The most entitled, most diluted and spoiled of America’s generations, The Boomers
A generation that was given everything except the wisdom on how to use what they where gifted, what had cost generations before them in blood, sweat and tears. In a span of less than 60 years, they’ve managed to morally, physically and financially bankrupt the United States, leaving a rotten husk of a nation to their posterity.
These are only some of their crimes:
They gave civil rights to niggers, lounged around as hippies spreading diseases in massive drug fueled orgies, destroyed our educational system and replaced it with liberal Marxism, gave faggots the right to marry, gave trannies political support, shipped all of our jobs & factories to third world nations, opened the doors to millions of third worlders, drugged their children with psychostimulants, creating autistic retards in the process, created the drug wars and wiretapped the whole nation with a vast surveillance grid.
They single handedly turned a strong white, Christian, conservative nation, into a multicultural brown cesspool. One where their children are discriminated against based solely on the notion of being white. Where faggots and niggers constantly adorn the screen and worst of all, where for a white man, it is taboo to say that he is proud of who he is.
If their are a group of people in this world, deserving as much hated as the jews, it's them.
This is a good old fashion Boomer Hate Thread. Post your Hatred for the Boomers
And what are most boomers? White Why are they taking the blame and not niggers/jews?
Connor Hall
the whole '60s were a psyop
David Jones
The Boomers aren't really at fault, they were taught by Marxists in grade school. the end result couldnt be helped. if anything their parents, "the greatest generation" are the ones who should shoulder the blame for fighting against the Third Reich.
Brody Reyes
yep, I believe the whole thing was setup by the soviets.
Justin Jenkins
Ya. I can't stand this shit. My father in law is an ex hippie faggot the next time he tries to give some lecture on politics because I disagree I am going to rub in his face that the people and policies he supported have destroyed the country his grand children now have to grow up in.
Sebastian Rogers
The 60s was a psyop and they didn't even stay true to their ideals. The age gap in the 60's could best be described as men over 30 in 1960 = Masons and
Ryan Perry
Age d&c thread.
Nicholas Anderson
Jordan Lewis
Nothing has changed.
Colton Clark
Eli Campbell
Why? Because this is a d&c/misdirection thread. Like the ones saying women are the real problem. Like the ones saying niggers are the real problem. Like the ones saying Muslims are the real problem. Like the ones saying single men are the real problem.
Part of the "alt-right" brief is to keep heat off the Kikes.
Nathaniel Brooks
Dumb nigger, they are that Marxist shit up and didn't even think twice because they had it so damn fucking good. Kikes may be the root cause, but every faggot that has helped them unrelentingly deserves the gas just as well.
Ryder Scott
We need to purify Holla Forums of it's cancer. Get off my board you fucking normie
Liam Howard
you ma nigga, stole the words out of my mouth
this isn't a d&c thread idiot, i remember we had threads like these on 4pol before the migration. Honestly, i can't wait for November, regradless who wins, so pol can stop talking about mainstream politics and we all go back to larping as Natsocs. I miss the general red pill threads, they are practically gone now because of all the political shilling.
Benjamin Thompson
These are the only boomers I respect, by that i mean the ones that survived in one piece.
Vietnam was no joke. And the shit those guys had to put up with when they came back stateside was horrendous, or so am told.
Kevin Gutierrez
Blame both sides of psyops, while the soviets were busy infiltrating the education, creating future marxists, the CIA was busy taking some American children to experiment on, programming them through MKULTRA and setting up blackmail bait for world leaders to fall on so they could increase their budget and keep doing illegal shit without any risk of reprisal, while perfecting their brainwashing techniques. MKULTRA is only dead in name, it got replaced by many other codenames. Boomers were those stuck in the middle of both intelligence agencies' psyops.
Even if boomers are out of touch by calling people who can't find a job because Jews fucked the economy over while they were busy being brainwashed rebellious shitheads, blaming boomers really is trying to attack a single head of the hydra instead of seeing the whole heap of shit for what it was.
Grayson Moore
You are stupid fucking nigger. Yes the kikes are to blame, however that does not mean other groups should not be responsible for their actions as well.
Mason Jackson
Vietnam was a mistake, don't "muh pointless war with gooks" me here
Mason Evans
idiots like him don't realize, it has been multiple factors that has lead to our shit situation.
Andrew Ramirez
Any time you sacrifice the strongest men of a generation to the meat grinder of war, you end up with this. A generation of effeminate men led by women, indoctrinated by the far-left professors they sought for shelter from the draft. They never stood a chance.
