Alex Jones is a cuck

I make no presumptions that this is not a shit thread, but it's Friday and to celebrate the approaching end of summer I'll make a shit thread.

Alex is a cuck. Everyone knows he has an obsession with Lee Ann MacaBoob, but he seems to be deriving a lot of pleasure as "occasional" UFC fighter Tim Kennedy picks her up and manhandles her.

Listen to the grunts of satisfaction Alex makes. That's a cuckold if there ever was one.

She has a great ass!

I'd rather not

Too bad she's a coalburner and will be lynched on the day of the rope.


Reminder shes a coal burning whore.

Just because you wouldn't have sex with them doesn't mean they can't have nice asses

Kill yourself

There was a reason Alex chose that frame to be the preview.

killing yourself is too nice.
delete yourself

What's worse is that you know how much of a faggot you are you just don't care

Alex, please. I know you're mad at being called a cuck, you want to be an ALPHA, but maybe Tim will help sell some SUPER MALE vitality?

It's like you're such a cuck you get off to watching another cuck get cucked


McAdindu sounds like she had an orgasm just from being touched by that black man.

delete this

Alex probably paid to sniff her wet panties.

I'd stuck my tongue so far up her asshole u wouldnt belief motherfucker


i'd berry my dick so far up her ass whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

He is way too vocal. Fucking gay.


tbqh I grunted too user. His ass and thighs are fine. Nice smile and good personality too make up for the average face. Maybe Alex is gay and was grunting over Tim body.


Fuck off.