

faggots should all be gassed




fuck off nigger

Well, at least they got 2/3 right.

pic related

found the pedo

this has to be fake?

pol is always right

Nope real look it up

Fucking pedos

if we reform antifa and make them a real left wing socialist group that actually fights against the establishment instead of doing stupid protesting we could make antifa great tbh

This. We need massive amounts of crazy violent pedos in the streets.


You made her look more like Chris Hansen.

it should not only be about pedo rights, it should also be about fighting the establishment and the new antifa should be pro freedom of speech and it shoul focus more on leftist economics instead of sjw shit like the current antifa does

They should demonstrate outside schools in the afternoon.

lmaf this has to be a refugee reference

bcz schools only exists to brainwash kids?

Was thinking of Antifa but not much difference tbh.

What? Eh… yes, YES, that's why!

if somebody doesn't do it before me i'll replace the males on the unicef boats with pedo bears

It would save more children tbh