That's just one reason why Trump is going to keep us out of foreign wars to enrich the kikes. To make America great again, we need a great generation to be the future leaders. They can't do that if half the men are dead and the rest are weak, indoctrinated fools.
Benjamin Baker
OP is a fucking shill. Created this thread because they're afraid of deadhead rising.
Guess what fuckers, the hippies ARE the RWDS now!
Adam Rogers
Wrong thread, retard.
Adam Torres
This. The 60s were the setup for today. Boomers and "millennials" - the liberal cunts that can't decide what to call themselves - are literally the exact same thing. But the effect is extremely amplified today because of the internet. Just as there is a reactionary/nationalist/traditionalist resurgance now, there was also probably one in the 60s. Only thing is that they weren't extreme enough, and weren't aware enough to the goings on of the world, and got co-opted by Trotskysts, forming the neoconservative movement.
Consequently, they are all kikeophiles. Fortunately, the same tool that has amplified liberal propaganda today has had the same effect on it's polar opposite. To kiked up retards, the internet is a means to virtue signal and build up a pseudo-charitable type of narcissism, isolating and separating. To anyone with half a brain, it is a tool to disseminate and deconstruct knowledge, uniting in a leaderless common goal.
I honestly think Young Millennials are far more cancerous and dangerous to our culture than Boomers.
Benjamin James
Pretty sure that's impossible. Even accidentally, they're behind everything. It's just a jewish thing.
Camden Diaz
This is a D&C thread. There are Boomers who read and post here regularly.
Most of you don't remember the 60's and 70's; many of you weren't even born yet.
There were hippies and leftists and commies aplenty.
And there were good white people who kicked their asses.
There were a lot of boomers who were the problem, and are a problem, but at the heart of it all, it's still the (((same people))).
Kikes were behind the feminist movement and every other shit movement. They were NOT unopposed.
Christian Garcia
It started with these dumb faggots and their fathers who forgot Andrew Jackson's mission to rout out the dens of vipers (kikes) and always stand guard against them. Then the Federal Reserve happened, and America helped fuck up Germany in WW1. You know the rest. And here we are today…
"Sorry, user, we can't help with schooling. When I was your age all I needed was a summer job at a diner, it's not that hard to pay your own way through hard work. We also have to make renovations to our vacation home and we just got a new yacht and the maintenance costs are really eating up our finances. But I'm sure FAFSA won't hold our income against you, right? Your father just doesn't want to retire from his job, it pays too well and we're worried about our retirement. But you're good with computers, right? I bet you're a hot commodity among the best companies. Maybe you should get a girlfriend. Or a job haha! Kids your age are just lazy, spoiled brats."
Samuel Miller
Forgot to add,
T. Boomer
Sebastian Bailey
Agreed. This anti-Boomer propaganda is a combination of ignorance and shifting blame from kikes.
I've also noticed that many anti-boomer people are really just acting out their anger at their boomer parents. Mommy and Daddy issues on steroids.
Xavier Richardson
1) There are no separations or categories of "generations," that is a kike D&C scam OP was stupid enough to fall for. All generations overlap across the board.
2) There are just as many stupid & worthless kike-duped morons now as there was in the past. Who do you think is following Hildabeast in our colleges?
3) "Civil Rights" was started by those that were adults in WW2. Our jobs were primarily allowed to be shipped overseas by that same group, who invented NAFTA (Reagan & Bush Sr.), Uruguay Round GATT 1986–94 (Clinton), and CAFTA (Bush jr.) and politicians from "Greatest Generation" to "Boomers" both signed these agreements without the consent of U.S. citizens. Special rights for trannies and fags just happened recently.
4) OP is a homosexual D&C kike that shows up here routinely to slide the forum with puke like this thread.
5) Sage.
John Martin
Who raised them? Us Boomers.
Most of the posters here are Millennials. They're the problem? I don't think so.
How about let's stick together and stop finding the cracks the Jews will use to pry us apart.
Aiden Baker
WHy do older men browse Holla Forums
Are they part of a group?
Nolan Cooper
You can hardly blame them for lashing out - they had a chance to stop the kikery in the 60s and failed. They fought, yes, but they let themselves get co-opted. What's more important is acknowledging that they did indeed fail, and figuring out why. Why being the formation of the neoconservative movement, and the fact that in those days, information was not fluid at all.
Plus with how much more "emotional" shit is shoved down people's throats these days, both physically in the form of xenoestrogens, and metaphorically in the form of propaganda, they're not going to be able to control themselves emotionally.
Bentley Butler
I give them a pass as well. Why? They didn't have the internet. Media was far more controlled then than now.
