shit from the other ones as well. Some of it from /leftyb/ but most from Holla Forums













These images are mildly depressing when not inducing a vomit response. They really are mental midgets aren't they.

Last one, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Reiteration Presented in Coordination with the Solar Cycle

How can you people find an ideology based on envy legitimate? I don't get it.

Just the Holla Forums thread.

Secondary Solar-Cycle Reiteration

The only people who name the leftists' den by name are the leftists themselves.

You guys are so sad in your desperation.

Holy shit, it was worse than I thought, no wonder they got their shit kicked in so hard they locked the thread. When I listened to it, I didn't even know it was Holla Forums until I saw the screencap, I thought it was some random Twitter tough-guy challenge.


I can only read truths.

Praise Kek.

Final Solar-Cycle Reiteration

This ones to you, Jews and shabbos goyim.

Enjoy it.

Sometimes I think Holla Forums is just Holla Forums roleplaying for lulz

Fucking hell Holla Forums is like deviantartumblr - the board.

sounds awful consumerist, komrade

There's no way these are real. They are all facebook-tier memes. Holy shit I actually thought that leftypol was "a thing", but now I'm so relieved that I have a huge shit eating grim on my face.
You can't assert change with memes that bad.

I don't understand the neo-leftist obsession with Stirner. No Union of egotists would put up with their faggotry. Stirner would have likely flicked his cig in their faces.

Did you miss out on Jim's stream with Holla Forums's pet nigger? It was a complete mess.


Dear Christ, it's like with that Xerox kid all over again. Holla Forums can never win against us, they should just face that fact already. Even the media has recognised us over them now.


I don't get the ideology meme. Leftism is the definition of ideology, in that it is entirely conceptual with no real basis.

i'm pretty sure it is because spooks are their best meme


Materialists can't into meme magic

And they don't even understand it.

It's what they do with deconstructionism, they use it to remove what they find inconvenient and then implant what suits them. That is how leftists can attack something for pushing ideology while they themselves do the same, it is a method of manipulation.

Even their waifus are utter shit compared to ours. /monster/ doesn't even get involved with politics much, and their waifus are superior despite following the same basic mold these twats are trying to ape. It's already a massive failure for their memes to be shoddy crap, but if they can't even waifu properly, they're well and truly dead before they even try to fly their commie flag.

Although, I'll give the pinko faggots points for depicting actual "commies versus everyone else" arguments accurately. The comic even comes complete with them screaming obscenities red-faced with no logic behind it, while everyone else laughs at their ideology and mocks them for being retarded, causing them to slink away and plot stupid shit which will backfire like always.

The rest is grade-A trash, however, the exact kind of quality I'd expect from people who think that individual superiority earned through struggle is bad and must be purged.

I actually did, had a rough week at work when it happened so I wasn't even checking the board, what a shame.

They most certainly have more of this shit, I only picked that because the rest would shit up the folder any more than it already was. Their drawfag is skilled at drawing but not much else considering they unironically did a comparison between ideologies with smartphones.

Occupatin was terrible though they killed millions tried to destroy local culture and only left because they collapsed and left those countries second world hell holes

I'm screaming for help and god has abandoned me.

but the face drawn by whoever made this is silly!

i wouldn't want to be associated with this creation of whoever made this

wew lad

That's some hilarious shit right there. When even attention-whoring faggots can't stand you for long enough to use you for ego-boosts and free money, you're a whole new level of retarded. Scaring away jews and their imitators to the point that they won't waste time/take a risk by conning you out of your shekels takes real effort.

If we're still talking about the same drawfag here, I can't honestly say I'd agree with you on that one. I've seen MSPaint-tier shit come out of Holla Forums drawfags that looked better than this crap, because it's at least trying to emulate traditionally-attractive facial features/body shapes despite falling short.

Sometimes a curse really is a blessing, now we get free entertainment as civilization sinks into the abyss under the weight of its own madness.

Leftists are so far gone into abstract bullshit.

Why does Holla Forums represent itself with a crossdressing catboy?


Actually, no. Even /moster/ doesn't like the really abusive mostergirls and they often insert humans themselves as caregivers and equal partners, even if the monstergirl in question is on the rapey side of things.
Hell, I've sem stories where the guys were downright protectors for monstergirls.
Add onto that that mostergirls in general are honest and always VERY devouted to their males…

It's the most stereotypical tumblr art, fam. I bet there's a manual in tumblr about drawing these samefaces.I am surprised he did not give her a red nose.

what the fuck? is warsie an e-celeb now? I remember that kid from a forum way back in the day

Depends on the monster girl really, some intentionally want to be protected because they are super weak and defenseless like pic related. And other's are strictly monogamous once they find a guy they like. Depending on the species, monstergirls a very lewd pure.

Can confirm, was a participant in that blood bath. Their pet nig nig that time constantly reminded us he was sitting there and an enginkangz. He completely missed my carefully constructed JQQ too, derailing with nonsense ramblings.

We neez ta seize dem means uh preducshin nigga. Ges dat paypah nigga from dem berjwazee knowadamsayin dawg?


I wonder if we'll all meet each other in the other realm. My girl isn't /monster/ but I think it would be amazing (and hilarious) to see those guys going into battle with their monstergirl waifus when the "Wild Hunt" begins…