How many here would be red-pilled without the internet? A handful?
They thought they were saving the world from evil. They were force-fed bullshit.
Asher Jones
Get the fuck out.
Christian Brown
Same fucking reasons you do. We fell down the rabbit hole, and there's no going back.
Joseph Adams
they read about the evil nazi frog in the jew york times.
Personally the hippie generation is why we are in this corporate liberal everyone love jews and diversity hell world.
The millinials are the ones fighting to take thier culture and land back while the corporate media blames them for being lazy and stupid, HURRR WHY DONT YOU GET A JOB LIKE I DID, even though all the jobs got outsourced or replaced by immigrants
Easton Fisher
The older generations own the property that they rent at extortionate prices. They could afford a house. Most of us will never be able to.
Lucas Powell
What a great world you left for your children, boomers. No jobs, no borders, no culture, just a global worship of moloch (consuming)
Cameron Hughes
You nailed it.
Adrian Allen
Boomers are not the problem their collective impact has made some great things and even worse is people like this
who see truth and are part of a shitty generation
Charles Lopez
Xavier Peterson
who /absusiveparents/ here
Ian Perry
Their parents were faggots too. The west has been rotting since the "enlightenment", we are just now at a critical point.
Luis Reyes
I have a uncle who is a 60 year old boomer, thinks the beatles are the greatest thing but likes Trump.
He's part of Knight of Collumbus, but extremely blue pilled on Israel. He gets triggered easily if I say anything bad about jews. Although he shit talks about muslims alot.
Just can't red pill him on jews.
Lincoln Morris
STFU OP. You're an sjw retard. That's where this blame mommy and daddy bullshit came from. Go visit somewhere then complain, dumb fucking cunt.
Leo Scott
(Heil Hitler)
Kek, of course he is, quasi-masonic organizations like the KoC are heavily, heavily jewified, in their doctrine as well as their leadership and institutional connections.
Aiden Howard
No that was the Flower Children. They were kind of cool. Boomer are fucking scum posers like Hipsters.
Think of the Beavis and Butthead generation vs. the Hipsters… That's a Flower Child vs. Boomers
Ryan Edwards
Kayden Young
You could have had what the boomers had if the kikes didn't massively inflate your currency, ship your jobs and industry into the third world, and corrupt everything that involves children with marxism. Part of what made their ride so easy was the fact that there were so many workers dead so they didn't have to compete to get a job unlike us now that our countries are flooded with immigrants instead of letting our own population grow steadily to fill the need.
I do wish they'd stop being fucking retarded and realize how massively different the world is compared to when they grew up though.
Xavier Turner
Check the polls, guess who the "Boomers" are supporting in this election you disgusting kike.
Compare that to who millenials are supporting and get back to be on which is the most "diluted and spoiled" of America's generations.
Jonathan Bennett
everytime this thread is made it sure triggers the fuck out of Boomer Internet Defence Force
Liam Flores
Boomers were never too good at accepting responsibility for anything.
Oliver Ward
These are d&c threads without a doubt but they do illustrate the real anger that kids feel these days when they look around at the pozzed out, niggerized and foreigner flooded U.S. they get to live in.
According to allegedly wiser and older heads a lot of the younger kids are soft, lazy faggots who are addicted to electronic media and pretty much deserve to be where they’re at - but that’s a broad, unfair characterization. It’s as much of an unfair statement as all boomers were hippies, they weren’t.
The millenials and the next cohort are in a rage and you can’t blame them.
They see images of a formerly White, prosperous United States and wonder why they’re having to pay for a tsunami of beaners, Pajeets and unruly niggers.
The boomers have to own up to their destructive ways. Their 50 year party is coming to an end very soon and they are unhappy campers.
Chase Gutierrez
The only factor was the boomer marxists, the feminist-enabled whores, the welfare trapped niggers and MGTOW cucks refusing to name the jew.
Gabriel Long
Of course ((they)) did.
In-group fighting, i'm sure ((you)) love it OP.
Jeremiah Wood
I'm an oldfag So I knew the Boomers when they were still in their early 30s. They were the most selfish piece of human shit. Millennials are too young to know their grand dad was a chronic druggy, but I remember.
They don't care
They had great lives
And they fucking care
Fuck the kids
They feeeeeeel good
Hudson Carter
I fucked that up
Noah Price
Here are just some of the crimes your generation will be remembered for:
- Gave rights to LGBTQASJUEFKDGPFVM - Elected a communist nigger president - Started wars in the middle east that led to the destruction of europe - Turned the internet over to the UN - Legalized marijuana and other drugs - Abolished posse comitatus - Gave birth to militant atheism - Made gay marriage legal - Turned conversations and debates into frogshitposting - Erected the NSA surveillance state - Made psychotropic drug abuse official treatment for fictional disorders - Mainstreamed degenerate movements like juggalos and MLPgbtq - D&C'd everyone into tiny safespaces - Made the feminist and gay agenda state policy - Destroyed western culture and raped its corpse - Made it fashionable to have debilitating genetic disorders like down syndrome and autism - Ended privacy - Abandoned reality in favor of plato's virtual cave
I'd take boomers over NEET scum any day of the week.
James Price
90% of Holla Forums BTFO.
Carson Stewart
Are you implying it's not the boomer scum who've had their liver spotted hand on the lever of power for decades now? Or are you under the impression that because it happed in 2000+ that it's the fault of the preteend of that era? Go take your pills grandpa, you're starting to not make sense again.
William Green
The drug culture/liberal/baby boomer generation were only able to get the support they did because they were being drafted to die protecting some shitty beach head government in Vietnam.
Modern times are completely different. While our homeland is currently being invaded and our extinction is being chuckled at in the news, our soldiers are off clearing the heavy equipment surrounding another foreign country, and guarding the poppy trade, which flourishes once again.
Chase Fisher
Are you implying that you are not responsible for the actions of the people you voted into power?
Owen Cooper
Which savior of the white race did boomers ever elect? Now that boomer scum are starting to die off (thank god), millenials put up Trump. Face it, boomer scum did nothing of worth and only sold out this country. Enjoy your medicare part D, feel free to OD on those pills while you're at it.
Justin Long
You are delusional. Millenials voted bongobongo & his tranny side kick into the white house.
Matthew Fisher
Just die boomer, that's all you need to do.
David Torres
Angel Nguyen
Technically two generations were meat-ground one after the other. All the best men of Europe's major powers were the first to enlist for WW1, and were harvested almost literally like corn. If I could teleport back to the 1914 Christmas Truce I'd be spewing repills left right and centre. Teen Hitler would think I was being extreme.
Sure, bub.
Isaiah Scott
SCOTUS rule. Members are over 60
Old white liberals, retarded millenials and niggers di that. NEETs wouldn't be enough.
Didn't know millenials started Desert Storm and funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 80's.
Long time goal of Boomers. Also same as above.
Still effective
See my reply about SCOTUS
It's more effective than rational and traditional debating.
That were (((psychologists)))
I don't see how it's worse then the hippies and their "free love" orgies without any protection.
Greatest (de)Generation
This is right. But it's the escapism from the shithole the boomers created.
Your post is anti-boomer even if you didn't intend to do it like that. kek
Lincoln Lopez
D&C Kikes are to blame for everything but this apparently.
Henry Butler
How was it a mistake? It was a big laboratory to test weapons.
Nathan Foster
You can only see what (((They))) want you to see, for all we know there were great battles and struggles that lead to the collapse of White America. Not saying there is, but you are hating a meme, not something based in historical fact.
Christopher Barnes
Those weapons were tested on American prison niggers before they were used in war. Search for human experimentation in the US.
Julian Nguyen
Hitler unrustled the Jimmies.
Thomas White
This. The Greatest generation was only reasonably misguided while having the best motives.
Also fuck the boomers. They did not lack agency. They were educated, free and unlike their ancestors they had the luxury to be readily politicized withour negative repercussions for their ideological choices; they just let the world rot because it was convenient to them.
And no, they are not slandered by kikes because they are White, these self-serving bastards are the most conscious accomplishes of kikes.
Gavin Rivera
The main if not the ONLY reason a literal kabbal of less than 20 million psychopathic parasites are ruling over the world is because of the hundreds million strong masses of White conformist good goyim.
Alexander Hughes
You mean all the policies kikes promoted through boomer majority proxy?
Just hurry up and die already.
Liam Allen
You mean we will be PRAISED for ending masturbatory mental gymnastics and casualization of politics replacing them with the spartan communication method of ebin memes of concentrated context? PROUD OF IT FUCKER
Cooper Baker
Could millennials even vote back then?
James Robinson
Unlike the generations of WW1 and 2, the boomers had everything handed to them. They didn't have to fight, they didn't have to struggle to meet living standards, they didn't have to rebuild their homes from nothing. They were a generation of mostly entitled, weak degenerates, and despite the opportunities they were given, they turned the world into what it is today, and worst of all; they are proud of it.
Austin Baker
Neither did the boomers though.
Wyatt Mitchell
Nothing wrong with that to be honest.
Elijah Diaz
Luke Hughes
Millennials started being born in 1985 so the early ones, yes.
Luis Turner
Ad the entitlement doesn't end there. They bought homes when they were significantly cheaper, and now sell for 100's of thousands more than when they bought them, they are retiring early, and they demand all their medical expenses be paid for them (special interest groups like AARP fuel this). Many also still vote democrat because they won't have to deal with the consequences that will follow, since they will either be dead or retired in a lavish estate watching the world burn.
Alexander Young
This honestly. The "greatest generation" were only greatest at being total cucks. They were drunks, abusive, and traumatized from a needless jew war. They fucked it up. Of course it didn't help that their parents sold the nation to the financial jew.
Bentley Evans
The Vietcongs were nothing like the proud noble German soldiers from WW2 according to a really old Vet. They were more animal than human from what I've heard.
Isaac Russell
boomers are shit and the problem with them today is that they just wont go away and shut up. they have been complicit as adults in the ever increasing decline of the US. they raised gen x and gen x still hates boomers more than anyone despite the fact they have been just as guilty as the boomers in allowing shit to slide. millenials are getting shit on right now just like gen x was getting shit on at around the same age range. the only glimmer of hope is that currently the internet is open and if you are an individual who wants to learn and dig you can. the internet greatly increases the speed at which someone can go from smelly dumb normie scum to someone who actually questions the narrative.
Camden Lewis
This thread was started by a millennial looking to shift blame, wasn't it? The fact of the matter is that the Boomers were lied to and subverted during a time where the television and news paper was the only source of information they had to the world. The millennials now have every source of information they could ever want in the palm of their hands thanks to smart phone yet the last 20 years have almost been a freefall in the western world. Boomers might have accidentally built the foundation but the millennial shits are the ones defending the entire structure despite the information they have. Fuck the millennial faggots, they might not have invented the gun but they sure as fuck pulled the trigger.
Matthew Rogers
I'm sorry, son. But I chose ethnic food and cheap labor.
Austin Carter
If you don't like Boomers, then don't elect them.
Ayden Cruz
What a shame. Really cute girl, but a complete fucking degenerate.
Mason Murphy
kys boomer scum
Ian Jenkins
As a cohort, they are cancer. However, a crisis is coming up, and Boomers will provide the vision for Millennials responding. We must hope for a worthy Gray Champion to take the helm. It will be a Boomer; it is vital that it be a good one.
Consider Millennials as those born between 1982 and 2004, instead of only the ovenables born in that time frame. Good times breed weak people. Weak people create tough times. Tough times breed strong people. We are due for a secular crisis. Boomers had a significant social moment add they entered adulthood, but theirs was a spiritual awakening. Both generations are dominant types because of the age at which they experienced or will experience social moments. However, Millennials will experience the other side of the pendulum swing. Also, lrn2nuance
We will need good Boomers if we want a good trajectory at our next pivot. Picked at random, I don't like the odds of getting good visionaries. I'd rather not leave it to chance. t. Millenial
The people fighting the wars were not the people waging them. The "Boomers" of their time were the order-givers. The G.I.s were the doers.
This. (((Globalists))) and their ilk are working hard to position themselves as the visionaries of the next crisis, deciding the trajectory taken after. If they get their way, things will get much worse instead of much better.
(Checked) I'm concerned that will happen to Millennials, too. Millennials will soon be the fighters in the face of peril. For better or worse, Boomers will determine for what the Millennials are fighting.
Jason King
I wouldn't worry too much about who gets credit just yet. It's really about the legacy a generation leaves the younger generations.
David Sanders
Millennials are already far more right wing than boomer scum ever were. They get the gas for being such stupid cucks.
Blake Turner
Who the fuck is this person? They don't belong in Holla Forums! They actually know what is going on… they are actually trying to explain causality! But I just want to complain and rip big burger shits.
Wyatt Walker
In our defense take a look at some of our self appointed spokesmen for our generation, hell I had no idea what a jew was, it was just something that was in the bible was all I knew. I also always point out the only way we could get any information was from the tv news newspapers and magazines and the ownerships of those media entities has not changed significantly since that period.
Christian Martin
Trump (a boomer) put up himself no one else did. Bernie a jew socialist had his rallys filled with who?
Isaac Jenkins
Thank you for correcting the record.
Jackson Nguyen
Who the fuck do you think kept the flame alive since '45?
Jayden Taylor
I've got to call attention to this FAGGOT for trying to explain things instead of getting MAD!